Removed unneeded components
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index c3f238b..0000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-GREP = /usr/bin/grep
-CUT = /usr/bin/cut
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-CHMOD = chmod
-CP = cp
-MV = mv
-NOOP = $(SHELL) -c true
-RM_F = rm -f
-RM_RF = rm -rf
-TEST_F = test -f
-TOUCH = touch
-UMASK_NULL = umask 0
-DEV_NULL = > /dev/null 2>&1
-MKPATH = mkdir -p
-CAT = cat
-MAKE = make
-OPEN = open
-ECHO = echo
-ECHO_N = echo -n
-JAVA = java
-PGVERSION := $(shell cat VERSION)
-UNAME := $(shell uname)
-NAME = `$(CAT) framework/appinfo.json | $(GREP) '"id"' | $(CUT) -d \" -f 4`
-VERSION = `$(CAT) framework/appinfo.json | $(GREP) '"version"' | $(CUT) -d \" -f 4`
-all :: copy_js package deploy run
-custom :: copy_js package deploy
-ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux)
-	palm-package framework/
-ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin)
-# mac OSX
-	palm-package framework/
-# assume windows OS
-	palm-package.bat framework/
-ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux)
-	palm-install $(NAME)_$(VERSION)_all.ipk
-ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin)
-# mac OSX
-	palm-install $(NAME)_$(VERSION)_all.ipk
-# assume windows OS
-	palm-install.bat $(NAME)_$(VERSION)_all.ipk
-ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux)
-	palm-launch $(NAME)
-ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin)
-# mac OSX
-	palm-launch $(NAME)
-# assume windows OS
-	palm-launch.bat $(NAME)
-	cp lib/cordova.webos.js framework/cordova-$(PGVERSION).js
diff --git a/lib/cordova.webos-debug.js b/lib/cordova.webos-debug.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b0a2849..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova.webos-debug.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-// Platform: webos
-// commit 4bbb9b5e9f232cc5f090e5065a0d92086b78628d
-// File generated at :: Wed Mar 27 2013 15:35:48 GMT-0700 (PDT)
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
-;(function() {
-try {eval("\nvar require,\n    define;\n\n(function () {\n    var modules = {};\n    // Stack of moduleIds currently being built.\n    var requireStack = [];\n    // Map of module ID -> index into requireStack of modules currently being built.\n    var inProgressModules = {};\n\n    function build(module) {\n        var factory = module.factory;\n        module.exports = {};\n        delete module.factory;\n        factory(require, module.exports, module);\n        return module.exports;\n    }\n\n    require = function (id) {\n        if (!modules[id]) {\n            throw \"module \" + id + \" not found\";\n        } else if (id in inProgressModules) {\n            var cycle = requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;\n            throw \"Cycle in require graph: \" + cycle;\n        }\n        if (modules[id].factory) {\n            try {\n                inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;\n                requireStack.push(id);\n                return build(modules[id]);\n            } finally {\n                delete inProgressModules[id];\n                requireStack.pop();\n            }\n        }\n        return modules[id].exports;\n    };\n\n    define = function (id, factory) {\n        if (modules[id]) {\n            throw \"module \" + id + \" already defined\";\n        }\n\n        modules[id] = {\n            id: id,\n            factory: factory\n        };\n    };\n\n    define.remove = function (id) {\n        delete modules[id];\n    };\n\n    define.moduleMap = modules;\n})();\n\n//Export for use in node\nif (typeof module === \"object\" && typeof require === \"function\") {\n    module.exports.require = require;\n    module.exports.define = define;\n}\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/scripts/require.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/scripts/require.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar channel = require('cordova/channel');\n\n/**\n * Listen for DOMContentLoaded and notify our channel subscribers.\n */\ndocument.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {\n;\n}, false);\nif (document.readyState == 'complete' || document.readyState == 'interactive') {\n;\n}\n\n/**\n * Intercept calls to addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,\n * resume, and pause events.\n */\nvar m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;\nvar m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;\nvar m_window_addEventListener = window.addEventListener;\nvar m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;\n\n/**\n * Houses custom event handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.\n */\nvar documentEventHandlers = {},\n    windowEventHandlers = {};\n\ndocument.addEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {\n    var e = evt.toLowerCase();\n    if (typeof documentEventHandlers[e] != 'undefined') {\n        documentEventHandlers[e].subscribe(handler);\n    } else {\n, evt, handler, capture);\n    }\n};\n\nwindow.addEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {\n    var e = evt.toLowerCase();\n    if (typeof windowEventHandlers[e] != 'undefined') {\n        windowEventHandlers[e].subscribe(handler);\n    } else {\n, evt, handler, capture);\n    }\n};\n\ndocument.removeEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {\n    var e = evt.toLowerCase();\n    // If unsubscribing from an event that is handled by a plugin\n    if (typeof documentEventHandlers[e] != \"undefined\") {\n        documentEventHandlers[e].unsubscribe(handler);\n    } else {\n, evt, handler, capture);\n    }\n};\n\nwindow.removeEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {\n    var e = evt.toLowerCase();\n    // If unsubscribing from an event that is handled by a plugin\n    if (typeof windowEventHandlers[e] != \"undefined\") {\n        windowEventHandlers[e].unsubscribe(handler);\n    } else {\n, evt, handler, capture);\n    }\n};\n\nfunction createEvent(type, data) {\n    var event = document.createEvent('Events');\n    event.initEvent(type, false, false);\n    if (data) {\n        for (var i in data) {\n            if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\n                event[i] = data[i];\n            }\n        }\n    }\n    return event;\n}\n\nif(typeof window.console === \"undefined\") {\n    window.console = {\n        log:function(){}\n    };\n}\n\nvar cordova = {\n    define:define,\n    require:require,\n    /**\n     * Methods to add/remove your own addEventListener hijacking on document + window.\n     */\n    addWindowEventHandler:function(event) {\n        return (windowEventHandlers[event] = channel.create(event));\n    },\n    addStickyDocumentEventHandler:function(event) {\n        return (documentEventHandlers[event] = channel.createSticky(event));\n    },\n    addDocumentEventHandler:function(event) {\n        return (documentEventHandlers[event] = channel.create(event));\n    },\n    removeWindowEventHandler:function(event) {\n        delete windowEventHandlers[event];\n    },\n    removeDocumentEventHandler:function(event) {\n        delete documentEventHandlers[event];\n    },\n    /**\n     * Retrieve original event handlers that were replaced by Cordova\n     *\n     * @return object\n     */\n    getOriginalHandlers: function() {\n        return {'document': {'addEventListener': m_document_addEventListener, 'removeEventListener': m_document_removeEventListener},\n        'window': {'addEventListener': m_window_addEventListener, 'removeEventListener': m_window_removeEventListener}};\n    },\n    /**\n     * Method to fire event from native code\n     * bNoDetach is required for events which cause an exception which needs to be caught in native code\n     */\n    fireDocumentEvent: function(type, data, bNoDetach) {\n        var evt = createEvent(type, data);\n        if (typeof documentEventHandlers[type] != 'undefined') {\n            if( bNoDetach ) {\n              documentEventHandlers[type].fire(evt);\n            }\n            else {\n              setTimeout(function() {\n                  documentEventHandlers[type].fire(evt);\n              }, 0);\n            }\n        } else {\n            document.dispatchEvent(evt);\n        }\n    },\n    fireWindowEvent: function(type, data) {\n        var evt = createEvent(type,data);\n        if (typeof windowEventHandlers[type] != 'undefined') {\n            setTimeout(function() {\n                windowEventHandlers[type].fire(evt);\n            }, 0);\n        } else {\n            window.dispatchEvent(evt);\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Plugin callback mechanism.\n     */\n    // Randomize the starting callbackId to avoid collisions after refreshing or navigating.\n    // This way, it's very unlikely that any new callback would get the same callbackId as an old callback.\n    callbackId: Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000000000),\n    callbacks:  {},\n    callbackStatus: {\n        NO_RESULT: 0,\n        OK: 1,\n        CLASS_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: 2,\n        ILLEGAL_ACCESS_EXCEPTION: 3,\n        INSTANTIATION_EXCEPTION: 4,\n        MALFORMED_URL_EXCEPTION: 5,\n        IO_EXCEPTION: 6,\n        INVALID_ACTION: 7,\n        JSON_EXCEPTION: 8,\n        ERROR: 9\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Called by native code when returning successful result from an action.\n     */\n    callbackSuccess: function(callbackId, args) {\n        try {\n            cordova.callbackFromNative(callbackId, true, args.status, [args.message], args.keepCallback);\n        } catch (e) {\n            console.log(\"Error in error callback: \" + callbackId + \" = \"+e);\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Called by native code when returning error result from an action.\n     */\n    callbackError: function(callbackId, args) {\n        // TODO: Deprecate callbackSuccess and callbackError in favour of callbackFromNative.\n        // Derive success from status.\n        try {\n            cordova.callbackFromNative(callbackId, false, args.status, [args.message], args.keepCallback);\n        } catch (e) {\n            console.log(\"Error in error callback: \" + callbackId + \" = \"+e);\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Called by native code when returning the result from an action.\n     */\n    callbackFromNative: function(callbackId, success, status, args, keepCallback) {\n        var callback = cordova.callbacks[callbackId];\n        if (callback) {\n            if (success && status == cordova.callbackStatus.OK) {\n                callback.success && callback.success.apply(null, args);\n            } else if (!success) {\n       &&, args);\n            }\n\n            // Clear callback if not expecting any more results\n            if (!keepCallback) {\n                delete cordova.callbacks[callbackId];\n            }\n        }\n    },\n    addConstructor: function(func) {\n        channel.onCordovaReady.subscribe(function() {\n            try {\n                func();\n            } catch(e) {\n                console.log(\"Failed to run constructor: \" + e);\n            }\n        });\n    }\n};\n\n// Register pause, resume and deviceready channels as events on document.\nchannel.onPause = cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('pause');\nchannel.onResume = cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('resume');\nchannel.onDeviceReady = cordova.addStickyDocumentEventHandler('deviceready');\n\nmodule.exports = cordova;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/cordova.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/cordova.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/argscheck\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec');\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils');\n\nvar moduleExports = module.exports;\n\nvar typeMap = {\n    'A': 'Array',\n    'D': 'Date',\n    'N': 'Number',\n    'S': 'String',\n    'F': 'Function',\n    'O': 'Object'\n};\n\nfunction extractParamName(callee, argIndex) {\n  return (/.*?\\((.*?)\\)/).exec(callee)[1].split(', ')[argIndex];\n}\n\nfunction checkArgs(spec, functionName, args, opt_callee) {\n    if (!moduleExports.enableChecks) {\n        return;\n    }\n    var errMsg = null;\n    var typeName;\n    for (var i = 0; i < spec.length; ++i) {\n        var c = spec.charAt(i),\n            cUpper = c.toUpperCase(),\n            arg = args[i];\n        // Asterix means allow anything.\n        if (c == '*') {\n            continue;\n        }\n        typeName = utils.typeName(arg);\n        if ((arg === null || arg === undefined) && c == cUpper) {\n            continue;\n        }\n        if (typeName != typeMap[cUpper]) {\n            errMsg = 'Expected ' + typeMap[cUpper];\n            break;\n        }\n    }\n    if (errMsg) {\n        errMsg += ', but got ' + typeName + '.';\n        errMsg = 'Wrong type for parameter \"' + extractParamName(opt_callee || args.callee, i) + '\" of ' + functionName + ': ' + errMsg;\n        // Don't log when running jake test.\n        if (typeof jasmine == 'undefined') {\n            console.error(errMsg);\n        }\n        throw TypeError(errMsg);\n    }\n}\n\nfunction getValue(value, defaultValue) {\n    return value === undefined ? defaultValue : value;\n}\n\nmoduleExports.checkArgs = checkArgs;\nmoduleExports.getValue = getValue;\nmoduleExports.enableChecks = true;\n\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/argscheck.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/argscheck.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/builder\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils');\n\nfunction each(objects, func, context) {\n    for (var prop in objects) {\n        if (objects.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {\n            func.apply(context, [objects[prop], prop]);\n        }\n    }\n}\n\nfunction clobber(obj, key, value) {\n    exports.replaceHookForTesting(obj, key);\n    obj[key] = value;\n    // Getters can only be overridden by getters.\n    if (obj[key] !== value) {\n        utils.defineGetter(obj, key, function() {\n            return value;\n        });\n    }\n}\n\nfunction assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter(obj, key, value, message) {\n    if (message) {\n        utils.defineGetter(obj, key, function() {\n            console.log(message);\n            delete obj[key];\n            clobber(obj, key, value);\n            return value;\n        });\n    } else {\n        clobber(obj, key, value);\n    }\n}\n\nfunction include(parent, objects, clobber, merge) {\n    each(objects, function (obj, key) {\n        try {\n          var result = obj.path ? require(obj.path) : {};\n\n          if (clobber) {\n              // Clobber if it doesn't exist.\n              if (typeof parent[key] === 'undefined') {\n                  assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter(parent, key, result, obj.deprecated);\n              } else if (typeof obj.path !== 'undefined') {\n                  // If merging, merge properties onto parent, otherwise, clobber.\n                  if (merge) {\n                      recursiveMerge(parent[key], result);\n                  } else {\n                      assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter(parent, key, result, obj.deprecated);\n                  }\n              }\n              result = parent[key];\n          } else {\n            // Overwrite if not currently defined.\n            if (typeof parent[key] == 'undefined') {\n              assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter(parent, key, result, obj.deprecated);\n            } else {\n              // Set result to what already exists, so we can build children into it if they exist.\n              result = parent[key];\n            }\n          }\n\n          if (obj.children) {\n            include(result, obj.children, clobber, merge);\n          }\n        } catch(e) {\n          utils.alert('Exception building cordova JS globals: ' + e + ' for key \"' + key + '\"');\n        }\n    });\n}\n\n/**\n * Merge properties from one object onto another recursively.  Properties from\n * the src object will overwrite existing target property.\n *\n * @param target Object to merge properties into.\n * @param src Object to merge properties from.\n */\nfunction recursiveMerge(target, src) {\n    for (var prop in src) {\n        if (src.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {\n            if (target.prototype && target.prototype.constructor === target) {\n                // If the target object is a constructor override off prototype.\n                clobber(target.prototype, prop, src[prop]);\n            } else {\n                if (typeof src[prop] === 'object' && typeof target[prop] === 'object') {\n                    recursiveMerge(target[prop], src[prop]);\n                } else {\n                    clobber(target, prop, src[prop]);\n                }\n            }\n        }\n    }\n}\n\nexports.buildIntoButDoNotClobber = function(objects, target) {\n    include(target, objects, false, false);\n};\nexports.buildIntoAndClobber = function(objects, target) {\n    include(target, objects, true, false);\n};\nexports.buildIntoAndMerge = function(objects, target) {\n    include(target, objects, true, true);\n};\nexports.recursiveMerge = recursiveMerge;\nexports.assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter = assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter;\nexports.replaceHookForTesting = function() {};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/builder.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/builder.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/channel\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    nextGuid = 1;\n\n/**\n * Custom pub-sub \"channel\" that can have functions subscribed to it\n * This object is used to define and control firing of events for\n * cordova initialization, as well as for custom events thereafter.\n *\n * The order of events during page load and Cordova startup is as follows:\n *\n * onDOMContentLoaded*         Internal event that is received when the web page is loaded and parsed.\n * onNativeReady*              Internal event that indicates the Cordova native side is ready.\n * onCordovaReady*             Internal event fired when all Cordova JavaScript objects have been created.\n * onCordovaInfoReady*         Internal event fired when device properties are available.\n * onCordovaConnectionReady*   Internal event fired when the connection property has been set.\n * onDeviceReady*              User event fired to indicate that Cordova is ready\n * onResume                    User event fired to indicate a start/resume lifecycle event\n * onPause                     User event fired to indicate a pause lifecycle event\n * onDestroy*                  Internal event fired when app is being destroyed (User should use window.onunload event, not this one).\n *\n * The events marked with an * are sticky. Once they have fired, they will stay in the fired state.\n * All listeners that subscribe after the event is fired will be executed right away.\n *\n * The only Cordova events that user code should register for are:\n *      deviceready           Cordova native code is initialized and Cordova APIs can be called from JavaScript\n *      pause                 App has moved to background\n *      resume                App has returned to foreground\n *\n * Listeners can be registered as:\n *      document.addEventListener(\"deviceready\", myDeviceReadyListener, false);\n *      document.addEventListener(\"resume\", myResumeListener, false);\n *      document.addEventListener(\"pause\", myPauseListener, false);\n *\n * The DOM lifecycle events should be used for saving and restoring state\n *      window.onload\n *      window.onunload\n *\n */\n\n/**\n * Channel\n * @constructor\n * @param type  String the channel name\n */\nvar Channel = function(type, sticky) {\n    this.type = type;\n    // Map of guid -> function.\n    this.handlers = {};\n    // 0 = Non-sticky, 1 = Sticky non-fired, 2 = Sticky fired.\n    this.state = sticky ? 1 : 0;\n    // Used in sticky mode to remember args passed to fire().\n    this.fireArgs = null;\n    // Used by onHasSubscribersChange to know if there are any listeners.\n    this.numHandlers = 0;\n    // Function that is called when the first listener is subscribed, or when\n    // the last listener is unsubscribed.\n    this.onHasSubscribersChange = null;\n},\n    channel = {\n        /**\n         * Calls the provided function only after all of the channels specified\n         * have been fired. All channels must be sticky channels.\n         */\n        join: function(h, c) {\n            var len = c.length,\n                i = len,\n                f = function() {\n                    if (!(--i)) h();\n                };\n            for (var j=0; j<len; j++) {\n                if (c[j].state === 0) {\n                    throw Error('Can only use join with sticky channels.');\n                }\n                c[j].subscribe(f);\n            }\n            if (!len) h();\n        },\n        create: function(type) {\n            return channel[type] = new Channel(type, false);\n        },\n        createSticky: function(type) {\n            return channel[type] = new Channel(type, true);\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * cordova Channels that must fire before \"deviceready\" is fired.\n         */\n        deviceReadyChannelsArray: [],\n        deviceReadyChannelsMap: {},\n\n        /**\n         * Indicate that a feature needs to be initialized before it is ready to be used.\n         * This holds up Cordova's \"deviceready\" event until the feature has been initialized\n         * and Cordova.initComplete(feature) is called.\n         *\n         * @param feature {String}     The unique feature name\n         */\n        waitForInitialization: function(feature) {\n            if (feature) {\n                var c = channel[feature] || this.createSticky(feature);\n                this.deviceReadyChannelsMap[feature] = c;\n                this.deviceReadyChannelsArray.push(c);\n            }\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * Indicate that initialization code has completed and the feature is ready to be used.\n         *\n         * @param feature {String}     The unique feature name\n         */\n        initializationComplete: function(feature) {\n            var c = this.deviceReadyChannelsMap[feature];\n            if (c) {\n      ;\n            }\n        }\n    };\n\nfunction forceFunction(f) {\n    if (typeof f != 'function') throw \"Function required as first argument!\";\n}\n\n/**\n * Subscribes the given function to the channel. Any time that\n * is called so too will the function.\n * Optionally specify an execution context for the function\n * and a guid that can be used to stop subscribing to the channel.\n * Returns the guid.\n */\nChannel.prototype.subscribe = function(f, c) {\n    // need a function to call\n    forceFunction(f);\n    if (this.state == 2) {\n        f.apply(c || this, this.fireArgs);\n        return;\n    }\n\n    var func = f,\n        guid = f.observer_guid;\n    if (typeof c == \"object\") { func = utils.close(c, f); }\n\n    if (!guid) {\n        // first time any channel has seen this subscriber\n        guid = '' + nextGuid++;\n    }\n    func.observer_guid = guid;\n    f.observer_guid = guid;\n\n    // Don't add the same handler more than once.\n    if (!this.handlers[guid]) {\n        this.handlers[guid] = func;\n        this.numHandlers++;\n        if (this.numHandlers == 1) {\n            this.onHasSubscribersChange && this.onHasSubscribersChange();\n        }\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Unsubscribes the function with the given guid from the channel.\n */\nChannel.prototype.unsubscribe = function(f) {\n    // need a function to unsubscribe\n    forceFunction(f);\n\n    var guid = f.observer_guid,\n        handler = this.handlers[guid];\n    if (handler) {\n        delete this.handlers[guid];\n        this.numHandlers--;\n        if (this.numHandlers === 0) {\n            this.onHasSubscribersChange && this.onHasSubscribersChange();\n        }\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Calls all functions subscribed to this channel.\n */\ = function(e) {\n    var fail = false,\n        fireArgs =;\n    // Apply stickiness.\n    if (this.state == 1) {\n        this.state = 2;\n        this.fireArgs = fireArgs;\n    }\n    if (this.numHandlers) {\n        // Copy the values first so that it is safe to modify it from within\n        // callbacks.\n        var toCall = [];\n        for (var item in this.handlers) {\n            toCall.push(this.handlers[item]);\n        }\n        for (var i = 0; i < toCall.length; ++i) {\n            toCall[i].apply(this, fireArgs);\n        }\n        if (this.state == 2 && this.numHandlers) {\n            this.numHandlers = 0;\n            this.handlers = {};\n            this.onHasSubscribersChange && this.onHasSubscribersChange();\n        }\n    }\n};\n\n\n// defining them here so they are ready super fast!\n// DOM event that is received when the web page is loaded and parsed.\nchannel.createSticky('onDOMContentLoaded');\n\n// Event to indicate the Cordova native side is ready.\nchannel.createSticky('onNativeReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that all Cordova JavaScript objects have been created\n// and it's time to run plugin constructors.\nchannel.createSticky('onCordovaReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that device properties are available\nchannel.createSticky('onCordovaInfoReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that the connection property has been set.\nchannel.createSticky('onCordovaConnectionReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that all automatically loaded JS plugins are loaded and ready.\nchannel.createSticky('onPluginsReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that Cordova is ready\nchannel.createSticky('onDeviceReady');\n\n// Event to indicate a resume lifecycle event\nchannel.create('onResume');\n\n// Event to indicate a pause lifecycle event\nchannel.create('onPause');\n\n// Event to indicate a destroy lifecycle event\nchannel.createSticky('onDestroy');\n\n// Channels that must fire before \"deviceready\" is fired.\nchannel.waitForInitialization('onCordovaReady');\nchannel.waitForInitialization('onCordovaConnectionReady');\n\nmodule.exports = channel;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/channel.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/channel.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/commandProxy\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\n// internal map of proxy function\nvar CommandProxyMap = {};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n\n    // example: cordova.commandProxy.add(\"Accelerometer\",{getCurrentAcceleration: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {...},...);\n    add:function(id,proxyObj) {\n        console.log(\"adding proxy for \" + id);\n        CommandProxyMap[id] = proxyObj;\n        return proxyObj;\n    },\n\n    // cordova.commandProxy.remove(\"Accelerometer\");\n    remove:function(id) {\n        var proxy = CommandProxyMap[id];\n        delete CommandProxyMap[id];\n        CommandProxyMap[id] = null;\n        return proxy;\n    },\n\n    get:function(service,action) {\n        return ( CommandProxyMap[service] ? CommandProxyMap[service][action] : null );\n    }\n};\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/commandProxy.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/commandProxy.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/exec\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * Execute a cordova command.  It is up to the native side whether this action\n * is synchronous or asynchronous.  The native side can return:\n *      Synchronous: PluginResult object as a JSON string\n *      Asynchrounous: Empty string \"\"\n * If async, the native side will cordova.callbackSuccess or cordova.callbackError,\n * depending upon the result of the action.\n *\n * @param {Function} success    The success callback\n * @param {Function} fail       The fail callback\n * @param {String} service      The name of the service to use\n * @param {String} action       Action to be run in cordova\n * @param {String[]} [args]     Zero or more arguments to pass to the method\n */\n\nvar plugins = {\n    \"Device\": require('cordova/plugin/webos/device'),\n    \"NetworkStatus\": require('cordova/plugin/webos/network'),\n    \"Compass\": require('cordova/plugin/webos/compass'),\n    \"Camera\": require('cordova/plugin/webos/camera'),\n    \"Accelerometer\" : require('cordova/plugin/webos/accelerometer'),\n    \"Notification\" : require('cordova/plugin/webos/notification'),\n    \"Geolocation\": require('cordova/plugin/webos/geolocation')\n};\n\nmodule.exports = function(success, fail, service, action, args) {\n    try {\n        console.error(\"exec:call plugin:\"+service+\":\"+action);\n        plugins[service][action](success, fail, args);\n    }\n    catch(e) {\n        console.error(\"missing exec: \" + service + \".\" + action);\n        console.error(args);\n        console.error(e);\n        console.error(e.stack);\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/exec.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/exec.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/modulemapper\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar builder = require('cordova/builder'),\n    moduleMap = define.moduleMap,\n    symbolList,\n    deprecationMap;\n\nexports.reset = function() {\n    symbolList = [];\n    deprecationMap = {};\n};\n\nfunction addEntry(strategy, moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage) {\n    if (!(moduleName in moduleMap)) {\n        throw new Error('Module ' + moduleName + ' does not exist.');\n    }\n    symbolList.push(strategy, moduleName, symbolPath);\n    if (opt_deprecationMessage) {\n        deprecationMap[symbolPath] = opt_deprecationMessage;\n    }\n}\n\n// Note: Android 2.3 does have Function.bind().\nexports.clobbers = function(moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage) {\n    addEntry('c', moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage);\n};\n\nexports.merges = function(moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage) {\n    addEntry('m', moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage);\n};\n\nexports.defaults = function(moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage) {\n    addEntry('d', moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage);\n};\n\nfunction prepareNamespace(symbolPath, context) {\n    if (!symbolPath) {\n        return context;\n    }\n    var parts = symbolPath.split('.');\n    var cur = context;\n    for (var i = 0, part; part = parts[i]; ++i) {\n        cur = cur[part] = cur[part] || {};\n    }\n    return cur;\n}\n\nexports.mapModules = function(context) {\n    var origSymbols = {};\n    context.CDV_origSymbols = origSymbols;\n    for (var i = 0, len = symbolList.length; i < len; i += 3) {\n        var strategy = symbolList[i];\n        var moduleName = symbolList[i + 1];\n        var symbolPath = symbolList[i + 2];\n        var lastDot = symbolPath.lastIndexOf('.');\n        var namespace = symbolPath.substr(0, lastDot);\n        var lastName = symbolPath.substr(lastDot + 1);\n\n        var module = require(moduleName);\n        var deprecationMsg = symbolPath in deprecationMap ? 'Access made to deprecated symbol: ' + symbolPath + '. ' + deprecationMsg : null;\n        var parentObj = prepareNamespace(namespace, context);\n        var target = parentObj[lastName];\n\n        if (strategy == 'm' && target) {\n            builder.recursiveMerge(target, module);\n        } else if ((strategy == 'd' && !target) || (strategy != 'd')) {\n            if (!(symbolPath in origSymbols)) {\n                origSymbols[symbolPath] = target;\n            }\n            builder.assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter(parentObj, lastName, module, deprecationMsg);\n        }\n    }\n};\n\nexports.getOriginalSymbol = function(context, symbolPath) {\n    var origSymbols = context.CDV_origSymbols;\n    if (origSymbols && (symbolPath in origSymbols)) {\n        return origSymbols[symbolPath];\n    }\n    var parts = symbolPath.split('.');\n    var obj = context;\n    for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {\n        obj = obj && obj[parts[i]];\n    }\n    return obj;\n};\n\nexports.loadMatchingModules = function(matchingRegExp) {\n    for (var k in moduleMap) {\n        if (matchingRegExp.exec(k)) {\n            require(k);\n        }\n    }\n};\n\nexports.reset();\n\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/modulemapper.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/modulemapper.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/platform\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/*global Mojo:false */\n\nvar service=require('cordova/plugin/webos/service'),\n    cordova = require('cordova');\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    id: \"webos\",\n    initialize: function() {\n        var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\n        modulemapper.loadMatchingModules(/cordova.*\\/symbols$/);\n        modulemapper.mapModules(window);\n\n        if (window.PalmSystem) {\n            window.PalmSystem.stageReady();\n        }\n\n        // create global Mojo object if it does not exist\n        Mojo = window.Mojo || {};\n\n        // wait for deviceready before listening and firing document events\n        document.addEventListener(\"deviceready\", function () {\n\n            // LunaSysMgr calls this when the windows is maximized or opened.\n            window.Mojo.stageActivated = function() {\n                console.log(\"stageActivated\");\n                cordova.fireDocumentEvent(\"resume\");\n            };\n            // LunaSysMgr calls this when the windows is minimized or closed.\n            window.Mojo.stageDeactivated = function() {\n                console.log(\"stageDeactivated\");\n                cordova.fireDocumentEvent(\"pause\");\n            };\n            // LunaSysMgr calls this when a KeepAlive app's window is hidden\n            window.Mojo.hide = function() {\n                console.log(\"hide\");\n            };\n            // LunaSysMgr calls this when a KeepAlive app's window is shown\n   = function() {\n                console.log(\"show\");\n            };\n\n            // LunaSysMgr calls this whenever an app is \"launched;\"\n            window.Mojo.relaunch = function() {\n                // need to return true to tell sysmgr the relaunch succeeded.\n                // otherwise, it'll try to focus the app, which will focus the first\n                // opened window of an app with multiple windows.\n\n                var lp=JSON.parse(PalmSystem.launchParams) || {};\n\n                if (lp['palm-command'] && lp['palm-command'] == 'open-app-menu') {\n                    console.log(\"event:ToggleAppMenu\");\n                    cordova.fireDocumentEvent(\"menubutton\");\n                }\n\n                console.log(\"relaunch\");\n                return true;\n            };\n\n            // start to listen for network connection changes\n            service.Request('palm://com.palm.connectionmanager', {\n                method: 'getstatus',\n                parameters: { subscribe: true },\n                onSuccess: function (result) {\n                    console.log(\"subscribe:result:\"+JSON.stringify(result));\n\n                    if (!result.isInternetConnectionAvailable) {\n                        if (navigator.onLine) {\n                            console.log(\"Firing event:offline\");\n                            cordova.fireDocumentEvent(\"offline\");\n                        }\n                    } else {\n                        console.log(\"Firing event:online\");\n                        cordova.fireDocumentEvent(\"online\");\n                    }\n                },\n                onFailure: function(e) {\n                    console.error(\"subscribe:error\");\n                }\n            });\n\n        });\n    },\n    merges: {\n        navigator: {\n            children: {\n                service: {\n                    path: \"cordova/plugin/webos/service\"\n                },\n                application: {\n                    path: \"cordova/plugin/webos/application\"\n                },\n                window: {\n                    path: \"cordova/plugin/webos/window\"\n                },\n                orientation: {\n                    path: \"cordova/plugin/webos/orientation\"\n                },\n                keyboard: {\n                    path: \"cordova/plugin/webos/keyboard\"\n                }\n            }\n        }\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/platform.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/platform.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Acceleration\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar Acceleration = function(x, y, z, timestamp) {\n    this.x = x;\n    this.y = y;\n    this.z = z;\n    this.timestamp = timestamp || (new Date()).getTime();\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Acceleration;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Acceleration.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Acceleration.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Camera\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    Camera = require('cordova/plugin/CameraConstants'),\n    CameraPopoverHandle = require('cordova/plugin/CameraPopoverHandle');\n\nvar cameraExport = {};\n\n// Tack on the Camera Constants to the base camera plugin.\nfor (var key in Camera) {\n    cameraExport[key] = Camera[key];\n}\n\n/**\n * Gets a picture from source defined by \"options.sourceType\", and returns the\n * image as defined by the \"options.destinationType\" option.\n\n * The defaults are sourceType=CAMERA and destinationType=FILE_URI.\n *\n * @param {Function} successCallback\n * @param {Function} errorCallback\n * @param {Object} options\n */\ncameraExport.getPicture = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'Camera.getPicture', arguments);\n    options = options || {};\n    var getValue = argscheck.getValue;\n\n    var quality = getValue(options.quality, 50);\n    var destinationType = getValue(options.destinationType, Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI);\n    var sourceType = getValue(options.sourceType, Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA);\n    var targetWidth = getValue(options.targetWidth, -1);\n    var targetHeight = getValue(options.targetHeight, -1);\n    var encodingType = getValue(options.encodingType, Camera.EncodingType.JPEG);\n    var mediaType = getValue(options.mediaType, Camera.MediaType.PICTURE);\n    var allowEdit = !!options.allowEdit;\n    var correctOrientation = !!options.correctOrientation;\n    var saveToPhotoAlbum = !!options.saveToPhotoAlbum;\n    var popoverOptions = getValue(options.popoverOptions, null);\n    var cameraDirection = getValue(options.cameraDirection, Camera.Direction.BACK);\n\n    var args = [quality, destinationType, sourceType, targetWidth, targetHeight, encodingType,\n                mediaType, allowEdit, correctOrientation, saveToPhotoAlbum, popoverOptions, cameraDirection];\n\n    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"Camera\", \"takePicture\", args);\n    return new CameraPopoverHandle();\n};\n\ncameraExport.cleanup = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"Camera\", \"cleanup\", []);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = cameraExport;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Camera.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Camera.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/CameraConstants\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nmodule.exports = {\n  DestinationType:{\n    DATA_URL: 0,         // Return base64 encoded string\n    FILE_URI: 1,         // Return file uri (content://media/external/images/media/2 for Android)\n    NATIVE_URI: 2        // Return native uri (eg. asset-library://... for iOS)\n  },\n  EncodingType:{\n    JPEG: 0,             // Return JPEG encoded image\n    PNG: 1               // Return PNG encoded image\n  },\n  MediaType:{\n    PICTURE: 0,          // allow selection of still pictures only. DEFAULT. Will return format specified via DestinationType\n    VIDEO: 1,            // allow selection of video only, ONLY RETURNS URL\n    ALLMEDIA : 2         // allow selection from all media types\n  },\n  PictureSourceType:{\n    PHOTOLIBRARY : 0,    // Choose image from picture library (same as SAVEDPHOTOALBUM for Android)\n    CAMERA : 1,          // Take picture from camera\n    SAVEDPHOTOALBUM : 2  // Choose image from picture library (same as PHOTOLIBRARY for Android)\n  },\n  PopoverArrowDirection:{\n      ARROW_UP : 1,        // matches iOS UIPopoverArrowDirection constants to specify arrow location on popover\n      ARROW_DOWN : 2,\n      ARROW_LEFT : 4,\n      ARROW_RIGHT : 8,\n      ARROW_ANY : 15\n  },\n  Direction:{\n      BACK: 0,\n      FRONT: 1\n  }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/CameraConstants.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/CameraConstants.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/CameraPopoverHandle\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\n/**\n * A handle to an image picker popover.\n */\nvar CameraPopoverHandle = function() {\n    this.setPosition = function(popoverOptions) {\n        console.log('CameraPopoverHandle.setPosition is only supported on iOS.');\n    };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = CameraPopoverHandle;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/CameraPopoverHandle.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/CameraPopoverHandle.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/CameraPopoverOptions\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar Camera = require('cordova/plugin/CameraConstants');\n\n/**\n * Encapsulates options for iOS Popover image picker\n */\nvar CameraPopoverOptions = function(x,y,width,height,arrowDir){\n    // information of rectangle that popover should be anchored to\n    this.x = x || 0;\n    this.y = y || 32;\n    this.width = width || 320;\n    this.height = height || 480;\n    // The direction of the popover arrow\n    this.arrowDir = arrowDir || Camera.PopoverArrowDirection.ARROW_ANY;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = CameraPopoverOptions;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/CameraPopoverOptions.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/CameraPopoverOptions.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/CaptureAudioOptions\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * Encapsulates all audio capture operation configuration options.\n */\nvar CaptureAudioOptions = function(){\n    // Upper limit of sound clips user can record. Value must be equal or greater than 1.\n    this.limit = 1;\n    // Maximum duration of a single sound clip in seconds.\n    this.duration = 0;\n    // The selected audio mode. Must match with one of the elements in supportedAudioModes array.\n    this.mode = null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = CaptureAudioOptions;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/CaptureAudioOptions.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/CaptureAudioOptions.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/CaptureError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * The CaptureError interface encapsulates all errors in the Capture API.\n */\nvar CaptureError = function(c) {\n   this.code = c || null;\n};\n\n// Camera or microphone failed to capture image or sound.\nCaptureError.CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR = 0;\n// Camera application or audio capture application is currently serving other capture request.\nCaptureError.CAPTURE_APPLICATION_BUSY = 1;\n// Invalid use of the API (e.g. limit parameter has value less than one).\nCaptureError.CAPTURE_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 2;\n// User exited camera application or audio capture application before capturing anything.\nCaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES = 3;\n// The requested capture operation is not supported.\nCaptureError.CAPTURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 20;\n\nmodule.exports = CaptureError;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/CaptureError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/CaptureError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/CaptureImageOptions\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * Encapsulates all image capture operation configuration options.\n */\nvar CaptureImageOptions = function(){\n    // Upper limit of images user can take. Value must be equal or greater than 1.\n    this.limit = 1;\n    // The selected image mode. Must match with one of the elements in supportedImageModes array.\n    this.mode = null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = CaptureImageOptions;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/CaptureImageOptions.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/CaptureImageOptions.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/CaptureVideoOptions\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * Encapsulates all video capture operation configuration options.\n */\nvar CaptureVideoOptions = function(){\n    // Upper limit of videos user can record. Value must be equal or greater than 1.\n    this.limit = 1;\n    // Maximum duration of a single video clip in seconds.\n    this.duration = 0;\n    // The selected video mode. Must match with one of the elements in supportedVideoModes array.\n    this.mode = null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = CaptureVideoOptions;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/CaptureVideoOptions.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/CaptureVideoOptions.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/CompassError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n *  CompassError.\n *  An error code assigned by an implementation when an error has occurred\n * @constructor\n */\nvar CompassError = function(err) {\n    this.code = (err !== undefined ? err : null);\n};\n\nCompassError.COMPASS_INTERNAL_ERR = 0;\nCompassError.COMPASS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 20;\n\nmodule.exports = CompassError;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/CompassError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/CompassError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/CompassHeading\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar CompassHeading = function(magneticHeading, trueHeading, headingAccuracy, timestamp) {\n  this.magneticHeading = magneticHeading;\n  this.trueHeading = trueHeading;\n  this.headingAccuracy = headingAccuracy;\n  this.timestamp = timestamp || new Date().getTime();\n};\n\nmodule.exports = CompassHeading;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/CompassHeading.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/CompassHeading.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/ConfigurationData\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * Encapsulates a set of parameters that the capture device supports.\n */\nfunction ConfigurationData() {\n    // The ASCII-encoded string in lower case representing the media type.\n    this.type = null;\n    // The height attribute represents height of the image or video in pixels.\n    // In the case of a sound clip this attribute has value 0.\n    this.height = 0;\n    // The width attribute represents width of the image or video in pixels.\n    // In the case of a sound clip this attribute has value 0\n    this.width = 0;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ConfigurationData;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/ConfigurationData.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/ConfigurationData.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Connection\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * Network status\n */\nmodule.exports = {\n        UNKNOWN: \"unknown\",\n        ETHERNET: \"ethernet\",\n        WIFI: \"wifi\",\n        CELL_2G: \"2g\",\n        CELL_3G: \"3g\",\n        CELL_4G: \"4g\",\n        CELL:\"cellular\",\n        NONE: \"none\"\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Connection.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Connection.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Contact\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    ContactError = require('cordova/plugin/ContactError'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils');\n\n/**\n* Converts primitives into Complex Object\n* Currently only used for Date fields\n*/\nfunction convertIn(contact) {\n    var value = contact.birthday;\n    try {\n      contact.birthday = new Date(parseFloat(value));\n    } catch (exception){\n      console.log(\"Cordova Contact convertIn error: exception creating date.\");\n    }\n    return contact;\n}\n\n/**\n* Converts Complex objects into primitives\n* Only conversion at present is for Dates.\n**/\n\nfunction convertOut(contact) {\n    var value = contact.birthday;\n    if (value !== null) {\n        // try to make it a Date object if it is not already\n        if (!utils.isDate(value)){\n            try {\n                value = new Date(value);\n            } catch(exception){\n                value = null;\n            }\n        }\n        if (utils.isDate(value)){\n            value = value.valueOf(); // convert to milliseconds\n        }\n        contact.birthday = value;\n    }\n    return contact;\n}\n\n/**\n* Contains information about a single contact.\n* @constructor\n* @param {DOMString} id unique identifier\n* @param {DOMString} displayName\n* @param {ContactName} name\n* @param {DOMString} nickname\n* @param {Array.<ContactField>} phoneNumbers array of phone numbers\n* @param {Array.<ContactField>} emails array of email addresses\n* @param {Array.<ContactAddress>} addresses array of addresses\n* @param {Array.<ContactField>} ims instant messaging user ids\n* @param {Array.<ContactOrganization>} organizations\n* @param {DOMString} birthday contact's birthday\n* @param {DOMString} note user notes about contact\n* @param {Array.<ContactField>} photos\n* @param {Array.<ContactField>} categories\n* @param {Array.<ContactField>} urls contact's web sites\n*/\nvar Contact = function (id, displayName, name, nickname, phoneNumbers, emails, addresses,\n    ims, organizations, birthday, note, photos, categories, urls) {\n = id || null;\n    this.rawId = null;\n    this.displayName = displayName || null;\n = name || null; // ContactName\n    this.nickname = nickname || null;\n    this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers || null; // ContactField[]\n    this.emails = emails || null; // ContactField[]\n    this.addresses = addresses || null; // ContactAddress[]\n    this.ims = ims || null; // ContactField[]\n    this.organizations = organizations || null; // ContactOrganization[]\n    this.birthday = birthday || null;\n    this.note = note || null;\n = photos || null; // ContactField[]\n    this.categories = categories || null; // ContactField[]\n    this.urls = urls || null; // ContactField[]\n};\n\n/**\n* Removes contact from device storage.\n* @param successCB success callback\n* @param errorCB error callback\n*/\nContact.prototype.remove = function(successCB, errorCB) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('FF', 'Contact.remove', arguments);\n    var fail = errorCB && function(code) {\n        errorCB(new ContactError(code));\n    };\n    if ( === null) {\n        fail(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);\n    }\n    else {\n        exec(successCB, fail, \"Contacts\", \"remove\", []);\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n* Creates a deep copy of this Contact.\n* With the contact ID set to null.\n* @return copy of this Contact\n*/\nContact.prototype.clone = function() {\n    var clonedContact = utils.clone(this);\n = null;\n    clonedContact.rawId = null;\n\n    function nullIds(arr) {\n        if (arr) {\n            for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {\n                arr[i].id = null;\n            }\n        }\n    }\n\n    // Loop through and clear out any id's in phones, emails, etc.\n    nullIds(clonedContact.phoneNumbers);\n    nullIds(clonedContact.emails);\n    nullIds(clonedContact.addresses);\n    nullIds(clonedContact.ims);\n    nullIds(clonedContact.organizations);\n    nullIds(clonedContact.categories);\n    nullIds(;\n    nullIds(clonedContact.urls);\n    return clonedContact;\n};\n\n/**\n* Persists contact to device storage.\n* @param successCB success callback\n* @param errorCB error callback\n*/\ = function(successCB, errorCB) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('FFO', '', arguments);\n    var fail = errorCB && function(code) {\n        errorCB(new ContactError(code));\n    };\n    var success = function(result) {\n        if (result) {\n            if (successCB) {\n                var fullContact = require('cordova/plugin/contacts').create(result);\n                successCB(convertIn(fullContact));\n            }\n        }\n        else {\n            // no Entry object returned\n            fail(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);\n        }\n    };\n    var dupContact = convertOut(utils.clone(this));\n    exec(success, fail, \"Contacts\", \"save\", [dupContact]);\n};\n\n\nmodule.exports = Contact;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Contact.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Contact.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/ContactAddress\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n* Contact address.\n* @constructor\n* @param {DOMString} id unique identifier, should only be set by native code\n* @param formatted // NOTE: not a W3C standard\n* @param streetAddress\n* @param locality\n* @param region\n* @param postalCode\n* @param country\n*/\n\nvar ContactAddress = function(pref, type, formatted, streetAddress, locality, region, postalCode, country) {\n = null;\n    this.pref = (typeof pref != 'undefined' ? pref : false);\n    this.type = type || null;\n    this.formatted = formatted || null;\n    this.streetAddress = streetAddress || null;\n    this.locality = locality || null;\n    this.region = region || null;\n    this.postalCode = postalCode || null;\n = country || null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ContactAddress;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/ContactAddress.