blob: 52d0aedbb9d58fa8088db471aaf15a2b1450bcee [file] [log] [blame]
# weinre is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the
# MIT License (2008). See for full text.
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation
canvasAvailable = null
highlighterClass = null
currentHighlighterElement = null
module.exports = class ElementHighlighter
@create: ->
highlighterClass ?= require('./ElementHighlighterDivs2')
new highlighterClass()
constructor: ->
@hElement = @createHighlighterElement()
@hElement.__weinreHighlighter = true = "none" = 10 * 1000 * 1000
if currentHighlighterElement
document.body.removeChild currentHighlighterElement
currentHighlighterElement = @hElement
document.body.appendChild @hElement
on: (element) ->
return if null == element
return unless element.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
@redraw getMetricsForElement(element) = "block"
off: -> = "none"
getMetricsForElement = (element) ->
metrics = {}
left = 0
top = 0
el = element
left += el.offsetLeft
top += el.offsetTop
break unless el = el.offsetParent
metrics.x = left
metrics.y = top
cStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element)
metrics.width = element.offsetWidth
metrics.height = element.offsetHeight
metrics.marginLeft = fromPx(cStyle["margin-left"])
metrics.marginRight = fromPx(cStyle["margin-right"])
metrics.marginTop = fromPx(cStyle["margin-top"])
metrics.marginBottom = fromPx(cStyle["margin-bottom"])
metrics.borderLeft = fromPx(cStyle["border-left-width"])
metrics.borderRight = fromPx(cStyle["border-right-width"])
metrics.borderTop = fromPx(cStyle["border-top-width"])
metrics.borderBottom = fromPx(cStyle["border-bottom-width"])
metrics.paddingLeft = fromPx(cStyle["padding-left"])
metrics.paddingRight = fromPx(cStyle["padding-right"])
metrics.paddingTop = fromPx(cStyle["padding-top"])
metrics.paddingBottom = fromPx(cStyle["padding-bottom"])
metrics.x -= metrics.marginLeft
metrics.y -= metrics.marginTop
fromPx = (string) ->
parseInt string.replace(/px$/, "")
supportsCanvas = () ->
element = document.createElement('canvas')
return false unless element.getContext
return true if element.getContext('2d')
return false