blob: dea11a18dec132cadef6516c9a3e88cbb08cf113 [file] [log] [blame]
# weinre is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the
# MIT License (2008). See for full text.
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation
ElementHighlighter = require('./ElementHighlighter')
module.exports = class ElementHighlighterDivs4 extends ElementHighlighter
createHighlighterElement: ->
@boxMargin = document.createElement("div")
@boxBorder = document.createElement("div")
@boxPadding = document.createElement("div")
@boxContent = document.createElement("div")
@boxMargin.appendChild @boxBorder
@boxBorder.appendChild @boxPadding
@boxPadding.appendChild @boxContent = "#FCC" = "#000" = "#CFC" = "#CCF" = = = = 0.6 = = = = "absolute" = = = = "thin" = = = = "solid"
@boxMargin.__weinreHighlighter = @boxBorder.__weinreHighlighter = @boxPadding.__weinreHighlighter = @boxContent.__weinreHighlighter = true
redraw: (metrics) -> = metrics.y = metrics.x = metrics.height = metrics.width = metrics.marginTop = metrics.marginLeft = metrics.marginBottom = metrics.marginRight = metrics.borderTop = metrics.borderLeft = metrics.borderBottom = metrics.borderRight = metrics.paddingTop = metrics.paddingLeft = metrics.paddingBottom = metrics.paddingRight