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/ContactAddress.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/ContactError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n *  ContactError.\n *  An error code assigned by an implementation when an error has occurred\n * @constructor\n */\nvar ContactError = function(err) {\n    this.code = (typeof err != 'undefined' ? err : null);\n};\n\n/**\n * Error codes\n */\nContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0;\nContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR = 1;\nContactError.TIMEOUT_ERROR = 2;\nContactError.PENDING_OPERATION_ERROR = 3;\nContactError.IO_ERROR = 4;\nContactError.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR = 5;\nContactError.PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR = 20;\n\nmodule.exports = ContactError;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/ContactError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/ContactError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/ContactField\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n* Generic contact field.\n* @constructor\n* @param {DOMString} id unique identifier, should only be set by native code // NOTE: not a W3C standard\n* @param type\n* @param value\n* @param pref\n*/\nvar ContactField = function(type, value, pref) {\n = null;\n    this.type = (type && type.toString()) || null;\n    this.value = (value && value.toString()) || null;\n    this.pref = (typeof pref != 'undefined' ? pref : false);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ContactField;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/ContactField.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/ContactField.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/ContactFindOptions\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * ContactFindOptions.\n * @constructor\n * @param filter used to match contacts against\n * @param multiple boolean used to determine if more than one contact should be returned\n */\n\nvar ContactFindOptions = function(filter, multiple) {\n    this.filter = filter || '';\n    this.multiple = (typeof multiple != 'undefined' ? multiple : false);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ContactFindOptions;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/ContactFindOptions.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/ContactFindOptions.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/ContactName\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n* Contact name.\n* @constructor\n* @param formatted // NOTE: not part of W3C standard\n* @param familyName\n* @param givenName\n* @param middle\n* @param prefix\n* @param suffix\n*/\nvar ContactName = function(formatted, familyName, givenName, middle, prefix, suffix) {\n    this.formatted = formatted || null;\n    this.familyName = familyName || null;\n    this.givenName = givenName || null;\n    this.middleName = middle || null;\n    this.honorificPrefix = prefix || null;\n    this.honorificSuffix = suffix || null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ContactName;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/ContactName.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/ContactName.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/ContactOrganization\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n* Contact organization.\n* @constructor\n* @param {DOMString} id unique identifier, should only be set by native code // NOTE: not a W3C standard\n* @param name\n* @param dept\n* @param title\n* @param startDate\n* @param endDate\n* @param location\n* @param desc\n*/\n\nvar ContactOrganization = function(pref, type, name, dept, title) {\n = null;\n    this.pref = (typeof pref != 'undefined' ? pref : false);\n    this.type = type || null;\n = name || null;\n    this.department = dept || null;\n    this.title = title || null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = ContactOrganization;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/ContactOrganization.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/ContactOrganization.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Coordinates\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * This class contains position information.\n * @param {Object} lat\n * @param {Object} lng\n * @param {Object} alt\n * @param {Object} acc\n * @param {Object} head\n * @param {Object} vel\n * @param {Object} altacc\n * @constructor\n */\nvar Coordinates = function(lat, lng, alt, acc, head, vel, altacc) {\n    /**\n     * The latitude of the position.\n     */\n    this.latitude = lat;\n    /**\n     * The longitude of the position,\n     */\n    this.longitude = lng;\n    /**\n     * The accuracy of the position.\n     */\n    this.accuracy = acc;\n    /**\n     * The altitude of the position.\n     */\n    this.altitude = (alt !== undefined ? alt : null);\n    /**\n     * The direction the device is moving at the position.\n     */\n    this.heading = (head !== undefined ? head : null);\n    /**\n     * The velocity with which the device is moving at the position.\n     */\n    this.speed = (vel !== undefined ? vel : null);\n\n    if (this.speed === 0 || this.speed === null) {\n        this.heading = NaN;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The altitude accuracy of the position.\n     */\n    this.altitudeAccuracy = (altacc !== undefined) ? altacc : null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Coordinates;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Coordinates.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Coordinates.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    Entry = require('cordova/plugin/Entry'),\n    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),\n    DirectoryReader = require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryReader');\n\n/**\n * An interface representing a directory on the file system.\n *\n * {boolean} isFile always false (readonly)\n * {boolean} isDirectory always true (readonly)\n * {DOMString} name of the directory, excluding the path leading to it (readonly)\n * {DOMString} fullPath the absolute full path to the directory (readonly)\n * TODO: implement this!!! {FileSystem} filesystem on which the directory resides (readonly)\n */\nvar DirectoryEntry = function(name, fullPath) {\n, false, true, name, fullPath);\n};\n\nutils.extend(DirectoryEntry, Entry);\n\n/**\n * Creates a new DirectoryReader to read entries from this directory\n */\nDirectoryEntry.prototype.createReader = function() {\n    return new DirectoryReader(this.fullPath);\n};\n\n/**\n * Creates or looks up a directory\n *\n * @param {DOMString} path either a relative or absolute path from this directory in which to look up or create a directory\n * @param {Flags} options to create or exclusively create the directory\n * @param {Function} successCallback is called with the new entry\n * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError\n */\nDirectoryEntry.prototype.getDirectory = function(path, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('sOFF', 'DirectoryEntry.getDirectory', arguments);\n    var win = successCallback && function(result) {\n        var entry = new DirectoryEntry(, result.fullPath);\n        successCallback(entry);\n    };\n    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {\n        errorCallback(new FileError(code));\n    };\n    exec(win, fail, \"File\", \"getDirectory\", [this.fullPath, path, options]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Deletes a directory and all of it's contents\n *\n * @param {Function} successCallback is called with no parameters\n * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError\n */\nDirectoryEntry.prototype.removeRecursively = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('FF', 'DirectoryEntry.removeRecursively', arguments);\n    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {\n        errorCallback(new FileError(code));\n    };\n    exec(successCallback, fail, \"File\", \"removeRecursively\", [this.fullPath]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Creates or looks up a file\n *\n * @param {DOMString} path either a relative or absolute path from this directory in which to look up or create a file\n * @param {Flags} options to create or exclusively create the file\n * @param {Function} successCallback is called with the new entry\n * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError\n */\nDirectoryEntry.prototype.getFile = function(path, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('sOFF', 'DirectoryEntry.getFile', arguments);\n    var win = successCallback && function(result) {\n        var FileEntry = require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry');\n        var entry = new FileEntry(, result.fullPath);\n        successCallback(entry);\n    };\n    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {\n        errorCallback(new FileError(code));\n    };\n    exec(win, fail, \"File\", \"getFile\", [this.fullPath, path, options]);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = DirectoryEntry;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/DirectoryEntry.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/DirectoryEntry.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/DirectoryReader\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError') ;\n\n/**\n * An interface that lists the files and directories in a directory.\n */\nfunction DirectoryReader(path) {\n    this.path = path || null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of entries from a directory.\n *\n * @param {Function} successCallback is called with a list of entries\n * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError\n */\nDirectoryReader.prototype.readEntries = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    var win = typeof successCallback !== 'function' ? null : function(result) {\n        var retVal = [];\n        for (var i=0; i<result.length; i++) {\n            var entry = null;\n            if (result[i].isDirectory) {\n                entry = new (require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'))();\n            }\n            else if (result[i].isFile) {\n                entry = new (require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'))();\n            }\n            entry.isDirectory = result[i].isDirectory;\n            entry.isFile = result[i].isFile;\n   = result[i].name;\n            entry.fullPath = result[i].fullPath;\n            retVal.push(entry);\n        }\n        successCallback(retVal);\n    };\n    var fail = typeof errorCallback !== 'function' ? null : function(code) {\n        errorCallback(new FileError(code));\n    };\n    exec(win, fail, \"File\", \"readEntries\", [this.path]);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = DirectoryReader;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/DirectoryReader.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/DirectoryReader.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Entry\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),\n    Metadata = require('cordova/plugin/Metadata');\n\n/**\n * Represents a file or directory on the local file system.\n *\n * @param isFile\n *            {boolean} true if Entry is a file (readonly)\n * @param isDirectory\n *            {boolean} true if Entry is a directory (readonly)\n * @param name\n *            {DOMString} name of the file or directory, excluding the path\n *            leading to it (readonly)\n * @param fullPath\n *            {DOMString} the absolute full path to the file or directory\n *            (readonly)\n */\nfunction Entry(isFile, isDirectory, name, fullPath, fileSystem) {\n    this.isFile = !!isFile;\n    this.isDirectory = !!isDirectory;\n = name || '';\n    this.fullPath = fullPath || '';\n    this.filesystem = fileSystem || null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Look up the metadata of the entry.\n *\n * @param successCallback\n *            {Function} is called with a Metadata object\n * @param errorCallback\n *            {Function} is called with a FileError\n */\nEntry.prototype.getMetadata = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('FF', 'Entry.getMetadata', arguments);\n    var success = successCallback && function(lastModified) {\n        var metadata = new Metadata(lastModified);\n        successCallback(metadata);\n    };\n    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {\n        errorCallback(new FileError(code));\n    };\n\n    exec(success, fail, \"File\", \"getMetadata\", [this.fullPath]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Set the metadata of the entry.\n *\n * @param successCallback\n *            {Function} is called with a Metadata object\n * @param errorCallback\n *            {Function} is called with a FileError\n * @param metadataObject\n *            {Object} keys and values to set\n */\nEntry.prototype.setMetadata = function(successCallback, errorCallback, metadataObject) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('FFO', 'Entry.setMetadata', arguments);\n    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"File\", \"setMetadata\", [this.fullPath, metadataObject]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Move a file or directory to a new location.\n *\n * @param parent\n *            {DirectoryEntry} the directory to which to move this entry\n * @param newName\n *            {DOMString} new name of the entry, defaults to the current name\n * @param successCallback\n *            {Function} called with the new DirectoryEntry object\n * @param errorCallback\n *            {Function} called with a FileError\n */\nEntry.prototype.moveTo = function(parent, newName, successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('oSFF', 'Entry.moveTo', arguments);\n    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {\n        errorCallback(new FileError(code));\n    };\n    // source path\n    var srcPath = this.fullPath,\n        // entry name\n        name = newName ||,\n        success = function(entry) {\n            if (entry) {\n                if (successCallback) {\n                    // create appropriate Entry object\n                    var result = (entry.isDirectory) ? new (require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'))(, entry.fullPath) : new (require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'))(, entry.fullPath);\n                    successCallback(result);\n                }\n            }\n            else {\n                // no Entry object returned\n                fail && fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);\n            }\n        };\n\n    // copy\n    exec(success, fail, \"File\", \"moveTo\", [srcPath, parent.fullPath, name]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Copy a directory to a different location.\n *\n * @param parent\n *            {DirectoryEntry} the directory to which to copy the entry\n * @param newName\n *            {DOMString} new name of the entry, defaults to the current name\n * @param successCallback\n *            {Function} called with the new Entry object\n * @param errorCallback\n *            {Function} called with a FileError\n */\nEntry.prototype.copyTo = function(parent, newName, successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('oSFF', 'Entry.copyTo', arguments);\n    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {\n        errorCallback(new FileError(code));\n    };\n\n        // source path\n    var srcPath = this.fullPath,\n        // entry name\n        name = newName ||,\n        // success callback\n        success = function(entry) {\n            if (entry) {\n                if (successCallback) {\n                    // create appropriate Entry object\n                    var result = (entry.isDirectory) ? new (require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'))(, entry.fullPath) : new (require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'))(, entry.fullPath);\n                    successCallback(result);\n                }\n            }\n            else {\n                // no Entry object returned\n                fail && fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);\n            }\n        };\n\n    // copy\n    exec(success, fail, \"File\", \"copyTo\", [srcPath, parent.fullPath, name]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Return a URL that can be used to identify this entry.\n */\nEntry.prototype.toURL = function() {\n    // fullPath attribute contains the full URL\n    return this.fullPath;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns a URI that can be used to identify this entry.\n *\n * @param {DOMString} mimeType for a FileEntry, the mime type to be used to interpret the file, when loaded through this URI.\n * @return uri\n */\nEntry.prototype.toURI = function(mimeType) {\n    console.log(\"DEPRECATED: Update your code to use 'toURL'\");\n    // fullPath attribute contains the full URI\n    return this.toURL();\n};\n\n/**\n * Remove a file or directory. It is an error to attempt to delete a\n * directory that is not empty. It is an error to attempt to delete a\n * root directory of a file system.\n *\n * @param successCallback {Function} called with no parameters\n * @param errorCallback {Function} called with a FileError\n */\nEntry.prototype.remove = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('FF', 'Entry.remove', arguments);\n    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {\n        errorCallback(new FileError(code));\n    };\n    exec(successCallback, fail, \"File\", \"remove\", [this.fullPath]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Look up the parent DirectoryEntry of this entry.\n *\n * @param successCallback {Function} called with the parent DirectoryEntry object\n * @param errorCallback {Function} called with a FileError\n */\nEntry.prototype.getParent = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('FF', 'Entry.getParent', arguments);\n    var win = successCallback && function(result) {\n        var DirectoryEntry = require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry');\n        var entry = new DirectoryEntry(, result.fullPath);\n        successCallback(entry);\n    };\n    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {\n        errorCallback(new FileError(code));\n    };\n    exec(win, fail, \"File\", \"getParent\", [this.fullPath]);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Entry;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Entry.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Entry.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/File\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * Constructor.\n * name {DOMString} name of the file, without path information\n * fullPath {DOMString} the full path of the file, including the name\n * type {DOMString} mime type\n * lastModifiedDate {Date} last modified date\n * size {Number} size of the file in bytes\n */\n\nvar File = function(name, fullPath, type, lastModifiedDate, size){\n = name || '';\n    this.fullPath = fullPath || null;\n    this.type = type || null;\n    this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate || null;\n    this.size = size || 0;\n\n    // These store the absolute start and end for slicing the file.\n    this.start = 0;\n    this.end = this.size;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns a \"slice\" of the file. Since Cordova Files don't contain the actual\n * content, this really returns a File with adjusted start and end.\n * Slices of slices are supported.\n * start {Number} The index at which to start the slice (inclusive).\n * end {Number} The index at which to end the slice (exclusive).\n */\nFile.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {\n    var size = this.end - this.start;\n    var newStart = 0;\n    var newEnd = size;\n    if (arguments.length) {\n        if (start < 0) {\n            newStart = Math.max(size + start, 0);\n        } else {\n            newStart = Math.min(size, start);\n        }\n    }\n\n    if (arguments.length >= 2) {\n        if (end < 0) {\n            newEnd = Math.max(size + end, 0);\n        } else {\n            newEnd = Math.min(end, size);\n        }\n    }\n\n    var newFile = new File(, this.fullPath, this.type, this.lastModifiedData, this.size);\n    newFile.start = this.start + newStart;\n    newFile.end = this.start + newEnd;\n    return newFile;\n};\n\n\nmodule.exports = File;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/File.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/File.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileEntry\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    Entry = require('cordova/plugin/Entry'),\n    FileWriter = require('cordova/plugin/FileWriter'),\n    File = require('cordova/plugin/File'),\n    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError');\n\n/**\n * An interface representing a file on the file system.\n *\n * {boolean} isFile always true (readonly)\n * {boolean} isDirectory always false (readonly)\n * {DOMString} name of the file, excluding the path leading to it (readonly)\n * {DOMString} fullPath the absolute full path to the file (readonly)\n * {FileSystem} filesystem on which the file resides (readonly)\n */\nvar FileEntry = function(name, fullPath) {\n     FileEntry.__super__.constructor.apply(this, [true, false, name, fullPath]);\n};\n\nutils.extend(FileEntry, Entry);\n\n/**\n * Creates a new FileWriter associated with the file that this FileEntry represents.\n *\n * @param {Function} successCallback is called with the new FileWriter\n * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError\n */\nFileEntry.prototype.createWriter = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    this.file(function(filePointer) {\n        var writer = new FileWriter(filePointer);\n\n        if (writer.fileName === null || writer.fileName === \"\") {\n            errorCallback && errorCallback(new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR));\n        } else {\n            successCallback && successCallback(writer);\n        }\n    }, errorCallback);\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns a File that represents the current state of the file that this FileEntry represents.\n *\n * @param {Function} successCallback is called with the new File object\n * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError\n */\nFileEntry.prototype.file = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    var win = successCallback && function(f) {\n        var file = new File(, f.fullPath, f.type, f.lastModifiedDate, f.size);\n        successCallback(file);\n    };\n    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {\n        errorCallback(new FileError(code));\n    };\n    exec(win, fail, \"File\", \"getFileMetadata\", [this.fullPath]);\n};\n\n\nmodule.exports = FileEntry;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileEntry.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileEntry.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * FileError\n */\nfunction FileError(error) {\n  this.code = error || null;\n}\n\n// File error codes\n// Found in DOMException\nFileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 1;\nFileError.SECURITY_ERR = 2;\nFileError.ABORT_ERR = 3;\n\n// Added by File API specification\nFileError.NOT_READABLE_ERR = 4;\nFileError.ENCODING_ERR = 5;\nFileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 6;\nFileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR = 7;\nFileError.SYNTAX_ERR = 8;\nFileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = 9;\nFileError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR = 10;\nFileError.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 11;\nFileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR = 12;\n\nmodule.exports = FileError;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileReader\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    File = require('cordova/plugin/File'),\n    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),\n    ProgressEvent = require('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent'),\n    origFileReader = modulemapper.getOriginalSymbol(this, 'FileReader');\n\n/**\n * This class reads the mobile device file system.\n *\n * For Android:\n *      The root directory is the root of the file system.\n *      To read from the SD card, the file name is \"sdcard/my_file.txt\"\n * @constructor\n */\nvar FileReader = function() {\n    this._readyState = 0;\n    this._error = null;\n    this._result = null;\n    this._fileName = '';\n    this._realReader = origFileReader ? new origFileReader() : {};\n};\n\n// States\nFileReader.EMPTY = 0;\nFileReader.LOADING = 1;\nFileReader.DONE = 2;\n\nutils.defineGetter(FileReader.prototype, 'readyState', function() {\n    return this._fileName ? this._readyState : this._realReader.readyState;\n});\n\nutils.defineGetter(FileReader.prototype, 'error', function() {\n    return this._fileName ? this._error: this._realReader.error;\n});\n\nutils.defineGetter(FileReader.prototype, 'result', function() {\n    return this._fileName ? this._result: this._realReader.result;\n});\n\nfunction defineEvent(eventName) {\n    utils.defineGetterSetter(FileReader.prototype, eventName, function() {\n        return this._realReader[eventName] || null;\n    }, function(value) {\n        this._realReader[eventName] = value;\n    });\n}\ndefineEvent('onloadstart');    // When the read starts.\ndefineEvent('onprogress');     // While reading (and decoding) file or fileBlob data, and reporting partial file data (progress.loaded/\ndefineEvent('onload');         // When the read has successfully completed.\ndefineEvent('onerror');        // When the read has failed (see errors).\ndefineEvent('onloadend');      // When the request has completed (either in success or failure).\ndefineEvent('onabort');        // When the read has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method.\n\nfunction initRead(reader, file) {\n    // Already loading something\n    if (reader.readyState == FileReader.LOADING) {\n      throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    reader._result = null;\n    reader._error = null;\n    reader._readyState = FileReader.LOADING;\n\n    if (typeof file == 'string') {\n        // Deprecated in Cordova 2.4.\n        console.warning('Using a string argument with FileReader.readAs functions is deprecated.');\n        reader._fileName = file;\n    } else if (typeof file.fullPath == 'string') {\n        reader._fileName = file.fullPath;\n    } else {\n        reader._fileName = '';\n        return true;\n    }\n\n    reader.onloadstart && reader.onloadstart(new ProgressEvent(\"loadstart\", {target:reader}));\n}\n\n/**\n * Abort reading file.\n */\nFileReader.prototype.abort = function() {\n    if (origFileReader && !this._fileName) {\n        return this._realReader.abort();\n    }\n    this._result = null;\n\n    if (this._readyState == FileReader.DONE || this._readyState == FileReader.EMPTY) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    this._readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n    // If abort callback\n    if (typeof this.onabort === 'function') {\n        this.onabort(new ProgressEvent('abort', {target:this}));\n    }\n    // If load end callback\n    if (typeof this.onloadend === 'function') {\n        this.onloadend(new ProgressEvent('loadend', {target:this}));\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Read text file.\n *\n * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties\n * @param encoding      [Optional] (see\n */\nFileReader.prototype.readAsText = function(file, encoding) {\n    if (initRead(this, file)) {\n        return this._realReader.readAsText(file, encoding);\n    }\n\n    // Default encoding is UTF-8\n    var enc = encoding ? encoding : \"UTF-8\";\n    var me = this;\n    var execArgs = [this._fileName, enc, file.start, file.end];\n\n    // Read file\n    exec(\n        // Success callback\n        function(r) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // Save result\n            me._result = r;\n\n            // If onload callback\n            if (typeof me.onload === \"function\") {\n                me.onload(new ProgressEvent(\"load\", {target:me}));\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n            // If onloadend callback\n            if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n            }\n        },\n        // Error callback\n        function(e) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n            // null result\n            me._result = null;\n\n            // Save error\n            me._error = new FileError(e);\n\n            // If onerror callback\n            if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {target:me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onloadend callback\n            if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n            }\n        }, \"File\", \"readAsText\", execArgs);\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Read file and return data as a base64 encoded data url.\n * A data url is of the form:\n *      data:[<mediatype>][;base64],<data>\n *\n * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties\n */\nFileReader.prototype.readAsDataURL = function(file) {\n    if (initRead(this, file)) {\n        return this._realReader.readAsDataURL(file);\n    }\n\n    var me = this;\n    var execArgs = [this._fileName, file.start, file.end];\n\n    // Read file\n    exec(\n        // Success callback\n        function(r) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n            // Save result\n            me._result = r;\n\n            // If onload callback\n            if (typeof me.onload === \"function\") {\n                me.onload(new ProgressEvent(\"load\", {target:me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onloadend callback\n            if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n            }\n        },\n        // Error callback\n        function(e) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n            me._result = null;\n\n            // Save error\n            me._error = new FileError(e);\n\n            // If onerror callback\n            if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {target:me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onloadend callback\n            if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n            }\n        }, \"File\", \"readAsDataURL\", execArgs);\n};\n\n/**\n * Read file and return data as a binary data.\n *\n * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties\n */\nFileReader.prototype.readAsBinaryString = function(file) {\n    if (initRead(this, file)) {\n        return this._realReader.readAsBinaryString(file);\n    }\n\n    var me = this;\n    var execArgs = [this._fileName, file.start, file.end];\n\n    // Read file\n    exec(\n        // Success callback\n        function(r) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n            me._result = r;\n\n            // If onload callback\n            if (typeof me.onload === \"function\") {\n                me.onload(new ProgressEvent(\"load\", {target:me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onloadend callback\n            if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n            }\n        },\n        // Error callback\n        function(e) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n            me._result = null;\n\n            // Save error\n            me._error = new FileError(e);\n\n            // If onerror callback\n            if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {target:me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onloadend callback\n            if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n            }\n        }, \"File\", \"readAsBinaryString\", execArgs);\n};\n\n/**\n * Read file and return data as a binary data.\n *\n * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties\n */\nFileReader.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer = function(file) {\n    if (initRead(this, file)) {\n        return this._realReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);\n    }\n\n    var me = this;\n    var execArgs = [this._fileName, file.start, file.end];\n\n    // Read file\n    exec(\n        // Success callback\n        function(r) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n            me._result = r;\n\n            // If onload callback\n            if (typeof me.onload === \"function\") {\n                me.onload(new ProgressEvent(\"load\", {target:me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onloadend callback\n            if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n            }\n        },\n        // Error callback\n        function(e) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n            me._result = null;\n\n            // Save error\n            me._error = new FileError(e);\n\n            // If onerror callback\n            if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {target:me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onloadend callback\n            if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n            }\n        }, \"File\", \"readAsArrayBuffer\", execArgs);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileReader;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileReader.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileReader.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileSystem\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar DirectoryEntry = require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry');\n\n/**\n * An interface representing a file system\n *\n * @constructor\n * {DOMString} name the unique name of the file system (readonly)\n * {DirectoryEntry} root directory of the file system (readonly)\n */\nvar FileSystem = function(name, root) {\n = name || null;\n    if (root) {\n        this.root = new DirectoryEntry(, root.fullPath);\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileSystem;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileSystem.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileSystem.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileTransfer\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    FileTransferError = require('cordova/plugin/FileTransferError'),\n    ProgressEvent = require('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent');\n\nfunction newProgressEvent(result) {\n    var pe = new ProgressEvent();\n    pe.lengthComputable = result.lengthComputable;\n    pe.loaded = result.loaded;\n =;\n    return pe;\n}\n\nfunction getBasicAuthHeader(urlString) {\n    var header =  null;\n\n    if (window.btoa) {\n        // parse the url using the Location object\n        var url = document.createElement('a');\n        url.href = urlString;\n\n        var credentials = null;\n        var protocol = url.protocol + \"//\";\n        var origin = protocol +;\n\n        // check whether there are the username:password credentials in the url\n        if (url.href.indexOf(origin) !== 0) { // credentials found\n            var atIndex = url.href.indexOf(\"@\");\n            credentials = url.href.substring(protocol.length, atIndex);\n        }\n\n        if (credentials) {\n            var authHeader = \"Authorization\";\n            var authHeaderValue = \"Basic \" + window.btoa(credentials);\n\n            header = {\n                name : authHeader,\n                value : authHeaderValue\n            };\n        }\n    }\n\n    return header;\n}\n\nvar idCounter = 0;\n\n/**\n * FileTransfer uploads a file to a remote server.\n * @constructor\n */\nvar FileTransfer = function() {\n    this._id = ++idCounter;\n    this.onprogress = null; // optional callback\n};\n\n/**\n* Given an absolute file path, uploads a file on the device to a remote server\n* using a multipart HTTP request.\n* @param filePath {String}           Full path of the file on the device\n* @param server {String}             URL of the server to receive the file\n* @param successCallback (Function}  Callback to be invoked when upload has completed\n* @param errorCallback {Function}    Callback to be invoked upon error\n* @param options {FileUploadOptions} Optional parameters such as file name and mimetype\n* @param trustAllHosts {Boolean} Optional trust all hosts (e.g. for self-signed certs), defaults to false\n*/\nFileTransfer.prototype.upload = function(filePath, server, successCallback, errorCallback, options, trustAllHosts) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('ssFFO*', 'FileTransfer.upload', arguments);\n    // check for options\n    var fileKey = null;\n    var fileName = null;\n    var mimeType = null;\n    var params = null;\n    var chunkedMode = true;\n    var headers = null;\n    var httpMethod = null;\n    var basicAuthHeader = getBasicAuthHeader(server);\n    if (basicAuthHeader) {\n        options = options || {};\n        options.headers = options.headers || {};\n        options.headers[] = basicAuthHeader.value;\n    }\n\n    if (options) {\n        fileKey = options.fileKey;\n        fileName = options.fileName;\n        mimeType = options.mimeType;\n        headers = options.headers;\n        httpMethod = options.httpMethod || \"POST\";\n        if (httpMethod.toUpperCase() == \"PUT\"){\n            httpMethod = \"PUT\";\n        } else {\n            httpMethod = \"POST\";\n        }\n        if (options.chunkedMode !== null || typeof options.chunkedMode != \"undefined\") {\n            chunkedMode = options.chunkedMode;\n        }\n        if (options.params) {\n            params = options.params;\n        }\n        else {\n            params = {};\n        }\n    }\n\n    var fail = errorCallback && function(e) {\n        var error = new FileTransferError(e.code, e.source,, e.http_status, e.body);\n        errorCallback(error);\n    };\n\n    var self = this;\n    var win = function(result) {\n        if (typeof result.lengthComputable != \"undefined\") {\n            if (self.onprogress) {\n                self.onprogress(newProgressEvent(result));\n            }\n        } else {\n            successCallback && successCallback(result);\n        }\n    };\n    exec(win, fail, 'FileTransfer', 'upload', [filePath, server, fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, trustAllHosts, chunkedMode, headers, this._id, httpMethod]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Downloads a file form a given URL and saves it to the specified directory.\n * @param source {String}          URL of the server to receive the file\n * @param target {String}         Full path of the file on the device\n * @param successCallback (Function}  Callback to be invoked when upload has completed\n * @param errorCallback {Function}    Callback to be invoked upon error\n * @param trustAllHosts {Boolean} Optional trust all hosts (e.g. for self-signed certs), defaults to false\n * @param options {FileDownloadOptions} Optional parameters such as headers\n */\ = function(source, target, successCallback, errorCallback, trustAllHosts, options) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('ssFF*', '', arguments);\n    var self = this;\n\n    var basicAuthHeader = getBasicAuthHeader(source);\n    if (basicAuthHeader) {\n        options = options || {};\n        options.headers = options.headers || {};\n        options.headers[] = basicAuthHeader.value;\n    }\n\n    var headers = null;\n    if (options) {\n        headers = options.headers || null;\n    }\n\n    var win = function(result) {\n        if (typeof result.lengthComputable != \"undefined\") {\n            if (self.onprogress) {\n                return self.onprogress(newProgressEvent(result));\n            }\n        } else if (successCallback) {\n            var entry = null;\n            if (result.isDirectory) {\n                entry = new (require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'))();\n            }\n            else if (result.isFile) {\n                entry = new (require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'))();\n            }\n            entry.isDirectory = result.isDirectory;\n            entry.isFile = result.isFile;\n   =;\n            entry.fullPath = result.fullPath;\n            successCallback(entry);\n        }\n    };\n\n    var fail = errorCallback && function(e) {\n        var error = new FileTransferError(e.code, e.source,, e.http_status, e.body);\n        errorCallback(error);\n    };\n\n    exec(win, fail, 'FileTransfer', 'download', [source, target, trustAllHosts, this._id, headers]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Aborts the ongoing file transfer on this object. The original error\n * callback for the file transfer will be called if necessary.\n */\nFileTransfer.prototype.abort = function() {\n    exec(null, null, 'FileTransfer', 'abort', [this._id]);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileTransfer;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileTransfer.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileTransfer.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileTransferError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * FileTransferError\n * @constructor\n */\nvar FileTransferError = function(code, source, target, status, body) {\n    this.code = code || null;\n    this.source = source || null;\n = target || null;\n    this.http_status = status || null;\n    this.body = body || null;\n};\n\nFileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR = 1;\nFileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR = 2;\nFileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR = 3;\nFileTransferError.ABORT_ERR = 4;\n\nmodule.exports = FileTransferError;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileTransferError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileTransferError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileUploadOptions\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * Options to customize the HTTP request used to upload files.\n * @constructor\n * @param fileKey {String}   Name of file request parameter.\n * @param fileName {String}  Filename to be used by the server. Defaults to image.jpg.\n * @param mimeType {String}  Mimetype of the uploaded file. Defaults to image/jpeg.\n * @param params {Object}    Object with key: value params to send to the server.\n * @param headers {Object}   Keys are header names, values are header values. Multiple\n *                           headers of the same name are not supported.\n */\nvar FileUploadOptions = function(fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, headers, httpMethod) {\n    this.fileKey = fileKey || null;\n    this.fileName = fileName || null;\n    this.mimeType = mimeType || null;\n    this.params = params || null;\n    this.headers = headers || null;\n    this.httpMethod = httpMethod || null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileUploadOptions;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileUploadOptions.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileUploadOptions.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileUploadResult\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * FileUploadResult\n * @constructor\n */\nvar FileUploadResult = function() {\n    this.bytesSent = 0;\n    this.responseCode = null;\n    this.response = null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileUploadResult;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileUploadResult.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileUploadResult.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileWriter\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),\n    ProgressEvent = require('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent');\n\n/**\n * This class writes to the mobile device file system.\n *\n * For Android:\n *      The root directory is the root of the file system.\n *      To write to the SD card, the file name is \"sdcard/my_file.txt\"\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param file {File} File object containing file properties\n * @param append if true write to the end of the file, otherwise overwrite the file\n */\nvar FileWriter = function(file) {\n    this.fileName = \"\";\n    this.length = 0;\n    if (file) {\n        this.fileName = file.fullPath || file;\n        this.length = file.size || 0;\n    }\n    // default is to write at the beginning of the file\n    this.position = 0;\n\n    this.readyState = 0; // EMPTY\n\n    this.result = null;\n\n    // Error\n    this.error = null;\n\n    // Event handlers\n    this.onwritestart = null;   // When writing starts\n    this.onprogress = null;     // While writing the file, and reporting partial file data\n    this.onwrite = null;        // When the write has successfully completed.\n    this.onwriteend = null;     // When the request has completed (either in success or failure).\n    this.onabort = null;        // When the write has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method.\n    this.onerror = null;        // When the write has failed (see errors).\n};\n\n// States\nFileWriter.INIT = 0;\nFileWriter.WRITING = 1;\nFileWriter.DONE = 2;\n\n/**\n * Abort writing file.\n */\nFileWriter.prototype.abort = function() {\n    // check for invalid state\n    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.DONE || this.readyState === FileWriter.INIT) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    // set error\n    this.error = new FileError(FileError.ABORT_ERR);\n\n    this.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n    // If abort callback\n    if (typeof this.onabort === \"function\") {\n        this.onabort(new ProgressEvent(\"abort\", {\"target\":this}));\n    }\n\n    // If write end callback\n    if (typeof this.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n        this.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":this}));\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Writes data to the file\n *\n * @param text to be written\n */\nFileWriter.prototype.write = function(text) {\n    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file\n    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    // WRITING state\n    this.readyState = FileWriter.WRITING;\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    // If onwritestart callback\n    if (typeof me.onwritestart === \"function\") {\n        me.onwritestart(new ProgressEvent(\"writestart\", {\"target\":me}));\n    }\n\n    // Write file\n    exec(\n        // Success callback\n        function(r) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // position always increases by bytes written because file would be extended\n            me.position += r;\n            // The length of the file is now where we are done writing.\n\n            me.length = me.position;\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n            // If onwrite callback\n            if (typeof me.onwrite === \"function\") {\n                me.onwrite(new ProgressEvent(\"write\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onwriteend callback\n            if (typeof me.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n        },\n        // Error callback\n        function(e) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n            // Save error\n            me.error = new FileError(e);\n\n            // If onerror callback\n            if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onwriteend callback\n            if (typeof me.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n        }, \"File\", \"write\", [this.fileName, text, this.position]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Moves the file pointer to the location specified.\n *\n * If the offset is a negative number the position of the file\n * pointer is rewound.  If the offset is greater than the file\n * size the position is set to the end of the file.\n *\n * @param offset is the location to move the file pointer to.\n */\ = function(offset) {\n    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file\n    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    if (!offset && offset !== 0) {\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // See back from end of file.\n    if (offset < 0) {\n        this.position = Math.max(offset + this.length, 0);\n    }\n    // Offset is bigger than file size so set position\n    // to the end of the file.\n    else if (offset > this.length) {\n        this.position = this.length;\n    }\n    // Offset is between 0 and file size so set the position\n    // to start writing.\n    else {\n        this.position = offset;\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Truncates the file to the size specified.\n *\n * @param size to chop the file at.\n */\nFileWriter.prototype.truncate = function(size) {\n    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file\n    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    // WRITING state\n    this.readyState = FileWriter.WRITING;\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    // If onwritestart callback\n    if (typeof me.onwritestart === \"function\") {\n        me.onwritestart(new ProgressEvent(\"writestart\", {\"target\":this}));\n    }\n\n    // Write file\n    exec(\n        // Success callback\n        function(r) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n            // Update the length of the file\n            me.length = r;\n            me.position = Math.min(me.position, r);\n\n            // If onwrite callback\n            if (typeof me.onwrite === \"function\") {\n                me.onwrite(new ProgressEvent(\"write\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onwriteend callback\n            if (typeof me.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n        },\n        // Error callback\n        function(e) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n            // Save error\n            me.error = new FileError(e);\n\n            // If onerror callback\n            if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onwriteend callback\n            if (typeof me.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n        }, \"File\", \"truncate\", [this.fileName, size]);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileWriter;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileWriter.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileWriter.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Flags\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * Supplies arguments to methods that lookup or create files and directories.\n *\n * @param create\n *            {boolean} file or directory if it doesn't exist\n * @param exclusive\n *            {boolean} used with create; if true the command will fail if\n *            target path exists\n */\nfunction Flags(create, exclusive) {\n    this.create = create || false;\n    this.exclusive = exclusive || false;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Flags;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Flags.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Flags.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/GlobalizationError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\n/**\n * Globalization error object\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param code\n * @param message\n */\nvar GlobalizationError = function(code, message) {\n    this.code = code || null;\n    this.message = message || '';\n};\n\n// Globalization error codes\nGlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0;\nGlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR = 1;\nGlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR = 2;\nGlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR = 3;\n\nmodule.exports = GlobalizationError;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/GlobalizationError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/GlobalizationError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/InAppBrowser\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec');\nvar channel = require('cordova/channel');\n\nfunction InAppBrowser() {\n   this.channels = {\n        'loadstart': channel.create('loadstart'),\n        'loadstop' : channel.create('loadstop'),\n        'loaderror' : channel.create('loaderror'),\n        'exit' : channel.create('exit')\n   };\n}\n\nInAppBrowser.prototype = {\n    _eventHandler: function (event) {\n        if (event.type in this.channels) {\n            this.channels[event.type].fire(event);\n        }\n    },\n    close: function (eventname) {\n        exec(null, null, \"InAppBrowser\", \"close\", []);\n    },\n    addEventListener: function (eventname,f) {\n        if (eventname in this.channels) {\n            this.channels[eventname].subscribe(f);\n        }\n    },\n    removeEventListener: function(eventname, f) {\n        if (eventname in this.channels) {\n            this.channels[eventname].unsubscribe(f);\n        }\n    },\n    executeScript: function(injectDetails, cb) {\n        var script,\n            sourceString;\n        if (injectDetails.code) {\n            exec(cb, null, \"InAppBrowser\", \"injectScriptCode\", [injectDetails.code]);\n        } else if (injectDetails.file) {\n            sourceString = JSON.stringify(injectDetails.file);\n            script = \"(function(d) { var c = d.createElement('script'); c.src = \" + sourceString + \"; d.body.appendChild(c); })(document)\";\n            exec(cb, null, \"InAppBrowser\", \"injectScriptCode\", [script]);\n        } else {\n            throw new Error('executeScript requires exactly one of code or file to be specified');\n        }\n    },\n    insertCSS: function(injectDetails, cb) {\n        var script,\n            sourceString;\n        if (injectDetails.code) {\n            sourceString = JSON.stringify(injectDetails.code);\n            script = \"(function(d) { var c = d.createElement('style'); c.innerHTML = \" + sourceString + \"; d.body.appendChild(c); })(document)\";\n            exec(cb, null, \"InAppBrowser\", \"injectScriptCode\", [script]);\n        } else if (injectDetails.file) {\n            sourceString = JSON.stringify(injectDetails.file);\n            script = \"(function(d) { var c = d.createElement('link'); c.rel='stylesheet', c.type='text/css'; c.href = \" + sourceString + \"; d.body.appendChild(c); })(document)\";\n            exec(cb, null, \"InAppBrowser\", \"injectScriptCode\", [script]);\n        } else {\n            throw new Error('insertCSS requires exactly one of code or file to be specified');\n        }\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = function(strUrl, strWindowName, strWindowFeatures) {\n    var iab = new InAppBrowser();\n    var cb = function(eventname) {\n       iab._eventHandler(eventname);\n    };\n    exec(cb, cb, \"InAppBrowser\", \"open\", [strUrl, strWindowName, strWindowFeatures]);\n    return iab;\n};\n\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/InAppBrowser.