blob: 71b7b3605ec544191a5607cdd5dadab8e8a5ddad [file] [log] [blame]
* weinre is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the
* MIT License (2008). See for full text.
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation
requireClass ./Weinre
requireClass ./WebSocketXhr
requireClass ./IDLTools
requireClass ./Binding
requireClass ./Ex
class MessageDispatcher(url)
this._url = url
this.error = null
this._opening = false
this._opened = false
this._closed = false
this._interfaces = {}
var Verbose = false
var InspectorBackend
static method setInspectorBackend(inspectorBackend)
InspectorBackend = inspectorBackend
static method verbose(value)
if (arguments.length >= 1) {
Verbose = !!value
return Verbose
method _open
if (this._opened || this._opening) return
if (this._closed) throw new Ex(arguments, "socket has already been closed")
this._opening = true
this._socket = new WebSocketXhr(this._url)
this._socket.addEventListener("open", Binding(this, "_handleOpen"))
this._socket.addEventListener("error", Binding(this, "_handleError"))
this._socket.addEventListener("message", Binding(this, "_handleMessage"))
this._socket.addEventListener("close", Binding(this, "_handleClose"))
method close
if (this._closed) return
this._opened = false
this._closed = true
method send(data)
method getWebSocket
return this._socket
method registerInterface(intfName, intf, validate)
if (validate) IDLTools.validateAgainstIDL(intf.constructor, intfName)
if (this._interfaces[intfName]) throw new Ex(arguments, "interface " + intfName + " has already been registered")
this._interfaces[intfName] = intf
method createProxy(intfName)
var proxy = {}
IDLTools.buildProxyForIDL(proxy, intfName)
var self = this
proxy.__invoke = function __invoke(intfName, methodName, args) {
self._sendMethodInvocation(intfName, methodName, args)
return proxy
method _sendMethodInvocation(intfName, methodName, args)
if (typeof intfName != "string") throw new Ex(arguments, "expecting intf parameter to be a string")
if (typeof methodName != "string") throw new Ex(arguments, "expecting method parameter to be a string")
var data = {
"interface": intfName,
"method": methodName,
"args": args
data = JSON.stringify(data)
if (Verbose) {
console.log( + "[" + this._url + "]: send " + intfName + "." + methodName + "(" + JSON.stringify(args) + ")")
method getState
if (this._opening) return "opening"
if (this._opened) return "opened"
if (this._closed) return "closed"
return "unknown"
method isOpen
return this._opened == true
method _handleOpen
this._opening = false
this._opened = true
if (Verbose) {
console.log( + "[" + this._url + "]: opened")
method _handleError(message)
this.error = message
if (Verbose) {
console.log( + "[" + this._url + "]: error: " + message)
method _handleMessage(message)
var data
try {
data = JSON.parse(
catch (e) {
throw new Ex(arguments, "invalid JSON data received: " + e + ": '" + + "'")
var intfName = data["interface"]
var methodName = data.method
var args = data.args
var methodSignature = intfName + "." + methodName + "()"
var intf = this._interfaces.hasOwnProperty(intfName) && this._interfaces[intfName]
if (!intf && InspectorBackend && intfName.match(/.*Notify/)) {
intf = InspectorBackend.getRegisteredDomainDispatcher(intfName.substr(0,intfName.length-6))
if (!intf) {
console.log("weinre: request for non-registered interface:" + methodSignature)
methodSignature = + "." + methodName + "()"
var method = intf[methodName]
if (typeof method != "function") {
try {
method.apply(intf, args)
catch (e) {
console.log("weinre: invocation exception on " + methodSignature + ": " + e)
if (Verbose) {
console.log( + "[" + this._url + "]: recv " + intfName + "." + methodName + "(" + JSON.stringify(args) + ")")
method _handleClose
this._reallyClosed = true
if (Verbose) {
console.log( + "[" + this._url + "]: closed")