blob: b377cc0081c994a4667e098a52fe6d6488e222e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Intel Corporation
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// For some reason, the mp4 files we generate using MF topologies show incorrect durations if several tracks are used
// Pending a root cause explanation for this, work around the problem by overwriting the values in the duration field
// in the movie header
// The mp4 files are structured as a collection of 'atoms' starting with two fields:
// size (4 bytes)
// type (4 bytes)
// Among the top level atoms, we're interested in the the movie (moov) atom, which should contain other atoms,
// including the movie header
// movie duration should be the duration of the longest track
// time scale is the number of time units per second
// time in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904, UTC
// All integer values are stored in big endian form (most significant byte first)
// Each track (track) contains an header (tkhd)
#include <windows.h>
// Couple of big-endian read/write macros
#define READ_BE4(addr) (*(addr) << 24) | (*(addr+1) << 16) | (*(addr+2) << 8) | *(addr+3)
#define WRITE_BE4(addr, val) *(addr) = val >> 24; *(addr+1) = (BYTE) (val >> 16); *(addr+2) = (BYTE) (val >> 8); *(addr+3) = (BYTE) val
// The implementation is limited to 32 bits mp4 files for now as Media Foundation does not generate larger files
void locate_moov(BYTE* start, DWORD size, BYTE** moov_start, DWORD* moov_size)
// Check top level atoms
DWORD cursor = 0;
DWORD atom_size;
DWORD atom_type;
while (cursor + 8 < size)
atom_size = READ_BE4(start + cursor);
atom_type = READ_BE4(start + 4 + cursor);
if (atom_type == 'moov')
*moov_start = start + cursor;
*moov_size = atom_size;
if (atom_size < 8)
cursor += atom_size;
void locate_mvhd(BYTE* start, DWORD size, BYTE** mvhd_start, DWORD* mvhd_size)
// Check atoms within moov, looking for mvhd
DWORD cursor = 0;
DWORD atom_size;
DWORD atom_type;
while (cursor + 8 < size)
atom_size = READ_BE4(start + cursor);
atom_type = READ_BE4(start + 4 + cursor);
if (atom_type == 'mvhd')
*mvhd_start = start + cursor;
*mvhd_size = atom_size;
if (atom_size < 8)
cursor += atom_size;
void fix_mp4_duration (wchar_t* file_name, LONGLONG duration)
HANDLE file_handle;
HANDLE mapping_handle;
DWORD file_size;
BYTE* mapping_addr;
BYTE* moov_addr = 0;
BYTE* mvhd_addr = 0;
DWORD moov_size;
DWORD mvhd_size;
DWORD time_scale;
DWORD fixed_duration;
DWORD time_ratio;
// Open file for read & write
file_handle = CreateFile(file_name, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
if (file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
file_size = GetFileSize(file_handle, 0);
// Create mapping
mapping_handle = CreateFileMapping(file_handle, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 0, 0);
if (mapping_handle == NULL)
goto close_file;
// Create view
mapping_addr = (BYTE*) MapViewOfFile(mapping_handle, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, file_size);
// Locate top level movie atom
locate_moov(mapping_addr, file_size, &moov_addr, &moov_size);
if (moov_addr)
// Inside it, locate movie header
locate_mvhd(moov_addr + 8, moov_size, &mvhd_addr, &mvhd_size);
if (mvhd_addr)
// The movie header (mvhd) atom has the following fields:
// version (1 byte)
// flags (3 bytes)
// creation time, modification time, time scale, duration (4 bytes each)
time_scale = READ_BE4(mvhd_addr + 4 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 4);
if (time_scale)
time_ratio = (DWORD) (10000000L / time_scale); // Duration is passed as a number of 100 ns units - there are 10 million ticks per sec
fixed_duration = (DWORD) (duration/time_ratio);
WRITE_BE4(mvhd_addr + 4 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4, fixed_duration);
if (mapping_addr)