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/InAppBrowser.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/LocalFileSystem\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\n/**\n * Represents a local file system.\n */\nvar LocalFileSystem = function() {\n\n};\n\nLocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY = 0; //temporary, with no guarantee of persistence\nLocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT = 1; //persistent\n\nmodule.exports = LocalFileSystem;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/LocalFileSystem.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/LocalFileSystem.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Media\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\nvar mediaObjects = {};\n\n/**\n * This class provides access to the device media, interfaces to both sound and video\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param src                   The file name or url to play\n * @param successCallback       The callback to be called when the file is done playing or recording.\n *                                  successCallback()\n * @param errorCallback         The callback to be called if there is an error.\n *                                  errorCallback(int errorCode) - OPTIONAL\n * @param statusCallback        The callback to be called when media status has changed.\n *                                  statusCallback(int statusCode) - OPTIONAL\n */\nvar Media = function(src, successCallback, errorCallback, statusCallback) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('SFFF', 'Media', arguments);\n = utils.createUUID();\n    mediaObjects[] = this;\n    this.src = src;\n    this.successCallback = successCallback;\n    this.errorCallback = errorCallback;\n    this.statusCallback = statusCallback;\n    this._duration = -1;\n    this._position = -1;\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"create\", [, this.src]);\n};\n\n// Media messages\nMedia.MEDIA_STATE = 1;\nMedia.MEDIA_DURATION = 2;\nMedia.MEDIA_POSITION = 3;\nMedia.MEDIA_ERROR = 9;\n\n// Media states\nMedia.MEDIA_NONE = 0;\nMedia.MEDIA_STARTING = 1;\nMedia.MEDIA_RUNNING = 2;\nMedia.MEDIA_PAUSED = 3;\nMedia.MEDIA_STOPPED = 4;\nMedia.MEDIA_MSG = [\"None\", \"Starting\", \"Running\", \"Paused\", \"Stopped\"];\n\n// \"static\" function to return existing objs.\nMedia.get = function(id) {\n    return mediaObjects[id];\n};\n\n/**\n * Start or resume playing audio file.\n */\ = function(options) {\n    exec(null, null, \"Media\", \"startPlayingAudio\", [, this.src, options]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Stop playing audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.stop = function() {\n    var me = this;\n    exec(function() {\n        me._position = 0;\n    }, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"stopPlayingAudio\", []);\n};\n\n/**\n * Seek or jump to a new time in the track..\n */\nMedia.prototype.seekTo = function(milliseconds) {\n    var me = this;\n    exec(function(p) {\n        me._position = p;\n    }, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"seekToAudio\", [, milliseconds]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Pause playing audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.pause = function() {\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"pausePlayingAudio\", []);\n};\n\n/**\n * Get duration of an audio file.\n * The duration is only set for audio that is playing, paused or stopped.\n *\n * @return      duration or -1 if not known.\n */\nMedia.prototype.getDuration = function() {\n    return this._duration;\n};\n\n/**\n * Get position of audio.\n */\nMedia.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function(success, fail) {\n    var me = this;\n    exec(function(p) {\n        me._position = p;\n        success(p);\n    }, fail, \"Media\", \"getCurrentPositionAudio\", []);\n};\n\n/**\n * Start recording audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.startRecord = function() {\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"startRecordingAudio\", [, this.src]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Stop recording audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.stopRecord = function() {\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"stopRecordingAudio\", []);\n};\n\n/**\n * Release the resources.\n */\nMedia.prototype.release = function() {\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"release\", []);\n};\n\n/**\n * Adjust the volume.\n */\nMedia.prototype.setVolume = function(volume) {\n    exec(null, null, \"Media\", \"setVolume\", [, volume]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Audio has status update.\n * PRIVATE\n *\n * @param id            The media object id (string)\n * @param msgType       The 'type' of update this is\n * @param value         Use of value is determined by the msgType\n */\nMedia.onStatus = function(id, msgType, value) {\n\n    var media = mediaObjects[id];\n\n    if(media) {\n        switch(msgType) {\n            case Media.MEDIA_STATE :\n                media.statusCallback && media.statusCallback(value);\n                if(value == Media.MEDIA_STOPPED) {\n                    media.successCallback && media.successCallback();\n                }\n                break;\n            case Media.MEDIA_DURATION :\n                media._duration = value;\n                break;\n            case Media.MEDIA_ERROR :\n                media.errorCallback && media.errorCallback(value);\n                break;\n            case Media.MEDIA_POSITION :\n                media._position = Number(value);\n                break;\n            default :\n                console.error && console.error(\"Unhandled Media.onStatus :: \" + msgType);\n                break;\n        }\n    }\n    else {\n         console.error && console.error(\"Received Media.onStatus callback for unknown media :: \" + id);\n    }\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Media;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Media.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Media.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/MediaError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * This class contains information about any Media errors.\n*/\n/*\n According to ::\n We should never be creating these objects, we should just implement the interface\n which has 1 property for an instance, 'code'\n\n instead of doing :\n    errorCallbackFunction( new MediaError(3,'msg') );\nwe should simply use a literal :\n    errorCallbackFunction( {'code':3} );\n */\n\n var _MediaError = window.MediaError;\n\n\nif(!_MediaError) {\n    window.MediaError = _MediaError = function(code, msg) {\n        this.code = (typeof code != 'undefined') ? code : null;\n        this.message = msg || \"\"; // message is NON-standard! do not use!\n    };\n}\n\n_MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_ACTIVE    = _MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_ACTIVE    || 0;\n_MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED        = _MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED        || 1;\n_MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK        = _MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK        || 2;\n_MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE         = _MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE         || 3;\n_MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_SUPPORTED = _MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_SUPPORTED || 4;\n// TODO: MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_SUPPORTED is legacy, the W3 spec now defines it as below.\n// as defined by\n_MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED = _MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED || 4;\n\nmodule.exports = _MediaError;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/MediaError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/MediaError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/MediaFile\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    File = require('cordova/plugin/File'),\n    CaptureError = require('cordova/plugin/CaptureError');\n/**\n * Represents a single file.\n *\n * name {DOMString} name of the file, without path information\n * fullPath {DOMString} the full path of the file, including the name\n * type {DOMString} mime type\n * lastModifiedDate {Date} last modified date\n * size {Number} size of the file in bytes\n */\nvar MediaFile = function(name, fullPath, type, lastModifiedDate, size){\n    MediaFile.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);\n};\n\nutils.extend(MediaFile, File);\n\n/**\n * Request capture format data for a specific file and type\n *\n * @param {Function} successCB\n * @param {Function} errorCB\n */\nMediaFile.prototype.getFormatData = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    if (typeof this.fullPath === \"undefined\" || this.fullPath === null) {\n        errorCallback(new CaptureError(CaptureError.CAPTURE_INVALID_ARGUMENT));\n    } else {\n        exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"Capture\", \"getFormatData\", [this.fullPath, this.type]);\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = MediaFile;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/MediaFile.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/MediaFile.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/MediaFileData\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * MediaFileData encapsulates format information of a media file.\n *\n * @param {DOMString} codecs\n * @param {long} bitrate\n * @param {long} height\n * @param {long} width\n * @param {float} duration\n */\nvar MediaFileData = function(codecs, bitrate, height, width, duration){\n    this.codecs = codecs || null;\n    this.bitrate = bitrate || 0;\n    this.height = height || 0;\n    this.width = width || 0;\n    this.duration = duration || 0;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = MediaFileData;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/MediaFileData.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/MediaFileData.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Metadata\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * Information about the state of the file or directory\n *\n * {Date} modificationTime (readonly)\n */\nvar Metadata = function(time) {\n    this.modificationTime = (typeof time != 'undefined'?new Date(time):null);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Metadata;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Metadata.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Metadata.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Position\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar Coordinates = require('cordova/plugin/Coordinates');\n\nvar Position = function(coords, timestamp) {\n    if (coords) {\n        this.coords = new Coordinates(coords.latitude, coords.longitude, coords.altitude, coords.accuracy, coords.heading, coords.velocity, coords.altitudeAccuracy);\n    } else {\n        this.coords = new Coordinates();\n    }\n    this.timestamp = (timestamp !== undefined) ? timestamp : new Date();\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Position;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Position.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Position.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/PositionError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * Position error object\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param code\n * @param message\n */\nvar PositionError = function(code, message) {\n    this.code = code || null;\n    this.message = message || '';\n};\n\nPositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED = 1;\nPositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE = 2;\nPositionError.TIMEOUT = 3;\n\nmodule.exports = PositionError;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/PositionError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/PositionError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n// If ProgressEvent exists in global context, use it already, otherwise use our own polyfill\n// Feature test: See if we can instantiate a native ProgressEvent;\n// if so, use that approach,\n// otherwise fill-in with our own implementation.\n//\n// NOTE: right now we always fill in with our own. Down the road would be nice if we can use whatever is native in the webview.\nvar ProgressEvent = (function() {\n    /*\n    var createEvent = function(data) {\n        var event = document.createEvent('Events');\n        event.initEvent('ProgressEvent', false, false);\n        if (data) {\n            for (var i in data) {\n                if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\n                    event[i] = data[i];\n                }\n            }\n            if ( {\n                // TODO: cannot call <some_custom_object>.dispatchEvent\n                // need to first figure out how to implement EventTarget\n            }\n        }\n        return event;\n    };\n    try {\n        var ev = createEvent({type:\"abort\",target:document});\n        return function ProgressEvent(type, data) {\n            data.type = type;\n            return createEvent(data);\n        };\n    } catch(e){\n    */\n        return function ProgressEvent(type, dict) {\n            this.type = type;\n            this.bubbles = false;\n            this.cancelBubble = false;\n            this.cancelable = false;\n            this.lengthComputable = false;\n            this.loaded = dict && dict.loaded ? dict.loaded : 0;\n   = dict && ? : 0;\n   = dict && ? : null;\n        };\n    //}\n})();\n\nmodule.exports = ProgressEvent;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/ProgressEvent.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/ProgressEvent.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/accelerometer\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * This class provides access to device accelerometer data.\n * @constructor\n */\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    utils = require(\"cordova/utils\"),\n    exec = require(\"cordova/exec\"),\n    Acceleration = require('cordova/plugin/Acceleration');\n\n// Is the accel sensor running?\nvar running = false;\n\n// Keeps reference to watchAcceleration calls.\nvar timers = {};\n\n// Array of listeners; used to keep track of when we should call start and stop.\nvar listeners = [];\n\n// Last returned acceleration object from native\nvar accel = null;\n\n// Tells native to start.\nfunction start() {\n    exec(function(a) {\n        var tempListeners = listeners.slice(0);\n        accel = new Acceleration(a.x, a.y, a.z, a.timestamp);\n        for (var i = 0, l = tempListeners.length; i < l; i++) {\n            tempListeners[i].win(accel);\n        }\n    }, function(e) {\n        var tempListeners = listeners.slice(0);\n        for (var i = 0, l = tempListeners.length; i < l; i++) {\n            tempListeners[i].fail(e);\n        }\n    }, \"Accelerometer\", \"start\", []);\n    running = true;\n}\n\n// Tells native to stop.\nfunction stop() {\n    exec(null, null, \"Accelerometer\", \"stop\", []);\n    running = false;\n}\n\n// Adds a callback pair to the listeners array\nfunction createCallbackPair(win, fail) {\n    return {win:win, fail:fail};\n}\n\n// Removes a win/fail listener pair from the listeners array\nfunction removeListeners(l) {\n    var idx = listeners.indexOf(l);\n    if (idx > -1) {\n        listeners.splice(idx, 1);\n        if (listeners.length === 0) {\n            stop();\n        }\n    }\n}\n\nvar accelerometer = {\n    /**\n     * Asynchronously acquires the current acceleration.\n     *\n     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call when the acceleration data is available\n     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the acceleration data. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @param {AccelerationOptions} options The options for getting the accelerometer data such as timeout. (OPTIONAL)\n     */\n    getCurrentAcceleration: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration', arguments);\n\n        var p;\n        var win = function(a) {\n            removeListeners(p);\n            successCallback(a);\n        };\n        var fail = function(e) {\n            removeListeners(p);\n            errorCallback && errorCallback(e);\n        };\n\n        p = createCallbackPair(win, fail);\n        listeners.push(p);\n\n        if (!running) {\n            start();\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Asynchronously acquires the acceleration repeatedly at a given interval.\n     *\n     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call each time the acceleration data is available\n     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the acceleration data. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @param {AccelerationOptions} options The options for getting the accelerometer data such as timeout. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @return String                       The watch id that must be passed to #clearWatch to stop watching.\n     */\n    watchAcceleration: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'accelerometer.watchAcceleration', arguments);\n        // Default interval (10 sec)\n        var frequency = (options && options.frequency && typeof options.frequency == 'number') ? options.frequency : 10000;\n\n        // Keep reference to watch id, and report accel readings as often as defined in frequency\n        var id = utils.createUUID();\n\n        var p = createCallbackPair(function(){}, function(e) {\n            removeListeners(p);\n            errorCallback && errorCallback(e);\n        });\n        listeners.push(p);\n\n        timers[id] = {\n            timer:window.setInterval(function() {\n                if (accel) {\n                    successCallback(accel);\n                }\n            }, frequency),\n            listeners:p\n        };\n\n        if (running) {\n            // If we're already running then immediately invoke the success callback\n            // but only if we have retrieved a value, sample code does not check for null ...\n            if (accel) {\n                successCallback(accel);\n            }\n        } else {\n            start();\n        }\n\n        return id;\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Clears the specified accelerometer watch.\n     *\n     * @param {String} id       The id of the watch returned from #watchAcceleration.\n     */\n    clearWatch: function(id) {\n        // Stop javascript timer & remove from timer list\n        if (id && timers[id]) {\n            window.clearInterval(timers[id].timer);\n            removeListeners(timers[id].listeners);\n            delete timers[id];\n        }\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = accelerometer;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/accelerometer.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/accelerometer.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/accelerometer/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/Acceleration', 'Acceleration');\nmodulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/accelerometer', 'navigator.accelerometer');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/accelerometer/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/accelerometer/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/battery\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * This class contains information about the current battery status.\n * @constructor\n */\nvar cordova = require('cordova'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\nfunction handlers() {\n  return battery.channels.batterystatus.numHandlers +\n         battery.channels.batterylow.numHandlers +\n         battery.channels.batterycritical.numHandlers;\n}\n\nvar Battery = function() {\n    this._level = null;\n    this._isPlugged = null;\n    // Create new event handlers on the window (returns a channel instance)\n    this.channels = {\n      batterystatus:cordova.addWindowEventHandler(\"batterystatus\"),\n      batterylow:cordova.addWindowEventHandler(\"batterylow\"),\n      batterycritical:cordova.addWindowEventHandler(\"batterycritical\")\n    };\n    for (var key in this.channels) {\n        this.channels[key].onHasSubscribersChange = Battery.onHasSubscribersChange;\n    }\n};\n/**\n * Event handlers for when callbacks get registered for the battery.\n * Keep track of how many handlers we have so we can start and stop the native battery listener\n * appropriately (and hopefully save on battery life!).\n */\nBattery.onHasSubscribersChange = function() {\n  // If we just registered the first handler, make sure native listener is started.\n  if (this.numHandlers === 1 && handlers() === 1) {\n      exec(battery._status, battery._error, \"Battery\", \"start\", []);\n  } else if (handlers() === 0) {\n      exec(null, null, \"Battery\", \"stop\", []);\n  }\n};\n\n/**\n * Callback for battery status\n *\n * @param {Object} info            keys: level, isPlugged\n */\nBattery.prototype._status = function(info) {\n    if (info) {\n        var me = battery;\n    var level = info.level;\n        if (me._level !== level || me._isPlugged !== info.isPlugged) {\n            // Fire batterystatus event\n            cordova.fireWindowEvent(\"batterystatus\", info);\n\n            // Fire low battery event\n            if (level === 20 || level === 5) {\n                if (level === 20) {\n                    cordova.fireWindowEvent(\"batterylow\", info);\n                }\n                else {\n                    cordova.fireWindowEvent(\"batterycritical\", info);\n                }\n            }\n        }\n        me._level = level;\n        me._isPlugged = info.isPlugged;\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Error callback for battery start\n */\nBattery.prototype._error = function(e) {\n    console.log(\"Error initializing Battery: \" + e);\n};\n\nvar battery = new Battery();\n\nmodule.exports = battery;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/battery.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/battery.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/battery/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/battery', 'navigator.battery');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/battery/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/battery/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/camera/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/Camera', '');\nmodulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/CameraConstants', 'Camera');\nmodulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/CameraPopoverOptions', 'CameraPopoverOptions');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/camera/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/camera/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/capture\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    MediaFile = require('cordova/plugin/MediaFile');\n\n/**\n * Launches a capture of different types.\n *\n * @param (DOMString} type\n * @param {Function} successCB\n * @param {Function} errorCB\n * @param {CaptureVideoOptions} options\n */\nfunction _capture(type, successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n    var win = function(pluginResult) {\n        var mediaFiles = [];\n        var i;\n        for (i = 0; i < pluginResult.length; i++) {\n            var mediaFile = new MediaFile();\n   = pluginResult[i].name;\n            mediaFile.fullPath = pluginResult[i].fullPath;\n            mediaFile.type = pluginResult[i].type;\n            mediaFile.lastModifiedDate = pluginResult[i].lastModifiedDate;\n            mediaFile.size = pluginResult[i].size;\n            mediaFiles.push(mediaFile);\n        }\n        successCallback(mediaFiles);\n    };\n    exec(win, errorCallback, \"Capture\", type, [options]);\n}\n/**\n * The Capture interface exposes an interface to the camera and microphone of the hosting device.\n */\nfunction Capture() {\n    this.supportedAudioModes = [];\n    this.supportedImageModes = [];\n    this.supportedVideoModes = [];\n}\n\n/**\n * Launch audio recorder application for recording audio clip(s).\n *\n * @param {Function} successCB\n * @param {Function} errorCB\n * @param {CaptureAudioOptions} options\n */\nCapture.prototype.captureAudio = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options){\n    _capture(\"captureAudio\", successCallback, errorCallback, options);\n};\n\n/**\n * Launch camera application for taking image(s).\n *\n * @param {Function} successCB\n * @param {Function} errorCB\n * @param {CaptureImageOptions} options\n */\nCapture.prototype.captureImage = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options){\n    _capture(\"captureImage\", successCallback, errorCallback, options);\n};\n\n/**\n * Launch device camera application for recording video(s).\n *\n * @param {Function} successCB\n * @param {Function} errorCB\n * @param {CaptureVideoOptions} options\n */\nCapture.prototype.captureVideo = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options){\n    _capture(\"captureVideo\", successCallback, errorCallback, options);\n};\n\n\nmodule.exports = new Capture();\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/capture.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/capture.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/capture/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/CaptureError', 'CaptureError');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/CaptureAudioOptions', 'CaptureAudioOptions');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/CaptureImageOptions', 'CaptureImageOptions');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/CaptureVideoOptions', 'CaptureVideoOptions');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ConfigurationData', 'ConfigurationData');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/MediaFile', 'MediaFile');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/MediaFileData', 'MediaFileData');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/capture', 'navigator.device.capture');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/capture/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/capture/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/compass\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    CompassHeading = require('cordova/plugin/CompassHeading'),\n    CompassError = require('cordova/plugin/CompassError'),\n    timers = {},\n    compass = {\n        /**\n         * Asynchronously acquires the current heading.\n         * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the heading\n         * data is available\n         * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error\n         * getting the heading data.\n         * @param {CompassOptions} options The options for getting the heading data (not used).\n         */\n        getCurrentHeading:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n            argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'compass.getCurrentHeading', arguments);\n\n            var win = function(result) {\n                var ch = new CompassHeading(result.magneticHeading, result.trueHeading, result.headingAccuracy, result.timestamp);\n                successCallback(ch);\n            };\n            var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {\n                var ce = new CompassError(code);\n                errorCallback(ce);\n            };\n\n            // Get heading\n            exec(win, fail, \"Compass\", \"getHeading\", [options]);\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * Asynchronously acquires the heading repeatedly at a given interval.\n         * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call each time the heading\n         * data is available\n         * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error\n         * getting the heading data.\n         * @param {HeadingOptions} options The options for getting the heading data\n         * such as timeout and the frequency of the watch. For iOS, filter parameter\n         * specifies to watch via a distance filter rather than time.\n         */\n        watchHeading:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n            argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'compass.watchHeading', arguments);\n            // Default interval (100 msec)\n            var frequency = (options !== undefined && options.frequency !== undefined) ? options.frequency : 100;\n            var filter = (options !== undefined && options.filter !== undefined) ? options.filter : 0;\n\n            var id = utils.createUUID();\n            if (filter > 0) {\n                // is an iOS request for watch by filter, no timer needed\n                timers[id] = \"iOS\";\n                compass.getCurrentHeading(successCallback, errorCallback, options);\n            } else {\n                // Start watch timer to get headings\n                timers[id] = window.setInterval(function() {\n                    compass.getCurrentHeading(successCallback, errorCallback);\n                }, frequency);\n            }\n\n            return id;\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * Clears the specified heading watch.\n         * @param {String} watchId The ID of the watch returned from #watchHeading.\n         */\n        clearWatch:function(id) {\n            // Stop javascript timer & remove from timer list\n            if (id && timers[id]) {\n                if (timers[id] != \"iOS\") {\n                    clearInterval(timers[id]);\n                } else {\n                    // is iOS watch by filter so call into device to stop\n                    exec(null, null, \"Compass\", \"stopHeading\", []);\n                }\n                delete timers[id];\n            }\n        }\n    };\n\nmodule.exports = compass;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/compass.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/compass.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/compass/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/CompassHeading', 'CompassHeading');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/CompassError', 'CompassError');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/compass', 'navigator.compass');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/compass/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/compass/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/console-via-logger\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nvar logger = require(\"cordova/plugin/logger\");\nvar utils  = require(\"cordova/utils\");\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// object that we're exporting\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nvar console = module.exports;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// copy of the original console object\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nvar WinConsole = window.console;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// whether to use the logger\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nvar UseLogger = false;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// Timers\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nvar Timers = {};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// used for unimplemented methods\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nfunction noop() {}\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// used for unimplemented methods\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.useLogger = function (value) {\n    if (arguments.length) UseLogger = !!value;\n\n    if (UseLogger) {\n        if (logger.useConsole()) {\n            throw new Error(\"console and logger are too intertwingly\");\n        }\n    }\n\n    return UseLogger;\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.log = function() {\n    if (logger.useConsole()) return;\n    logger.log.apply(logger, [];\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.error = function() {\n    if (logger.useConsole()) return;\n    logger.error.apply(logger, [];\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.warn = function() {\n    if (logger.useConsole()) return;\n    logger.warn.apply(logger, [];\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ = function() {\n    if (logger.useConsole()) return;\n, [];\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.debug = function() {\n    if (logger.useConsole()) return;\n    logger.debug.apply(logger, [];\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.assert = function(expression) {\n    if (expression) return;\n\n    var message = utils.vformat(arguments[1], [], 2));\n    console.log(\"ASSERT: \" + message);\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.clear = function() {};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.dir = function(object) {\n    console.log(\"%o\", object);\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.dirxml = function(node) {\n    console.log(node.innerHTML);\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.trace = noop;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ = console.log;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.groupCollapsed = console.log;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.groupEnd = noop;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.time = function(name) {\n    Timers[name] = new Date().valueOf();\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.timeEnd = function(name) {\n    var timeStart = Timers[name];\n    if (!timeStart) {\n        console.warn(\"unknown timer: \" + name);\n        return;\n    }\n\n    var timeElapsed = new Date().valueOf() - timeStart;\n    console.log(name + \": \" + timeElapsed + \"ms\");\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.timeStamp = noop;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.profile = noop;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.profileEnd = noop;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.count = noop;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.exception = console.log;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.table = function(data, columns) {\n    console.log(\"%o\", data);\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// return a new function that calls both functions passed as args\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nfunction wrappedOrigCall(orgFunc, newFunc) {\n    return function() {\n        var args = [];\n        try { orgFunc.apply(WinConsole, args); } catch (e) {}\n        try { newFunc.apply(console,    args); } catch (e) {}\n    };\n}\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// For every function that exists in the original console object, that\n// also exists in the new console object, wrap the new console method\n// with one that calls both\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nfor (var key in console) {\n    if (typeof WinConsole[key] == \"function\") {\n        console[key] = wrappedOrigCall(WinConsole[key], console[key]);\n    }\n}\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/console-via-logger.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/console-via-logger.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/contacts\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    ContactError = require('cordova/plugin/ContactError'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    Contact = require('cordova/plugin/Contact');\n\n/**\n* Represents a group of Contacts.\n* @constructor\n*/\nvar contacts = {\n    /**\n     * Returns an array of Contacts matching the search criteria.\n     * @param fields that should be searched\n     * @param successCB success callback\n     * @param errorCB error callback\n     * @param {ContactFindOptions} options that can be applied to contact searching\n     * @return array of Contacts matching search criteria\n     */\n    find:function(fields, successCB, errorCB, options) {\n        argscheck.checkArgs('afFO', 'contacts.find', arguments);\n        if (!fields.length) {\n            errorCB && errorCB(new ContactError(ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR));\n        } else {\n            var win = function(result) {\n                var cs = [];\n                for (var i = 0, l = result.length; i < l; i++) {\n                    cs.push(contacts.create(result[i]));\n                }\n                successCB(cs);\n            };\n            exec(win, errorCB, \"Contacts\", \"search\", [fields, options]);\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * This function creates a new contact, but it does not persist the contact\n     * to device storage. To persist the contact to device storage, invoke\n     *\n     * @param properties an object whose properties will be examined to create a new Contact\n     * @returns new Contact object\n     */\n    create:function(properties) {\n        argscheck.checkArgs('O', 'contacts.create', arguments);\n        var contact = new Contact();\n        for (var i in properties) {\n            if (typeof contact[i] !== 'undefined' && properties.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\n                contact[i] = properties[i];\n            }\n        }\n        return contact;\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = contacts;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/contacts.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/contacts.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/contacts/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/contacts', 'navigator.contacts');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/Contact', 'Contact');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ContactAddress', 'ContactAddress');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ContactError', 'ContactError');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ContactField', 'ContactField');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ContactFindOptions', 'ContactFindOptions');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ContactName', 'ContactName');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ContactOrganization', 'ContactOrganization');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/contacts/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/contacts/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/device\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    channel = require('cordova/channel'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\n// Tell cordova channel to wait on the CordovaInfoReady event\nchannel.waitForInitialization('onCordovaInfoReady');\n\n/**\n * This represents the mobile device, and provides properties for inspecting the model, version, UUID of the\n * phone, etc.\n * @constructor\n */\nfunction Device() {\n    this.available = false;\n    this.platform = null;\n    this.version = null;\n = null;\n    this.uuid = null;\n    this.cordova = null;\n    this.model = null;\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    channel.onCordovaReady.subscribe(function() {\n        me.getInfo(function(info) {\n            me.available = true;\n            me.platform = info.platform;\n            me.version = info.version;\n   =;\n            me.uuid = info.uuid;\n            me.cordova = info.cordova;\n            me.model = info.model;\n  ;\n        },function(e) {\n            me.available = false;\n            utils.alert(\"[ERROR] Error initializing Cordova: \" + e);\n        });\n    });\n}\n\n/**\n * Get device info\n *\n * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the heading data is available\n * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the heading data. (OPTIONAL)\n */\nDevice.prototype.getInfo = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('fF', 'Device.getInfo', arguments);\n    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"Device\", \"getDeviceInfo\", []);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = new Device();\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/device.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/device.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/device/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/device', 'device');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/device/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/device/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/echo\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils');\n\n/**\n * Sends the given message through exec() to the Echo plugin, which sends it back to the successCallback.\n * @param successCallback  invoked with a FileSystem object\n * @param errorCallback  invoked if error occurs retrieving file system\n * @param message  The string to be echoed.\n * @param forceAsync  Whether to force an async return value (for testing native->js bridge).\n */\nmodule.exports = function(successCallback, errorCallback, message, forceAsync) {\n    var action = 'echo';\n    var messageIsMultipart = (utils.typeName(message) == \"Array\");\n    var args = messageIsMultipart ? message : [message];\n\n    if (utils.typeName(message) == 'ArrayBuffer') {\n        if (forceAsync) {\n            console.warn('Cannot echo ArrayBuffer with forced async, falling back to sync.');\n        }\n        action += 'ArrayBuffer';\n    } else if (messageIsMultipart) {\n        if (forceAsync) {\n            console.warn('Cannot echo MultiPart Array with forced async, falling back to sync.');\n        }\n        action += 'MultiPart';\n    } else if (forceAsync) {\n        action += 'Async';\n    }\n\n    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"Echo\", action, args);\n};\n\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/echo.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/echo.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/file/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper'),\n    symbolshelper = require('cordova/plugin/file/symbolshelper');\n\nsymbolshelper(modulemapper.defaults);\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/webos/requestfilesystem', 'requestFileSystem');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/webos/filereader', 'FileReader');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/file/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/file/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/file/symbolshelper\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nmodule.exports = function(exportFunc) {\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry', 'DirectoryEntry');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/DirectoryReader', 'DirectoryReader');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/Entry', 'Entry');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/File', 'File');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileEntry', 'FileEntry');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileError', 'FileError');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileReader', 'FileReader');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileSystem', 'FileSystem');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileUploadOptions', 'FileUploadOptions');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileUploadResult', 'FileUploadResult');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileWriter', 'FileWriter');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/Flags', 'Flags');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/LocalFileSystem', 'LocalFileSystem');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/Metadata', 'Metadata');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent', 'ProgressEvent');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/requestFileSystem', 'requestFileSystem');\n    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/resolveLocalFileSystemURI', 'resolveLocalFileSystemURI');\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/file/symbolshelper.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/file/symbolshelper.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/filetransfer/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/FileTransfer', 'FileTransfer');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/FileTransferError', 'FileTransferError');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/filetransfer/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/filetransfer/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/geolocation\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    PositionError = require('cordova/plugin/PositionError'),\n    Position = require('cordova/plugin/Position');\n\nvar timers = {};   // list of timers in use\n\n// Returns default params, overrides if provided with values\nfunction parseParameters(options) {\n    var opt = {\n        maximumAge: 0,\n        enableHighAccuracy: false,\n        timeout: Infinity\n    };\n\n    if (options) {\n        if (options.maximumAge !== undefined && !isNaN(options.maximumAge) && options.maximumAge > 0) {\n            opt.maximumAge = options.maximumAge;\n        }\n        if (options.enableHighAccuracy !== undefined) {\n            opt.enableHighAccuracy = options.enableHighAccuracy;\n        }\n        if (options.timeout !== undefined && !isNaN(options.timeout)) {\n            if (options.timeout < 0) {\n                opt.timeout = 0;\n            } else {\n                opt.timeout = options.timeout;\n            }\n        }\n    }\n\n    return opt;\n}\n\n// Returns a timeout failure, closed over a specified timeout value and error callback.\nfunction createTimeout(errorCallback, timeout) {\n    var t = setTimeout(function() {\n        clearTimeout(t);\n        t = null;\n        errorCallback({\n            code:PositionError.TIMEOUT,\n            message:\"Position retrieval timed out.\"\n        });\n    }, timeout);\n    return t;\n}\n\nvar geolocation = {\n    lastPosition:null, // reference to last known (cached) position returned\n    /**\n   * Asynchronously acquires the current position.\n   *\n   * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call when the position data is available\n   * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the heading position. (OPTIONAL)\n   * @param {PositionOptions} options     The options for getting the position data. (OPTIONAL)\n   */\n    getCurrentPosition:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'geolocation.getCurrentPosition', arguments);\n        options = parseParameters(options);\n\n        // Timer var that will fire an error callback if no position is retrieved from native\n        // before the \"timeout\" param provided expires\n        var timeoutTimer = {timer:null};\n\n        var win = function(p) {\n            clearTimeout(timeoutTimer.timer);\n            if (!(timeoutTimer.timer)) {\n                // Timeout already happened, or native fired error callback for\n                // this geo request.\n                // Don't continue with success callback.\n                return;\n            }\n            var pos = new Position(\n                {\n                    latitude:p.latitude,\n                    longitude:p.longitude,\n                    altitude:p.altitude,\n                    accuracy:p.accuracy,\n                    heading:p.heading,\n                    velocity:p.velocity,\n                    altitudeAccuracy:p.altitudeAccuracy\n                },\n                (p.timestamp === undefined ? new Date() : ((p.timestamp instanceof Date) ? p.timestamp : new Date(p.timestamp)))\n            );\n            geolocation.lastPosition = pos;\n            successCallback(pos);\n        };\n        var fail = function(e) {\n            clearTimeout(timeoutTimer.timer);\n            timeoutTimer.timer = null;\n            var err = new PositionError(e.code, e.message);\n            if (errorCallback) {\n                errorCallback(err);\n            }\n        };\n\n        // Check our cached position, if its timestamp difference with current time is less than the maximumAge, then just\n        // fire the success callback with the cached position.\n        if (geolocation.lastPosition && options.maximumAge && (((new Date()).getTime() - geolocation.lastPosition.timestamp.getTime()) <= options.maximumAge)) {\n            successCallback(geolocation.lastPosition);\n        // If the cached position check failed and the timeout was set to 0, error out with a TIMEOUT error object.\n        } else if (options.timeout === 0) {\n            fail({\n                code:PositionError.TIMEOUT,\n                message:\"timeout value in PositionOptions set to 0 and no cached Position object available, or cached Position object's age exceeds provided PositionOptions' maximumAge parameter.\"\n            });\n        // Otherwise we have to call into native to retrieve a position.\n        } else {\n            if (options.timeout !== Infinity) {\n                // If the timeout value was not set to Infinity (default), then\n                // set up a timeout function that will fire the error callback\n                // if no successful position was retrieved before timeout expired.\n                timeoutTimer.timer = createTimeout(fail, options.timeout);\n            } else {\n                // This is here so the check in the win function doesn't mess stuff up\n                // may seem weird but this guarantees timeoutTimer is\n                // always truthy before we call into native\n                timeoutTimer.timer = true;\n            }\n            exec(win, fail, \"Geolocation\", \"getLocation\", [options.enableHighAccuracy, options.maximumAge]);\n        }\n        return timeoutTimer;\n    },\n    /**\n     * Asynchronously watches the geolocation for changes to geolocation.  When a change occurs,\n     * the successCallback is called with the new location.\n     *\n     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call each time the location data is available\n     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the location data. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @param {PositionOptions} options     The options for getting the location data such as frequency. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @return String                       The watch id that must be passed to #clearWatch to stop watching.\n     */\n    watchPosition:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'geolocation.getCurrentPosition', arguments);\n        options = parseParameters(options);\n\n        var id = utils.createUUID();\n\n        // Tell device to get a position ASAP, and also retrieve a reference to the timeout timer generated in getCurrentPosition\n        timers[id] = geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options);\n\n        var fail = function(e) {\n            clearTimeout(timers[id].timer);\n            var err = new PositionError(e.code, e.message);\n            if (errorCallback) {\n                errorCallback(err);\n            }\n        };\n\n        var win = function(p) {\n            clearTimeout(timers[id].timer);\n            if (options.timeout !== Infinity) {\n                timers[id].timer = createTimeout(fail, options.timeout);\n            }\n            var pos = new Position(\n                {\n                    latitude:p.latitude,\n                    longitude:p.longitude,\n                    altitude:p.altitude,\n                    accuracy:p.accuracy,\n                    heading:p.heading,\n                    velocity:p.velocity,\n                    altitudeAccuracy:p.altitudeAccuracy\n                },\n                (p.timestamp === undefined ? new Date() : ((p.timestamp instanceof Date) ? p.timestamp : new Date(p.timestamp)))\n            );\n            geolocation.lastPosition = pos;\n            successCallback(pos);\n        };\n\n        exec(win, fail, \"Geolocation\", \"addWatch\", [id, options.enableHighAccuracy]);\n\n        return id;\n    },\n    /**\n     * Clears the specified heading watch.\n     *\n     * @param {String} id       The ID of the watch returned from #watchPosition\n     */\n    clearWatch:function(id) {\n        if (id && timers[id] !== undefined) {\n            clearTimeout(timers[id].timer);\n            timers[id].timer = false;\n            exec(null, null, \"Geolocation\", \"clearWatch\", [id]);\n        }\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = geolocation;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/geolocation.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/geolocation.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/geolocation/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/geolocation', 'navigator.geolocation');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/PositionError', 'PositionError');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/Position', 'Position');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/Coordinates', 'Coordinates');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/geolocation/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/geolocation/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/globalization\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    GlobalizationError = require('cordova/plugin/GlobalizationError');\n\nvar globalization = {\n\n/**\n* Returns the string identifier for the client's current language.\n* It returns the language identifier string to the successCB callback with a\n* properties object as a parameter. If there is an error getting the language,\n* then the errorCB callback is invoked.