blob: a945407a4c6028dd3f757361649e66ea478840ae [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# apt-get update
- name: update apt cache
update_cache: yes
- name: Update all packages to the latest version
upgrade: dist
- name: install auxiliary packages
apt: name={{item}} state=present
- apt-transport-https
- curl
- git
- pkg-config
- python
- python-pip
- python-requests
- sudo
- zip
# dependencies for make couch, except erlang
- name: install packages required to build CouchDB
apt: name={{item}} state=present install_recommends=no
- build-essential
- ca-certificates
- libcurl4-openssl-dev
- libicu-dev
- libnspr4-dev
- shunit2
# required for make docs
- name: install packages required to build CouchDB docs
apt: name={{item}} state=present install_recommends=no
- help2man
- python-sphinx
# Fix broken sphinx on ubuntu 12.04 only
# Hack, but prevents needing a unique debian/ dir for this dist
- name: install up to date version of sphinx via pip
shell: pip install docutils==0.13.1 sphinx==1.5.3
when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" and ansible_distribution_version == "12.04"
# Install Sphinx RTD theme and Mango test dependencies
- name: install Sphinx documentation theme and Mango test dependencies
shell: pip install sphinx_rtd_theme nose requests hypothesis
# dependencies for Debian/Ubuntu package building
- name: install packages required to build Debian pkgs
apt: name={{item}} state=present install_recommends=no
- curl
- debhelper
- dh-exec
- devscripts
- dialog
- lintian
- libwww-perl
- devscripts
- quilt
- equivs
# Hooray deMorgan's theorem
- name: install dh-systemd package, if available
apt: name=dh-systemd state=present install_recommends=no
when: ansible_distribution != "Ubuntu" or ansible_distribution_version != "12.04"
# convenience packages for interactive work
- name: install convenience packages
apt: name={{item}} state=present install_recommends=no
- vim-tiny
- screen
# install libmozjs185-equivs file
- name: install libmozjs185-equivs file
src: libmozjs185-fake
dest: /tmp/libmozjs185-fake
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0755
# build and install fake libmozjs185 packages
- name: install fake libmozjs185 packages
shell: |
cd /tmp
equivs-build libmozjs185-fake
dpkg -i libmozjs185-fake_1.0_all.deb
rm libmozjs185*