blob: 36376fec05e679efba4d76d8911a1fb53f0f976f [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% API Function Exports
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
-export([start_link/3, stop/1]).
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% gen_server Function Exports
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-record(state, {
codegen, module, key, type, handle, hash, kind,
timer = {undefined, undefined}}).
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% API Function Definitions
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
start_link(Type, Key, Codegen) ->
Handle = Codegen:get_handle(Key),
{local, Handle}, ?MODULE, [Type, Codegen, Key, Handle], []).
stop(Server) ->
catch gen_server:call(Server, stop).
reload(Server) ->
gen_server:call(Server, reload).
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% gen_server Function Definitions
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
init([Kind, Codegen, Key, Handle]) ->
Type = type(Kind),
State = #state{
codegen = Codegen,
key = Key,
type = Type,
handle = Handle,
kind = Kind
handle_call(reload, _From, State0) ->
{Reply, State1} = reload_if_updated(State0),
{reply, Reply, State1};
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
{reply, ok, State}.
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
handle_info(tick, State0) ->
{_Res, State1} = reload_if_updated(State0),
{noreply, State1};
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, State0, _Extra) ->
{_Res, State1} = reload_if_updated(State0),
{ok, State1}.
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Internal Function Definitions
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
type(data_providers) -> couch_epi_data;
type(providers) -> couch_epi_functions;
type(services) -> couch_epi_functions.
reload_if_updated(#state{handle = Module} = State) ->
case couch_epi_util:module_exists(Module) of
true ->
false ->
{ok, State}
compile_module(State) ->
do_reload_if_updated(#state{} = State0) ->
hash = OldHash,
type = Type,
key = Key,
kind = Kind
} = State0,
Defs = couch_epi_plugin:definitions(Kind, Key),
case Type:data(Defs) of
{ok, OldHash, _Data} ->
{ok, State0};
{ok, Hash, Data} ->
{ok, OldData, State1} = safe_set(Hash, Data, State0),
notify(Key, OldData, Data, Defs),
State2 = update_interval(Type:interval(Defs), State1),
{ok, State2};
Else ->
{Else, State0}
update_interval(undefined, #state{timer = Timer} = State) ->
State#state{timer = cancel_timer(Timer)};
update_interval(Interval, #state{timer = Timer} = State) ->
State#state{timer = start_timer(Interval, Timer)}.
start_timer(Interval, {undefined, undefined}) ->
{ok, Timer} = timer:send_interval(Interval, self(), tick),
{Timer, Interval};
start_timer(Interval, {Timer, _Interval}) ->
start_timer(Interval, cancel_timer(Timer)).
cancel_timer({undefined, undefined}) ->
{undefined, undefined};
cancel_timer({Timer, _Interval}) ->
{undefined, undefined}.
safe_set(Hash, Data, #state{} = State) ->
handle = Handle,
codegen = CodeGen
} = State,
OldData = CodeGen:get_current_definitions(Handle),
ok = CodeGen:generate(Handle, Data),
{ok, OldData, State#state{hash = Hash}}
catch Class:Reason ->
{{Class, Reason}, State}
notify(Key, OldData, NewData, Defs) ->
Specs = [Spec || {_App, Spec} <- Defs],
couch_epi_plugin:notify(Key, OldData, NewData, Specs),