\n*\n* @param {Function} successCB\n* @param {Function} errorCB\n*\n* @return Object.value {String}: The language identifier\n*\n* @error GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR\n*\n* Example\n*    globalization.getPreferredLanguage(function (language) {alert('language:' + language.value + '\\n');},\n*                                function () {});\n*/\ngetPreferredLanguage:function(successCB, failureCB) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('fF', 'Globalization.getPreferredLanguage', arguments);\n    exec(successCB, failureCB, \"Globalization\",\"getPreferredLanguage\", []);\n},\n\n/**\n* Returns the string identifier for the client's current locale setting.\n* It returns the locale identifier string to the successCB callback with a\n* properties object as a parameter. If there is an error getting the locale,\n* then the errorCB callback is invoked.\n*\n* @param {Function} successCB\n* @param {Function} errorCB\n*\n* @return Object.value {String}: The locale identifier\n*\n* @error GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR\n*\n* Example\n*    globalization.getLocaleName(function (locale) {alert('locale:' + locale.value + '\\n');},\n*                                function () {});\n*/\ngetLocaleName:function(successCB, failureCB) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('fF', 'Globalization.getLocaleName', arguments);\n    exec(successCB, failureCB, \"Globalization\",\"getLocaleName\", []);\n},\n\n\n/**\n* Returns a date formatted as a string according to the client's user preferences and\n* calendar using the time zone of the client. It returns the formatted date string to the\n* successCB callback with a properties object as a parameter. If there is an error\n* formatting the date, then the errorCB callback is invoked.\n*\n* The defaults are: formatLenght=\"short\" and selector=\"date and time\"\n*\n* @param {Date} date\n* @param {Function} successCB\n* @param {Function} errorCB\n* @param {Object} options {optional}\n*            formatLength {String}: 'short', 'medium', 'long', or 'full'\n*            selector {String}: 'date', 'time', or 'date and time'\n*\n* @return Object.value {String}: The localized date string\n*\n* @error GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR\n*\n* Example\n*    globalization.dateToString(new Date(),\n*                function (date) {alert('date:' + date.value + '\\n');},\n*                function (errorCode) {alert(errorCode);},\n*                {formatLength:'short'});\n*/\ndateToString:function(date, successCB, failureCB, options) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('dfFO', 'Globalization.dateToString', arguments);\n    var dateValue = date.valueOf();\n    exec(successCB, failureCB, \"Globalization\", \"dateToString\", [{\"date\": dateValue, \"options\": options}]);\n},\n\n\n/**\n* Parses a date formatted as a string according to the client's user\n* preferences and calendar using the time zone of the client and returns\n* the corresponding date object. It returns the date to the successCB\n* callback with a properties object as a parameter. If there is an error\n* parsing the date string, then the errorCB callback is invoked.\n*\n* The defaults are: formatLength=\"short\" and selector=\"date and time\"\n*\n* @param {String} dateString\n* @param {Function} successCB\n* @param {Function} errorCB\n* @param {Object} options {optional}\n*            formatLength {String}: 'short', 'medium', 'long', or 'full'\n*            selector {String}: 'date', 'time', or 'date and time'\n*\n* @return    Object.year {Number}: The four digit year\n*            Object.month {Number}: The month from (0 - 11)\n*   {Number}: The day from (1 - 31)\n*            Object.hour {Number}: The hour from (0 - 23)\n*            Object.minute {Number}: The minute from (0 - 59)\n*            Object.second {Number}: The second from (0 - 59)\n*            Object.millisecond {Number}: The milliseconds (from 0 - 999),\n*                                        not available on all platforms\n*\n* @error GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR\n*\n* Example\n*    globalization.stringToDate('4/11/2011',\n*                function (date) { alert('Month:' + date.month + '\\n' +\n*                    'Day:' + + '\\n' +\n*                    'Year:' + date.year + '\\n');},\n*                function (errorCode) {alert(errorCode);},\n*                {selector:'date'});\n*/\nstringToDate:function(dateString, successCB, failureCB, options) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('sfFO', 'Globalization.stringToDate', arguments);\n    exec(successCB, failureCB, \"Globalization\", \"stringToDate\", [{\"dateString\": dateString, \"options\": options}]);\n},\n\n\n/**\n* Returns a pattern string for formatting and parsing dates according to the client's\n* user preferences. It returns the pattern to the successCB callback with a\n* properties object as a parameter. If there is an error obtaining the pattern,\n* then the errorCB callback is invoked.\n*\n* The defaults are: formatLength=\"short\" and selector=\"date and time\"\n*\n* @param {Function} successCB\n* @param {Function} errorCB\n* @param {Object} options {optional}\n*            formatLength {String}: 'short', 'medium', 'long', or 'full'\n*            selector {String}: 'date', 'time', or 'date and time'\n*\n* @return    Object.pattern {String}: The date and time pattern for formatting and parsing dates.\n*                                    The patterns follow Unicode Technical Standard #35\n*                          \n*            Object.timezone {String}: The abbreviated name of the time zone on the client\n*            Object.utc_offset {Number}: The current difference in seconds between the client's\n*                                        time zone and coordinated universal time.\n*            Object.dst_offset {Number}: The current daylight saving time offset in seconds\n*                                        between the client's non-daylight saving's time zone\n*                                        and the client's daylight saving's time zone.\n*\n* @error GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR\n*\n* Example\n*    globalization.getDatePattern(\n*                function (date) {alert('pattern:' + date.pattern + '\\n');},\n*                function () {},\n*                {formatLength:'short'});\n*/\ngetDatePattern:function(successCB, failureCB, options) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'Globalization.getDatePattern', arguments);\n    exec(successCB, failureCB, \"Globalization\", \"getDatePattern\", [{\"options\": options}]);\n},\n\n\n/**\n* Returns an array of either the names of the months or days of the week\n* according to the client's user preferences and calendar. It returns the array of names to the\n* successCB callback with a properties object as a parameter. If there is an error obtaining the\n* names, then the errorCB callback is invoked.\n*\n* The defaults are: type=\"wide\" and item=\"months\"\n*\n* @param {Function} successCB\n* @param {Function} errorCB\n* @param {Object} options {optional}\n*            type {String}: 'narrow' or 'wide'\n*            item {String}: 'months', or 'days'\n*\n* @return Object.value {Array{String}}: The array of names starting from either\n*                                        the first month in the year or the\n*                                        first day of the week.\n* @error GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR\n*\n* Example\n*    globalization.getDateNames(function (names) {\n*        for(var i = 0; i < names.value.length; i++) {\n*            alert('Month:' + names.value[i] + '\\n');}},\n*        function () {});\n*/\ngetDateNames:function(successCB, failureCB, options) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'Globalization.getDateNames', arguments);\n    exec(successCB, failureCB, \"Globalization\", \"getDateNames\", [{\"options\": options}]);\n},\n\n/**\n* Returns whether daylight savings time is in effect for a given date using the client's\n* time zone and calendar. It returns whether or not daylight savings time is in effect\n* to the successCB callback with a properties object as a parameter. If there is an error\n* reading the date, then the errorCB callback is invoked.\n*\n* @param {Date} date\n* @param {Function} successCB\n* @param {Function} errorCB\n*\n* @return Object.dst {Boolean}: The value \"true\" indicates that daylight savings time is\n*                                in effect for the given date and \"false\" indicate that it is not.\n*\n* @error GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR\n*\n* Example\n*    globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime(new Date(),\n*                function (date) {alert('dst:' + date.dst + '\\n');}\n*                function () {});\n*/\nisDayLightSavingsTime:function(date, successCB, failureCB) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('dfF', 'Globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime', arguments);\n    var dateValue = date.valueOf();\n    exec(successCB, failureCB, \"Globalization\", \"isDayLightSavingsTime\", [{\"date\": dateValue}]);\n},\n\n/**\n* Returns the first day of the week according to the client's user preferences and calendar.\n* The days of the week are numbered starting from 1 where 1 is considered to be Sunday.\n* It returns the day to the successCB callback with a properties object as a parameter.\n* If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the errorCB callback is invoked.\n*\n* @param {Function} successCB\n* @param {Function} errorCB\n*\n* @return Object.value {Number}: The number of the first day of the week.\n*\n* @error GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR\n*\n* Example\n*    globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek(function (day)\n*                { alert('Day:' + day.value + '\\n');},\n*                function () {});\n*/\ngetFirstDayOfWeek:function(successCB, failureCB) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('fF', 'Globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek', arguments);\n    exec(successCB, failureCB, \"Globalization\", \"getFirstDayOfWeek\", []);\n},\n\n\n/**\n* Returns a number formatted as a string according to the client's user preferences.\n* It returns the formatted number string to the successCB callback with a properties object as a\n* parameter. If there is an error formatting the number, then the errorCB callback is invoked.\n*\n* The defaults are: type=\"decimal\"\n*\n* @param {Number} number\n* @param {Function} successCB\n* @param {Function} errorCB\n* @param {Object} options {optional}\n*            type {String}: 'decimal', \"percent\", or 'currency'\n*\n* @return Object.value {String}: The formatted number string.\n*\n* @error GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR\n*\n* Example\n*    globalization.numberToString(3.25,\n*                function (number) {alert('number:' + number.value + '\\n');},\n*                function () {},\n*                {type:'decimal'});\n*/\nnumberToString:function(number, successCB, failureCB, options) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('nfFO', 'Globalization.numberToString', arguments);\n    exec(successCB, failureCB, \"Globalization\", \"numberToString\", [{\"number\": number, \"options\": options}]);\n},\n\n/**\n* Parses a number formatted as a string according to the client's user preferences and\n* returns the corresponding number. It returns the number to the successCB callback with a\n* properties object as a parameter. If there is an error parsing the number string, then\n* the errorCB callback is invoked.\n*\n* The defaults are: type=\"decimal\"\n*\n* @param {String} numberString\n* @param {Function} successCB\n* @param {Function} errorCB\n* @param {Object} options {optional}\n*            type {String}: 'decimal', \"percent\", or 'currency'\n*\n* @return Object.value {Number}: The parsed number.\n*\n* @error GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR\n*\n* Example\n*    globalization.stringToNumber('1234.56',\n*                function (number) {alert('Number:' + number.value + '\\n');},\n*                function () { alert('Error parsing number');});\n*/\nstringToNumber:function(numberString, successCB, failureCB, options) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('sfFO', 'Globalization.stringToNumber', arguments);\n    exec(successCB, failureCB, \"Globalization\", \"stringToNumber\", [{\"numberString\": numberString, \"options\": options}]);\n},\n\n/**\n* Returns a pattern string for formatting and parsing numbers according to the client's user\n* preferences. It returns the pattern to the successCB callback with a properties object as a\n* parameter. If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the errorCB callback is invoked.\n*\n* The defaults are: type=\"decimal\"\n*\n* @param {Function} successCB\n* @param {Function} errorCB\n* @param {Object} options {optional}\n*            type {String}: 'decimal', \"percent\", or 'currency'\n*\n* @return    Object.pattern {String}: The number pattern for formatting and parsing numbers.\n*                                    The patterns follow Unicode Technical Standard #35.\n*                          \n*            Object.symbol {String}: The symbol to be used when formatting and parsing\n*                                    e.g., percent or currency symbol.\n*            Object.fraction {Number}: The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and\n*                                    formatting numbers.\n*            Object.rounding {Number}: The rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting.\n*            Object.positive {String}: The symbol to use for positive numbers when parsing and formatting.\n*            Object.negative: {String}: The symbol to use for negative numbers when parsing and formatting.\n*            Object.decimal: {String}: The decimal symbol to use for parsing and formatting.\n*            Object.grouping: {String}: The grouping symbol to use for parsing and formatting.\n*\n* @error GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR\n*\n* Example\n*    globalization.getNumberPattern(\n*                function (pattern) {alert('Pattern:' + pattern.pattern + '\\n');},\n*                function () {});\n*/\ngetNumberPattern:function(successCB, failureCB, options) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'Globalization.getNumberPattern', arguments);\n    exec(successCB, failureCB, \"Globalization\", \"getNumberPattern\", [{\"options\": options}]);\n},\n\n/**\n* Returns a pattern string for formatting and parsing currency values according to the client's\n* user preferences and ISO 4217 currency code. It returns the pattern to the successCB callback with a\n* properties object as a parameter. If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the errorCB\n* callback is invoked.\n*\n* @param {String} currencyCode\n* @param {Function} successCB\n* @param {Function} errorCB\n*\n* @return    Object.pattern {String}: The currency pattern for formatting and parsing currency values.\n*                                    The patterns follow Unicode Technical Standard #35\n*                          \n*            Object.code {String}: The ISO 4217 currency code for the pattern.\n*            Object.fraction {Number}: The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and\n*                                    formatting currency.\n*            Object.rounding {Number}: The rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting.\n*            Object.decimal: {String}: The decimal symbol to use for parsing and formatting.\n*            Object.grouping: {String}: The grouping symbol to use for parsing and formatting.\n*\n* @error GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR\n*\n* Example\n*    globalization.getCurrencyPattern('EUR',\n*                function (currency) {alert('Pattern:' + currency.pattern + '\\n');}\n*                function () {});\n*/\ngetCurrencyPattern:function(currencyCode, successCB, failureCB) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('sfF', 'Globalization.getCurrencyPattern', arguments);\n    exec(successCB, failureCB, \"Globalization\", \"getCurrencyPattern\", [{\"currencyCode\": currencyCode}]);\n}\n\n};\n\nmodule.exports = globalization;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/globalization.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/globalization.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/globalization/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/globalization', 'navigator.globalization');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/GlobalizationError', 'GlobalizationError');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/globalization/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/globalization/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/logger\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// The logger module exports the following properties/functions:\n//\n// LOG                          - constant for the level LOG\n// ERROR                        - constant for the level ERROR\n// WARN                         - constant for the level WARN\n// INFO                         - constant for the level INFO\n// DEBUG                        - constant for the level DEBUG\n// logLevel()                   - returns current log level\n// logLevel(value)              - sets and returns a new log level\n// useConsole()                 - returns whether logger is using console\n// useConsole(value)            - sets and returns whether logger is using console\n// log(message,...)             - logs a message at level LOG\n// error(message,...)           - logs a message at level ERROR\n// warn(message,...)            - logs a message at level WARN\n// info(message,...)            - logs a message at level INFO\n// debug(message,...)           - logs a message at level DEBUG\n// logLevel(level,message,...)  - logs a message specified level\n//\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nvar logger = exports;\n\nvar exec    = require('cordova/exec');\nvar utils   = require('cordova/utils');\n\nvar UseConsole   = true;\nvar Queued       = [];\nvar DeviceReady  = false;\nvar CurrentLevel;\n\n/**\n * Logging levels\n */\n\nvar Levels = [\n    \"LOG\",\n    \"ERROR\",\n    \"WARN\",\n    \"INFO\",\n    \"DEBUG\"\n];\n\n/*\n * add the logging levels to the logger object and\n * to a separate levelsMap object for testing\n */\n\nvar LevelsMap = {};\nfor (var i=0; i<Levels.length; i++) {\n    var level = Levels[i];\n    LevelsMap[level] = i;\n    logger[level]    = level;\n}\n\nCurrentLevel = LevelsMap.WARN;\n\n/**\n * Getter/Setter for the logging level\n *\n * Returns the current logging level.\n *\n * When a value is passed, sets the logging level to that value.\n * The values should be one of the following constants:\n *    logger.LOG\n *    logger.ERROR\n *    logger.WARN\n *    logger.INFO\n *    logger.DEBUG\n *\n * The value used determines which messages get printed.  The logging\n * values above are in order, and only messages logged at the logging\n * level or above will actually be displayed to the user.  E.g., the\n * default level is WARN, so only messages logged with LOG, ERROR, or\n * WARN will be displayed; INFO and DEBUG messages will be ignored.\n */\nlogger.level = function (value) {\n    if (arguments.length) {\n        if (LevelsMap[value] === null) {\n            throw new Error(\"invalid logging level: \" + value);\n        }\n        CurrentLevel = LevelsMap[value];\n    }\n\n    return Levels[CurrentLevel];\n};\n\n/**\n * Getter/Setter for the useConsole functionality\n *\n * When useConsole is true, the logger will log via the\n * browser 'console' object.  Otherwise, it will use the\n * native Logger plugin.\n */\nlogger.useConsole = function (value) {\n    if (arguments.length) UseConsole = !!value;\n\n    if (UseConsole) {\n        if (typeof console == \"undefined\") {\n            throw new Error(\"global console object is not defined\");\n        }\n\n        if (typeof console.log != \"function\") {\n            throw new Error(\"global console object does not have a log function\");\n        }\n\n        if (typeof console.useLogger == \"function\") {\n            if (console.useLogger()) {\n                throw new Error(\"console and logger are too intertwingly\");\n            }\n        }\n    }\n\n    return UseConsole;\n};\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the LOG level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.log   = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"LOG\",   arguments); };\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the ERROR level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.error = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"ERROR\", arguments); };\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the WARN level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.warn  = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"WARN\",  arguments); };\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the INFO level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\  = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"INFO\",  arguments); };\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the DEBUG level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.debug = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"DEBUG\", arguments); };\n\n// log at the specified level with args\nfunction logWithArgs(level, args) {\n    args = [level].concat([];\n    logger.logLevel.apply(logger, args);\n}\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the specified level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.logLevel = function(level, message /* , ... */) {\n    // format the message with the parameters\n    var formatArgs = [], 2);\n    message    = utils.vformat(message, formatArgs);\n\n    if (LevelsMap[level] === null) {\n        throw new Error(\"invalid logging level: \" + level);\n    }\n\n    if (LevelsMap[level] > CurrentLevel) return;\n\n    // queue the message if not yet at deviceready\n    if (!DeviceReady && !UseConsole) {\n        Queued.push([level, message]);\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // if not using the console, use the native logger\n    if (!UseConsole) {\n        exec(null, null, \"Logger\", \"logLevel\", [level, message]);\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // make sure console is not using logger\n    if (console.__usingCordovaLogger) {\n        throw new Error(\"console and logger are too intertwingly\");\n    }\n\n    // log to the console\n    switch (level) {\n        case logger.LOG:   console.log(message); break;\n        case logger.ERROR: console.log(\"ERROR: \" + message); break;\n        case logger.WARN:  console.log(\"WARN: \"  + message); break;\n        case logger.INFO:  console.log(\"INFO: \"  + message); break;\n        case logger.DEBUG: console.log(\"DEBUG: \" + message); break;\n    }\n};\n\n// when deviceready fires, log queued messages\nlogger.__onDeviceReady = function() {\n    if (DeviceReady) return;\n\n    DeviceReady = true;\n\n    for (var i=0; i<Queued.length; i++) {\n        var messageArgs = Queued[i];\n        logger.logLevel(messageArgs[0], messageArgs[1]);\n    }\n\n    Queued = null;\n};\n\n// add a deviceready event to log queued messages\ndocument.addEventListener(\"deviceready\", logger.__onDeviceReady, false);\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/logger.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/logger.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/logger/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/logger', 'cordova.logger');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/logger/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/logger/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/media/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/Media', 'Media');\nmodulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/MediaError', 'MediaError');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/media/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/media/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/network\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    cordova = require('cordova'),\n    channel = require('cordova/channel'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils');\n\n// Link the onLine property with the Cordova-supplied network info.\n// This works because we clobber the naviagtor object with our own\n// object in bootstrap.js.\nif (typeof navigator != 'undefined') {\n    utils.defineGetter(navigator, 'onLine', function() {\n        return this.connection.type != 'none';\n    });\n}\n\nfunction NetworkConnection() {\n    this.type = 'unknown';\n}\n\n/**\n * Get connection info\n *\n * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the Connection data is available\n * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the Connection data. (OPTIONAL)\n */\nNetworkConnection.prototype.getInfo = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"NetworkStatus\", \"getConnectionInfo\", []);\n};\n\nvar me = new NetworkConnection();\nvar timerId = null;\nvar timeout = 500;\n\nchannel.onCordovaReady.subscribe(function() {\n    me.getInfo(function(info) {\n        me.type = info;\n        if (info === \"none\") {\n            // set a timer if still offline at the end of timer send the offline event\n            timerId = setTimeout(function(){\n                cordova.fireDocumentEvent(\"offline\");\n                timerId = null;\n            }, timeout);\n        } else {\n            // If there is a current offline event pending clear it\n            if (timerId !== null) {\n                clearTimeout(timerId);\n                timerId = null;\n            }\n            cordova.fireDocumentEvent(\"online\");\n        }\n\n        // should only fire this once\n        if (channel.onCordovaConnectionReady.state !== 2) {\n  ;\n        }\n    },\n    function (e) {\n        // If we can't get the network info we should still tell Cordova\n        // to fire the deviceready event.\n        if (channel.onCordovaConnectionReady.state !== 2) {\n  ;\n        }\n        console.log(\"Error initializing Network Connection: \" + e);\n    });\n});\n\nmodule.exports = me;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/network.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/network.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/networkstatus/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/network', '', ' is deprecated. Use navigator.connection instead.');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/network', 'navigator.connection');\nmodulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/Connection', 'Connection');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/networkstatus/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/networkstatus/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/notification\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec');\nvar platform = require('cordova/platform');\n\n/**\n * Provides access to notifications on the device.\n */\n\nmodule.exports = {\n\n    /**\n     * Open a native alert dialog, with a customizable title and button text.\n     *\n     * @param {String} message              Message to print in the body of the alert\n     * @param {Function} completeCallback   The callback that is called when user clicks on a button.\n     * @param {String} title                Title of the alert dialog (default: Alert)\n     * @param {String} buttonLabel          Label of the close button (default: OK)\n     */\n    alert: function(message, completeCallback, title, buttonLabel) {\n        var _title = (title || \"Alert\");\n        var _buttonLabel = (buttonLabel || \"OK\");\n        exec(completeCallback, null, \"Notification\", \"alert\", [message, _title, _buttonLabel]);\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Open a native confirm dialog, with a customizable title and button text.\n     * The result that the user selects is returned to the result callback.\n     *\n     * @param {String} message              Message to print in the body of the alert\n     * @param {Function} resultCallback     The callback that is called when user clicks on a button.\n     * @param {String} title                Title of the alert dialog (default: Confirm)\n     * @param {Array} buttonLabels          Array of the labels of the buttons (default: ['OK', 'Cancel'])\n     */\n    confirm: function(message, resultCallback, title, buttonLabels) {\n        var _title = (title || \"Confirm\");\n        var _buttonLabels = (buttonLabels || [\"OK\", \"Cancel\"]);\n\n        // Strings are deprecated!\n        if (typeof _buttonLabels === 'string') {\n            console.log(\"Notification.confirm(string, function, string, string) is deprecated.  Use Notification.confirm(string, function, string, array).\");\n        }\n\n        // Android and iOS take an array of button label names.\n        // Other platforms take a comma separated list.\n        // For compatibility, we convert to the desired type based on the platform.\n        if ( == \"android\" || == \"ios\") {\n            if (typeof _buttonLabels === 'string') {\n                var buttonLabelString = _buttonLabels;\n                _buttonLabels = buttonLabelString.split(\",\");\n            }\n        } else {\n            if (Array.isArray(_buttonLabels)) {\n                var buttonLabelArray = _buttonLabels;\n                _buttonLabels = buttonLabelArray.toString();\n            }\n        }\n        exec(resultCallback, null, \"Notification\", \"confirm\", [message, _title, _buttonLabels]);\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Open a native prompt dialog, with a customizable title and button text.\n     * The following results are returned to the result callback:\n     *  buttonIndex     Index number of the button selected.\n     *  input1          The text entered in the prompt dialog box.\n     *\n     * @param {String} message              Dialog message to display (default: \"Prompt message\")\n     * @param {Function} resultCallback     The callback that is called when user clicks on a button.\n     * @param {String} title                Title of the dialog (default: \"Prompt\")\n     * @param {Array} buttonLabels          Array of strings for the button labels (default: [\"OK\",\"Cancel\"])\n     */\n    prompt: function(message, resultCallback, title, buttonLabels) {\n        var _message = (message || \"Prompt message\");\n        var _title = (title || \"Prompt\");\n        var _buttonLabels = (buttonLabels || [\"OK\",\"Cancel\"]);\n        exec(resultCallback, null, \"Notification\", \"prompt\", [_message, _title, _buttonLabels]);\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Causes the device to vibrate.\n     *\n     * @param {Integer} mills       The number of milliseconds to vibrate for.\n     */\n    vibrate: function(mills) {\n        exec(null, null, \"Notification\", \"vibrate\", [mills]);\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Causes the device to beep.\n     * On Android, the default notification ringtone is played \"count\" times.\n     *\n     * @param {Integer} count       The number of beeps.\n     */\n    beep: function(count) {\n        exec(null, null, \"Notification\", \"beep\", [count]);\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/notification.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/notification.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/notification/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/notification', 'navigator.notification');\nmodulemapper.merges('cordova/plugin/webos/notification', 'navigator.notification');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/notification/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/notification/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/requestFileSystem\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),\n    FileSystem = require('cordova/plugin/FileSystem'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\n/**\n * Request a file system in which to store application data.\n * @param type  local file system type\n * @param size  indicates how much storage space, in bytes, the application expects to need\n * @param successCallback  invoked with a FileSystem object\n * @param errorCallback  invoked if error occurs retrieving file system\n */\nvar requestFileSystem = function(type, size, successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('nnFF', 'requestFileSystem', arguments);\n    var fail = function(code) {\n        errorCallback && errorCallback(new FileError(code));\n    };\n\n    if (type < 0 || type > 3) {\n        fail(FileError.SYNTAX_ERR);\n    } else {\n        // if successful, return a FileSystem object\n        var success = function(file_system) {\n            if (file_system) {\n                if (successCallback) {\n                    // grab the name and root from the file system object\n                    var result = new FileSystem(, file_system.root);\n                    successCallback(result);\n                }\n            }\n            else {\n                // no FileSystem object returned\n                fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);\n            }\n        };\n        exec(success, fail, \"File\", \"requestFileSystem\", [type, size]);\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = requestFileSystem;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/requestFileSystem.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/requestFileSystem.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/resolveLocalFileSystemURI\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),\n    DirectoryEntry = require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'),\n    FileEntry = require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'),\n    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\n/**\n * Look up file system Entry referred to by local URI.\n * @param {DOMString} uri  URI referring to a local file or directory\n * @param successCallback  invoked with Entry object corresponding to URI\n * @param errorCallback    invoked if error occurs retrieving file system entry\n */\nmodule.exports = function(uri, successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    argscheck.checkArgs('sFF', 'resolveLocalFileSystemURI', arguments);\n    // error callback\n    var fail = function(error) {\n        errorCallback && errorCallback(new FileError(error));\n    };\n    // sanity check for 'not:valid:filename'\n    if(!uri || uri.split(\":\").length > 2) {\n        setTimeout( function() {\n            fail(FileError.ENCODING_ERR);\n        },0);\n        return;\n    }\n    // if successful, return either a file or directory entry\n    var success = function(entry) {\n        var result;\n        if (entry) {\n            if (successCallback) {\n                // create appropriate Entry object\n                result = (entry.isDirectory) ? new DirectoryEntry(, entry.fullPath) : new FileEntry(, entry.fullPath);\n                successCallback(result);\n            }\n        }\n        else {\n            // no Entry object returned\n            fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);\n        }\n    };\n\n    exec(success, fail, \"File\", \"resolveLocalFileSystemURI\", [uri]);\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/resolveLocalFileSystemURI.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/resolveLocalFileSystemURI.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/splashscreen\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\nvar splashscreen = {\n    show:function() {\n        exec(null, null, \"SplashScreen\", \"show\", []);\n    },\n    hide:function() {\n        exec(null, null, \"SplashScreen\", \"hide\", []);\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = splashscreen;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/splashscreen.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/splashscreen.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/splashscreen/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/splashscreen', 'navigator.splashscreen');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/splashscreen/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/splashscreen/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/accelerometer\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar callback;\nmodule.exports = {\n    /*\n     * Tells WebOS to put higher priority on accelerometer resolution. Also relaxes the internal garbage collection events.\n     * @param {Boolean} state\n     * Dependencies: Mojo.windowProperties\n     * Example:\n     *         navigator.accelerometer.setFastAccelerometer(true)\n     */\n    setFastAccelerometer: function(state) {\n        navigator.windowProperties.fastAccelerometer = state;\n        navigator.window.setWindowProperties();\n    },\n\n    /*\n     * Starts the native acceleration listener.\n     */\n    start: function(win,fail,args) {\n        console.error(\"webos plugin accelerometer start\");\n        window.removeEventListener(\"acceleration\", callback);\n        callback = function(event) {\n            var accel = new Acceleration(event.accelX*-9.81, event.accelY*-9.81, event.accelZ*-9.81);\n            win(accel);\n        };\n        document.addEventListener(\"acceleration\", callback);\n    },\n    stop: function (win,fail,args) {\n        console.error(\"webos plugin accelerometer stop\");\n        window.removeEventListener(\"acceleration\", callback);\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/accelerometer.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/accelerometer.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/application\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    isActivated: function(inWindow) {\n        inWindow = inWindow || window;\n        if(inWindow.PalmSystem) {\n            return inWindow.PalmSystem.isActivated;\n        }\n        return false;\n    },\n\n    /*\n     * Tell webOS to activate the current page of your app, bringing it into focus.\n     * Example:\n     *         navigator.application.activate();\n     */\n    activate: function(inWindow) {\n        inWindow = inWindow || window;\n        if(inWindow.PalmSystem) {\n            inWindow.PalmSystem.activate();\n        }\n    },\n\n    /*\n     * Tell webOS to deactivate your app.\n     * Example:\n     *        navigator.application.deactivate();\n     */\n    deactivate: function(inWindow) {\n        inWindow = inWindow || window;\n        if(inWindow.PalmSystem) {\n            inWindow.PalmSystem.deactivate();\n        }\n    },\n\n    /*\n     * Returns the identifier of the current running application (e.g. com.yourdomain.yourapp).\n     * Example:\n     *        navigator.application.getIdentifier();\n     */\n    getIdentifier: function() {\n        return PalmSystem.identifier;\n    },\n\n    fetchAppId: function() {\n        if (window.PalmSystem) {\n            // PalmSystem.identifier: <appid> <processid>\n            return PalmSystem.identifier.split(\" \")[0];\n        }\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/application.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/application.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/camera\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar service = require('cordova/plugin/webos/service');\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    takePicture: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        var filename = (options || {}).filename | \"\";\n\n        service.Request('palm://com.palm.applicationManager', {\n            method: 'launch',\n            parameters: {\n            id: '',\n            params: {\n                    appId: '',\n                    name: 'capture',\n                    sublaunch: true,\n                    filename: filename\n                }\n            },\n            onSuccess: successCallback,\n            onFailure: errorCallback\n        });\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/camera.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/camera.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/compass\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar CompassHeading = require('cordova/plugin/CompassHeading'),\n    CompassError = require('cordova/plugin/CompassError');\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    getHeading: function (win, lose) {\n        // only TouchPad and Pre3 have a Compass/Gyro\n        if ( !== \"TouchPad\" && !== \"Prē3\") {\n            lose({code: CompassError.COMPASS_NOT_SUPPORTED});\n        } else {\n            console.error(\"webos plugin compass getheading\");\n            var onReadingChanged = function (e) {\n                var heading = new CompassHeading(e.magHeading, e.trueHeading);\n                document.removeEventListener(\"compass\", onReadingChanged);\n                win(heading);\n            };\n            document.addEventListener(\"compass\", onReadingChanged);\n        }\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/compass.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/compass.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/device\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar service = require('cordova/plugin/webos/service');\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    getDeviceInfo: function(success, fail, args) {\n        console.log(\"webOS Plugin: Device - getDeviceInfo\");\n\n        service.Request('palm://com.palm.preferences/systemProperties', {\n            method:\"Get\",\n            parameters:{\"key\": \"\" },\n            onSuccess: function (result) {\n                var parsedData = JSON.parse(PalmSystem.deviceInfo);\n\n                success({\n                    cordova: \"2.2.0\",\n                    platform: \"HP webOS\",\n                    name: parsedData.modelName,\n                    version: parsedData.platformVersion,\n                    uuid: result[\"\"]\n                });\n            }\n        });\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/device.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/device.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/file\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n/**\n * Constructor.\n * name {DOMString} name of the file, without path information\n * fullPath {DOMString} the full path of the file, including the name\n * type {DOMString} mime type\n * lastModifiedDate {Date} last modified date\n * size {Number} size of the file in bytes\n */\n\nvar File = function(name, fullPath, type, lastModifiedDate, size){\n = name || '';\n    this.fullPath = fullPath || null;\n    this.type = type || null;\n    this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate || null;\n    this.size = size || 0;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = File;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/file.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/file.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/filereader\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),\n    ProgressEvent = require('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent');\n\nvar FileReader = function() {\n    this.fileName = \"\";\n\n    this.readyState = 0; // FileReader.EMPTY\n\n    // File data\n    this.result = null;\n\n    // Error\n    this.error = null;\n\n    // Event handlers\n    this.onloadstart = null;    // When the read starts.\n    this.onprogress = null;     // While reading (and decoding) file or fileBlob data, and reporting partial file data (progess.loaded/\n    this.onload = null;         // When the read has successfully completed.\n    this.onerror = null;        // When the read has failed (see errors).\n    this.onloadend = null;      // When the request has completed (either in success or failure).\n    this.onabort = null;        // When the read has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method.\n};\n\nFileReader.prototype.readAsText = function(file, encoding) {\n    console.error(\"webos plugin filereader readastext:\" + file);\n    //Mojo has no file i/o yet, so we use an xhr. very limited\n\n    // Already loading something\n    if (this.readyState == FileReader.LOADING) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    // LOADING state\n    this.readyState = FileReader.LOADING;\n\n    // If loadstart callback\n    if (typeof this.onloadstart === \"function\") {\n        this.onloadstart(new ProgressEvent(\"loadstart\", {target:this}));\n    }\n\n    // Default encoding is UTF-8\n    var enc = encoding ? encoding : \"UTF-8\";\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {\n        console.error(\"onreadystatechange:\"+xhr.readyState+\" \"+xhr.status);\n        if (xhr.readyState == 4) {\n            if (xhr.status == 200 && xhr.responseText) {\n                console.error(\"file read completed\");\n                // Save result\n                me.result = xhr.responseText;\n\n                // If onload callback\n                if (typeof me.onload === \"function\") {\n                    me.onload(new ProgressEvent(\"load\", {target:me}));\n                }\n\n                // DONE state\n                me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n                // If onloadend callback\n                if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                    me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n                }\n\n            } else {\n                // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n                if (me.readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                    return;\n                }\n\n                // DONE state\n                me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n                me.result = null;\n\n                // Save error\n                me.error = new FileError(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);\n\n                // If onerror callback\n                if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                    me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {target:me}));\n                }\n\n                // If onloadend callback\n                if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                    me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n                }\n            }\n        }\n    };\n\"GET\", file, true);\n    xhr.send();\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileReader;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/filereader.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/filereader.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/geolocation\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar service = require('cordova/plugin/webos/service');\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    getLocation: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        console.error(\"webos plugin geolocation getlocation\");\n        var request = service.Request('palm://com.palm.location', {\n            method: \"getCurrentPosition\",\n            onSuccess: function(event) {\n                var alias={};\n                alias.lastPosition = {\n                    coords: {\n                        latitude: event.latitude,\n                        longitude: event.longitude,\n                        altitude: (event.altitude >= 0 ? event.altitude: null),\n                        speed: (event.velocity >= 0 ? event.velocity: null),\n                        heading: (event.heading >= 0 ? event.heading: null),\n                        accuracy: (event.horizAccuracy >= 0 ? event.horizAccuracy: null),\n                        altitudeAccuracy: (event.vertAccuracy >= 0 ? event.vertAccuracy: null)\n                    },\n                    timestamp: new Date().getTime()\n                };\n\n                successCallback(alias.lastPosition);\n            },\n            onFailure: function() {\n                errorCallback();\n            }\n        });\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/geolocation.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/geolocation.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/keyboard\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar _isShowing = null,\n    _manual = null;\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    types: {\n        text: 0,\n        password: 1,\n        search: 2,\n        range: 3,\n        email: 4,\n        number: 5,\n        phone: 6,\n        url: 7,\n        color: 8\n    },\n    isShowing: function() {\n        return !!_isShowing;\n    },\n    show: function(type){\n        if(this.isManualMode()) {\n            PalmSystem.keyboardShow(type || 0);\n        }\n    },\n    hide: function(){\n        if(this.isManualMode()) {\n            PalmSystem.keyboardHide();\n        }\n    },\n    setManualMode: function(mode){\n        _manual = mode;\n        PalmSystem.setManualKeyboardEnabled(mode);\n    },\n    isManualMode: function(){\n        return _manual || false;\n    },\n    forceShow: function(inType){\n        this.setManualMode(true);\n        PalmSystem.keyboardShow(inType || 0);\n    },\n    forceHide: function(){\n        this.setManualMode(true);\n        PalmSystem.keyboardHide();\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/keyboard.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/keyboard.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/network\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar service=require('cordova/plugin/webos/service'),\n    Connection = require('cordova/plugin/Connection');\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    /**\n     * Get connection info\n     *\n     * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the Connection data is available\n     * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the Connection data. (OPTIONAL)\n     */\n    getConnectionInfo: function (successCallback, errorCallback) {\n        // Get info\n        console.log(\"webos Plugin: NetworkStatus - getConnectionInfo\");\n\n        service.Request('palm://com.palm.connectionmanager', {\n            method: 'getstatus',\n            parameters: {},\n            onSuccess: function (result) {\n                console.log(\"result:\"+JSON.stringify(result));\n\n                var info={};\n                if (!result.isInternetConnectionAvailable) { info.type=Connection.NONE; }\n                if (result.wifi && result.wifi.onInternet) { info.type=Connection.WIFI; }\n                if (result.wan && result.wan.state===\"connected\") { info.type=Connection.CELL_2G; }\n\n                successCallback(info.type);\n            },\n            onFailure: errorCallback\n        });\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/network.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/network.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/notification\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    /*\n     * adds a dashboard to the WebOS app\n     * @param {String} url\n     * @param {String} html\n     * Example:\n     *        navigator.notification.newDashboard(\"dashboard.html\");\n     */\n    newDashboard: function(url, html) {\n        var win =, \"_blank\", \"attributes={\\\"window\\\":\\\"dashboard\\\"}\");\n        html && win.document.write(html);\n        win.PalmSystem.stageReady();\n    },\n\n    /*\n     * Displays a banner notification. If specified, will send your 'response' object as data via the 'palmsystem' DOM event.\n     * If no 'icon' filename is specified, will use a small version of your application icon.\n     * @param {String} message\n     * @param {Object} response\n     * @param {String} icon\n     * @param {String} soundClass class of the sound; supported classes are: \"ringtones\", \"alerts\", \"alarm\", \"calendar\", \"notification\"\n     * @param {String} soundFile partial or full path to the sound file\n     * @param {String} soundDurationMs of sound in ms\n     * Example:\n     *        navigator.notification.showBanner('test message');\n     */\n    showBanner: function(message, response, icon, soundClass, soundFile, soundDurationMs) {\n        response = response || {\n            banner: true\n        };\n        PalmSystem.addBannerMessage(message, JSON.stringify(response), icon, soundClass, soundFile, soundDurationMs);\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Remove a banner from the banner area. The category parameter defaults to 'banner'. Will not remove\n     * messages that are already displayed.\n     * @param {String} category\n            Value defined by the application and usually same one used in {@link showBanner}.\n            It is used if you have more than one kind of banner message.\n     */\n    removeBannerMessage: function(category) {\n        var bannerKey = category || 'banner';\n        var bannerId = this.banners.get(bannerKey);\n        if (bannerId) {\n            try {\n                PalmSystem.removeBannerMessage(bannerId);\n            } catch(removeBannerException) {\n                window.debug.error(removeBannerException.toString());\n            }\n        }\n    },\n\n    /*\n     * Remove all pending banner messages from the banner area. Will not remove messages that are already displayed.\n     */\n    clearBannerMessage: function() {\n        PalmSystem.clearBannerMessage();\n    },\n\n    /*\n     * This function vibrates the device\n     * @param {number} duration The duration in ms to vibrate for.\n     * @param {number} intensity The intensity of the vibration\n     */\n    vibrate_private: function(duration, intensity) {\n        //the intensity for palm is inverted; 0=high intensity, 100=low intensity\n        //this is opposite from our api, so we invert\n        if (isNaN(intensity) || intensity > 100 || intensity <= 0)\n        intensity = 0;\n        else\n        intensity = 100 - intensity;\n\n        // if the app id does not have the namespace \"com.palm.\", an error will be thrown here\n        //this.vibhandle = new Mojo.Service.Request(\"palm://com.palm.vibrate\", {\n        this.vibhandle = navigator.service.Request(\"palm://com.palm.vibrate\", {\n            method: 'vibrate',\n            parameters: {\n                'period': intensity,\n                'duration': duration\n            }\n        },\n        false);\n    },\n\n    vibrate: function(param) {\n        PalmSystem.playSoundNotification('vibrate');\n    },\n    /*\n     * Plays the specified sound\n     * @param {String} soundClass class of the sound; supported classes are: \"ringtones\", \"alerts\", \"alarm\", \"calendar\", \"notification\"\n     * @param {String} soundFile partial or full path to the sound file\n     * @param {String} soundDurationMs of sound in ms\n     */\n    beep: function(param) {\n        PalmSystem.playSoundNotification('alerts');\n    },\n\n    getRootWindow: function() {\n        var w = window.opener || window.rootWindow || || window;\n        if(!w.setTimeout) { // use this window as the root if we don't have access to the real root.