merge bear and bear_scutil
diff --git a/src/bear.erl b/src/bear.erl
index 97bac0f..0afbe61 100644
--- a/src/bear.erl
+++ b/src/bear.erl
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
 get_kendall_correlation(Values1, Values2) when length(Values1) /= length(Values2) ->
 get_kendall_correlation(Values1, Values2) ->
-    bear_scutil:kendall_correlation(Values1, Values2).
+    bear:kendall_correlation(Values1, Values2).
 get_spearman_correlation(Values, _) when length(Values) < ?STATS_MIN ->
@@ -370,3 +370,68 @@
 get_bin_count(Min, Max, Width) ->
     %io:format("min: ~p, max: ~p, width ~p~n", [Min, Max, Width]),
     round((Max - Min) / Width) + 1.
+%% taken from
+%% All code here is MIT Licensed
+% seems to match the value returned by the 'cor' (method="kendal") R function
+kendall_correlation(List1, List2) when is_list(List1), is_list(List2) ->
+    {RA,_} = lists:unzip(tied_ordered_ranking(List1)),
+    {RB,_} = lists:unzip(tied_ordered_ranking(List2)),
+    Ordering = lists:keysort(1, lists:zip(RA,RB)),
+    {_,OrdB} = lists:unzip(Ordering),
+    N = length(List1),
+    P = lists:sum(kendall_right_of(OrdB, [])),
+    -(( (4*P) / (N * (N - 1))) - 1).
+simple_ranking(List) when is_list(List) ->
+    lists:zip(lists:seq(1,length(List)),lists:reverse(lists:sort(List))).
+tied_ranking(List) ->
+    tied_rank_worker(simple_ranking(List), [], no_prev_value).
+tied_ordered_ranking(List) when is_list(List) ->
+    tied_ordered_ranking(List, tied_ranking(List), []).
+tied_ordered_ranking([], [], Work) ->
+    lists:reverse(Work);
+tied_ordered_ranking([Front|Rem], Ranks, Work) ->
+    {value,Item}  = lists:keysearch(Front,2,Ranks),
+    {IRank,Front} = Item,
+    tied_ordered_ranking(Rem, Ranks--[Item], [{IRank,Front}]++Work).
+kendall_right_of([], Work) ->
+    lists:reverse(Work);
+kendall_right_of([F|R], Work) ->
+    kendall_right_of(R, [kendall_right_of_item(F,R)]++Work).
+kendall_right_of_item(B, Rem) ->
+    length([R || R <- Rem, R < B]).
+tied_add_prev(Work, {FoundAt, NewValue}) ->
+    lists:duplicate( length(FoundAt), {lists:sum(FoundAt)/length(FoundAt), NewValue} ) ++ Work.
+tied_rank_worker([], Work, PrevValue) ->
+    lists:reverse(tied_add_prev(Work, PrevValue));
+tied_rank_worker([Item|Remainder], Work, PrevValue) ->
+    case PrevValue of
+        no_prev_value ->
+            {BaseRank,BaseVal} = Item,
+            tied_rank_worker(Remainder, Work, {[BaseRank],BaseVal});
+        {FoundAt,OldVal} ->
+            case Item of
+                {Id,OldVal} ->
+                    tied_rank_worker(Remainder, Work, {[Id]++FoundAt,OldVal});
+                {Id,NewVal} ->
+                    tied_rank_worker(Remainder, tied_add_prev(Work, PrevValue), {[Id],NewVal})
+            end
+    end.
diff --git a/src/bear_scutil.erl b/src/bear_scutil.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index e684fb7..0000000
--- a/src/bear_scutil.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-%% taken from
-%% All code here is MIT Licensed
-         kendall_correlation/2
-        ]).
-% seems to match the value returned by the 'cor' (method="kendal") R function
-kendall_correlation(List1, List2) when is_list(List1), is_list(List2) ->
-    {RA,_} = lists:unzip(tied_ordered_ranking(List1)),
-    {RB,_} = lists:unzip(tied_ordered_ranking(List2)),
-    Ordering = lists:keysort(1, lists:zip(RA,RB)),
-    {_,OrdB} = lists:unzip(Ordering),
-    N = length(List1),
-    P = lists:sum(kendall_right_of(OrdB, [])),
-    -(( (4*P) / (N * (N - 1))) - 1).
-%%% Internal functions
-simple_ranking(List) when is_list(List) ->
-    lists:zip(lists:seq(1,length(List)),lists:reverse(lists:sort(List))).
-tied_ranking(List) ->
-    tied_rank_worker(simple_ranking(List), [], no_prev_value).
-tied_ordered_ranking(List) when is_list(List) ->
-    tied_ordered_ranking(List, tied_ranking(List), []).
-tied_ordered_ranking([], [], Work) ->
-    lists:reverse(Work);
-tied_ordered_ranking([Front|Rem], Ranks, Work) ->
-    {value,Item}  = lists:keysearch(Front,2,Ranks),
-    {IRank,Front} = Item,
-    tied_ordered_ranking(Rem, Ranks--[Item], [{IRank,Front}]++Work).
-kendall_right_of([], Work) ->
-    lists:reverse(Work);
-kendall_right_of([F|R], Work) ->
-    kendall_right_of(R, [kendall_right_of_item(F,R)]++Work).
-kendall_right_of_item(B, Rem) ->
-    length([R || R <- Rem, R < B]).
-tied_add_prev(Work, {FoundAt, NewValue}) ->
-    lists:duplicate( length(FoundAt), {lists:sum(FoundAt)/length(FoundAt), NewValue} ) ++ Work.
-tied_rank_worker([], Work, PrevValue) ->
-    lists:reverse(tied_add_prev(Work, PrevValue));
-tied_rank_worker([Item|Remainder], Work, PrevValue) ->
-    case PrevValue of
-        no_prev_value ->
-            {BaseRank,BaseVal} = Item,
-            tied_rank_worker(Remainder, Work, {[BaseRank],BaseVal});
-        {FoundAt,OldVal} ->
-            case Item of
-                {Id,OldVal} ->
-                    tied_rank_worker(Remainder, Work, {[Id]++FoundAt,OldVal});
-                {Id,NewVal} ->
-                    tied_rank_worker(Remainder, tied_add_prev(Work, PrevValue), {[Id],NewVal})
-            end
-    end.