Improved console logging
Previously, when using console.log facilities, only the first argument was
respected by ConsoleHelper, resulting in information not being logged when
console.log was invoked with multiple arguments.
Additionally, arguments would be converted straight to strings, resulting
in [object Object] or similar results in the log.

This change allows any number of arguments to be passed to the logging
functions and it converts the inputs to a representation that is useful
when debugging the application.

A call like log( "a", 123, { foo: 'bar' }, function() { return 'baz'; } );
Results in: a,123,{"foo":"bar"},function () { return 'baz'; }
1 file changed
tree: a5b67bd6bb9ccc2b4051bb54805a026d934a14a7
  1. bin/
  2. framework/
  3. node_modules/
  4. spec/
  5. template/
  6. .gitignore
  7. appveyor.yml
  10. node
  11. NOTICE
  12. package.json

Apache Cordova for Windows Phone 8

Build status

This repo includes code to build Apache Cordova applications that target Windows Phone 8 SDK.

An Apache Cordova based applications is, at the core, an application written with web technology: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Apache Cordova is a project at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF).


  • Windows Phone SDK 8 -- Windows Phone 8 development requires Windows 8 Professional, and Visual Studio 2012 ( express works )

Getting Started

Create a new project

Getting Started from the command line

>.\wp8\bin\create PathToNewProject [ PackageName ] [ AppName ]

>PathToNewProject : The path to where you wish to create the project
>PackageName      : The namespace for the project (default is Cordova.Example)
>AppName          : The name of the application (default is CordovaWP8AppProj)

>.\wp8\bin\create C:\Users\anonymous\Desktop\MyWP8Proj io.cordova.example CordovaWP8App

From here you can open it in Visual Studio:
- Launch Visual Studio and open Solution file (.sln) in (C:\Users\anonymous\Desktop\MyWP8Proj)
- Built and Run it

Or, you can continue with the command line:
- >cd C:\Users\anonymous\Desktop\MyWP8Proj


Further Reading