\n            w = window;\n        }\n        return w;\n    },\n\n    open: function(inOpener, inUrl, inName, inAttributes, inWindowInfo) {\n        var url = inUrl;\n        var a = inAttributes && JSON.stringify(inAttributes);\n        a = \"attributes=\" + a;\n        var i = inWindowInfo ? inWindowInfo + \", \" : \"\";\n        return, inName, i + a);\n    },\n\n    openWindow: function(inUrl, inName, inParams, inAttributes, inWindowInfo) {\n        //var attributes = inAttributes || {};\n        //attributes.window = attributes.window || \"card\";\n        // NOTE: make the root window open all windows.\n        return, inUrl, inName || \"\", inAttributes, inWindowInfo);\n    },\n\n    alert: function(message,callback,title,buttonName) {\n        var inAttributes = {};\n        //inAttributes.window = \"card\"; // create card\n        inAttributes.window = \"popupalert\"; // create popup\n        //inAttributes.window=\"dashboard\"; // create dashboard\n        var html='<html><head><script>setTimeout(function(f){var el=window.document.getElementById(\"b1\");console.error(el);el.addEventListener(\"click\",function(f){window.close();},false);},500);</script></head><body>'+message+'<br/><button id=\"b1\">'+buttonName+'</button></body></html>';\n        var inName=\"PopupAlert\";\n        var inUrl=\"\";\n        var inParams={};\n        var inHeight=120;\n        var w = this.openWindow(inUrl, inName, inParams, inAttributes, \"height=\" + (inHeight || 200));\n        w.document.write(html);\n        w.PalmSystem.stageReady();\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/notification.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/notification.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/orientation\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    setOrientation: function(orientation) {\n        PalmSystem.setWindowOrientation(orientation);\n    },\n\n    /*\n     * Returns the current window orientation\n     * orientation is one of 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right', or 'free'\n     */\n    getCurrentOrientation: function() {\n          return PalmSystem.windowOrientation;\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/orientation.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/orientation.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/requestfilesystem\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nmodule.exports = function(type,size,successCallback,errorCallback) {\n    console.error(\"requestFileSystem\");\n\n    var theFileSystem={};\n\"webOS\";\n    theFileSystem.root={};\n\"Root\";\n\n    theFileSystem.root.getFile=function(filename,options,successCallback,errorCallback) {\n        console.error(\"getFile\");\n        if (options.create) { errorCallback(); }\n        var theFile=filename;\n        successCallback(theFile);\n    };\n\n    successCallback(theFileSystem);\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/requestfilesystem.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/requestfilesystem.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/service\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nfunction Service() { }\n\nService.prototype.Request = function (uri, params) {\n    var req = new PalmServiceBridge();\n    var url = uri + \"/\" + (params.method || \"\");\n    req.url = url;\n\n    this.req = req;\n    this.url = url;\n    this.params = params || {};\n\n;\n\n    return this;\n};\n\ = function(params) {\n    var onsuccess = null;\n    var onfailure = null;\n    var oncomplete = null;\n\n    if (typeof params.onSuccess === 'function')\n        onsuccess = params.onSuccess;\n\n    if (typeof params.onFailure === 'function')\n        onerror = params.onFailure;\n\n    if (typeof params.onComplete === 'function')\n        oncomplete = params.onComplete;\n\n    this.req.onservicecallback = callback;\n\n    function callback(msg) {\n        var response = JSON.parse(msg);\n\n        if ((response.errorCode) && onfailure)\n            onfailure(response);\n        else if (onsuccess)\n            onsuccess(response);\n\n        if (oncomplete)\n            oncomplete(response);\n    }\n\n = (typeof params.parameters === 'object') ? JSON.stringify(params.parameters) : '{}';\n\n,;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = new Service();\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/service.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/service.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/webos/window\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nmodule.exports={\n    launchParams: function() {\n        return JSON.parse(PalmSystem.launchParams) || {};\n    },\n    /*\n     * This is a thin wrapper for '' which optionally sets document contents to 'html', and calls 'PalmSystem.stageReady()'\n     * on your new card. Note that this new card will not come with your framework (if any) or anything for that matter.\n     * @param {String} url\n     * @param {String} html\n     * Example:\n     *        navigator.window.newCard('about:blank', '<html><body>Hello again!</body></html>');\n     */\n    newCard: function(url, html) {\n        var win = || \"\");\n        if (html)\n            win.document.write(html);\n        win.PalmSystem.stageReady();\n    },\n\n    /*\n     * Enable or disable full screen display (full screen removes the app menu bar and the rounded corners of the screen).\n     * @param {Boolean} state\n     * Example:\n     *        navigator.window.setFullScreen(true);\n     */\n    setFullScreen: function(state) {\n        // valid state values are: true or false\n        PalmSystem.enableFullScreenMode(state);\n    },\n\n    /*\n     * used to set the window properties of the WebOS app\n     * @param {Object} props\n     * Example:\n     *         private method used by other member functions - ideally we shouldn't call this method\n     */\n    setWindowProperties: function(inWindow, inProps) {\n        if(arguments.length==1) {\n            inProps = inWindow;\n            inWindow = window;\n        }\n        if(inWindow.PalmSystem) {\n            inWindow.PalmSystem.setWindowProperties(inProps);\n        }\n    },\n\n    /*\n     * Enable or disable screen timeout. When enabled, the device screen will not dim. This is useful for navigation, clocks or other \"dock\" apps.\n     * @param {Boolean} state\n     * Example:\n     *        navigator.window.blockScreenTimeout(true);\n     */\n    blockScreenTimeout: function(state) {\n        navigator.windowProperties.blockScreenTimeout = state;\n        this.setWindowProperties();\n    },\n\n    /*\n     * Sets the lightbar to be a little dimmer for screen locked notifications.\n     * @param {Boolean} state\n     * Example:\n     *        navigator.window.setSubtleLightbar(true);\n     */\n    setSubtleLightbar: function(state) {\n        navigator.windowProperties.setSubtleLightbar = state;\n        this.setWindowProperties();\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/webos/plugin/webos/window.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/webos/plugin/webos/window.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/symbols\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');\n\n// Use merges here in case others symbols files depend on this running first,\n// but fail to declare the dependency with a require().\nmodulemapper.merges('cordova', 'cordova');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/exec', 'cordova.exec');\nmodulemapper.clobbers('cordova/exec', 'Cordova.exec');\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/symbols.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/symbols.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/utils\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\nvar utils = exports;\n\n/**\n * Defines a property getter / setter for obj[key].\n */\nutils.defineGetterSetter = function(obj, key, getFunc, opt_setFunc) {\n    if (Object.defineProperty) {\n        var desc = {\n            get: getFunc,\n            configurable: true\n        };\n        if (opt_setFunc) {\n            desc.set = opt_setFunc;\n        }\n        Object.defineProperty(obj, key, desc);\n    } else {\n        obj.__defineGetter__(key, getFunc);\n        if (opt_setFunc) {\n            obj.__defineSetter__(key, opt_setFunc);\n        }\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Defines a property getter for obj[key].\n */\nutils.defineGetter = utils.defineGetterSetter;\n\nutils.arrayIndexOf = function(a, item) {\n    if (a.indexOf) {\n        return a.indexOf(item);\n    }\n    var len = a.length;\n    for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\n        if (a[i] == item) {\n            return i;\n        }\n    }\n    return -1;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns whether the item was found in the array.\n */\nutils.arrayRemove = function(a, item) {\n    var index = utils.arrayIndexOf(a, item);\n    if (index != -1) {\n        a.splice(index, 1);\n    }\n    return index != -1;\n};\n\nutils.typeName = function(val) {\n    return, -1);\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns an indication of whether the argument is an array or not\n */\nutils.isArray = function(a) {\n    return utils.typeName(a) == 'Array';\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns an indication of whether the argument is a Date or not\n */\nutils.isDate = function(d) {\n    return utils.typeName(d) == 'Date';\n};\n\n/**\n * Does a deep clone of the object.\n */\nutils.clone = function(obj) {\n    if(!obj || typeof obj == 'function' || utils.isDate(obj) || typeof obj != 'object') {\n        return obj;\n    }\n\n    var retVal, i;\n\n    if(utils.isArray(obj)){\n        retVal = [];\n        for(i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i){\n            retVal.push(utils.clone(obj[i]));\n        }\n        return retVal;\n    }\n\n    retVal = {};\n    for(i in obj){\n        if(!(i in retVal) || retVal[i] != obj[i]) {\n            retVal[i] = utils.clone(obj[i]);\n        }\n    }\n    return retVal;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns a wrapped version of the function\n */\nutils.close = function(context, func, params) {\n    if (typeof params == 'undefined') {\n        return function() {\n            return func.apply(context, arguments);\n        };\n    } else {\n        return function() {\n            return func.apply(context, params);\n        };\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Create a UUID\n */\nutils.createUUID = function() {\n    return UUIDcreatePart(4) + '-' +\n        UUIDcreatePart(2) + '-' +\n        UUIDcreatePart(2) + '-' +\n        UUIDcreatePart(2) + '-' +\n        UUIDcreatePart(6);\n};\n\n/**\n * Extends a child object from a parent object using classical inheritance\n * pattern.\n */\nutils.extend = (function() {\n    // proxy used to establish prototype chain\n    var F = function() {};\n    // extend Child from Parent\n    return function(Child, Parent) {\n        F.prototype = Parent.prototype;\n        Child.prototype = new F();\n        Child.__super__ = Parent.prototype;\n        Child.prototype.constructor = Child;\n    };\n}());\n\n/**\n * Alerts a message in any available way: alert or console.log.\n */\nutils.alert = function(msg) {\n    if (window.alert) {\n        window.alert(msg);\n    } else if (console && console.log) {\n        console.log(msg);\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Formats a string and arguments following it ala sprintf()\n *\n * see utils.vformat() for more information\n */\nutils.format = function(formatString /* ,... */) {\n    var args = [], 1);\n    return utils.vformat(formatString, args);\n};\n\n/**\n * Formats a string and arguments following it ala vsprintf()\n *\n * format chars:\n *   %j - format arg as JSON\n *   %o - format arg as JSON\n *   %c - format arg as ''\n *   %% - replace with '%'\n * any other char following % will format it's\n * arg via toString().\n *\n * for rationale, see FireBug's Console API:\n *\n */\nutils.vformat = function(formatString, args) {\n    if (formatString === null || formatString === undefined) return \"\";\n    if (arguments.length == 1) return formatString.toString();\n    if (typeof formatString != \"string\") return formatString.toString();\n\n    var pattern = /(.*?)%(.)(.*)/;\n    var rest    = formatString;\n    var result  = [];\n\n    while (args.length) {\n        var arg   = args.shift();\n        var match = pattern.exec(rest);\n\n        if (!match) break;\n\n        rest = match[3];\n\n        result.push(match[1]);\n\n        if (match[2] == '%') {\n            result.push('%');\n            args.unshift(arg);\n            continue;\n        }\n\n        result.push(formatted(arg, match[2]));\n    }\n\n    result.push(rest);\n\n    return result.join('');\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nfunction UUIDcreatePart(length) {\n    var uuidpart = \"\";\n    for (var i=0; i<length; i++) {\n        var uuidchar = parseInt((Math.random() * 256), 10).toString(16);\n        if (uuidchar.length == 1) {\n            uuidchar = \"0\" + uuidchar;\n        }\n        uuidpart += uuidchar;\n    }\n    return uuidpart;\n}\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nfunction formatted(object, formatChar) {\n\n    try {\n        switch(formatChar) {\n            case 'j':\n            case 'o': return JSON.stringify(object);\n            case 'c': return '';\n        }\n    }\n    catch (e) {\n        return \"error JSON.stringify()ing argument: \" + e;\n    }\n\n    if ((object === null) || (object === undefined)) {\n        return;\n    }\n\n    return object.toString();\n}\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/utils.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/utils.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-window.cordova = require('cordova');
-try {eval("\n(function (context) {\n    // Replace navigator before any modules are required(), to ensure it happens as soon as possible.\n    // We replace it so that properties that can't be clobbered can instead be overridden.\n    function replaceNavigator(origNavigator) {\n        var CordovaNavigator = function() {};\n        CordovaNavigator.prototype = origNavigator;\n        var newNavigator = new CordovaNavigator();\n        // This work-around really only applies to new APIs that are newer than Function.bind.\n        // Without it, APIs such as getGamepads() break.\n        if (CordovaNavigator.bind) {\n            for (var key in origNavigator) {\n                if (typeof origNavigator[key] == 'function') {\n                    newNavigator[key] = origNavigator[key].bind(origNavigator);\n                }\n            }\n        }\n        return newNavigator;\n    }\n    if (context.navigator) {\n        context.navigator = replaceNavigator(context.navigator);\n    }\n\n    var channel = require(\"cordova/channel\");\n\n    // _nativeReady is global variable that the native side can set\n    // to signify that the native code is ready. It is a global since\n    // it may be called before any cordova JS is ready.\n    if (window._nativeReady) {\n;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Create all cordova objects once page has fully loaded and native side is ready.\n     */\n    channel.join(function() {\n        var builder = require('cordova/builder'),\n            platform = require('cordova/platform');\n\n        builder.buildIntoButDoNotClobber(platform.defaults, context);\n        builder.buildIntoAndClobber(platform.clobbers, context);\n        builder.buildIntoAndMerge(platform.merges, context);\n\n        // Call the platform-specific initialization\n        platform.initialize();\n\n        // Fire event to notify that all objects are created\n;\n\n        // Fire onDeviceReady event once all constructors have run and\n        // cordova info has been received from native side.\n        channel.join(function() {\n            require('cordova').fireDocumentEvent('deviceready');\n        }, channel.deviceReadyChannelsArray);\n\n    }, [ channel.onDOMContentLoaded, channel.onNativeReady, channel.onPluginsReady ]);\n\n}(window));\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/scripts/bootstrap.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/scripts/bootstrap.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("\nrequire('cordova/channel');\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/scripts/bootstrap-webos.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/scripts/bootstrap-webos.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("\n// Tries to load all plugins' js-modules.\n// This is an async process, but onDeviceReady is blocked on onPluginsReady.\n// onPluginsReady is fired when there are no plugins to load, or they are all done.\n(function (context) {\n    // To be populated with the handler by handlePluginsObject.\n    var onScriptLoadingComplete;\n\n    var scriptCounter = 0;\n    function scriptLoadedCallback() {\n        scriptCounter--;\n        if (scriptCounter === 0) {\n            onScriptLoadingComplete && onScriptLoadingComplete();\n        }\n    }\n\n    // Helper function to inject a <script> tag.\n    function injectScript(path) {\n        scriptCounter++;\n        var script = document.createElement(\"script\");\n        script.onload = scriptLoadedCallback;\n        script.src = path;\n        document.head.appendChild(script);\n    }\n\n    // Called when:\n    // * There are plugins defined and all plugins are finished loading.\n    // * There are no plugins to load.\n    function finishPluginLoading() {\n        context.cordova.require('cordova/channel');\n    }\n\n    // Handler for the cordova_plugins.json content.\n    // See plugman's plugin_loader.js for the details of this object.\n    // This function is only called if the really is a plugins array that isn't empty.\n    // Otherwise the XHR response handler will just call finishPluginLoading().\n    function handlePluginsObject(modules) {\n        // First create the callback for when all plugins are loaded.\n        var mapper = context.cordova.require('cordova/modulemapper');\n        onScriptLoadingComplete = function() {\n            // Loop through all the plugins and then through their clobbers and merges.\n            for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {\n                var module = modules[i];\n                if (!module) continue;\n\n                if (module.clobbers && module.clobbers.length) {\n                    for (var j = 0; j < module.clobbers.length; j++) {\n                        mapper.clobbers(, module.clobbers[j]);\n                    }\n                }\n\n                if (module.merges && module.merges.length) {\n                    for (var k = 0; k < module.merges.length; k++) {\n                        mapper.merges(, module.merges[k]);\n                    }\n                }\n\n                // Finally, if runs is truthy we want to simply require() the module.\n                // This can be skipped if it had any merges or clobbers, though,\n                // since the mapper will already have required the module.\n                if (module.runs && !(module.clobbers && module.clobbers.length) && !(module.merges && module.merges.length)) {\n                    context.cordova.require(;\n                }\n            }\n\n            finishPluginLoading();\n        };\n\n        // Now inject the scripts.\n        for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {\n            injectScript(modules[i].file);\n        }\n    }\n\n\n    // Try to XHR the cordova_plugins.json file asynchronously.\n    try { // we commented we were going to try, so let us actually try and catch \n        var xhr = new context.XMLHttpRequest();\n        xhr.onload = function() {\n            // If the response is a JSON string which composes an array, call handlePluginsObject.\n            // If the request fails, or the response is not a JSON array, just call finishPluginLoading.\n            var obj = JSON.parse(this.responseText);\n            if (obj && obj instanceof Array && obj.length > 0) {\n                handlePluginsObject(obj);\n            } else {\n                finishPluginLoading();\n            }\n        };\n        xhr.onerror = function() {\n            finishPluginLoading();\n        };\n'GET', 'cordova_plugins.json', true); // Async\n        xhr.send();\n    }\n    catch(err){\n        finishPluginLoading();\n    }\n}(window));\n\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/scripts/plugin_loader.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/scripts/plugin_loader.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/cordova.webos.js b/lib/cordova.webos.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3251823..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova.webos.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6863 +0,0 @@
-// Platform: webos
-// commit 4bbb9b5e9f232cc5f090e5065a0d92086b78628d
-// File generated at :: Wed Mar 27 2013 15:35:48 GMT-0700 (PDT)
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
-;(function() {
-// file: lib/scripts/require.js
-var require,
-    define;
-(function () {
-    var modules = {};
-    // Stack of moduleIds currently being built.
-    var requireStack = [];
-    // Map of module ID -> index into requireStack of modules currently being built.
-    var inProgressModules = {};
-    function build(module) {
-        var factory = module.factory;
-        module.exports = {};
-        delete module.factory;
-        factory(require, module.exports, module);
-        return module.exports;
-    }
-    require = function (id) {
-        if (!modules[id]) {
-            throw "module " + id + " not found";
-        } else if (id in inProgressModules) {
-            var cycle = requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
-            throw "Cycle in require graph: " + cycle;
-        }
-        if (modules[id].factory) {
-            try {
-                inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
-                requireStack.push(id);
-                return build(modules[id]);
-            } finally {
-                delete inProgressModules[id];
-                requireStack.pop();
-            }
-        }
-        return modules[id].exports;
-    };
-    define = function (id, factory) {
-        if (modules[id]) {
-            throw "module " + id + " already defined";
-        }
-        modules[id] = {
-            id: id,
-            factory: factory
-        };
-    };
-    define.remove = function (id) {
-        delete modules[id];
-    };
-    define.moduleMap = modules;
-//Export for use in node
-if (typeof module === "object" && typeof require === "function") {
-    module.exports.require = require;
-    module.exports.define = define;
-// file: lib/cordova.js
-define("cordova", function(require, exports, module) {
-var channel = require('cordova/channel');
- * Listen for DOMContentLoaded and notify our channel subscribers.
- */
-document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
-}, false);
-if (document.readyState == 'complete' || document.readyState == 'interactive') {
- * Intercept calls to addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
- * resume, and pause events.
- */
-var m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
-var m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
-var m_window_addEventListener = window.addEventListener;
-var m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
- * Houses custom event handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
- */
-var documentEventHandlers = {},
-    windowEventHandlers = {};
-document.addEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {
-    var e = evt.toLowerCase();
-    if (typeof documentEventHandlers[e] != 'undefined') {
-        documentEventHandlers[e].subscribe(handler);
-    } else {
-, evt, handler, capture);
-    }
-window.addEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {
-    var e = evt.toLowerCase();
-    if (typeof windowEventHandlers[e] != 'undefined') {
-        windowEventHandlers[e].subscribe(handler);
-    } else {
-, evt, handler, capture);
-    }
-document.removeEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {
-    var e = evt.toLowerCase();
-    // If unsubscribing from an event that is handled by a plugin
-    if (typeof documentEventHandlers[e] != "undefined") {
-        documentEventHandlers[e].unsubscribe(handler);
-    } else {
-, evt, handler, capture);
-    }
-window.removeEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {
-    var e = evt.toLowerCase();
-    // If unsubscribing from an event that is handled by a plugin
-    if (typeof windowEventHandlers[e] != "undefined") {
-        windowEventHandlers[e].unsubscribe(handler);
-    } else {
-, evt, handler, capture);
-    }
-function createEvent(type, data) {
-    var event = document.createEvent('Events');
-    event.initEvent(type, false, false);
-    if (data) {
-        for (var i in data) {
-            if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
-                event[i] = data[i];
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return event;
-if(typeof window.console === "undefined") {
-    window.console = {
-        log:function(){}
-    };
-var cordova = {
-    define:define,
-    require:require,
-    /**
-     * Methods to add/remove your own addEventListener hijacking on document + window.
-     */
-    addWindowEventHandler:function(event) {
-        return (windowEventHandlers[event] = channel.create(event));
-    },
-    addStickyDocumentEventHandler:function(event) {
-        return (documentEventHandlers[event] = channel.createSticky(event));
-    },
-    addDocumentEventHandler:function(event) {
-        return (documentEventHandlers[event] = channel.create(event));
-    },
-    removeWindowEventHandler:function(event) {
-        delete windowEventHandlers[event];
-    },
-    removeDocumentEventHandler:function(event) {
-        delete documentEventHandlers[event];
-    },
-    /**
-     * Retrieve original event handlers that were replaced by Cordova
-     *
-     * @return object
-     */
-    getOriginalHandlers: function() {
-        return {'document': {'addEventListener': m_document_addEventListener, 'removeEventListener': m_document_removeEventListener},
-        'window': {'addEventListener': m_window_addEventListener, 'removeEventListener': m_window_removeEventListener}};
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method to fire event from native code
-     * bNoDetach is required for events which cause an exception which needs to be caught in native code
-     */
-    fireDocumentEvent: function(type, data, bNoDetach) {
-        var evt = createEvent(type, data);
-        if (typeof documentEventHandlers[type] != 'undefined') {
-            if( bNoDetach ) {
-              documentEventHandlers[type].fire(evt);
-            }
-            else {
-              setTimeout(function() {
-                  documentEventHandlers[type].fire(evt);
-              }, 0);
-            }
-        } else {
-            document.dispatchEvent(evt);
-        }
-    },
-    fireWindowEvent: function(type, data) {
-        var evt = createEvent(type,data);
-        if (typeof windowEventHandlers[type] != 'undefined') {
-            setTimeout(function() {
-                windowEventHandlers[type].fire(evt);
-            }, 0);
-        } else {
-            window.dispatchEvent(evt);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Plugin callback mechanism.
-     */
-    // Randomize the starting callbackId to avoid collisions after refreshing or navigating.
-    // This way, it's very unlikely that any new callback would get the same callbackId as an old callback.
-    callbackId: Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000000000),
-    callbacks:  {},
-    callbackStatus: {
-        NO_RESULT: 0,
-        OK: 1,
-        IO_EXCEPTION: 6,
-        INVALID_ACTION: 7,
-        JSON_EXCEPTION: 8,
-        ERROR: 9
-    },
-    /**
-     * Called by native code when returning successful result from an action.
-     */
-    callbackSuccess: function(callbackId, args) {
-        try {
-            cordova.callbackFromNative(callbackId, true, args.status, [args.message], args.keepCallback);
-        } catch (e) {
-            console.log("Error in error callback: " + callbackId + " = "+e);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Called by native code when returning error result from an action.
-     */
-    callbackError: function(callbackId, args) {
-        // TODO: Deprecate callbackSuccess and callbackError in favour of callbackFromNative.
-        // Derive success from status.
-        try {
-            cordova.callbackFromNative(callbackId, false, args.status, [args.message], args.keepCallback);
-        } catch (e) {
-            console.log("Error in error callback: " + callbackId + " = "+e);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Called by native code when returning the result from an action.
-     */
-    callbackFromNative: function(callbackId, success, status, args, keepCallback) {
-        var callback = cordova.callbacks[callbackId];
-        if (callback) {
-            if (success && status == cordova.callbackStatus.OK) {
-                callback.success && callback.success.apply(null, args);
-            } else if (!success) {
-       &&, args);
-            }
-            // Clear callback if not expecting any more results
-            if (!keepCallback) {
-                delete cordova.callbacks[callbackId];
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    addConstructor: function(func) {
-        channel.onCordovaReady.subscribe(function() {
-            try {
-                func();
-            } catch(e) {
-                console.log("Failed to run constructor: " + e);
-            }
-        });
-    }
-// Register pause, resume and deviceready channels as events on document.
-channel.onPause = cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('pause');
-channel.onResume = cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('resume');
-channel.onDeviceReady = cordova.addStickyDocumentEventHandler('deviceready');
-module.exports = cordova;
-// file: lib/common/argscheck.js
-define("cordova/argscheck", function(require, exports, module) {
-var exec = require('cordova/exec');
-var utils = require('cordova/utils');
-var moduleExports = module.exports;
-var typeMap = {
-    'A': 'Array',
-    'D': 'Date',
-    'N': 'Number',
-    'S': 'String',
-    'F': 'Function',
-    'O': 'Object'
-function extractParamName(callee, argIndex) {
-  return (/.*?\((.*?)\)/).exec(callee)[1].split(', ')[argIndex];
-function checkArgs(spec, functionName, args, opt_callee) {
-    if (!moduleExports.enableChecks) {
-        return;
-    }
-    var errMsg = null;
-    var typeName;
-    for (var i = 0; i < spec.length; ++i) {
-        var c = spec.charAt(i),
-            cUpper = c.toUpperCase(),
-            arg = args[i];
-        // Asterix means allow anything.
-        if (c == '*') {
-            continue;
-        }
-        typeName = utils.typeName(arg);
-        if ((arg === null || arg === undefined) && c == cUpper) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (typeName != typeMap[cUpper]) {
-            errMsg = 'Expected ' + typeMap[cUpper];
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (errMsg) {
-        errMsg += ', but got ' + typeName + '.';
-        errMsg = 'Wrong type for parameter "' + extractParamName(opt_callee || args.callee, i) + '" of ' + functionName + ': ' + errMsg;
-        // Don't log when running jake test.
-        if (typeof jasmine == 'undefined') {
-            console.error(errMsg);
-        }
-        throw TypeError(errMsg);
-    }
-function getValue(value, defaultValue) {
-    return value === undefined ? defaultValue : value;
-moduleExports.checkArgs = checkArgs;
-moduleExports.getValue = getValue;
-moduleExports.enableChecks = true;
-// file: lib/common/builder.js
-define("cordova/builder", function(require, exports, module) {
-var utils = require('cordova/utils');
-function each(objects, func, context) {
-    for (var prop in objects) {
-        if (objects.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
-            func.apply(context, [objects[prop], prop]);
-        }
-    }
-function clobber(obj, key, value) {
-    exports.replaceHookForTesting(obj, key);
-    obj[key] = value;
-    // Getters can only be overridden by getters.
-    if (obj[key] !== value) {
-        utils.defineGetter(obj, key, function() {
-            return value;
-        });
-    }
-function assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter(obj, key, value, message) {
-    if (message) {
-        utils.defineGetter(obj, key, function() {
-            console.log(message);
-            delete obj[key];
-            clobber(obj, key, value);
-            return value;
-        });
-    } else {
-        clobber(obj, key, value);
-    }
-function include(parent, objects, clobber, merge) {
-    each(objects, function (obj, key) {
-        try {
-          var result = obj.path ? require(obj.path) : {};
-          if (clobber) {
-              // Clobber if it doesn't exist.
-              if (typeof parent[key] === 'undefined') {
-                  assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter(parent, key, result, obj.deprecated);
-              } else if (typeof obj.path !== 'undefined') {
-                  // If merging, merge properties onto parent, otherwise, clobber.
-                  if (merge) {
-                      recursiveMerge(parent[key], result);
-                  } else {
-                      assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter(parent, key, result, obj.deprecated);
-                  }
-              }
-              result = parent[key];
-          } else {
-            // Overwrite if not currently defined.
-            if (typeof parent[key] == 'undefined') {
-              assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter(parent, key, result, obj.deprecated);
-            } else {
-              // Set result to what already exists, so we can build children into it if they exist.
-              result = parent[key];
-            }
-          }
-          if (obj.children) {
-            include(result, obj.children, clobber, merge);
-          }
-        } catch(e) {
-          utils.alert('Exception building cordova JS globals: ' + e + ' for key "' + key + '"');
-        }
-    });
- * Merge properties from one object onto another recursively.  Properties from
- * the src object will overwrite existing target property.
- *
- * @param target Object to merge properties into.
- * @param src Object to merge properties from.
- */
-function recursiveMerge(target, src) {
-    for (var prop in src) {
-        if (src.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
-            if (target.prototype && target.prototype.constructor === target) {
-                // If the target object is a constructor override off prototype.
-                clobber(target.prototype, prop, src[prop]);
-            } else {
-                if (typeof src[prop] === 'object' && typeof target[prop] === 'object') {
-                    recursiveMerge(target[prop], src[prop]);
-                } else {
-                    clobber(target, prop, src[prop]);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-exports.buildIntoButDoNotClobber = function(objects, target) {
-    include(target, objects, false, false);
-exports.buildIntoAndClobber = function(objects, target) {
-    include(target, objects, true, false);
-exports.buildIntoAndMerge = function(objects, target) {
-    include(target, objects, true, true);
-exports.recursiveMerge = recursiveMerge;
-exports.assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter = assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter;
-exports.replaceHookForTesting = function() {};
-// file: lib/common/channel.js
-define("cordova/channel", function(require, exports, module) {
-var utils = require('cordova/utils'),
-    nextGuid = 1;
- * Custom pub-sub "channel" that can have functions subscribed to it
- * This object is used to define and control firing of events for
- * cordova initialization, as well as for custom events thereafter.
- *
- * The order of events during page load and Cordova startup is as follows:
- *
- * onDOMContentLoaded*         Internal event that is received when the web page is loaded and parsed.
- * onNativeReady*              Internal event that indicates the Cordova native side is ready.
- * onCordovaReady*             Internal event fired when all Cordova JavaScript objects have been created.
- * onCordovaInfoReady*         Internal event fired when device properties are available.
- * onCordovaConnectionReady*   Internal event fired when the connection property has been set.
- * onDeviceReady*              User event fired to indicate that Cordova is ready
- * onResume                    User event fired to indicate a start/resume lifecycle event
- * onPause                     User event fired to indicate a pause lifecycle event
- * onDestroy*                  Internal event fired when app is being destroyed (User should use window.onunload event, not this one).
- *
- * The events marked with an * are sticky. Once they have fired, they will stay in the fired state.
- * All listeners that subscribe after the event is fired will be executed right away.
- *
- * The only Cordova events that user code should register for are:
- *      deviceready           Cordova native code is initialized and Cordova APIs can be called from JavaScript
- *      pause                 App has moved to background
- *      resume                App has returned to foreground
- *
- * Listeners can be registered as:
- *      document.addEventListener("deviceready", myDeviceReadyListener, false);
- *      document.addEventListener("resume", myResumeListener, false);
- *      document.addEventListener("pause", myPauseListener, false);
- *
- * The DOM lifecycle events should be used for saving and restoring state
- *      window.onload
- *      window.onunload
- *
- */
- * Channel
- * @constructor
- * @param type  String the channel name
- */
-var Channel = function(type, sticky) {
-    this.type = type;
-    // Map of guid -> function.
-    this.handlers = {};
-    // 0 = Non-sticky, 1 = Sticky non-fired, 2 = Sticky fired.
-    this.state = sticky ? 1 : 0;
-    // Used in sticky mode to remember args passed to fire().
-    this.fireArgs = null;
-    // Used by onHasSubscribersChange to know if there are any listeners.
-    this.numHandlers = 0;
-    // Function that is called when the first listener is subscribed, or when
-    // the last listener is unsubscribed.
-    this.onHasSubscribersChange = null;
-    channel = {
-        /**
-         * Calls the provided function only after all of the channels specified
-         * have been fired. All channels must be sticky channels.
-         */
-        join: function(h, c) {
-            var len = c.length,
-                i = len,
-                f = function() {
-                    if (!(--i)) h();
-                };
-            for (var j=0; j<len; j++) {
-                if (c[j].state === 0) {
-                    throw Error('Can only use join with sticky channels.');
-                }
-                c[j].subscribe(f);
-            }
-            if (!len) h();
-        },
-        create: function(type) {
-            return channel[type] = new Channel(type, false);
-        },
-        createSticky: function(type) {
-            return channel[type] = new Channel(type, true);
-        },
-        /**
-         * cordova Channels that must fire before "deviceready" is fired.
-         */
-        deviceReadyChannelsArray: [],
-        deviceReadyChannelsMap: {},
-        /**
-         * Indicate that a feature needs to be initialized before it is ready to be used.
-         * This holds up Cordova's "deviceready" event until the feature has been initialized
-         * and Cordova.initComplete(feature) is called.
-         *
-         * @param feature {String}     The unique feature name
-         */
-        waitForInitialization: function(feature) {
-            if (feature) {
-                var c = channel[feature] || this.createSticky(feature);
-                this.deviceReadyChannelsMap[feature] = c;
-                this.deviceReadyChannelsArray.push(c);
-            }
-        },
-        /**
-         * Indicate that initialization code has completed and the feature is ready to be used.
-         *
-         * @param feature {String}     The unique feature name
-         */
-        initializationComplete: function(feature) {
-            var c = this.deviceReadyChannelsMap[feature];
-            if (c) {
-      ;
-            }
-        }
-    };
-function forceFunction(f) {
-    if (typeof f != 'function') throw "Function required as first argument!";
- * Subscribes the given function to the channel. Any time that
- * is called so too will the function.
- * Optionally specify an execution context for the function
- * and a guid that can be used to stop subscribing to the channel.
- * Returns the guid.
- */
-Channel.prototype.subscribe = function(f, c) {
-    // need a function to call
-    forceFunction(f);
-    if (this.state == 2) {
-        f.apply(c || this, this.fireArgs);
-        return;
-    }
-    var func = f,
-        guid = f.observer_guid;
-    if (typeof c == "object") { func = utils.close(c, f); }
-    if (!guid) {
-        // first time any channel has seen this subscriber
-        guid = '' + nextGuid++;
-    }
-    func.observer_guid = guid;
-    f.observer_guid = guid;
-    // Don't add the same handler more than once.
-    if (!this.handlers[guid]) {
-        this.handlers[guid] = func;
-        this.numHandlers++;
-        if (this.numHandlers == 1) {
-            this.onHasSubscribersChange && this.onHasSubscribersChange();
-        }
-    }
- * Unsubscribes the function with the given guid from the channel.
- */
-Channel.prototype.unsubscribe = function(f) {
-    // need a function to unsubscribe
-    forceFunction(f);
-    var guid = f.observer_guid,
-        handler = this.handlers[guid];
-    if (handler) {
-        delete this.handlers[guid];
-        this.numHandlers--;
-        if (this.numHandlers === 0) {
-            this.onHasSubscribersChange && this.onHasSubscribersChange();
-        }
-    }
- * Calls all functions subscribed to this channel.
- */ = function(e) {
-    var fail = false,
-        fireArgs =;
-    // Apply stickiness.
-    if (this.state == 1) {
-        this.state = 2;
-        this.fireArgs = fireArgs;
-    }
-    if (this.numHandlers) {
-        // Copy the values first so that it is safe to modify it from within
-        // callbacks.
-        var toCall = [];
-        for (var item in this.handlers) {
-            toCall.push(this.handlers[item]);
-        }
-        for (var i = 0; i < toCall.length; ++i) {
-            toCall[i].apply(this, fireArgs);
-        }
-        if (this.state == 2 && this.numHandlers) {
-            this.numHandlers = 0;
-            this.handlers = {};
-            this.onHasSubscribersChange && this.onHasSubscribersChange();
-        }
-    }
-// defining them here so they are ready super fast!
-// DOM event that is received when the web page is loaded and parsed.
-// Event to indicate the Cordova native side is ready.
-// Event to indicate that all Cordova JavaScript objects have been created
-// and it's time to run plugin constructors.
-// Event to indicate that device properties are available
-// Event to indicate that the connection property has been set.
-// Event to indicate that all automatically loaded JS plugins are loaded and ready.
-// Event to indicate that Cordova is ready
-// Event to indicate a resume lifecycle event
-// Event to indicate a pause lifecycle event
-// Event to indicate a destroy lifecycle event
-// Channels that must fire before "deviceready" is fired.
-module.exports = channel;
-// file: lib/common/commandProxy.js
-define("cordova/commandProxy", function(require, exports, module) {
-// internal map of proxy function
-var CommandProxyMap = {};
-module.exports = {
-    // example: cordova.commandProxy.add("Accelerometer",{getCurrentAcceleration: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {...},...);
-    add:function(id,proxyObj) {
-        console.log("adding proxy for " + id);
-        CommandProxyMap[id] = proxyObj;
-        return proxyObj;
-    },
-    // cordova.commandProxy.remove("Accelerometer");
-    remove:function(id) {
-        var proxy = CommandProxyMap[id];
-        delete CommandProxyMap[id];
-        CommandProxyMap[id] = null;
-        return proxy;
-    },
-    get:function(service,action) {
-        return ( CommandProxyMap[service] ? CommandProxyMap[service][action] : null );
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/exec.js
-define("cordova/exec", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Execute a cordova command.  It is up to the native side whether this action
- * is synchronous or asynchronous.  The native side can return:
- *      Synchronous: PluginResult object as a JSON string
- *      Asynchrounous: Empty string ""
- * If async, the native side will cordova.callbackSuccess or cordova.callbackError,
- * depending upon the result of the action.
- *
- * @param {Function} success    The success callback
- * @param {Function} fail       The fail callback
- * @param {String} service      The name of the service to use
- * @param {String} action       Action to be run in cordova
- * @param {String[]} [args]     Zero or more arguments to pass to the method
- */
-var plugins = {
-    "Device": require('cordova/plugin/webos/device'),
-    "NetworkStatus": require('cordova/plugin/webos/network'),
-    "Compass": require('cordova/plugin/webos/compass'),
-    "Camera": require('cordova/plugin/webos/camera'),
-    "Accelerometer" : require('cordova/plugin/webos/accelerometer'),
-    "Notification" : require('cordova/plugin/webos/notification'),
-    "Geolocation": require('cordova/plugin/webos/geolocation')
-module.exports = function(success, fail, service, action, args) {
-    try {
-        console.error("exec:call plugin:"+service+":"+action);
-        plugins[service][action](success, fail, args);
-    }
-    catch(e) {
-        console.error("missing exec: " + service + "." + action);
-        console.error(args);
-        console.error(e);
-        console.error(e.stack);
-    }
-// file: lib/common/modulemapper.js
-define("cordova/modulemapper", function(require, exports, module) {
-var builder = require('cordova/builder'),
-    moduleMap = define.moduleMap,
-    symbolList,
-    deprecationMap;
-exports.reset = function() {
-    symbolList = [];
-    deprecationMap = {};
-function addEntry(strategy, moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage) {
-    if (!(moduleName in moduleMap)) {
-        throw new Error('Module ' + moduleName + ' does not exist.');
-    }
-    symbolList.push(strategy, moduleName, symbolPath);
-    if (opt_deprecationMessage) {
-        deprecationMap[symbolPath] = opt_deprecationMessage;
-    }
-// Note: Android 2.3 does have Function.bind().
-exports.clobbers = function(moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage) {
-    addEntry('c', moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage);
-exports.merges = function(moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage) {
-    addEntry('m', moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage);
-exports.defaults = function(moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage) {
-    addEntry('d', moduleName, symbolPath, opt_deprecationMessage);
-function prepareNamespace(symbolPath, context) {
-    if (!symbolPath) {
-        return context;
-    }
-    var parts = symbolPath.split('.');
-    var cur = context;
-    for (var i = 0, part; part = parts[i]; ++i) {
-        cur = cur[part] = cur[part] || {};
-    }
-    return cur;
-exports.mapModules = function(context) {
-    var origSymbols = {};
-    context.CDV_origSymbols = origSymbols;
-    for (var i = 0, len = symbolList.length; i < len; i += 3) {
-        var strategy = symbolList[i];
-        var moduleName = symbolList[i + 1];
-        var symbolPath = symbolList[i + 2];
-        var lastDot = symbolPath.lastIndexOf('.');
-        var namespace = symbolPath.substr(0, lastDot);
-        var lastName = symbolPath.substr(lastDot + 1);
-        var module = require(moduleName);
-        var deprecationMsg = symbolPath in deprecationMap ? 'Access made to deprecated symbol: ' + symbolPath + '. ' + deprecationMsg : null;
-        var parentObj = prepareNamespace(namespace, context);
-        var target = parentObj[lastName];
-        if (strategy == 'm' && target) {
-            builder.recursiveMerge(target, module);
-        } else if ((strategy == 'd' && !target) || (strategy != 'd')) {
-            if (!(symbolPath in origSymbols)) {
-                origSymbols[symbolPath] = target;
-            }
-            builder.assignOrWrapInDeprecateGetter(parentObj, lastName, module, deprecationMsg);
-        }
-    }
-exports.getOriginalSymbol = function(context, symbolPath) {
-    var origSymbols = context.CDV_origSymbols;
-    if (origSymbols && (symbolPath in origSymbols)) {
-        return origSymbols[symbolPath];
-    }
-    var parts = symbolPath.split('.');
-    var obj = context;
-    for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
-        obj = obj && obj[parts[i]];
-    }
-    return obj;
-exports.loadMatchingModules = function(matchingRegExp) {
-    for (var k in moduleMap) {
-        if (matchingRegExp.exec(k)) {
-            require(k);
-        }
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/platform.js
-define("cordova/platform", function(require, exports, module) {
-/*global Mojo:false */
-var service=require('cordova/plugin/webos/service'),
-    cordova = require('cordova');
-module.exports = {
-    id: "webos",
-    initialize: function() {
-        var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-        modulemapper.loadMatchingModules(/cordova.*\/symbols$/);
-        modulemapper.mapModules(window);
-        if (window.PalmSystem) {
-            window.PalmSystem.stageReady();
-        }
-        // create global Mojo object if it does not exist
-        Mojo = window.Mojo || {};
-        // wait for deviceready before listening and firing document events
-        document.addEventListener("deviceready", function () {
-            // LunaSysMgr calls this when the windows is maximized or opened.
-            window.Mojo.stageActivated = function() {
-                console.log("stageActivated");
-                cordova.fireDocumentEvent("resume");
-            };
-            // LunaSysMgr calls this when the windows is minimized or closed.
-            window.Mojo.stageDeactivated = function() {
-                console.log("stageDeactivated");
-                cordova.fireDocumentEvent("pause");
-            };
-            // LunaSysMgr calls this when a KeepAlive app's window is hidden
-            window.Mojo.hide = function() {
-                console.log("hide");
-            };
-            // LunaSysMgr calls this when a KeepAlive app's window is shown
-   = function() {
-                console.log("show");
-            };
-            // LunaSysMgr calls this whenever an app is "launched;"
-            window.Mojo.relaunch = function() {
-                // need to return true to tell sysmgr the relaunch succeeded.
-                // otherwise, it'll try to focus the app, which will focus the first
-                // opened window of an app with multiple windows.
-                var lp=JSON.parse(PalmSystem.launchParams) || {};
-                if (lp['palm-command'] && lp['palm-command'] == 'open-app-menu') {
-                    console.log("event:ToggleAppMenu");
-                    cordova.fireDocumentEvent("menubutton");
-                }
-                console.log("relaunch");
-                return true;
-            };
-            // start to listen for network connection changes
-            service.Request('palm://com.palm.connectionmanager', {
-                method: 'getstatus',
-                parameters: { subscribe: true },
-                onSuccess: function (result) {
-                    console.log("subscribe:result:"+JSON.stringify(result));
-                    if (!result.isInternetConnectionAvailable) {
-                        if (navigator.onLine) {
-                            console.log("Firing event:offline");
-                            cordova.fireDocumentEvent("offline");
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        console.log("Firing event:online");
-                        cordova.fireDocumentEvent("online");
-                    }
-                },
-                onFailure: function(e) {
-                    console.error("subscribe:error");
-                }
-            });
-        });
-    },
-    merges: {
-        navigator: {
-            children: {
-                service: {
-                    path: "cordova/plugin/webos/service"
-                },
-                application: {
-                    path: "cordova/plugin/webos/application"
-                },
-                window: {
-                    path: "cordova/plugin/webos/window"
-                },
-                orientation: {
-                    path: "cordova/plugin/webos/orientation"
-                },
-                keyboard: {
-                    path: "cordova/plugin/webos/keyboard"
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// file: lib/common/plugin/Acceleration.js
-define("cordova/plugin/Acceleration", function(require, exports, module) {
-var Acceleration = function(x, y, z, timestamp) {
-    this.x = x;
-    this.y = y;
-    this.z = z;
-    this.timestamp = timestamp || (new Date()).getTime();
-module.exports = Acceleration;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/Camera.js
-define("cordova/plugin/Camera", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    Camera = require('cordova/plugin/CameraConstants'),
-    CameraPopoverHandle = require('cordova/plugin/CameraPopoverHandle');
-var cameraExport = {};
-// Tack on the Camera Constants to the base camera plugin.
