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Veewee Configurations for CouchDB CI Base Boxes
To test CouchDB CI setups locally as virtual boxes we use we use Vagrant. Vagrant setups always need a base box. To make the creation and maintenance of these base boxes easy and reproducible we use [veewee](
Each base box has its own sub folder in `definitions` and is based on a different template, usually a minimal install of the OS in question.
For example, the veewee configuration for the base box for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is based on the template 'ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64' (created via
`veewee vbox define couchdb-ci-ubuntu-14.04 ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64`).
See the readme in each sub folder in `definitions` for more info on the base boxes.
Steps to Re-Build a Base Box From Scratch
## 0. Install Veewee
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## 1. Build and Export VirtualBox Images with Veewee
Execute the following commands in the `baseboxes` directory
veewee vbox build couchdb-ci-ubuntu-14.04
If there is already a box named `couchdb-ci-ubuntu-14.04`, you can use the additional parameter `--force` to overwrite the existing box or destroy the old box with `veewee vbox destroy couchdb-ci-ubuntu-14.04`.
When the box has been build, you could log in to the box with `ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 7222 -l vagrant` but actually there is no need to that.
## 2. Export the Box
veewee vbox export couchdb-ci-ubuntu-14.04
Now you have a `` file in your directory. This file can be imported in Vagrant.
## 3. Import the Box in Vagrant
vagrant box add couchdb-ci-ubuntu-14.04 ./