blob: b060469380fead3f3c85b9d8a8f2e8951f1ff2ca [file] [log] [blame]
# weinre is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the
# MIT License (2008). See for full text.
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation
Weinre = require('../common/Weinre')
IDLTools = require('../common/IDLTools')
_extensionAPI = null
module.exports = class InspectorFrontendHostImpl
constructor: ->
loaded: ->
localizedStringsURL: ->
hiddenPanels: ->
# "audits,profiles,network"
platform: ->
port: ->
sendMessageToBackend: (message) ->
object = JSON.parse(message)
object[1] = "<long script elided>" if object[0] == "setInjectedScriptSource"
Weinre.logInfo + "(#{JSON.stringify(object, null, 4)})"
setExtensionAPI: (extensionAPI) ->
_extensionAPI = extensionAPI
getExtensionAPI: ->
inspectedURLChanged: ->
_getPlatformAndPort: ->
@_platform = "weinre"
@_platformFlavor = "weinre"
@_port = "weinre"
return if true
uas = navigator.userAgent
if uas.match(/mac os x/i)
@_platform = "mac"
else if uas.match(/macintosh/i)
@_platform = "mac"
else if uas.match(/linux/i)
@_platform = "linux"
else @_platform = "windows" if uas.match(/windows/i)
url = window.location.href
splits = url.split("#", 2)
if splits.length > 1
properties = splits[1]
properties = properties.split("&")
for property in properties
pieces = property.split("=")
if pieces.length > 1
key = pieces[0]
val = pieces[1]
if key == "platform"
@_platform = val
else if key == "platformFlavor"
@_platformFlavor = val
else @_port = val if key == "port"