-for (var key in Camera) {
-    cameraExport[key] = Camera[key];
- * Gets a picture from source defined by "options.sourceType", and returns the
- * image as defined by the "options.destinationType" option.
- * The defaults are sourceType=CAMERA and destinationType=FILE_URI.
- *
- * @param {Function} successCallback
- * @param {Function} errorCallback
- * @param {Object} options
- */
-cameraExport.getPicture = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'Camera.getPicture', arguments);
-    options = options || {};
-    var getValue = argscheck.getValue;
-    var quality = getValue(options.quality, 50);
-    var destinationType = getValue(options.destinationType, Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI);
-    var sourceType = getValue(options.sourceType, Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA);
-    var targetWidth = getValue(options.targetWidth, -1);
-    var targetHeight = getValue(options.targetHeight, -1);
-    var encodingType = getValue(options.encodingType, Camera.EncodingType.JPEG);
-    var mediaType = getValue(options.mediaType, Camera.MediaType.PICTURE);
-    var allowEdit = !!options.allowEdit;
-    var correctOrientation = !!options.correctOrientation;
-    var saveToPhotoAlbum = !!options.saveToPhotoAlbum;
-    var popoverOptions = getValue(options.popoverOptions, null);
-    var cameraDirection = getValue(options.cameraDirection, Camera.Direction.BACK);
-    var args = [quality, destinationType, sourceType, targetWidth, targetHeight, encodingType,
-                mediaType, allowEdit, correctOrientation, saveToPhotoAlbum, popoverOptions, cameraDirection];
-    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "Camera", "takePicture", args);
-    return new CameraPopoverHandle();
-cameraExport.cleanup = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "Camera", "cleanup", []);
-module.exports = cameraExport;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/CameraConstants.js
-define("cordova/plugin/CameraConstants", function(require, exports, module) {
-module.exports = {
-  DestinationType:{
-    DATA_URL: 0,         // Return base64 encoded string
-    FILE_URI: 1,         // Return file uri (content://media/external/images/media/2 for Android)
-    NATIVE_URI: 2        // Return native uri (eg. asset-library://... for iOS)
-  },
-  EncodingType:{
-    JPEG: 0,             // Return JPEG encoded image
-    PNG: 1               // Return PNG encoded image
-  },
-  MediaType:{
-    PICTURE: 0,          // allow selection of still pictures only. DEFAULT. Will return format specified via DestinationType
-    VIDEO: 1,            // allow selection of video only, ONLY RETURNS URL
-    ALLMEDIA : 2         // allow selection from all media types
-  },
-  PictureSourceType:{
-    PHOTOLIBRARY : 0,    // Choose image from picture library (same as SAVEDPHOTOALBUM for Android)
-    CAMERA : 1,          // Take picture from camera
-    SAVEDPHOTOALBUM : 2  // Choose image from picture library (same as PHOTOLIBRARY for Android)
-  },
-  PopoverArrowDirection:{
-      ARROW_UP : 1,        // matches iOS UIPopoverArrowDirection constants to specify arrow location on popover
-      ARROW_DOWN : 2,
-      ARROW_LEFT : 4,
-      ARROW_RIGHT : 8,
-      ARROW_ANY : 15
-  },
-  Direction:{
-      BACK: 0,
-      FRONT: 1
-  }
-// file: lib/common/plugin/CameraPopoverHandle.js
-define("cordova/plugin/CameraPopoverHandle", function(require, exports, module) {
-var exec = require('cordova/exec');
- * A handle to an image picker popover.
- */
-var CameraPopoverHandle = function() {
-    this.setPosition = function(popoverOptions) {
-        console.log('CameraPopoverHandle.setPosition is only supported on iOS.');
-    };
-module.exports = CameraPopoverHandle;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/CameraPopoverOptions.js
-define("cordova/plugin/CameraPopoverOptions", function(require, exports, module) {
-var Camera = require('cordova/plugin/CameraConstants');
- * Encapsulates options for iOS Popover image picker
- */
-var CameraPopoverOptions = function(x,y,width,height,arrowDir){
-    // information of rectangle that popover should be anchored to
-    this.x = x || 0;
-    this.y = y || 32;
-    this.width = width || 320;
-    this.height = height || 480;
-    // The direction of the popover arrow
-    this.arrowDir = arrowDir || Camera.PopoverArrowDirection.ARROW_ANY;
-module.exports = CameraPopoverOptions;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/CaptureAudioOptions.js
-define("cordova/plugin/CaptureAudioOptions", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Encapsulates all audio capture operation configuration options.
- */
-var CaptureAudioOptions = function(){
-    // Upper limit of sound clips user can record. Value must be equal or greater than 1.
-    this.limit = 1;
-    // Maximum duration of a single sound clip in seconds.
-    this.duration = 0;
-    // The selected audio mode. Must match with one of the elements in supportedAudioModes array.
-    this.mode = null;
-module.exports = CaptureAudioOptions;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/CaptureError.js
-define("cordova/plugin/CaptureError", function(require, exports, module) {
- * The CaptureError interface encapsulates all errors in the Capture API.
- */
-var CaptureError = function(c) {
-   this.code = c || null;
-// Camera or microphone failed to capture image or sound.
-// Camera application or audio capture application is currently serving other capture request.
-// Invalid use of the API (e.g. limit parameter has value less than one).
-// User exited camera application or audio capture application before capturing anything.
-// The requested capture operation is not supported.
-module.exports = CaptureError;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/CaptureImageOptions.js
-define("cordova/plugin/CaptureImageOptions", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Encapsulates all image capture operation configuration options.
- */
-var CaptureImageOptions = function(){
-    // Upper limit of images user can take. Value must be equal or greater than 1.
-    this.limit = 1;
-    // The selected image mode. Must match with one of the elements in supportedImageModes array.
-    this.mode = null;
-module.exports = CaptureImageOptions;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/CaptureVideoOptions.js
-define("cordova/plugin/CaptureVideoOptions", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Encapsulates all video capture operation configuration options.
- */
-var CaptureVideoOptions = function(){
-    // Upper limit of videos user can record. Value must be equal or greater than 1.
-    this.limit = 1;
-    // Maximum duration of a single video clip in seconds.
-    this.duration = 0;
-    // The selected video mode. Must match with one of the elements in supportedVideoModes array.
-    this.mode = null;
-module.exports = CaptureVideoOptions;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/CompassError.js
-define("cordova/plugin/CompassError", function(require, exports, module) {
- *  CompassError.
- *  An error code assigned by an implementation when an error has occurred
- * @constructor
- */
-var CompassError = function(err) {
-    this.code = (err !== undefined ? err : null);
-module.exports = CompassError;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/CompassHeading.js
-define("cordova/plugin/CompassHeading", function(require, exports, module) {
-var CompassHeading = function(magneticHeading, trueHeading, headingAccuracy, timestamp) {
-  this.magneticHeading = magneticHeading;
-  this.trueHeading = trueHeading;
-  this.headingAccuracy = headingAccuracy;
-  this.timestamp = timestamp || new Date().getTime();
-module.exports = CompassHeading;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/ConfigurationData.js
-define("cordova/plugin/ConfigurationData", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Encapsulates a set of parameters that the capture device supports.
- */
-function ConfigurationData() {
-    // The ASCII-encoded string in lower case representing the media type.
-    this.type = null;
-    // The height attribute represents height of the image or video in pixels.
-    // In the case of a sound clip this attribute has value 0.
-    this.height = 0;
-    // The width attribute represents width of the image or video in pixels.
-    // In the case of a sound clip this attribute has value 0
-    this.width = 0;
-module.exports = ConfigurationData;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/Connection.js
-define("cordova/plugin/Connection", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Network status
- */
-module.exports = {
-        UNKNOWN: "unknown",
-        ETHERNET: "ethernet",
-        WIFI: "wifi",
-        CELL_2G: "2g",
-        CELL_3G: "3g",
-        CELL_4G: "4g",
-        CELL:"cellular",
-        NONE: "none"
-// file: lib/common/plugin/Contact.js
-define("cordova/plugin/Contact", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    ContactError = require('cordova/plugin/ContactError'),
-    utils = require('cordova/utils');
-* Converts primitives into Complex Object
-* Currently only used for Date fields
-function convertIn(contact) {
-    var value = contact.birthday;
-    try {
-      contact.birthday = new Date(parseFloat(value));
-    } catch (exception){
-      console.log("Cordova Contact convertIn error: exception creating date.");
-    }
-    return contact;
-* Converts Complex objects into primitives
-* Only conversion at present is for Dates.
-function convertOut(contact) {
-    var value = contact.birthday;
-    if (value !== null) {
-        // try to make it a Date object if it is not already
-        if (!utils.isDate(value)){
-            try {
-                value = new Date(value);
-            } catch(exception){
-                value = null;
-            }
-        }
-        if (utils.isDate(value)){
-            value = value.valueOf(); // convert to milliseconds
-        }
-        contact.birthday = value;
-    }
-    return contact;
-* Contains information about a single contact.
-* @constructor
-* @param {DOMString} id unique identifier
-* @param {DOMString} displayName
-* @param {ContactName} name
-* @param {DOMString} nickname
-* @param {Array.<ContactField>} phoneNumbers array of phone numbers
-* @param {Array.<ContactField>} emails array of email addresses
-* @param {Array.<ContactAddress>} addresses array of addresses
-* @param {Array.<ContactField>} ims instant messaging user ids
-* @param {Array.<ContactOrganization>} organizations
-* @param {DOMString} birthday contact's birthday
-* @param {DOMString} note user notes about contact
-* @param {Array.<ContactField>} photos
-* @param {Array.<ContactField>} categories
-* @param {Array.<ContactField>} urls contact's web sites
-var Contact = function (id, displayName, name, nickname, phoneNumbers, emails, addresses,
-    ims, organizations, birthday, note, photos, categories, urls) {
- = id || null;
-    this.rawId = null;
-    this.displayName = displayName || null;
- = name || null; // ContactName
-    this.nickname = nickname || null;
-    this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers || null; // ContactField[]
-    this.emails = emails || null; // ContactField[]
-    this.addresses = addresses || null; // ContactAddress[]
-    this.ims = ims || null; // ContactField[]
-    this.organizations = organizations || null; // ContactOrganization[]
-    this.birthday = birthday || null;
-    this.note = note || null;
- = photos || null; // ContactField[]
-    this.categories = categories || null; // ContactField[]
-    this.urls = urls || null; // ContactField[]
-* Removes contact from device storage.
-* @param successCB success callback
-* @param errorCB error callback
-Contact.prototype.remove = function(successCB, errorCB) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('FF', 'Contact.remove', arguments);
-    var fail = errorCB && function(code) {
-        errorCB(new ContactError(code));
-    };
-    if ( === null) {
-        fail(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
-    }
-    else {
-        exec(successCB, fail, "Contacts", "remove", []);
-    }
-* Creates a deep copy of this Contact.
-* With the contact ID set to null.
-* @return copy of this Contact
-Contact.prototype.clone = function() {
-    var clonedContact = utils.clone(this);
- = null;
-    clonedContact.rawId = null;
-    function nullIds(arr) {
-        if (arr) {
-            for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
-                arr[i].id = null;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Loop through and clear out any id's in phones, emails, etc.
-    nullIds(clonedContact.phoneNumbers);
-    nullIds(clonedContact.emails);
-    nullIds(clonedContact.addresses);
-    nullIds(clonedContact.ims);
-    nullIds(clonedContact.organizations);
-    nullIds(clonedContact.categories);
-    nullIds(;
-    nullIds(clonedContact.urls);
-    return clonedContact;
-* Persists contact to device storage.
-* @param successCB success callback
-* @param errorCB error callback
-*/ = function(successCB, errorCB) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('FFO', '', arguments);
-    var fail = errorCB && function(code) {
-        errorCB(new ContactError(code));
-    };
-    var success = function(result) {
-        if (result) {
-            if (successCB) {
-                var fullContact = require('cordova/plugin/contacts').create(result);
-                successCB(convertIn(fullContact));
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            // no Entry object returned
-            fail(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
-        }
-    };
-    var dupContact = convertOut(utils.clone(this));
-    exec(success, fail, "Contacts", "save", [dupContact]);
-module.exports = Contact;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/ContactAddress.js
-define("cordova/plugin/ContactAddress", function(require, exports, module) {
-* Contact address.
-* @constructor
-* @param {DOMString} id unique identifier, should only be set by native code
-* @param formatted // NOTE: not a W3C standard
-* @param streetAddress
-* @param locality
-* @param region
-* @param postalCode
-* @param country
-var ContactAddress = function(pref, type, formatted, streetAddress, locality, region, postalCode, country) {
- = null;
-    this.pref = (typeof pref != 'undefined' ? pref : false);
-    this.type = type || null;
-    this.formatted = formatted || null;
-    this.streetAddress = streetAddress || null;
-    this.locality = locality || null;
-    this.region = region || null;
-    this.postalCode = postalCode || null;
- = country || null;
-module.exports = ContactAddress;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/ContactError.js
-define("cordova/plugin/ContactError", function(require, exports, module) {
- *  ContactError.
- *  An error code assigned by an implementation when an error has occurred
- * @constructor
- */
-var ContactError = function(err) {
-    this.code = (typeof err != 'undefined' ? err : null);
- * Error codes
- */
-ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0;
-ContactError.TIMEOUT_ERROR = 2;
-ContactError.IO_ERROR = 4;
-ContactError.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR = 5;
-module.exports = ContactError;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/ContactField.js
-define("cordova/plugin/ContactField", function(require, exports, module) {
-* Generic contact field.
-* @constructor
-* @param {DOMString} id unique identifier, should only be set by native code // NOTE: not a W3C standard
-* @param type
-* @param value
-* @param pref
-var ContactField = function(type, value, pref) {
- = null;
-    this.type = (type && type.toString()) || null;
-    this.value = (value && value.toString()) || null;
-    this.pref = (typeof pref != 'undefined' ? pref : false);
-module.exports = ContactField;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/ContactFindOptions.js
-define("cordova/plugin/ContactFindOptions", function(require, exports, module) {
- * ContactFindOptions.
- * @constructor
- * @param filter used to match contacts against
- * @param multiple boolean used to determine if more than one contact should be returned
- */
-var ContactFindOptions = function(filter, multiple) {
-    this.filter = filter || '';
-    this.multiple = (typeof multiple != 'undefined' ? multiple : false);
-module.exports = ContactFindOptions;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/ContactName.js
-define("cordova/plugin/ContactName", function(require, exports, module) {
-* Contact name.
-* @constructor
-* @param formatted // NOTE: not part of W3C standard
-* @param familyName
-* @param givenName
-* @param middle
-* @param prefix
-* @param suffix
-var ContactName = function(formatted, familyName, givenName, middle, prefix, suffix) {
-    this.formatted = formatted || null;
-    this.familyName = familyName || null;
-    this.givenName = givenName || null;
-    this.middleName = middle || null;
-    this.honorificPrefix = prefix || null;
-    this.honorificSuffix = suffix || null;
-module.exports = ContactName;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/ContactOrganization.js
-define("cordova/plugin/ContactOrganization", function(require, exports, module) {
-* Contact organization.
-* @constructor
-* @param {DOMString} id unique identifier, should only be set by native code // NOTE: not a W3C standard
-* @param name
-* @param dept
-* @param title
-* @param startDate
-* @param endDate
-* @param location
-* @param desc
-var ContactOrganization = function(pref, type, name, dept, title) {
- = null;
-    this.pref = (typeof pref != 'undefined' ? pref : false);
-    this.type = type || null;
- = name || null;
-    this.department = dept || null;
-    this.title = title || null;
-module.exports = ContactOrganization;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/Coordinates.js
-define("cordova/plugin/Coordinates", function(require, exports, module) {
- * This class contains position information.
- * @param {Object} lat
- * @param {Object} lng
- * @param {Object} alt
- * @param {Object} acc
- * @param {Object} head
- * @param {Object} vel
- * @param {Object} altacc
- * @constructor
- */
-var Coordinates = function(lat, lng, alt, acc, head, vel, altacc) {
-    /**
-     * The latitude of the position.
-     */
-    this.latitude = lat;
-    /**
-     * The longitude of the position,
-     */
-    this.longitude = lng;
-    /**
-     * The accuracy of the position.
-     */
-    this.accuracy = acc;
-    /**
-     * The altitude of the position.
-     */
-    this.altitude = (alt !== undefined ? alt : null);
-    /**
-     * The direction the device is moving at the position.
-     */
-    this.heading = (head !== undefined ? head : null);
-    /**
-     * The velocity with which the device is moving at the position.
-     */
-    this.speed = (vel !== undefined ? vel : null);
-    if (this.speed === 0 || this.speed === null) {
-        this.heading = NaN;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The altitude accuracy of the position.
-     */
-    this.altitudeAccuracy = (altacc !== undefined) ? altacc : null;
-module.exports = Coordinates;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/DirectoryEntry.js
-define("cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    utils = require('cordova/utils'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    Entry = require('cordova/plugin/Entry'),
-    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),
-    DirectoryReader = require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryReader');
- * An interface representing a directory on the file system.
- *
- * {boolean} isFile always false (readonly)
- * {boolean} isDirectory always true (readonly)
- * {DOMString} name of the directory, excluding the path leading to it (readonly)
- * {DOMString} fullPath the absolute full path to the directory (readonly)
- * TODO: implement this!!! {FileSystem} filesystem on which the directory resides (readonly)
- */
-var DirectoryEntry = function(name, fullPath) {
-, false, true, name, fullPath);
-utils.extend(DirectoryEntry, Entry);
- * Creates a new DirectoryReader to read entries from this directory
- */
-DirectoryEntry.prototype.createReader = function() {
-    return new DirectoryReader(this.fullPath);
- * Creates or looks up a directory
- *
- * @param {DOMString} path either a relative or absolute path from this directory in which to look up or create a directory
- * @param {Flags} options to create or exclusively create the directory
- * @param {Function} successCallback is called with the new entry
- * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError
- */
-DirectoryEntry.prototype.getDirectory = function(path, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('sOFF', 'DirectoryEntry.getDirectory', arguments);
-    var win = successCallback && function(result) {
-        var entry = new DirectoryEntry(, result.fullPath);
-        successCallback(entry);
-    };
-    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    exec(win, fail, "File", "getDirectory", [this.fullPath, path, options]);
- * Deletes a directory and all of it's contents
- *
- * @param {Function} successCallback is called with no parameters
- * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError
- */
-DirectoryEntry.prototype.removeRecursively = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('FF', 'DirectoryEntry.removeRecursively', arguments);
-    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    exec(successCallback, fail, "File", "removeRecursively", [this.fullPath]);
- * Creates or looks up a file
- *
- * @param {DOMString} path either a relative or absolute path from this directory in which to look up or create a file
- * @param {Flags} options to create or exclusively create the file
- * @param {Function} successCallback is called with the new entry
- * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError
- */
-DirectoryEntry.prototype.getFile = function(path, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('sOFF', 'DirectoryEntry.getFile', arguments);
-    var win = successCallback && function(result) {
-        var FileEntry = require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry');
-        var entry = new FileEntry(, result.fullPath);
-        successCallback(entry);
-    };
-    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    exec(win, fail, "File", "getFile", [this.fullPath, path, options]);
-module.exports = DirectoryEntry;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/DirectoryReader.js
-define("cordova/plugin/DirectoryReader", function(require, exports, module) {
-var exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError') ;
- * An interface that lists the files and directories in a directory.
- */
-function DirectoryReader(path) {
-    this.path = path || null;
- * Returns a list of entries from a directory.
- *
- * @param {Function} successCallback is called with a list of entries
- * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError
- */
-DirectoryReader.prototype.readEntries = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var win = typeof successCallback !== 'function' ? null : function(result) {
-        var retVal = [];
-        for (var i=0; i<result.length; i++) {
-            var entry = null;
-            if (result[i].isDirectory) {
-                entry = new (require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'))();
-            }
-            else if (result[i].isFile) {
-                entry = new (require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'))();
-            }
-            entry.isDirectory = result[i].isDirectory;
-            entry.isFile = result[i].isFile;
-   = result[i].name;
-            entry.fullPath = result[i].fullPath;
-            retVal.push(entry);
-        }
-        successCallback(retVal);
-    };
-    var fail = typeof errorCallback !== 'function' ? null : function(code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    exec(win, fail, "File", "readEntries", [this.path]);
-module.exports = DirectoryReader;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/Entry.js
-define("cordova/plugin/Entry", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),
-    Metadata = require('cordova/plugin/Metadata');
- * Represents a file or directory on the local file system.
- *
- * @param isFile
- *            {boolean} true if Entry is a file (readonly)
- * @param isDirectory
- *            {boolean} true if Entry is a directory (readonly)
- * @param name
- *            {DOMString} name of the file or directory, excluding the path
- *            leading to it (readonly)
- * @param fullPath
- *            {DOMString} the absolute full path to the file or directory
- *            (readonly)
- */
-function Entry(isFile, isDirectory, name, fullPath, fileSystem) {
-    this.isFile = !!isFile;
-    this.isDirectory = !!isDirectory;
- = name || '';
-    this.fullPath = fullPath || '';
-    this.filesystem = fileSystem || null;
- * Look up the metadata of the entry.
- *
- * @param successCallback
- *            {Function} is called with a Metadata object
- * @param errorCallback
- *            {Function} is called with a FileError
- */
-Entry.prototype.getMetadata = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('FF', 'Entry.getMetadata', arguments);
-    var success = successCallback && function(lastModified) {
-        var metadata = new Metadata(lastModified);
-        successCallback(metadata);
-    };
-    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    exec(success, fail, "File", "getMetadata", [this.fullPath]);
- * Set the metadata of the entry.
- *
- * @param successCallback
- *            {Function} is called with a Metadata object
- * @param errorCallback
- *            {Function} is called with a FileError
- * @param metadataObject
- *            {Object} keys and values to set
- */
-Entry.prototype.setMetadata = function(successCallback, errorCallback, metadataObject) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('FFO', 'Entry.setMetadata', arguments);
-    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "File", "setMetadata", [this.fullPath, metadataObject]);
- * Move a file or directory to a new location.
- *
- * @param parent
- *            {DirectoryEntry} the directory to which to move this entry
- * @param newName
- *            {DOMString} new name of the entry, defaults to the current name
- * @param successCallback
- *            {Function} called with the new DirectoryEntry object
- * @param errorCallback
- *            {Function} called with a FileError
- */
-Entry.prototype.moveTo = function(parent, newName, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('oSFF', 'Entry.moveTo', arguments);
-    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    // source path
-    var srcPath = this.fullPath,
-        // entry name
-        name = newName ||,
-        success = function(entry) {
-            if (entry) {
-                if (successCallback) {
-                    // create appropriate Entry object
-                    var result = (entry.isDirectory) ? new (require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'))(, entry.fullPath) : new (require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'))(, entry.fullPath);
-                    successCallback(result);
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                // no Entry object returned
-                fail && fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-            }
-        };
-    // copy
-    exec(success, fail, "File", "moveTo", [srcPath, parent.fullPath, name]);
- * Copy a directory to a different location.
- *
- * @param parent
- *            {DirectoryEntry} the directory to which to copy the entry
- * @param newName
- *            {DOMString} new name of the entry, defaults to the current name
- * @param successCallback
- *            {Function} called with the new Entry object
- * @param errorCallback
- *            {Function} called with a FileError
- */
-Entry.prototype.copyTo = function(parent, newName, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('oSFF', 'Entry.copyTo', arguments);
-    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-        // source path
-    var srcPath = this.fullPath,
-        // entry name
-        name = newName ||,
-        // success callback
-        success = function(entry) {
-            if (entry) {
-                if (successCallback) {
-                    // create appropriate Entry object
-                    var result = (entry.isDirectory) ? new (require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'))(, entry.fullPath) : new (require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'))(, entry.fullPath);
-                    successCallback(result);
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                // no Entry object returned
-                fail && fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-            }
-        };
-    // copy
-    exec(success, fail, "File", "copyTo", [srcPath, parent.fullPath, name]);
- * Return a URL that can be used to identify this entry.
- */
-Entry.prototype.toURL = function() {
-    // fullPath attribute contains the full URL
-    return this.fullPath;
- * Returns a URI that can be used to identify this entry.
- *
- * @param {DOMString} mimeType for a FileEntry, the mime type to be used to interpret the file, when loaded through this URI.
- * @return uri
- */
-Entry.prototype.toURI = function(mimeType) {
-    console.log("DEPRECATED: Update your code to use 'toURL'");
-    // fullPath attribute contains the full URI
-    return this.toURL();
- * Remove a file or directory. It is an error to attempt to delete a
- * directory that is not empty. It is an error to attempt to delete a
- * root directory of a file system.
- *
- * @param successCallback {Function} called with no parameters
- * @param errorCallback {Function} called with a FileError
- */
-Entry.prototype.remove = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('FF', 'Entry.remove', arguments);
-    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    exec(successCallback, fail, "File", "remove", [this.fullPath]);
- * Look up the parent DirectoryEntry of this entry.
- *
- * @param successCallback {Function} called with the parent DirectoryEntry object
- * @param errorCallback {Function} called with a FileError
- */
-Entry.prototype.getParent = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('FF', 'Entry.getParent', arguments);
-    var win = successCallback && function(result) {
-        var DirectoryEntry = require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry');
-        var entry = new DirectoryEntry(, result.fullPath);
-        successCallback(entry);
-    };
-    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    exec(win, fail, "File", "getParent", [this.fullPath]);
-module.exports = Entry;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/File.js
-define("cordova/plugin/File", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Constructor.
- * name {DOMString} name of the file, without path information
- * fullPath {DOMString} the full path of the file, including the name
- * type {DOMString} mime type
- * lastModifiedDate {Date} last modified date
- * size {Number} size of the file in bytes
- */
-var File = function(name, fullPath, type, lastModifiedDate, size){
- = name || '';
-    this.fullPath = fullPath || null;
-    this.type = type || null;
-    this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate || null;
-    this.size = size || 0;
-    // These store the absolute start and end for slicing the file.
-    this.start = 0;
-    this.end = this.size;
- * Returns a "slice" of the file. Since Cordova Files don't contain the actual
- * content, this really returns a File with adjusted start and end.
- * Slices of slices are supported.
- * start {Number} The index at which to start the slice (inclusive).
- * end {Number} The index at which to end the slice (exclusive).
- */
-File.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {
-    var size = this.end - this.start;
-    var newStart = 0;
-    var newEnd = size;
-    if (arguments.length) {
-        if (start < 0) {
-            newStart = Math.max(size + start, 0);
-        } else {
-            newStart = Math.min(size, start);
-        }
-    }
-    if (arguments.length >= 2) {
-        if (end < 0) {
-            newEnd = Math.max(size + end, 0);
-        } else {
-            newEnd = Math.min(end, size);
-        }
-    }
-    var newFile = new File(, this.fullPath, this.type, this.lastModifiedData, this.size);
-    newFile.start = this.start + newStart;
-    newFile.end = this.start + newEnd;
-    return newFile;
-module.exports = File;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/FileEntry.js
-define("cordova/plugin/FileEntry", function(require, exports, module) {
-var utils = require('cordova/utils'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    Entry = require('cordova/plugin/Entry'),
-    FileWriter = require('cordova/plugin/FileWriter'),
-    File = require('cordova/plugin/File'),
-    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError');
- * An interface representing a file on the file system.
- *
- * {boolean} isFile always true (readonly)
- * {boolean} isDirectory always false (readonly)
- * {DOMString} name of the file, excluding the path leading to it (readonly)
- * {DOMString} fullPath the absolute full path to the file (readonly)
- * {FileSystem} filesystem on which the file resides (readonly)
- */
-var FileEntry = function(name, fullPath) {
-     FileEntry.__super__.constructor.apply(this, [true, false, name, fullPath]);
-utils.extend(FileEntry, Entry);
- * Creates a new FileWriter associated with the file that this FileEntry represents.
- *
- * @param {Function} successCallback is called with the new FileWriter
- * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError
- */
-FileEntry.prototype.createWriter = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    this.file(function(filePointer) {
-        var writer = new FileWriter(filePointer);
-        if (writer.fileName === null || writer.fileName === "") {
-            errorCallback && errorCallback(new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR));
-        } else {
-            successCallback && successCallback(writer);
-        }
-    }, errorCallback);
- * Returns a File that represents the current state of the file that this FileEntry represents.
- *
- * @param {Function} successCallback is called with the new File object
- * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError
- */
-FileEntry.prototype.file = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var win = successCallback && function(f) {
-        var file = new File(, f.fullPath, f.type, f.lastModifiedDate, f.size);
-        successCallback(file);
-    };
-    var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    exec(win, fail, "File", "getFileMetadata", [this.fullPath]);
-module.exports = FileEntry;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/FileError.js
-define("cordova/plugin/FileError", function(require, exports, module) {
- * FileError
- */
-function FileError(error) {
-  this.code = error || null;
-// File error codes
-// Found in DOMException
-FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 1;
-FileError.SECURITY_ERR = 2;
-FileError.ABORT_ERR = 3;
-// Added by File API specification
-FileError.NOT_READABLE_ERR = 4;
-FileError.ENCODING_ERR = 5;
-FileError.SYNTAX_ERR = 8;
-FileError.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 11;
-FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR = 12;
-module.exports = FileError;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/FileReader.js
-define("cordova/plugin/FileReader", function(require, exports, module) {
-var exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper'),
-    utils = require('cordova/utils'),
-    File = require('cordova/plugin/File'),
-    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),
-    ProgressEvent = require('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent'),
-    origFileReader = modulemapper.getOriginalSymbol(this, 'FileReader');
- * This class reads the mobile device file system.
- *
- * For Android:
- *      The root directory is the root of the file system.
- *      To read from the SD card, the file name is "sdcard/my_file.txt"
- * @constructor
- */
-var FileReader = function() {
-    this._readyState = 0;
-    this._error = null;
-    this._result = null;
-    this._fileName = '';
-    this._realReader = origFileReader ? new origFileReader() : {};
-// States
-FileReader.EMPTY = 0;
-FileReader.LOADING = 1;
-FileReader.DONE = 2;
-utils.defineGetter(FileReader.prototype, 'readyState', function() {
-    return this._fileName ? this._readyState : this._realReader.readyState;
-utils.defineGetter(FileReader.prototype, 'error', function() {
-    return this._fileName ? this._error: this._realReader.error;
-utils.defineGetter(FileReader.prototype, 'result', function() {
-    return this._fileName ? this._result: this._realReader.result;
-function defineEvent(eventName) {
-    utils.defineGetterSetter(FileReader.prototype, eventName, function() {
-        return this._realReader[eventName] || null;
-    }, function(value) {
-        this._realReader[eventName] = value;
-    });
-defineEvent('onloadstart');    // When the read starts.
-defineEvent('onprogress');     // While reading (and decoding) file or fileBlob data, and reporting partial file data (progress.loaded/
-defineEvent('onload');         // When the read has successfully completed.
-defineEvent('onerror');        // When the read has failed (see errors).
-defineEvent('onloadend');      // When the request has completed (either in success or failure).
-defineEvent('onabort');        // When the read has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method.
-function initRead(reader, file) {
-    // Already loading something
-    if (reader.readyState == FileReader.LOADING) {
-      throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    reader._result = null;
-    reader._error = null;
-    reader._readyState = FileReader.LOADING;
-    if (typeof file == 'string') {
-        // Deprecated in Cordova 2.4.
-        console.warning('Using a string argument with FileReader.readAs functions is deprecated.');
-        reader._fileName = file;
-    } else if (typeof file.fullPath == 'string') {
-        reader._fileName = file.fullPath;
-    } else {
-        reader._fileName = '';
-        return true;
-    }
-    reader.onloadstart && reader.onloadstart(new ProgressEvent("loadstart", {target:reader}));
- * Abort reading file.
- */
-FileReader.prototype.abort = function() {
-    if (origFileReader && !this._fileName) {
-        return this._realReader.abort();
-    }
-    this._result = null;
-    if (this._readyState == FileReader.DONE || this._readyState == FileReader.EMPTY) {
-      return;
-    }
-    this._readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-    // If abort callback
-    if (typeof this.onabort === 'function') {
-        this.onabort(new ProgressEvent('abort', {target:this}));
-    }
-    // If load end callback
-    if (typeof this.onloadend === 'function') {
-        this.onloadend(new ProgressEvent('loadend', {target:this}));
-    }
- * Read text file.
- *
- * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties
- * @param encoding      [Optional] (see
- */
-FileReader.prototype.readAsText = function(file, encoding) {
-    if (initRead(this, file)) {
-        return this._realReader.readAsText(file, encoding);
-    }
-    // Default encoding is UTF-8
-    var enc = encoding ? encoding : "UTF-8";
-    var me = this;
-    var execArgs = [this._fileName, enc, file.start, file.end];
-    // Read file
-    exec(
-        // Success callback
-        function(r) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // Save result
-            me._result = r;
-            // If onload callback
-            if (typeof me.onload === "function") {
-                me.onload(new ProgressEvent("load", {target:me}));
-            }
-            // DONE state
-            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-            // If onloadend callback
-            if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", {target:me}));
-            }
-        },
-        // Error callback
-        function(e) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // DONE state
-            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-            // null result
-            me._result = null;
-            // Save error
-            me._error = new FileError(e);
-            // If onerror callback
-            if (typeof me.onerror === "function") {
-                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent("error", {target:me}));
-            }
-            // If onloadend callback
-            if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", {target:me}));
-            }
-        }, "File", "readAsText", execArgs);
- * Read file and return data as a base64 encoded data url.
- * A data url is of the form:
- *      data:[<mediatype>][;base64],<data>
- *
- * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties
- */
-FileReader.prototype.readAsDataURL = function(file) {
-    if (initRead(this, file)) {
-        return this._realReader.readAsDataURL(file);
-    }
-    var me = this;
-    var execArgs = [this._fileName, file.start, file.end];
-    // Read file
-    exec(
-        // Success callback
-        function(r) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // DONE state
-            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-            // Save result
-            me._result = r;
-            // If onload callback
-            if (typeof me.onload === "function") {
-                me.onload(new ProgressEvent("load", {target:me}));
-            }
-            // If onloadend callback
-            if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", {target:me}));
-            }
-        },
-        // Error callback
-        function(e) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // DONE state
-            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-            me._result = null;
-            // Save error
-            me._error = new FileError(e);
-            // If onerror callback
-            if (typeof me.onerror === "function") {
-                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent("error", {target:me}));
-            }
-            // If onloadend callback
-            if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", {target:me}));
-            }
-        }, "File", "readAsDataURL", execArgs);
- * Read file and return data as a binary data.
- *
- * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties
- */
-FileReader.prototype.readAsBinaryString = function(file) {
-    if (initRead(this, file)) {
-        return this._realReader.readAsBinaryString(file);
-    }
-    var me = this;
-    var execArgs = [this._fileName, file.start, file.end];
-    // Read file
-    exec(
-        // Success callback
-        function(r) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // DONE state
-            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-            me._result = r;
-            // If onload callback
-            if (typeof me.onload === "function") {
-                me.onload(new ProgressEvent("load", {target:me}));
-            }
-            // If onloadend callback
-            if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", {target:me}));
-            }
-        },
-        // Error callback
-        function(e) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // DONE state
-            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-            me._result = null;
-            // Save error
-            me._error = new FileError(e);
-            // If onerror callback
-            if (typeof me.onerror === "function") {
-                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent("error", {target:me}));
-            }
-            // If onloadend callback
-            if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", {target:me}));
-            }
-        }, "File", "readAsBinaryString", execArgs);
- * Read file and return data as a binary data.
- *
- * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties
- */
-FileReader.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer = function(file) {
-    if (initRead(this, file)) {
-        return this._realReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);
-    }
-    var me = this;
-    var execArgs = [this._fileName, file.start, file.end];
-    // Read file
-    exec(
-        // Success callback
-        function(r) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // DONE state
-            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-            me._result = r;
-            // If onload callback
-            if (typeof me.onload === "function") {
-                me.onload(new ProgressEvent("load", {target:me}));
-            }
-            // If onloadend callback
-            if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", {target:me}));
-            }
-        },
-        // Error callback
-        function(e) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me._readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // DONE state
-            me._readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-            me._result = null;
-            // Save error
-            me._error = new FileError(e);
-            // If onerror callback
-            if (typeof me.onerror === "function") {
-                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent("error", {target:me}));
-            }
-            // If onloadend callback
-            if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", {target:me}));
-            }
-        }, "File", "readAsArrayBuffer", execArgs);
-module.exports = FileReader;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/FileSystem.js
-define("cordova/plugin/FileSystem", function(require, exports, module) {
-var DirectoryEntry = require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry');
- * An interface representing a file system
- *
- * @constructor
- * {DOMString} name the unique name of the file system (readonly)
- * {DirectoryEntry} root directory of the file system (readonly)
- */
-var FileSystem = function(name, root) {
- = name || null;
-    if (root) {
-        this.root = new DirectoryEntry(, root.fullPath);
-    }
-module.exports = FileSystem;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/FileTransfer.js
-define("cordova/plugin/FileTransfer", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    FileTransferError = require('cordova/plugin/FileTransferError'),
-    ProgressEvent = require('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent');
-function newProgressEvent(result) {
-    var pe = new ProgressEvent();
-    pe.lengthComputable = result.lengthComputable;
-    pe.loaded = result.loaded;
- =;
-    return pe;
-function getBasicAuthHeader(urlString) {
-    var header =  null;
-    if (window.btoa) {
-        // parse the url using the Location object
-        var url = document.createElement('a');
-        url.href = urlString;
-        var credentials = null;
-        var protocol = url.protocol + "//";
-        var origin = protocol +;
-        // check whether there are the username:password credentials in the url
-        if (url.href.indexOf(origin) !== 0) { // credentials found
-            var atIndex = url.href.indexOf("@");
-            credentials = url.href.substring(protocol.length, atIndex);
-        }
-        if (credentials) {
-            var authHeader = "Authorization";
-            var authHeaderValue = "Basic " + window.btoa(credentials);
-            header = {
-                name : authHeader,
-                value : authHeaderValue
-            };
-        }
-    }
-    return header;
-var idCounter = 0;
- * FileTransfer uploads a file to a remote server.
- * @constructor
- */
-var FileTransfer = function() {
-    this._id = ++idCounter;
-    this.onprogress = null; // optional callback
-* Given an absolute file path, uploads a file on the device to a remote server
-* using a multipart HTTP request.
-* @param filePath {String}           Full path of the file on the device
-* @param server {String}             URL of the server to receive the file
-* @param successCallback (Function}  Callback to be invoked when upload has completed
-* @param errorCallback {Function}    Callback to be invoked upon error
-* @param options {FileUploadOptions} Optional parameters such as file name and mimetype
-* @param trustAllHosts {Boolean} Optional trust all hosts (e.g. for self-signed certs), defaults to false
-FileTransfer.prototype.upload = function(filePath, server, successCallback, errorCallback, options, trustAllHosts) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('ssFFO*', 'FileTransfer.upload', arguments);
-    // check for options
-    var fileKey = null;
-    var fileName = null;
-    var mimeType = null;
-    var params = null;
-    var chunkedMode = true;
-    var headers = null;
-    var httpMethod = null;
-    var basicAuthHeader = getBasicAuthHeader(server);
-    if (basicAuthHeader) {
-        options = options || {};
-        options.headers = options.headers || {};
-        options.headers[] = basicAuthHeader.value;
-    }
-    if (options) {
-        fileKey = options.fileKey;
-        fileName = options.fileName;
-        mimeType = options.mimeType;
-        headers = options.headers;
-        httpMethod = options.httpMethod || "POST";
-        if (httpMethod.toUpperCase() == "PUT"){
-            httpMethod = "PUT";
-        } else {
-            httpMethod = "POST";
-        }
-        if (options.chunkedMode !== null || typeof options.chunkedMode != "undefined") {
-            chunkedMode = options.chunkedMode;
-        }
-        if (options.params) {
-            params = options.params;
-        }
-        else {
-            params = {};
-        }
-    }
-    var fail = errorCallback && function(e) {
-        var error = new FileTransferError(e.code, e.source,, e.http_status, e.body);
-        errorCallback(error);
-    };
-    var self = this;
-    var win = function(result) {
-        if (typeof result.lengthComputable != "undefined") {
-            if (self.onprogress) {
-                self.onprogress(newProgressEvent(result));
-            }
-        } else {
-            successCallback && successCallback(result);
-        }
-    };
-    exec(win, fail, 'FileTransfer', 'upload', [filePath, server, fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, trustAllHosts, chunkedMode, headers, this._id, httpMethod]);
- * Downloads a file form a given URL and saves it to the specified directory.
