blob: 08b2808be03b79ecfa63664886f8181c84e93c54 [file] [log] [blame]
-define(MAX_SIZE, 6401).
-define(NUM_TESTS, 500).
table_test() ->
?assertEqual(ok, b64url:check_tables()).
encode_binary_test() ->
lists:foreach(fun(_) ->
Bin = gen_binary(),
A = couch_encode_base64url(Bin),
B = b64url:encode(Bin),
?assertEqual(A, B)
end, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_TESTS)).
encode_iolist_test() ->
lists:foreach(fun(_) ->
IoList = shallow_iolist(),
A = couch_encode_base64url(iolist_to_binary(IoList)),
B = b64url:encode(IoList),
?assertEqual(A, B)
end, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_TESTS)).
decode_binary_error_test() ->
lists:foreach(fun(_) ->
{ErrBin, BlockPos} = bad_binary(),
Dec = b64url:decode(ErrBin),
?assertEqual({error, {bad_block, BlockPos}}, Dec)
end, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_TESTS)).
decode_bad_length_test() ->
lists:foreach(fun(_) ->
Bin = bad_len_binary(),
?assertError(badarg, b64url:decode(Bin))
end, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_TESTS)).
gen_binary() ->
% -1 to allow for 0 length
Length = b64url_rand:uniform(?MAX_SIZE) - 1,
shallow_iolist() ->
shallow_b64_iolist() ->
bad_binary() ->
bad_len_binary() ->
to_iolist(<<>>) ->
case b64url_rand:uniform(2) of
1 -> <<>>;
2 -> [<<>>]
to_iolist(B) when is_binary(B), size(B) > 0 ->
S = b64url_rand:uniform(size(B)),
<<First:S/binary, Second/binary>> = B,
case b64url_rand:uniform(3) of
1 ->
[to_iolist(First), Second];
2 ->
[First, to_iolist(Second)];
[First, Second]
insert_error(B) when is_binary(B), size(B) < 2 ->
case b64url_rand:uniform(2) of
1 -> {<<122, 255>>, 0};
2 -> {<<122, 122, 255>>, 0}
insert_error(B) when is_binary(B) ->
B64 = couch_encode_base64url(B),
S = b64url_rand:uniform(size(B64) - 1),
<<First:S/binary, _:1/binary, Second/binary>> = B64,
{<<First:S/binary, 255, Second/binary>>, 4 * (S div 4)}.
make_bad_len(Bin) when size(Bin) rem 4 == 1 ->
make_bad_len(Bin) when size(Bin) rem 4 == 2 ->
<<"AAA", Bin/binary>>;
make_bad_len(Bin) when size(Bin) rem 4 == 3 ->
<<"AA", Bin/binary>>;
make_bad_len(Bin) when size(Bin) rem 4 == 0 ->
<<"A", Bin/binary>>.
% These functions are copy/pasted from couch_util to avoid
% the direct dependency. The goal of this project is to replace
% these in couch_util anyway so when that happens they'll only
% exist here for these tests.
couch_encode_base64url(Url) ->
Url1 = iolist_to_binary(re:replace(base64:encode(Url), "=+$", "")),
Url2 = iolist_to_binary(re:replace(Url1, "/", "_", [global])),
iolist_to_binary(re:replace(Url2, "\\+", "-", [global])).
couch_decode_base64url(Url64) ->
Url1 = re:replace(iolist_to_binary(Url64), "-", "+", [global]),
Url2 = iolist_to_binary(
re:replace(iolist_to_binary(Url1), "_", "/", [global])
Padding = list_to_binary(lists:duplicate((4 - size(Url2) rem 4) rem 4, $=)),
base64:decode(<<Url2/binary, Padding/binary>>).