- * @param source {String}          URL of the server to receive the file
- * @param target {String}         Full path of the file on the device
- * @param successCallback (Function}  Callback to be invoked when upload has completed
- * @param errorCallback {Function}    Callback to be invoked upon error
- * @param trustAllHosts {Boolean} Optional trust all hosts (e.g. for self-signed certs), defaults to false
- * @param options {FileDownloadOptions} Optional parameters such as headers
- */ = function(source, target, successCallback, errorCallback, trustAllHosts, options) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('ssFF*', '', arguments);
-    var self = this;
-    var basicAuthHeader = getBasicAuthHeader(source);
-    if (basicAuthHeader) {
-        options = options || {};
-        options.headers = options.headers || {};
-        options.headers[] = basicAuthHeader.value;
-    }
-    var headers = null;
-    if (options) {
-        headers = options.headers || null;
-    }
-    var win = function(result) {
-        if (typeof result.lengthComputable != "undefined") {
-            if (self.onprogress) {
-                return self.onprogress(newProgressEvent(result));
-            }
-        } else if (successCallback) {
-            var entry = null;
-            if (result.isDirectory) {
-                entry = new (require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'))();
-            }
-            else if (result.isFile) {
-                entry = new (require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'))();
-            }
-            entry.isDirectory = result.isDirectory;
-            entry.isFile = result.isFile;
-   =;
-            entry.fullPath = result.fullPath;
-            successCallback(entry);
-        }
-    };
-    var fail = errorCallback && function(e) {
-        var error = new FileTransferError(e.code, e.source,, e.http_status, e.body);
-        errorCallback(error);
-    };
-    exec(win, fail, 'FileTransfer', 'download', [source, target, trustAllHosts, this._id, headers]);
- * Aborts the ongoing file transfer on this object. The original error
- * callback for the file transfer will be called if necessary.
- */
-FileTransfer.prototype.abort = function() {
-    exec(null, null, 'FileTransfer', 'abort', [this._id]);
-module.exports = FileTransfer;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/FileTransferError.js
-define("cordova/plugin/FileTransferError", function(require, exports, module) {
- * FileTransferError
- * @constructor
- */
-var FileTransferError = function(code, source, target, status, body) {
-    this.code = code || null;
-    this.source = source || null;
- = target || null;
-    this.http_status = status || null;
-    this.body = body || null;
-FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR = 1;
-FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR = 2;
-FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR = 3;
-FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR = 4;
-module.exports = FileTransferError;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/FileUploadOptions.js
-define("cordova/plugin/FileUploadOptions", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Options to customize the HTTP request used to upload files.
- * @constructor
- * @param fileKey {String}   Name of file request parameter.
- * @param fileName {String}  Filename to be used by the server. Defaults to image.jpg.
- * @param mimeType {String}  Mimetype of the uploaded file. Defaults to image/jpeg.
- * @param params {Object}    Object with key: value params to send to the server.
- * @param headers {Object}   Keys are header names, values are header values. Multiple
- *                           headers of the same name are not supported.
- */
-var FileUploadOptions = function(fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, headers, httpMethod) {
-    this.fileKey = fileKey || null;
-    this.fileName = fileName || null;
-    this.mimeType = mimeType || null;
-    this.params = params || null;
-    this.headers = headers || null;
-    this.httpMethod = httpMethod || null;
-module.exports = FileUploadOptions;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/FileUploadResult.js
-define("cordova/plugin/FileUploadResult", function(require, exports, module) {
- * FileUploadResult
- * @constructor
- */
-var FileUploadResult = function() {
-    this.bytesSent = 0;
-    this.responseCode = null;
-    this.response = null;
-module.exports = FileUploadResult;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/FileWriter.js
-define("cordova/plugin/FileWriter", function(require, exports, module) {
-var exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),
-    ProgressEvent = require('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent');
- * This class writes to the mobile device file system.
- *
- * For Android:
- *      The root directory is the root of the file system.
- *      To write to the SD card, the file name is "sdcard/my_file.txt"
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param file {File} File object containing file properties
- * @param append if true write to the end of the file, otherwise overwrite the file
- */
-var FileWriter = function(file) {
-    this.fileName = "";
-    this.length = 0;
-    if (file) {
-        this.fileName = file.fullPath || file;
-        this.length = file.size || 0;
-    }
-    // default is to write at the beginning of the file
-    this.position = 0;
-    this.readyState = 0; // EMPTY
-    this.result = null;
-    // Error
-    this.error = null;
-    // Event handlers
-    this.onwritestart = null;   // When writing starts
-    this.onprogress = null;     // While writing the file, and reporting partial file data
-    this.onwrite = null;        // When the write has successfully completed.
-    this.onwriteend = null;     // When the request has completed (either in success or failure).
-    this.onabort = null;        // When the write has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method.
-    this.onerror = null;        // When the write has failed (see errors).
-// States
-FileWriter.INIT = 0;
-FileWriter.WRITING = 1;
-FileWriter.DONE = 2;
- * Abort writing file.
- */
-FileWriter.prototype.abort = function() {
-    // check for invalid state
-    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.DONE || this.readyState === FileWriter.INIT) {
-        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    // set error
-    this.error = new FileError(FileError.ABORT_ERR);
-    this.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;
-    // If abort callback
-    if (typeof this.onabort === "function") {
-        this.onabort(new ProgressEvent("abort", {"target":this}));
-    }
-    // If write end callback
-    if (typeof this.onwriteend === "function") {
-        this.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent("writeend", {"target":this}));
-    }
- * Writes data to the file
- *
- * @param text to be written
- */
-FileWriter.prototype.write = function(text) {
-    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file
-    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {
-        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    // WRITING state
-    this.readyState = FileWriter.WRITING;
-    var me = this;
-    // If onwritestart callback
-    if (typeof me.onwritestart === "function") {
-        me.onwritestart(new ProgressEvent("writestart", {"target":me}));
-    }
-    // Write file
-    exec(
-        // Success callback
-        function(r) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // position always increases by bytes written because file would be extended
-            me.position += r;
-            // The length of the file is now where we are done writing.
-            me.length = me.position;
-            // DONE state
-            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;
-            // If onwrite callback
-            if (typeof me.onwrite === "function") {
-                me.onwrite(new ProgressEvent("write", {"target":me}));
-            }
-            // If onwriteend callback
-            if (typeof me.onwriteend === "function") {
-                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent("writeend", {"target":me}));
-            }
-        },
-        // Error callback
-        function(e) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // DONE state
-            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;
-            // Save error
-            me.error = new FileError(e);
-            // If onerror callback
-            if (typeof me.onerror === "function") {
-                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent("error", {"target":me}));
-            }
-            // If onwriteend callback
-            if (typeof me.onwriteend === "function") {
-                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent("writeend", {"target":me}));
-            }
-        }, "File", "write", [this.fileName, text, this.position]);
- * Moves the file pointer to the location specified.
- *
- * If the offset is a negative number the position of the file
- * pointer is rewound.  If the offset is greater than the file
- * size the position is set to the end of the file.
- *
- * @param offset is the location to move the file pointer to.
- */ = function(offset) {
-    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file
-    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {
-        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    if (!offset && offset !== 0) {
-        return;
-    }
-    // See back from end of file.
-    if (offset < 0) {
-        this.position = Math.max(offset + this.length, 0);
-    }
-    // Offset is bigger than file size so set position
-    // to the end of the file.
-    else if (offset > this.length) {
-        this.position = this.length;
-    }
-    // Offset is between 0 and file size so set the position
-    // to start writing.
-    else {
-        this.position = offset;
-    }
- * Truncates the file to the size specified.
- *
- * @param size to chop the file at.
- */
-FileWriter.prototype.truncate = function(size) {
-    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file
-    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {
-        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    // WRITING state
-    this.readyState = FileWriter.WRITING;
-    var me = this;
-    // If onwritestart callback
-    if (typeof me.onwritestart === "function") {
-        me.onwritestart(new ProgressEvent("writestart", {"target":this}));
-    }
-    // Write file
-    exec(
-        // Success callback
-        function(r) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // DONE state
-            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;
-            // Update the length of the file
-            me.length = r;
-            me.position = Math.min(me.position, r);
-            // If onwrite callback
-            if (typeof me.onwrite === "function") {
-                me.onwrite(new ProgressEvent("write", {"target":me}));
-            }
-            // If onwriteend callback
-            if (typeof me.onwriteend === "function") {
-                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent("writeend", {"target":me}));
-            }
-        },
-        // Error callback
-        function(e) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // DONE state
-            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;
-            // Save error
-            me.error = new FileError(e);
-            // If onerror callback
-            if (typeof me.onerror === "function") {
-                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent("error", {"target":me}));
-            }
-            // If onwriteend callback
-            if (typeof me.onwriteend === "function") {
-                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent("writeend", {"target":me}));
-            }
-        }, "File", "truncate", [this.fileName, size]);
-module.exports = FileWriter;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/Flags.js
-define("cordova/plugin/Flags", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Supplies arguments to methods that lookup or create files and directories.
- *
- * @param create
- *            {boolean} file or directory if it doesn't exist
- * @param exclusive
- *            {boolean} used with create; if true the command will fail if
- *            target path exists
- */
-function Flags(create, exclusive) {
-    this.create = create || false;
-    this.exclusive = exclusive || false;
-module.exports = Flags;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/GlobalizationError.js
-define("cordova/plugin/GlobalizationError", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Globalization error object
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param code
- * @param message
- */
-var GlobalizationError = function(code, message) {
-    this.code = code || null;
-    this.message = message || '';
-// Globalization error codes
-GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0;
-GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR = 1;
-GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR = 2;
-GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR = 3;
-module.exports = GlobalizationError;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/InAppBrowser.js
-define("cordova/plugin/InAppBrowser", function(require, exports, module) {
-var exec = require('cordova/exec');
-var channel = require('cordova/channel');
-function InAppBrowser() {
-   this.channels = {
-        'loadstart': channel.create('loadstart'),
-        'loadstop' : channel.create('loadstop'),
-        'loaderror' : channel.create('loaderror'),
-        'exit' : channel.create('exit')
-   };
-InAppBrowser.prototype = {
-    _eventHandler: function (event) {
-        if (event.type in this.channels) {
-            this.channels[event.type].fire(event);
-        }
-    },
-    close: function (eventname) {
-        exec(null, null, "InAppBrowser", "close", []);
-    },
-    addEventListener: function (eventname,f) {
-        if (eventname in this.channels) {
-            this.channels[eventname].subscribe(f);
-        }
-    },
-    removeEventListener: function(eventname, f) {
-        if (eventname in this.channels) {
-            this.channels[eventname].unsubscribe(f);
-        }
-    },
-    executeScript: function(injectDetails, cb) {
-        var script,
-            sourceString;
-        if (injectDetails.code) {
-            exec(cb, null, "InAppBrowser", "injectScriptCode", [injectDetails.code]);
-        } else if (injectDetails.file) {
-            sourceString = JSON.stringify(injectDetails.file);
-            script = "(function(d) { var c = d.createElement('script'); c.src = " + sourceString + "; d.body.appendChild(c); })(document)";
-            exec(cb, null, "InAppBrowser", "injectScriptCode", [script]);
-        } else {
-            throw new Error('executeScript requires exactly one of code or file to be specified');
-        }
-    },
-    insertCSS: function(injectDetails, cb) {
-        var script,
-            sourceString;
-        if (injectDetails.code) {
-            sourceString = JSON.stringify(injectDetails.code);
-            script = "(function(d) { var c = d.createElement('style'); c.innerHTML = " + sourceString + "; d.body.appendChild(c); })(document)";
-            exec(cb, null, "InAppBrowser", "injectScriptCode", [script]);
-        } else if (injectDetails.file) {
-            sourceString = JSON.stringify(injectDetails.file);
-            script = "(function(d) { var c = d.createElement('link'); c.rel='stylesheet', c.type='text/css'; c.href = " + sourceString + "; d.body.appendChild(c); })(document)";
-            exec(cb, null, "InAppBrowser", "injectScriptCode", [script]);
-        } else {
-            throw new Error('insertCSS requires exactly one of code or file to be specified');
-        }
-    }
-module.exports = function(strUrl, strWindowName, strWindowFeatures) {
-    var iab = new InAppBrowser();
-    var cb = function(eventname) {
-       iab._eventHandler(eventname);
-    };
-    exec(cb, cb, "InAppBrowser", "open", [strUrl, strWindowName, strWindowFeatures]);
-    return iab;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/LocalFileSystem.js
-define("cordova/plugin/LocalFileSystem", function(require, exports, module) {
-var exec = require('cordova/exec');
- * Represents a local file system.
- */
-var LocalFileSystem = function() {
-LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY = 0; //temporary, with no guarantee of persistence
-LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT = 1; //persistent
-module.exports = LocalFileSystem;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/Media.js
-define("cordova/plugin/Media", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    utils = require('cordova/utils'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec');
-var mediaObjects = {};
- * This class provides access to the device media, interfaces to both sound and video
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param src                   The file name or url to play
- * @param successCallback       The callback to be called when the file is done playing or recording.
- *                                  successCallback()
- * @param errorCallback         The callback to be called if there is an error.
- *                                  errorCallback(int errorCode) - OPTIONAL
- * @param statusCallback        The callback to be called when media status has changed.
- *                                  statusCallback(int statusCode) - OPTIONAL
- */
-var Media = function(src, successCallback, errorCallback, statusCallback) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('SFFF', 'Media', arguments);
- = utils.createUUID();
-    mediaObjects[] = this;
-    this.src = src;
-    this.successCallback = successCallback;
-    this.errorCallback = errorCallback;
-    this.statusCallback = statusCallback;
-    this._duration = -1;
-    this._position = -1;
-    exec(null, this.errorCallback, "Media", "create", [, this.src]);
-// Media messages
-Media.MEDIA_STATE = 1;
-Media.MEDIA_ERROR = 9;
-// Media states
-Media.MEDIA_NONE = 0;
-Media.MEDIA_PAUSED = 3;
-Media.MEDIA_MSG = ["None", "Starting", "Running", "Paused", "Stopped"];
-// "static" function to return existing objs.
-Media.get = function(id) {
-    return mediaObjects[id];
- * Start or resume playing audio file.
- */ = function(options) {
-    exec(null, null, "Media", "startPlayingAudio", [, this.src, options]);
- * Stop playing audio file.
- */
-Media.prototype.stop = function() {
-    var me = this;
-    exec(function() {
-        me._position = 0;
-    }, this.errorCallback, "Media", "stopPlayingAudio", []);
- * Seek or jump to a new time in the track..
- */
-Media.prototype.seekTo = function(milliseconds) {
-    var me = this;
-    exec(function(p) {
-        me._position = p;
-    }, this.errorCallback, "Media", "seekToAudio", [, milliseconds]);
- * Pause playing audio file.
- */
-Media.prototype.pause = function() {
-    exec(null, this.errorCallback, "Media", "pausePlayingAudio", []);
- * Get duration of an audio file.
- * The duration is only set for audio that is playing, paused or stopped.
- *
- * @return      duration or -1 if not known.
- */
-Media.prototype.getDuration = function() {
-    return this._duration;
- * Get position of audio.
- */
-Media.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function(success, fail) {
-    var me = this;
-    exec(function(p) {
-        me._position = p;
-        success(p);
-    }, fail, "Media", "getCurrentPositionAudio", []);
- * Start recording audio file.
- */
-Media.prototype.startRecord = function() {
-    exec(null, this.errorCallback, "Media", "startRecordingAudio", [, this.src]);
- * Stop recording audio file.
- */
-Media.prototype.stopRecord = function() {
-    exec(null, this.errorCallback, "Media", "stopRecordingAudio", []);
- * Release the resources.
- */
-Media.prototype.release = function() {
-    exec(null, this.errorCallback, "Media", "release", []);
- * Adjust the volume.
- */
-Media.prototype.setVolume = function(volume) {
-    exec(null, null, "Media", "setVolume", [, volume]);
- * Audio has status update.
- *
- * @param id            The media object id (string)
- * @param msgType       The 'type' of update this is
- * @param value         Use of value is determined by the msgType
- */
-Media.onStatus = function(id, msgType, value) {
-    var media = mediaObjects[id];
-    if(media) {
-        switch(msgType) {
-            case Media.MEDIA_STATE :
-                media.statusCallback && media.statusCallback(value);
-                if(value == Media.MEDIA_STOPPED) {
-                    media.successCallback && media.successCallback();
-                }
-                break;
-            case Media.MEDIA_DURATION :
-                media._duration = value;
-                break;
-            case Media.MEDIA_ERROR :
-                media.errorCallback && media.errorCallback(value);
-                break;
-            case Media.MEDIA_POSITION :
-                media._position = Number(value);
-                break;
-            default :
-                console.error && console.error("Unhandled Media.onStatus :: " + msgType);
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-         console.error && console.error("Received Media.onStatus callback for unknown media :: " + id);
-    }
-module.exports = Media;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/MediaError.js
-define("cordova/plugin/MediaError", function(require, exports, module) {
- * This class contains information about any Media errors.
- According to ::
- We should never be creating these objects, we should just implement the interface
- which has 1 property for an instance, 'code'
- instead of doing :
-    errorCallbackFunction( new MediaError(3,'msg') );
-we should simply use a literal :
-    errorCallbackFunction( {'code':3} );
- */
- var _MediaError = window.MediaError;
-if(!_MediaError) {
-    window.MediaError = _MediaError = function(code, msg) {
-        this.code = (typeof code != 'undefined') ? code : null;
-        this.message = msg || ""; // message is NON-standard! do not use!
-    };
-_MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_ACTIVE    = _MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_ACTIVE    || 0;
-_MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED        = _MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED        || 1;
-_MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK        = _MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK        || 2;
-_MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE         = _MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE         || 3;
-// TODO: MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_SUPPORTED is legacy, the W3 spec now defines it as below.
-// as defined by
-module.exports = _MediaError;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/MediaFile.js
-define("cordova/plugin/MediaFile", function(require, exports, module) {
-var utils = require('cordova/utils'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    File = require('cordova/plugin/File'),
-    CaptureError = require('cordova/plugin/CaptureError');
- * Represents a single file.
- *
- * name {DOMString} name of the file, without path information
- * fullPath {DOMString} the full path of the file, including the name
- * type {DOMString} mime type
- * lastModifiedDate {Date} last modified date
- * size {Number} size of the file in bytes
- */
-var MediaFile = function(name, fullPath, type, lastModifiedDate, size){
-    MediaFile.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-utils.extend(MediaFile, File);
- * Request capture format data for a specific file and type
- *
- * @param {Function} successCB
- * @param {Function} errorCB
- */
-MediaFile.prototype.getFormatData = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    if (typeof this.fullPath === "undefined" || this.fullPath === null) {
-        errorCallback(new CaptureError(CaptureError.CAPTURE_INVALID_ARGUMENT));
-    } else {
-        exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "Capture", "getFormatData", [this.fullPath, this.type]);
-    }
-module.exports = MediaFile;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/MediaFileData.js
-define("cordova/plugin/MediaFileData", function(require, exports, module) {
- * MediaFileData encapsulates format information of a media file.
- *
- * @param {DOMString} codecs
- * @param {long} bitrate
- * @param {long} height
- * @param {long} width
- * @param {float} duration
- */
-var MediaFileData = function(codecs, bitrate, height, width, duration){
-    this.codecs = codecs || null;
-    this.bitrate = bitrate || 0;
-    this.height = height || 0;
-    this.width = width || 0;
-    this.duration = duration || 0;
-module.exports = MediaFileData;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/Metadata.js
-define("cordova/plugin/Metadata", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Information about the state of the file or directory
- *
- * {Date} modificationTime (readonly)
- */
-var Metadata = function(time) {
-    this.modificationTime = (typeof time != 'undefined'?new Date(time):null);
-module.exports = Metadata;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/Position.js
-define("cordova/plugin/Position", function(require, exports, module) {
-var Coordinates = require('cordova/plugin/Coordinates');
-var Position = function(coords, timestamp) {
-    if (coords) {
-        this.coords = new Coordinates(coords.latitude, coords.longitude, coords.altitude, coords.accuracy, coords.heading, coords.velocity, coords.altitudeAccuracy);
-    } else {
-        this.coords = new Coordinates();
-    }
-    this.timestamp = (timestamp !== undefined) ? timestamp : new Date();
-module.exports = Position;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/PositionError.js
-define("cordova/plugin/PositionError", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Position error object
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param code
- * @param message
- */
-var PositionError = function(code, message) {
-    this.code = code || null;
-    this.message = message || '';
-PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED = 1;
-PositionError.TIMEOUT = 3;
-module.exports = PositionError;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/ProgressEvent.js
-define("cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent", function(require, exports, module) {
-// If ProgressEvent exists in global context, use it already, otherwise use our own polyfill
-// Feature test: See if we can instantiate a native ProgressEvent;
-// if so, use that approach,
-// otherwise fill-in with our own implementation.
-// NOTE: right now we always fill in with our own. Down the road would be nice if we can use whatever is native in the webview.
-var ProgressEvent = (function() {
-    /*
-    var createEvent = function(data) {
-        var event = document.createEvent('Events');
-        event.initEvent('ProgressEvent', false, false);
-        if (data) {
-            for (var i in data) {
-                if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
-                    event[i] = data[i];
-                }
-            }
-            if ( {
-                // TODO: cannot call <some_custom_object>.dispatchEvent
-                // need to first figure out how to implement EventTarget
-            }
-        }
-        return event;
-    };
-    try {
-        var ev = createEvent({type:"abort",target:document});
-        return function ProgressEvent(type, data) {
-            data.type = type;
-            return createEvent(data);
-        };
-    } catch(e){
-    */
-        return function ProgressEvent(type, dict) {
-            this.type = type;
-            this.bubbles = false;
-            this.cancelBubble = false;
-            this.cancelable = false;
-            this.lengthComputable = false;
-            this.loaded = dict && dict.loaded ? dict.loaded : 0;
-   = dict && ? : 0;
-   = dict && ? : null;
-        };
-    //}
-module.exports = ProgressEvent;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/accelerometer.js
-define("cordova/plugin/accelerometer", function(require, exports, module) {
- * This class provides access to device accelerometer data.
- * @constructor
- */
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    utils = require("cordova/utils"),
-    exec = require("cordova/exec"),
-    Acceleration = require('cordova/plugin/Acceleration');
-// Is the accel sensor running?
-var running = false;
-// Keeps reference to watchAcceleration calls.
-var timers = {};
-// Array of listeners; used to keep track of when we should call start and stop.
-var listeners = [];
-// Last returned acceleration object from native
-var accel = null;
-// Tells native to start.
-function start() {
-    exec(function(a) {
-        var tempListeners = listeners.slice(0);
-        accel = new Acceleration(a.x, a.y, a.z, a.timestamp);
-        for (var i = 0, l = tempListeners.length; i < l; i++) {
-            tempListeners[i].win(accel);
-        }
-    }, function(e) {
-        var tempListeners = listeners.slice(0);
-        for (var i = 0, l = tempListeners.length; i < l; i++) {
-            tempListeners[i].fail(e);
-        }
-    }, "Accelerometer", "start", []);
-    running = true;
-// Tells native to stop.
-function stop() {
-    exec(null, null, "Accelerometer", "stop", []);
-    running = false;
-// Adds a callback pair to the listeners array
-function createCallbackPair(win, fail) {
-    return {win:win, fail:fail};
-// Removes a win/fail listener pair from the listeners array
-function removeListeners(l) {
-    var idx = listeners.indexOf(l);
-    if (idx > -1) {
-        listeners.splice(idx, 1);
-        if (listeners.length === 0) {
-            stop();
-        }
-    }
-var accelerometer = {
-    /**
-     * Asynchronously acquires the current acceleration.
-     *
-     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call when the acceleration data is available
-     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the acceleration data. (OPTIONAL)
-     * @param {AccelerationOptions} options The options for getting the accelerometer data such as timeout. (OPTIONAL)
-     */
-    getCurrentAcceleration: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-        argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration', arguments);
-        var p;
-        var win = function(a) {
-            removeListeners(p);
-            successCallback(a);
-        };
-        var fail = function(e) {
-            removeListeners(p);
-            errorCallback && errorCallback(e);
-        };
-        p = createCallbackPair(win, fail);
-        listeners.push(p);
-        if (!running) {
-            start();
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Asynchronously acquires the acceleration repeatedly at a given interval.
-     *
-     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call each time the acceleration data is available
-     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the acceleration data. (OPTIONAL)
-     * @param {AccelerationOptions} options The options for getting the accelerometer data such as timeout. (OPTIONAL)
-     * @return String                       The watch id that must be passed to #clearWatch to stop watching.
-     */
-    watchAcceleration: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-        argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'accelerometer.watchAcceleration', arguments);
-        // Default interval (10 sec)
-        var frequency = (options && options.frequency && typeof options.frequency == 'number') ? options.frequency : 10000;
-        // Keep reference to watch id, and report accel readings as often as defined in frequency
-        var id = utils.createUUID();
-        var p = createCallbackPair(function(){}, function(e) {
-            removeListeners(p);
-            errorCallback && errorCallback(e);
-        });
-        listeners.push(p);
-        timers[id] = {
-            timer:window.setInterval(function() {
-                if (accel) {
-                    successCallback(accel);
-                }
-            }, frequency),
-            listeners:p
-        };
-        if (running) {
-            // If we're already running then immediately invoke the success callback
-            // but only if we have retrieved a value, sample code does not check for null ...
-            if (accel) {
-                successCallback(accel);
-            }
-        } else {
-            start();
-        }
-        return id;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Clears the specified accelerometer watch.
-     *
-     * @param {String} id       The id of the watch returned from #watchAcceleration.
-     */
-    clearWatch: function(id) {
-        // Stop javascript timer & remove from timer list
-        if (id && timers[id]) {
-            window.clearInterval(timers[id].timer);
-            removeListeners(timers[id].listeners);
-            delete timers[id];
-        }
-    }
-module.exports = accelerometer;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/accelerometer/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/accelerometer/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/Acceleration', 'Acceleration');
-modulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/accelerometer', 'navigator.accelerometer');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/battery.js
-define("cordova/plugin/battery", function(require, exports, module) {
- * This class contains information about the current battery status.
- * @constructor
- */
-var cordova = require('cordova'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec');
-function handlers() {
-  return battery.channels.batterystatus.numHandlers +
-         battery.channels.batterylow.numHandlers +
-         battery.channels.batterycritical.numHandlers;
-var Battery = function() {
-    this._level = null;
-    this._isPlugged = null;
-    // Create new event handlers on the window (returns a channel instance)
-    this.channels = {
-      batterystatus:cordova.addWindowEventHandler("batterystatus"),
-      batterylow:cordova.addWindowEventHandler("batterylow"),
-      batterycritical:cordova.addWindowEventHandler("batterycritical")
-    };
-    for (var key in this.channels) {
-        this.channels[key].onHasSubscribersChange = Battery.onHasSubscribersChange;
-    }
- * Event handlers for when callbacks get registered for the battery.
- * Keep track of how many handlers we have so we can start and stop the native battery listener
- * appropriately (and hopefully save on battery life!).
- */
-Battery.onHasSubscribersChange = function() {
-  // If we just registered the first handler, make sure native listener is started.
-  if (this.numHandlers === 1 && handlers() === 1) {
-      exec(battery._status, battery._error, "Battery", "start", []);
-  } else if (handlers() === 0) {
-      exec(null, null, "Battery", "stop", []);
-  }
- * Callback for battery status
- *
- * @param {Object} info            keys: level, isPlugged
- */
-Battery.prototype._status = function(info) {
-    if (info) {
-        var me = battery;
-    var level = info.level;
-        if (me._level !== level || me._isPlugged !== info.isPlugged) {
-            // Fire batterystatus event
-            cordova.fireWindowEvent("batterystatus", info);
-            // Fire low battery event
-            if (level === 20 || level === 5) {
-                if (level === 20) {
-                    cordova.fireWindowEvent("batterylow", info);
-                }
-                else {
-                    cordova.fireWindowEvent("batterycritical", info);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        me._level = level;
-        me._isPlugged = info.isPlugged;
-    }
- * Error callback for battery start
- */
-Battery.prototype._error = function(e) {
-    console.log("Error initializing Battery: " + e);
-var battery = new Battery();
-module.exports = battery;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/battery/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/battery/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/battery', 'navigator.battery');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/camera/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/camera/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/Camera', '');
-modulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/CameraConstants', 'Camera');
-modulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/CameraPopoverOptions', 'CameraPopoverOptions');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/capture.js
-define("cordova/plugin/capture", function(require, exports, module) {
-var exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    MediaFile = require('cordova/plugin/MediaFile');
- * Launches a capture of different types.
- *
- * @param (DOMString} type
- * @param {Function} successCB
- * @param {Function} errorCB
- * @param {CaptureVideoOptions} options
- */
-function _capture(type, successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-    var win = function(pluginResult) {
-        var mediaFiles = [];
-        var i;
-        for (i = 0; i < pluginResult.length; i++) {
-            var mediaFile = new MediaFile();
-   = pluginResult[i].name;
-            mediaFile.fullPath = pluginResult[i].fullPath;
-            mediaFile.type = pluginResult[i].type;
-            mediaFile.lastModifiedDate = pluginResult[i].lastModifiedDate;
-            mediaFile.size = pluginResult[i].size;
-            mediaFiles.push(mediaFile);
-        }
-        successCallback(mediaFiles);
-    };
-    exec(win, errorCallback, "Capture", type, [options]);
- * The Capture interface exposes an interface to the camera and microphone of the hosting device.
- */
-function Capture() {
-    this.supportedAudioModes = [];
-    this.supportedImageModes = [];
-    this.supportedVideoModes = [];
- * Launch audio recorder application for recording audio clip(s).
- *
- * @param {Function} successCB
- * @param {Function} errorCB
- * @param {CaptureAudioOptions} options
- */
-Capture.prototype.captureAudio = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options){
-    _capture("captureAudio", successCallback, errorCallback, options);
- * Launch camera application for taking image(s).
- *
- * @param {Function} successCB
- * @param {Function} errorCB
- * @param {CaptureImageOptions} options
- */
-Capture.prototype.captureImage = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options){
-    _capture("captureImage", successCallback, errorCallback, options);
- * Launch device camera application for recording video(s).
- *
- * @param {Function} successCB
- * @param {Function} errorCB
- * @param {CaptureVideoOptions} options
- */
-Capture.prototype.captureVideo = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options){
-    _capture("captureVideo", successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-module.exports = new Capture();
-// file: lib/common/plugin/capture/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/capture/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/CaptureError', 'CaptureError');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/CaptureAudioOptions', 'CaptureAudioOptions');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/CaptureImageOptions', 'CaptureImageOptions');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/CaptureVideoOptions', 'CaptureVideoOptions');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ConfigurationData', 'ConfigurationData');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/MediaFile', 'MediaFile');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/MediaFileData', 'MediaFileData');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/capture', 'navigator.device.capture');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/compass.js
-define("cordova/plugin/compass", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    utils = require('cordova/utils'),
-    CompassHeading = require('cordova/plugin/CompassHeading'),
-    CompassError = require('cordova/plugin/CompassError'),
-    timers = {},
-    compass = {
-        /**
-         * Asynchronously acquires the current heading.
-         * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the heading
-         * data is available
-         * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
-         * getting the heading data.
-         * @param {CompassOptions} options The options for getting the heading data (not used).
-         */
-        getCurrentHeading:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-            argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'compass.getCurrentHeading', arguments);
-            var win = function(result) {
-                var ch = new CompassHeading(result.magneticHeading, result.trueHeading, result.headingAccuracy, result.timestamp);
-                successCallback(ch);
-            };
-            var fail = errorCallback && function(code) {
-                var ce = new CompassError(code);
-                errorCallback(ce);
-            };
-            // Get heading
-            exec(win, fail, "Compass", "getHeading", [options]);
-        },
-        /**
-         * Asynchronously acquires the heading repeatedly at a given interval.
-         * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call each time the heading
-         * data is available
-         * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
-         * getting the heading data.
-         * @param {HeadingOptions} options The options for getting the heading data
-         * such as timeout and the frequency of the watch. For iOS, filter parameter
-         * specifies to watch via a distance filter rather than time.
-         */
-        watchHeading:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-            argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'compass.watchHeading', arguments);
-            // Default interval (100 msec)
-            var frequency = (options !== undefined && options.frequency !== undefined) ? options.frequency : 100;
-            var filter = (options !== undefined && options.filter !== undefined) ? options.filter : 0;
-            var id = utils.createUUID();
-            if (filter > 0) {
-                // is an iOS request for watch by filter, no timer needed
-                timers[id] = "iOS";
-                compass.getCurrentHeading(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-            } else {
-                // Start watch timer to get headings
-                timers[id] = window.setInterval(function() {
-                    compass.getCurrentHeading(successCallback, errorCallback);
-                }, frequency);
-            }
-            return id;
-        },
-        /**
-         * Clears the specified heading watch.
-         * @param {String} watchId The ID of the watch returned from #watchHeading.
-         */
-        clearWatch:function(id) {
-            // Stop javascript timer & remove from timer list
-            if (id && timers[id]) {
-                if (timers[id] != "iOS") {
-                    clearInterval(timers[id]);
-                } else {
-                    // is iOS watch by filter so call into device to stop
-                    exec(null, null, "Compass", "stopHeading", []);
-                }
-                delete timers[id];
-            }
-        }
-    };
-module.exports = compass;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/compass/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/compass/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/CompassHeading', 'CompassHeading');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/CompassError', 'CompassError');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/compass', 'navigator.compass');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/console-via-logger.js
-define("cordova/plugin/console-via-logger", function(require, exports, module) {
-var logger = require("cordova/plugin/logger");
-var utils  = require("cordova/utils");
-// object that we're exporting
-var console = module.exports;
-// copy of the original console object
-var WinConsole = window.console;
-// whether to use the logger
-var UseLogger = false;
-// Timers
-var Timers = {};
-// used for unimplemented methods
-function noop() {}
-// used for unimplemented methods
-console.useLogger = function (value) {
-    if (arguments.length) UseLogger = !!value;
-    if (UseLogger) {
-        if (logger.useConsole()) {
-            throw new Error("console and logger are too intertwingly");
-        }
-    }
-    return UseLogger;
-console.log = function() {
-    if (logger.useConsole()) return;
-    logger.log.apply(logger, [];
-console.error = function() {
-    if (logger.useConsole()) return;
-    logger.error.apply(logger, [];
-console.warn = function() {
-    if (logger.useConsole()) return;
-    logger.warn.apply(logger, [];
-//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = function() {
-    if (logger.useConsole()) return;
-, [];
-console.debug = function() {
-    if (logger.useConsole()) return;
-    logger.debug.apply(logger, [];
-console.assert = function(expression) {
-    if (expression) return;
-    var message = utils.vformat(arguments[1], [], 2));
-    console.log("ASSERT: " + message);
-console.clear = function() {};
-console.dir = function(object) {
-    console.log("%o", object);
-console.dirxml = function(node) {
-    console.log(node.innerHTML);
-console.trace = noop;
-//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = console.log;
-console.groupCollapsed = console.log;
-console.groupEnd = noop;
-console.time = function(name) {
-    Timers[name] = new Date().valueOf();
-console.timeEnd = function(name) {
-    var timeStart = Timers[name];
-    if (!timeStart) {
-        console.warn("unknown timer: " + name);
-        return;
-    }
-    var timeElapsed = new Date().valueOf() - timeStart;
-    console.log(name + ": " + timeElapsed + "ms");
-console.timeStamp = noop;
-console.profile = noop;
-console.profileEnd = noop;
-console.count = noop;
-console.exception = console.log;
-console.table = function(data, columns) {
-    console.log("%o", data);
-// return a new function that calls both functions passed as args
-function wrappedOrigCall(orgFunc, newFunc) {
-    return function() {
-        var args = [];
-        try { orgFunc.apply(WinConsole, args); } catch (e) {}
-        try { newFunc.apply(console,    args); } catch (e) {}
-    };
-// For every function that exists in the original console object, that
-// also exists in the new console object, wrap the new console method
-// with one that calls both
-for (var key in console) {
-    if (typeof WinConsole[key] == "function") {
-        console[key] = wrappedOrigCall(WinConsole[key], console[key]);
-    }
-// file: lib/common/plugin/contacts.js
-define("cordova/plugin/contacts", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    ContactError = require('cordova/plugin/ContactError'),
-    utils = require('cordova/utils'),
-    Contact = require('cordova/plugin/Contact');
-* Represents a group of Contacts.
-* @constructor
-var contacts = {
-    /**
-     * Returns an array of Contacts matching the search criteria.
-     * @param fields that should be searched
-     * @param successCB success callback
-     * @param errorCB error callback
-     * @param {ContactFindOptions} options that can be applied to contact searching
-     * @return array of Contacts matching search criteria
-     */
-    find:function(fields, successCB, errorCB, options) {
-        argscheck.checkArgs('afFO', 'contacts.find', arguments);
-        if (!fields.length) {
-            errorCB && errorCB(new ContactError(ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR));
-        } else {
-            var win = function(result) {
-                var cs = [];
-                for (var i = 0, l = result.length; i < l; i++) {
-                    cs.push(contacts.create(result[i]));
-                }
-                successCB(cs);
-            };
-            exec(win, errorCB, "Contacts", "search", [fields, options]);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * This function creates a new contact, but it does not persist the contact
-     * to device storage. To persist the contact to device storage, invoke
-     *
-     * @param properties an object whose properties will be examined to create a new Contact
-     * @returns new Contact object
-     */
-    create:function(properties) {
-        argscheck.checkArgs('O', 'contacts.create', arguments);
-        var contact = new Contact();
-        for (var i in properties) {
-            if (typeof contact[i] !== 'undefined' && properties.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
-                contact[i] = properties[i];
-            }
-        }
-        return contact;
-    }
-module.exports = contacts;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/contacts/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/contacts/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/contacts', 'navigator.contacts');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/Contact', 'Contact');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ContactAddress', 'ContactAddress');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ContactError', 'ContactError');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ContactField', 'ContactField');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ContactFindOptions', 'ContactFindOptions');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ContactName', 'ContactName');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/ContactOrganization', 'ContactOrganization');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/device.js
-define("cordova/plugin/device", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    channel = require('cordova/channel'),
-    utils = require('cordova/utils'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec');
-// Tell cordova channel to wait on the CordovaInfoReady event
- * This represents the mobile device, and provides properties for inspecting the model, version, UUID of the
- * phone, etc.
- * @constructor
- */
-function Device() {
-    this.available = false;
-    this.platform = null;
-    this.version = null;
- = null;
-    this.uuid = null;
-    this.cordova = null;
-    this.model = null;
-    var me = this;
-    channel.onCordovaReady.subscribe(function() {
-        me.getInfo(function(info) {
-            me.available = true;
-            me.platform = info.platform;
-            me.version = info.version;
-   =;
-            me.uuid = info.uuid;
-            me.cordova = info.cordova;
-            me.model = info.model;
-  ;
-        },function(e) {
-            me.available = false;
-            utils.alert("[ERROR] Error initializing Cordova: " + e);
-        });
-    });
- * Get device info
- *
- * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the heading data is available
- * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the heading data. (OPTIONAL)
- */
-Device.prototype.getInfo = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('fF', 'Device.getInfo', arguments);
-    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "Device", "getDeviceInfo", []);
-module.exports = new Device();
-// file: lib/common/plugin/device/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/device/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/device', 'device');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/echo.js
-define("cordova/plugin/echo", function(require, exports, module) {
-var exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    utils = require('cordova/utils');
- * Sends the given message through exec() to the Echo plugin, which sends it back to the successCallback.
- * @param successCallback  invoked with a FileSystem object
- * @param errorCallback  invoked if error occurs retrieving file system
- * @param message  The string to be echoed.
- * @param forceAsync  Whether to force an async return value (for testing native->js bridge).
- */
-module.exports = function(successCallback, errorCallback, message, forceAsync) {
-    var action = 'echo';
-    var messageIsMultipart = (utils.typeName(message) == "Array");
-    var args = messageIsMultipart ? message : [message];
-    if (utils.typeName(message) == 'ArrayBuffer') {
-        if (forceAsync) {
-            console.warn('Cannot echo ArrayBuffer with forced async, falling back to sync.');
-        }
-        action += 'ArrayBuffer';
-    } else if (messageIsMultipart) {
-        if (forceAsync) {
-            console.warn('Cannot echo MultiPart Array with forced async, falling back to sync.');
-        }
-        action += 'MultiPart';
-    } else if (forceAsync) {
-        action += 'Async';
-    }
-    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "Echo", action, args);
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/file/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/file/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper'),
-    symbolshelper = require('cordova/plugin/file/symbolshelper');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/webos/requestfilesystem', 'requestFileSystem');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/webos/filereader', 'FileReader');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/file/symbolshelper.js
-define("cordova/plugin/file/symbolshelper", function(require, exports, module) {
-module.exports = function(exportFunc) {
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry', 'DirectoryEntry');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/DirectoryReader', 'DirectoryReader');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/Entry', 'Entry');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/File', 'File');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileEntry', 'FileEntry');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileError', 'FileError');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileReader', 'FileReader');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileSystem', 'FileSystem');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileUploadOptions', 'FileUploadOptions');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileUploadResult', 'FileUploadResult');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/FileWriter', 'FileWriter');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/Flags', 'Flags');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/LocalFileSystem', 'LocalFileSystem');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/Metadata', 'Metadata');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent', 'ProgressEvent');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/requestFileSystem', 'requestFileSystem');
-    exportFunc('cordova/plugin/resolveLocalFileSystemURI', 'resolveLocalFileSystemURI');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/filetransfer/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/filetransfer/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/FileTransfer', 'FileTransfer');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/FileTransferError', 'FileTransferError');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/geolocation.js
-define("cordova/plugin/geolocation", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    utils = require('cordova/utils'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    PositionError = require('cordova/plugin/PositionError'),
-    Position = require('cordova/plugin/Position');
-var timers = {};   // list of timers in use
-// Returns default params, overrides if provided with values
-function parseParameters(options) {
-    var opt = {
-        maximumAge: 0,
-        enableHighAccuracy: false,
-        timeout: Infinity
-    };
-    if (options) {
-        if (options.maximumAge !== undefined && !isNaN(options.maximumAge) && options.maximumAge > 0) {
-            opt.maximumAge = options.maximumAge;
-        }
-        if (options.enableHighAccuracy !== undefined) {
-            opt.enableHighAccuracy = options.enableHighAccuracy;
-        }
-        if (options.timeout !== undefined && !isNaN(options.timeout)) {
-            if (options.timeout < 0) {
-                opt.timeout = 0;
-            } else {
-                opt.timeout = options.timeout;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return opt;
-// Returns a timeout failure, closed over a specified timeout value and error callback.
-function createTimeout(errorCallback, timeout) {
-    var t = setTimeout(function() {
-        clearTimeout(t);
-        t = null;
-        errorCallback({
-            code:PositionError.TIMEOUT,
-            message:"Position retrieval timed out."
-        });
-    }, timeout);
-    return t;
-var geolocation = {
-    lastPosition:null, // reference to last known (cached) position returned
-    /**
-   * Asynchronously acquires the current position.
-   *
-   * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call when the position data is available
-   * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the heading position. (OPTIONAL)
-   * @param {PositionOptions} options     The options for getting the position data. (OPTIONAL)
-   */
-    getCurrentPosition:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-        argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'geolocation.getCurrentPosition', arguments);
-        options = parseParameters(options);
-        // Timer var that will fire an error callback if no position is retrieved from native
-        // before the "timeout" param provided expires
-        var timeoutTimer = {timer:null};
-        var win = function(p) {
-            clearTimeout(timeoutTimer.timer);
-            if (!(timeoutTimer.timer)) {
-                // Timeout already happened, or native fired error callback for
-                // this geo request.
-                // Don't continue with success callback.
-                return;
-            }
-            var pos = new Position(
-                {
-                    latitude:p.latitude,
-                    longitude:p.longitude,
-                    altitude:p.altitude,
-                    accuracy:p.accuracy,
-                    heading:p.heading,
-                    velocity:p.velocity,
-                    altitudeAccuracy:p.altitudeAccuracy
-                },
-                (p.timestamp === undefined ? new Date() : ((p.timestamp instanceof Date) ? p.timestamp : new Date(p.timestamp)))
-            );
-            geolocation.lastPosition = pos;
-            successCallback(pos);
-        };
-        var fail = function(e) {
-            clearTimeout(timeoutTimer.timer);
-            timeoutTimer.timer = null;
-            var err = new PositionError(e.code, e.message);
-            if (errorCallback) {
-                errorCallback(err);
-            }
-        };
-        // Check our cached position, if its timestamp difference with current time is less than the maximumAge, then just
-        // fire the success callback with the cached position.
-        if (geolocation.lastPosition && options.maximumAge && (((new Date()).getTime() - geolocation.lastPosition.timestamp.getTime()) <= options.maximumAge)) {
-            successCallback(geolocation.lastPosition);
-        // If the cached position check failed and the timeout was set to 0, error out with a TIMEOUT error object.
-        } else if (options.timeout === 0) {
-            fail({
-                code:PositionError.TIMEOUT,
-                message:"timeout value in PositionOptions set to 0 and no cached Position object available, or cached Position object's age exceeds provided PositionOptions' maximumAge parameter."
-            });
-        // Otherwise we have to call into native to retrieve a position.
-        } else {
-            if (options.timeout !== Infinity) {
-                // If the timeout value was not set to Infinity (default), then
-                // set up a timeout function that will fire the error callback
-                // if no successful position was retrieved before timeout expired.
-                timeoutTimer.timer = createTimeout(fail, options.timeout);
-            } else {
-                // This is here so the check in the win function doesn't mess stuff up
-                // may seem weird but this guarantees timeoutTimer is
-                // always truthy before we call into native
-                timeoutTimer.timer = true;
-            }
-            exec(win, fail, "Geolocation", "getLocation", [options.enableHighAccuracy, options.maximumAge]);
-        }
-        return timeoutTimer;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Asynchronously watches the geolocation for changes to geolocation.  When a change occurs,
-     * the successCallback is called with the new location.
-     *
-     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call each time the location data is available
-     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the location data. (OPTIONAL)
-     * @param {PositionOptions} options     The options for getting the location data such as frequency. (OPTIONAL)
-     * @return String                       The watch id that must be passed to #clearWatch to stop watching.
-     */
-    watchPosition:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-        argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'geolocation.getCurrentPosition', arguments);
-        options = parseParameters(options);
-        var id = utils.createUUID();
-        // Tell device to get a position ASAP, and also retrieve a reference to the timeout timer generated in getCurrentPosition
-        timers[id] = geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-        var fail = function(e) {
-            clearTimeout(timers[id].timer);
-            var err = new PositionError(e.code, e.message);
-            if (errorCallback) {
-                errorCallback(err);
-            }
-        };
-        var win = function(p) {
-            clearTimeout(timers[id].timer);
-            if (options.timeout !== Infinity) {
-                timers[id].timer = createTimeout(fail, options.timeout);
-            }
-            var pos = new Position(
-                {
-                    latitude:p.latitude,
-                    longitude:p.longitude,
-                    altitude:p.altitude,
-                    accuracy:p.accuracy,
-                    heading:p.heading,
-                    velocity:p.velocity,
-                    altitudeAccuracy:p.altitudeAccuracy
-                },
-                (p.timestamp === undefined ? new Date() : ((p.timestamp instanceof Date) ? p.timestamp : new Date(p.timestamp)))
-            );
-            geolocation.lastPosition = pos;
-            successCallback(pos);
-        };
-        exec(win, fail, "Geolocation", "addWatch", [id, options.enableHighAccuracy]);
-        return id;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Clears the specified heading watch.
-     *
-     * @param {String} id       The ID of the watch returned from #watchPosition
-     */
-    clearWatch:function(id) {
-        if (id && timers[id] !== undefined) {
-            clearTimeout(timers[id].timer);
-            timers[id].timer = false;
-            exec(null, null, "Geolocation", "clearWatch", [id]);
-        }
-    }
-module.exports = geolocation;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/geolocation/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/geolocation/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/geolocation', 'navigator.geolocation');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/PositionError', 'PositionError');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/Position', 'Position');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/Coordinates', 'Coordinates');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/globalization.js
-define("cordova/plugin/globalization", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    GlobalizationError = require('cordova/plugin/GlobalizationError');
-var globalization = {
-* Returns the string identifier for the client's current language.
-* It returns the language identifier string to the successCB callback with a
-* properties object as a parameter. If there is an error getting the language,
-* then the errorCB callback is invoked.
-* @param {Function} successCB
-* @param {Function} errorCB
-* @return Object.value {String}: The language identifier
-* @error GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR
-* Example
-*    globalization.getPreferredLanguage(function (language) {alert('language:' + language.value + '\n');},
-*                                function () {});
-getPreferredLanguage:function(successCB, failureCB) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('fF', 'Globalization.getPreferredLanguage', arguments);
-    exec(successCB, failureCB, "Globalization","getPreferredLanguage", []);
-* Returns the string identifier for the client's current locale setting.
-* It returns the locale identifier string to the successCB callback with a
-* properties object as a parameter. If there is an error getting the locale,
-* then the errorCB callback is invoked.
-* @param {Function} successCB
-* @param {Function} errorCB
-* @return Object.value {String}: The locale identifier
-* @error GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR
-* Example
-*    globalization.getLocaleName(function (locale) {alert('locale:' + locale.value + '\n');},
-*                                function () {});
-getLocaleName:function(successCB, failureCB) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('fF', 'Globalization.getLocaleName', arguments);
-    exec(successCB, failureCB, "Globalization","getLocaleName", []);
-* Returns a date formatted as a string according to the client's user preferences and
-* calendar using the time zone of the client. It returns the formatted date string to the
-* successCB callback with a properties object as a parameter. If there is an error
-* formatting the date, then the errorCB callback is invoked.
-* The defaults are: formatLenght="short" and selector="date and time"
-* @param {Date} date
-* @param {Function} successCB
-* @param {Function} errorCB
-* @param {Object} options {optional}
-*            formatLength {String}: 'short', 'medium', 'long', or 'full'
-*            selector {String}: 'date', 'time', or 'date and time'
-* @return Object.value {String}: The localized date string
-* @error GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR
-* Example
-*    globalization.dateToString(new Date(),
-*                function (date) {alert('date:' + date.value + '\n');},
-*                function (errorCode) {alert(errorCode);},
-*                {formatLength:'short'});
-dateToString:function(date, successCB, failureCB, options) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('dfFO', 'Globalization.dateToString', arguments);
-    var dateValue = date.valueOf();
-    exec(successCB, failureCB, "Globalization", "dateToString", [{"date": dateValue, "options": options}]);
-* Parses a date formatted as a string according to the client's user
-* preferences and calendar using the time zone of the client and returns
-* the corresponding date object. It returns the date to the successCB
-* callback with a properties object as a parameter. If there is an error
-* parsing the date string, then the errorCB callback is invoked.
-* The defaults are: formatLength="short" and selector="date and time"
-* @param {String} dateString
-* @param {Function} successCB
-* @param {Function} errorCB
-* @param {Object} options {optional}
-*            formatLength {String}: 'short', 'medium', 'long', or 'full'
-*            selector {String}: 'date', 'time', or 'date and time'
-* @return    Object.year {Number}: The four digit year
-*            Object.month {Number}: The month from (0 - 11)
-*   {Number}: The day from (1 - 31)
-*            Object.hour {Number}: The hour from (0 - 23)
-*            Object.minute {Number}: The minute from (0 - 59)
-*            Object.second {Number}: The second from (0 - 59)
-*            Object.millisecond {Number}: The milliseconds (from 0 - 999),
-*                                        not available on all platforms
-* @error GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR
-* Example
-*    globalization.stringToDate('4/11/2011',
-*                function (date) { alert('Month:' + date.month + '\n' +
-*                    'Day:' + + '\n' +
-*                    'Year:' + date.year + '\n');},
-*                function (errorCode) {alert(errorCode);},
-*                {selector:'date'});
-stringToDate:function(dateString, successCB, failureCB, options) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('sfFO', 'Globalization.stringToDate', arguments);
-    exec(successCB, failureCB, "Globalization", "stringToDate", [{"dateString": dateString, "options": options}]);
-* Returns a pattern string for formatting and parsing dates according to the client's
-* user preferences. It returns the pattern to the successCB callback with a
-* properties object as a parameter. If there is an error obtaining the pattern,
-* then the errorCB callback is invoked.
-* The defaults are: formatLength="short" and selector="date and time"
-* @param {Function} successCB
-* @param {Function} errorCB
-* @param {Object} options {optional}
-*            formatLength {String}: 'short', 'medium', 'long', or 'full'
-*            selector {String}: 'date', 'time', or 'date and time'
-* @return    Object.pattern {String}: The date and time pattern for formatting and parsing dates.
-*                                    The patterns follow Unicode Technical Standard #35
-*            Object.timezone {String}: The abbreviated name of the time zone on the client
-*            Object.utc_offset {Number}: The current difference in seconds between the client's
-*                                        time zone and coordinated universal time.
-*            Object.dst_offset {Number}: The current daylight saving time offset in seconds
-*                                        between the client's non-daylight saving's time zone
-*                                        and the client's daylight saving's time zone.
-* @error GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR
-* Example
-*    globalization.getDatePattern(
-*                function (date) {alert('pattern:' + date.pattern + '\n');},
-*                function () {},
-*                {formatLength:'short'});
-getDatePattern:function(successCB, failureCB, options) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'Globalization.getDatePattern', arguments);
-    exec(successCB, failureCB, "Globalization", "getDatePattern", [{"options": options}]);
-* Returns an array of either the names of the months or days of the week
-* according to the client's user preferences and calendar. It returns the array of names to the
-* successCB callback with a properties object as a parameter. If there is an error obtaining the
-* names, then the errorCB callback is invoked.
-* The defaults are: type="wide" and item="months"
-* @param {Function} successCB
-* @param {Function} errorCB
-* @param {Object} options {optional}
-*            type {String}: 'narrow' or 'wide'
-*            item {String}: 'months', or 'days'
-* @return Object.value {Array{String}}: The array of names starting from either
-*                                        the first month in the year or the
-*                                        first day of the week.
-* @error GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR
-* Example
-*    globalization.getDateNames(function (names) {
-*        for(var i = 0; i < names.value.length; i++) {
-*            alert('Month:' + names.value[i] + '\n');}},
-*        function () {});
-getDateNames:function(successCB, failureCB, options) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'Globalization.getDateNames', arguments);
-    exec(successCB, failureCB, "Globalization", "getDateNames", [{"options": options}]);
-* Returns whether daylight savings time is in effect for a given date using the client's
-* time zone and calendar. It returns whether or not daylight savings time is in effect
-* to the successCB callback with a properties object as a parameter. If there is an error
-* reading the date, then the errorCB callback is invoked.
-* @param {Date} date
-* @param {Function} successCB
-* @param {Function} errorCB
-* @return Object.dst {Boolean}: The value "true" indicates that daylight savings time is
-*                                in effect for the given date and "false" indicate that it is not.
-* @error GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR
-* Example
-*    globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime(new Date(),
-*                function (date) {alert('dst:' + date.dst + '\n');}
-*                function () {});
-isDayLightSavingsTime:function(date, successCB, failureCB) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('dfF', 'Globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime', arguments);
-    var dateValue = date.valueOf();
-    exec(successCB, failureCB, "Globalization", "isDayLightSavingsTime", [{"date": dateValue}]);
-* Returns the first day of the week according to the client's user preferences and calendar.
-* The days of the week are numbered starting from 1 where 1 is considered to be Sunday.
-* It returns the day to the successCB callback with a properties object as a parameter.
-* If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the errorCB callback is invoked.
-* @param {Function} successCB
-* @param {Function} errorCB
-* @return Object.value {Number}: The number of the first day of the week.
-* @error GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR
-* Example
-*    globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek(function (day)
-*                { alert('Day:' + day.value + '\n');},
-*                function () {});
-getFirstDayOfWeek:function(successCB, failureCB) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('fF', 'Globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek', arguments);
-    exec(successCB, failureCB, "Globalization", "getFirstDayOfWeek", []);
-* Returns a number formatted as a string according to the client's user preferences.
-* It returns the formatted number string to the successCB callback with a properties object as a
-* parameter. If there is an error formatting the number, then the errorCB callback is invoked.
-* The defaults are: type="decimal"
-* @param {Number} number
-* @param {Function} successCB
-* @param {Function} errorCB
-* @param {Object} options {optional}
-*            type {String}: 'decimal', "percent", or 'currency'
-* @return Object.value {String}: The formatted number string.
-* @error GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR
-* Example
-*    globalization.numberToString(3.25,
-*                function (number) {alert('number:' + number.value + '\n');},
-*                function () {},
-*                {type:'decimal'});
-numberToString:function(number, successCB, failureCB, options) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('nfFO', 'Globalization.numberToString', arguments);
-    exec(successCB, failureCB, "Globalization", "numberToString", [{"number": number, "options": options}]);
-* Parses a number formatted as a string according to the client's user preferences and
-* returns the corresponding number. It returns the number to the successCB callback with a
-* properties object as a parameter. If there is an error parsing the number string, then
-* the errorCB callback is invoked.
-* The defaults are: type="decimal"
-* @param {String} numberString
-* @param {Function} successCB
-* @param {Function} errorCB
-* @param {Object} options {optional}
-*            type {String}: 'decimal', "percent", or 'currency'
-* @return Object.value {Number}: The parsed number.
-* @error GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR
-* Example
-*    globalization.stringToNumber('1234.56',
-*                function (number) {alert('Number:' + number.value + '\n');},
-*                function () { alert('Error parsing number');});
-stringToNumber:function(numberString, successCB, failureCB, options) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('sfFO', 'Globalization.stringToNumber', arguments);
-    exec(successCB, failureCB, "Globalization", "stringToNumber", [{"numberString": numberString, "options": options}]);
-* Returns a pattern string for formatting and parsing numbers according to the client's user
-* preferences. It returns the pattern to the successCB callback with a properties object as a
-* parameter. If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the errorCB callback is invoked.
-* The defaults are: type="decimal"
-* @param {Function} successCB
-* @param {Function} errorCB
-* @param {Object} options {optional}
-*            type {String}: 'decimal', "percent", or 'currency'
-* @return    Object.pattern {String}: The number pattern for formatting and parsing numbers.
-*                                    The patterns follow Unicode Technical Standard #35.
-*            Object.symbol {String}: The symbol to be used when formatting and parsing
-*                                    e.g., percent or currency symbol.
-*            Object.fraction {Number}: The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and
-*                                    formatting numbers.
-*            Object.rounding {Number}: The rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting.
-*            Object.positive {String}: The symbol to use for positive numbers when parsing and formatting.
-*            Object.negative: {String}: The symbol to use for negative numbers when parsing and formatting.
-*            Object.decimal: {String}: The decimal symbol to use for parsing and formatting.
-*            Object.grouping: {String}: The grouping symbol to use for parsing and formatting.
-* @error GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR
-* Example
-*    globalization.getNumberPattern(
-*                function (pattern) {alert('Pattern:' + pattern.pattern + '\n');},
-*                function () {});
-getNumberPattern:function(successCB, failureCB, options) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('fFO', 'Globalization.getNumberPattern', arguments);
-    exec(successCB, failureCB, "Globalization", "getNumberPattern", [{"options": options}]);
-* Returns a pattern string for formatting and parsing currency values according to the client's
-* user preferences and ISO 4217 currency code. It returns the pattern to the successCB callback with a
-* properties object as a parameter. If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the errorCB
-* callback is invoked.
-* @param {String} currencyCode
-* @param {Function} successCB
-* @param {Function} errorCB
-* @return    Object.pattern {String}: The currency pattern for formatting and parsing currency values.
-*                                    The patterns follow Unicode Technical Standard #35
-*            Object.code {String}: The ISO 4217 currency code for the pattern.
-*            Object.fraction {Number}: The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and
-*                                    formatting currency.
-*            Object.rounding {Number}: The rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting.
-*            Object.decimal: {String}: The decimal symbol to use for parsing and formatting.
-*            Object.grouping: {String}: The grouping symbol to use for parsing and formatting.
-* @error GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR
-* Example
-*    globalization.getCurrencyPattern('EUR',
-*                function (currency) {alert('Pattern:' + currency.pattern + '\n');}
-*                function () {});
-getCurrencyPattern:function(currencyCode, successCB, failureCB) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('sfF', 'Globalization.getCurrencyPattern', arguments);
-    exec(successCB, failureCB, "Globalization", "getCurrencyPattern", [{"currencyCode": currencyCode}]);
-module.exports = globalization;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/globalization/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/globalization/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/globalization', 'navigator.globalization');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/GlobalizationError', 'GlobalizationError');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/logger.js
-define("cordova/plugin/logger", function(require, exports, module) {
-// The logger module exports the following properties/functions:
-// LOG                          - constant for the level LOG
-// ERROR                        - constant for the level ERROR
-// WARN                         - constant for the level WARN
-// INFO                         - constant for the level INFO
-// DEBUG                        - constant for the level DEBUG
-// logLevel()                   - returns current log level
-// logLevel(value)              - sets and returns a new log level
-// useConsole()                 - returns whether logger is using console
-// useConsole(value)            - sets and returns whether logger is using console
-// log(message,...)             - logs a message at level LOG
-// error(message,...)           - logs a message at level ERROR
-// warn(message,...)            - logs a message at level WARN
-// info(message,...)            - logs a message at level INFO
-// debug(message,...)           - logs a message at level DEBUG
-// logLevel(level,message,...)  - logs a message specified level
-var logger = exports;
-var exec    = require('cordova/exec');
-var utils   = require('cordova/utils');
-var UseConsole   = true;
-var Queued       = [];
-var DeviceReady  = false;
-var CurrentLevel;
- * Logging levels
- */
-var Levels = [
-    "LOG",
-    "ERROR",
-    "WARN",
-    "INFO",
-    "DEBUG"
- * add the logging levels to the logger object and
- * to a separate levelsMap object for testing
- */
-var LevelsMap = {};
-for (var i=0; i<Levels.length; i++) {
-    var level = Levels[i];
-    LevelsMap[level] = i;
-    logger[level]    = level;
-CurrentLevel = LevelsMap.WARN;
- * Getter/Setter for the logging level
- *
- * Returns the current logging level.
- *
- * When a value is passed, sets the logging level to that value.
- * The values should be one of the following constants:
- *    logger.LOG
- *    logger.ERROR
- *    logger.WARN
- *    logger.INFO
- *    logger.DEBUG
- *
- * The value used determines which messages get printed.  The logging
- * values above are in order, and only messages logged at the logging
- * level or above will actually be displayed to the user.  E.g., the
- * default level is WARN, so only messages logged with LOG, ERROR, or
- * WARN will be displayed; INFO and DEBUG messages will be ignored.
- */
-logger.level = function (value) {
-    if (arguments.length) {
-        if (LevelsMap[value] === null) {
-            throw new Error("invalid logging level: " + value);
-        }
-        CurrentLevel = LevelsMap[value];
-    }
-    return Levels[CurrentLevel];
- * Getter/Setter for the useConsole functionality
- *
- * When useConsole is true, the logger will log via the
- * browser 'console' object.  Otherwise, it will use the
- * native Logger plugin.
- */
-logger.useConsole = function (value) {
-    if (arguments.length) UseConsole = !!value;
-    if (UseConsole) {
-        if (typeof console == "undefined") {
-            throw new Error("global console object is not defined");
-        }
-        if (typeof console.log != "function") {
-            throw new Error("global console object does not have a log function");
-        }
-        if (typeof console.useLogger == "function") {
-            if (console.useLogger()) {
-                throw new Error("console and logger are too intertwingly");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return UseConsole;
- * Logs a message at the LOG level.
- *
- * Parameters passed after message are used applied to
- * the message with utils.format()
- */
-logger.log   = function(message) { logWithArgs("LOG",   arguments); };
- * Logs a message at the ERROR level.
- *
- * Parameters passed after message are used applied to
- * the message with utils.format()
- */
-logger.error = function(message) { logWithArgs("ERROR", arguments); };
- * Logs a message at the WARN level.
- *
- * Parameters passed after message are used applied to
- * the message with utils.format()
- */
-logger.warn  = function(message) { logWithArgs("WARN",  arguments); };
- * Logs a message at the INFO level.
- *
- * Parameters passed after message are used applied to
- * the message with utils.format()
- */  = function(message) { logWithArgs("INFO",  arguments); };
- * Logs a message at the DEBUG level.
- *
- * Parameters passed after message are used applied to
- * the message with utils.format()
- */
-logger.debug = function(message) { logWithArgs("DEBUG", arguments); };
-// log at the specified level with args
-function logWithArgs(level, args) {
-    args = [level].concat([];
-    logger.logLevel.apply(logger, args);
- * Logs a message at the specified level.
- *
- * Parameters passed after message are used applied to
- * the message with utils.format()
- */
-logger.logLevel = function(level, message /* , ... */) {
-    // format the message with the parameters
-    var formatArgs = [], 2);
-    message    = utils.vformat(message, formatArgs);
-    if (LevelsMap[level] === null) {
-        throw new Error("invalid logging level: " + level);
-    }
-    if (LevelsMap[level] > CurrentLevel) return;
-    // queue the message if not yet at deviceready
-    if (!DeviceReady && !UseConsole) {
-        Queued.push([level, message]);
-        return;
-    }
-    // if not using the console, use the native logger
-    if (!UseConsole) {
-        exec(null, null, "Logger", "logLevel", [level, message]);
-        return;
-    }
-    // make sure console is not using logger
-    if (console.__usingCordovaLogger) {
-        throw new Error("console and logger are too intertwingly");
-    }
-    // log to the console
-    switch (level) {
-        case logger.LOG:   console.log(message); break;
-        case logger.ERROR: console.log("ERROR: " + message); break;
-        case logger.WARN:  console.log("WARN: "  + message); break;
-        case logger.INFO:  console.log("INFO: "  + message); break;
-        case logger.DEBUG: console.log("DEBUG: " + message); break;
-    }
-// when deviceready fires, log queued messages
-logger.__onDeviceReady = function() {
-    if (DeviceReady) return;
-    DeviceReady = true;
-    for (var i=0; i<Queued.length; i++) {
-        var messageArgs = Queued[i];
-        logger.logLevel(messageArgs[0], messageArgs[1]);
-    }
-    Queued = null;
-// add a deviceready event to log queued messages
-document.addEventListener("deviceready", logger.__onDeviceReady, false);
-// file: lib/common/plugin/logger/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/logger/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/logger', 'cordova.logger');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/media/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/media/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/Media', 'Media');
-modulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/MediaError', 'MediaError');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/network.js
-define("cordova/plugin/network", function(require, exports, module) {
-var exec = require('cordova/exec'),
-    cordova = require('cordova'),
-    channel = require('cordova/channel'),
-    utils = require('cordova/utils');
-// Link the onLine property with the Cordova-supplied network info.
-// This works because we clobber the naviagtor object with our own
-// object in bootstrap.js.
-if (typeof navigator != 'undefined') {
-    utils.defineGetter(navigator, 'onLine', function() {
-        return this.connection.type != 'none';
-    });
-function NetworkConnection() {
-    this.type = 'unknown';
- * Get connection info
- *
- * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the Connection data is available
- * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the Connection data. (OPTIONAL)
- */
-NetworkConnection.prototype.getInfo = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "NetworkStatus", "getConnectionInfo", []);
-var me = new NetworkConnection();
-var timerId = null;
-var timeout = 500;
-channel.onCordovaReady.subscribe(function() {
-    me.getInfo(function(info) {
-        me.type = info;
-        if (info === "none") {
-            // set a timer if still offline at the end of timer send the offline event
-            timerId = setTimeout(function(){
-                cordova.fireDocumentEvent("offline");
-                timerId = null;
-            }, timeout);
-        } else {
-            // If there is a current offline event pending clear it
-            if (timerId !== null) {
-                clearTimeout(timerId);
-                timerId = null;
-            }
-            cordova.fireDocumentEvent("online");
-        }
-        // should only fire this once
-        if (channel.onCordovaConnectionReady.state !== 2) {
-  ;
-        }
-    },
-    function (e) {
-        // If we can't get the network info we should still tell Cordova
-        // to fire the deviceready event.
-        if (channel.onCordovaConnectionReady.state !== 2) {
-  ;
-        }
-        console.log("Error initializing Network Connection: " + e);
-    });
-module.exports = me;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/networkstatus/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/networkstatus/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/network', '', ' is deprecated. Use navigator.connection instead.');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/network', 'navigator.connection');
-modulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/Connection', 'Connection');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/notification.js
-define("cordova/plugin/notification", function(require, exports, module) {
-var exec = require('cordova/exec');
-var platform = require('cordova/platform');
- * Provides access to notifications on the device.
- */
-module.exports = {
-    /**
-     * Open a native alert dialog, with a customizable title and button text.
-     *
-     * @param {String} message              Message to print in the body of the alert
-     * @param {Function} completeCallback   The callback that is called when user clicks on a button.
-     * @param {String} title                Title of the alert dialog (default: Alert)
-     * @param {String} buttonLabel          Label of the close button (default: OK)
-     */
-    alert: function(message, completeCallback, title, buttonLabel) {
-        var _title = (title || "Alert");
-        var _buttonLabel = (buttonLabel || "OK");
-        exec(completeCallback, null, "Notification", "alert", [message, _title, _buttonLabel]);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Open a native confirm dialog, with a customizable title and button text.
-     * The result that the user selects is returned to the result callback.
-     *
-     * @param {String} message              Message to print in the body of the alert
-     * @param {Function} resultCallback     The callback that is called when user clicks on a button.
-     * @param {String} title                Title of the alert dialog (default: Confirm)
-     * @param {Array} buttonLabels          Array of the labels of the buttons (default: ['OK', 'Cancel'])
-     */
-    confirm: function(message, resultCallback, title, buttonLabels) {
-        var _title = (title || "Confirm");
-        var _buttonLabels = (buttonLabels || ["OK", "Cancel"]);
-        // Strings are deprecated!
-        if (typeof _buttonLabels === 'string') {
-            console.log("Notification.confirm(string, function, string, string) is deprecated.  Use Notification.confirm(string, function, string, array).");
-        }
-        // Android and iOS take an array of button label names.
-        // Other platforms take a comma separated list.
-        // For compatibility, we convert to the desired type based on the platform.
-        if ( == "android" || == "ios") {
-            if (typeof _buttonLabels === 'string') {
-                var buttonLabelString = _buttonLabels;
-                _buttonLabels = buttonLabelString.split(",");
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (Array.isArray(_buttonLabels)) {
-                var buttonLabelArray = _buttonLabels;
-                _buttonLabels = buttonLabelArray.toString();
-            }
-        }
-        exec(resultCallback, null, "Notification", "confirm", [message, _title, _buttonLabels]);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Open a native prompt dialog, with a customizable title and button text.
-     * The following results are returned to the result callback:
-     *  buttonIndex     Index number of the button selected.
-     *  input1          The text entered in the prompt dialog box.
-     *
-     * @param {String} message              Dialog message to display (default: "Prompt message")
-     * @param {Function} resultCallback     The callback that is called when user clicks on a button.
-     * @param {String} title                Title of the dialog (default: "Prompt")
-     * @param {Array} buttonLabels          Array of strings for the button labels (default: ["OK","Cancel"])
-     */
-    prompt: function(message, resultCallback, title, buttonLabels) {
-        var _message = (message || "Prompt message");
-        var _title = (title || "Prompt");
-        var _buttonLabels = (buttonLabels || ["OK","Cancel"]);
-        exec(resultCallback, null, "Notification", "prompt", [_message, _title, _buttonLabels]);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Causes the device to vibrate.
-     *
-     * @param {Integer} mills       The number of milliseconds to vibrate for.
-     */
-    vibrate: function(mills) {
-        exec(null, null, "Notification", "vibrate", [mills]);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Causes the device to beep.
-     * On Android, the default notification ringtone is played "count" times.
-     *
-     * @param {Integer} count       The number of beeps.
-     */
-    beep: function(count) {
-        exec(null, null, "Notification", "beep", [count]);
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/notification/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/notification/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.defaults('cordova/plugin/notification', 'navigator.notification');
-modulemapper.merges('cordova/plugin/webos/notification', 'navigator.notification');
-// file: lib/common/plugin/requestFileSystem.js
-define("cordova/plugin/requestFileSystem", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),
-    FileSystem = require('cordova/plugin/FileSystem'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec');
- * Request a file system in which to store application data.
- * @param type  local file system type
- * @param size  indicates how much storage space, in bytes, the application expects to need
- * @param successCallback  invoked with a FileSystem object
- * @param errorCallback  invoked if error occurs retrieving file system
- */
-var requestFileSystem = function(type, size, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('nnFF', 'requestFileSystem', arguments);
-    var fail = function(code) {
-        errorCallback && errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    if (type < 0 || type > 3) {
-        fail(FileError.SYNTAX_ERR);
-    } else {
-        // if successful, return a FileSystem object
-        var success = function(file_system) {
-            if (file_system) {
-                if (successCallback) {
-                    // grab the name and root from the file system object
-                    var result = new FileSystem(, file_system.root);
-                    successCallback(result);
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                // no FileSystem object returned
-                fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-            }
-        };
-        exec(success, fail, "File", "requestFileSystem", [type, size]);
-    }
-module.exports = requestFileSystem;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/resolveLocalFileSystemURI.js
-define("cordova/plugin/resolveLocalFileSystemURI", function(require, exports, module) {
-var argscheck = require('cordova/argscheck'),
-    DirectoryEntry = require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'),
-    FileEntry = require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'),
-    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),
-    exec = require('cordova/exec');
- * Look up file system Entry referred to by local URI.
- * @param {DOMString} uri  URI referring to a local file or directory
- * @param successCallback  invoked with Entry object corresponding to URI
- * @param errorCallback    invoked if error occurs retrieving file system entry
- */
-module.exports = function(uri, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    argscheck.checkArgs('sFF', 'resolveLocalFileSystemURI', arguments);
-    // error callback
-    var fail = function(error) {
-        errorCallback && errorCallback(new FileError(error));
-    };
-    // sanity check for 'not:valid:filename'
-    if(!uri || uri.split(":").length > 2) {
-        setTimeout( function() {
-            fail(FileError.ENCODING_ERR);
-        },0);
-        return;
-    }
-    // if successful, return either a file or directory entry
-    var success = function(entry) {
-        var result;
-        if (entry) {
-            if (successCallback) {
-                // create appropriate Entry object
-                result = (entry.isDirectory) ? new DirectoryEntry(, entry.fullPath) : new FileEntry(, entry.fullPath);
-                successCallback(result);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            // no Entry object returned
-            fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-        }
-    };
-    exec(success, fail, "File", "resolveLocalFileSystemURI", [uri]);
-// file: lib/common/plugin/splashscreen.js
-define("cordova/plugin/splashscreen", function(require, exports, module) {
-var exec = require('cordova/exec');
-var splashscreen = {
-    show:function() {
-        exec(null, null, "SplashScreen", "show", []);
-    },
-    hide:function() {
-        exec(null, null, "SplashScreen", "hide", []);
-    }
-module.exports = splashscreen;
-// file: lib/common/plugin/splashscreen/symbols.js
-define("cordova/plugin/splashscreen/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/plugin/splashscreen', 'navigator.splashscreen');
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/accelerometer.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/accelerometer", function(require, exports, module) {
-var callback;
-module.exports = {
-    /*
-     * Tells WebOS to put higher priority on accelerometer resolution. Also relaxes the internal garbage collection events.
-     * @param {Boolean} state
-     * Dependencies: Mojo.windowProperties
-     * Example:
-     *         navigator.accelerometer.setFastAccelerometer(true)
-     */
-    setFastAccelerometer: function(state) {
-        navigator.windowProperties.fastAccelerometer = state;
-        navigator.window.setWindowProperties();
-    },
-    /*
-     * Starts the native acceleration listener.
-     */
-    start: function(win,fail,args) {
-        console.error("webos plugin accelerometer start");
-        window.removeEventListener("acceleration", callback);
-        callback = function(event) {
-            var accel = new Acceleration(event.accelX*-9.81, event.accelY*-9.81, event.accelZ*-9.81);
-            win(accel);
-        };
-        document.addEventListener("acceleration", callback);
-    },
-    stop: function (win,fail,args) {
-        console.error("webos plugin accelerometer stop");
-        window.removeEventListener("acceleration", callback);
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/application.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/application", function(require, exports, module) {
-module.exports = {
-    isActivated: function(inWindow) {
-        inWindow = inWindow || window;
-        if(inWindow.PalmSystem) {
-            return inWindow.PalmSystem.isActivated;
-        }
-        return false;
-    },
-    /*
-     * Tell webOS to activate the current page of your app, bringing it into focus.
-     * Example:
-     *         navigator.application.activate();
-     */
-    activate: function(inWindow) {
-        inWindow = inWindow || window;
-        if(inWindow.PalmSystem) {
-            inWindow.PalmSystem.activate();
-        }
-    },
-    /*
-     * Tell webOS to deactivate your app.
-     * Example:
-     *        navigator.application.deactivate();
-     */
-    deactivate: function(inWindow) {
-        inWindow = inWindow || window;
-        if(inWindow.PalmSystem) {
-            inWindow.PalmSystem.deactivate();
-        }
-    },
-    /*
-     * Returns the identifier of the current running application (e.g. com.yourdomain.yourapp).
-     * Example:
-     *        navigator.application.getIdentifier();
-     */
-    getIdentifier: function() {
-        return PalmSystem.identifier;
-    },
-    fetchAppId: function() {
-        if (window.PalmSystem) {
-            // PalmSystem.identifier: <appid> <processid>
-            return PalmSystem.identifier.split(" ")[0];
-        }
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/camera.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/camera", function(require, exports, module) {
-var service = require('cordova/plugin/webos/service');
-module.exports = {
-    takePicture: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-        var filename = (options || {}).filename | "";
-        service.Request('palm://com.palm.applicationManager', {
-            method: 'launch',
-            parameters: {
-            id: '',
-            params: {
-                    appId: '',
-                    name: 'capture',
-                    sublaunch: true,
-                    filename: filename
-                }
-            },
-            onSuccess: successCallback,
-            onFailure: errorCallback
-        });
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/compass.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/compass", function(require, exports, module) {
-var CompassHeading = require('cordova/plugin/CompassHeading'),
-    CompassError = require('cordova/plugin/CompassError');
-module.exports = {
-    getHeading: function (win, lose) {
-        // only TouchPad and Pre3 have a Compass/Gyro
-        if ( !== "TouchPad" && !== "Prē3") {
-            lose({code: CompassError.COMPASS_NOT_SUPPORTED});
-        } else {
-            console.error("webos plugin compass getheading");
-            var onReadingChanged = function (e) {
-                var heading = new CompassHeading(e.magHeading, e.trueHeading);
-                document.removeEventListener("compass", onReadingChanged);
-                win(heading);
-            };
-            document.addEventListener("compass", onReadingChanged);
-        }
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/device.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/device", function(require, exports, module) {
-var service = require('cordova/plugin/webos/service');
-module.exports = {
-    getDeviceInfo: function(success, fail, args) {
-        console.log("webOS Plugin: Device - getDeviceInfo");
-        service.Request('palm://com.palm.preferences/systemProperties', {
-            method:"Get",
-            parameters:{"key": "" },
-            onSuccess: function (result) {
-                var parsedData = JSON.parse(PalmSystem.deviceInfo);
-                success({
-                    cordova: "2.2.0",
-                    platform: "HP webOS",
-                    name: parsedData.modelName,
-                    version: parsedData.platformVersion,
-                    uuid: result[""]
-                });
-            }
-        });
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/file.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/file", function(require, exports, module) {
- * Constructor.
- * name {DOMString} name of the file, without path information
- * fullPath {DOMString} the full path of the file, including the name
- * type {DOMString} mime type
- * lastModifiedDate {Date} last modified date
- * size {Number} size of the file in bytes
- */
-var File = function(name, fullPath, type, lastModifiedDate, size){
- = name || '';
-    this.fullPath = fullPath || null;
-    this.type = type || null;
-    this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate || null;
-    this.size = size || 0;
-module.exports = File;
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/filereader.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/filereader", function(require, exports, module) {
-var FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),
-    ProgressEvent = require('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent');
-var FileReader = function() {
-    this.fileName = "";
-    this.readyState = 0; // FileReader.EMPTY
-    // File data
-    this.result = null;
-    // Error
-    this.error = null;
-    // Event handlers
-    this.onloadstart = null;    // When the read starts.
-    this.onprogress = null;     // While reading (and decoding) file or fileBlob data, and reporting partial file data (progess.loaded/
-    this.onload = null;         // When the read has successfully completed.
-    this.onerror = null;        // When the read has failed (see errors).
-    this.onloadend = null;      // When the request has completed (either in success or failure).
-    this.onabort = null;        // When the read has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method.
-FileReader.prototype.readAsText = function(file, encoding) {
-    console.error("webos plugin filereader readastext:" + file);
-    //Mojo has no file i/o yet, so we use an xhr. very limited
-    // Already loading something
-    if (this.readyState == FileReader.LOADING) {
-        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    // LOADING state
-    this.readyState = FileReader.LOADING;
-    // If loadstart callback
-    if (typeof this.onloadstart === "function") {
-        this.onloadstart(new ProgressEvent("loadstart", {target:this}));
-    }
-    // Default encoding is UTF-8
-    var enc = encoding ? encoding : "UTF-8";
-    var me = this;
-    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
-    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
-        console.error("onreadystatechange:"+xhr.readyState+" "+xhr.status);
-        if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
-            if (xhr.status == 200 && xhr.responseText) {
-                console.error("file read completed");
-                // Save result
-                me.result = xhr.responseText;
-                // If onload callback
-                if (typeof me.onload === "function") {
-                    me.onload(new ProgressEvent("load", {target:me}));
-                }
-                // DONE state
-                me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-                // If onloadend callback
-                if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-                    me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", {target:me}));
-                }
-            } else {
-                // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-                if (me.readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                // DONE state
-                me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-                me.result = null;
-                // Save error
-                me.error = new FileError(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-                // If onerror callback
-                if (typeof me.onerror === "function") {
-                    me.onerror(new ProgressEvent("error", {target:me}));
-                }
-                // If onloadend callback
-                if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-                    me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", {target:me}));
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    };
-"GET", file, true);
-    xhr.send();
-module.exports = FileReader;
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/geolocation.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/geolocation", function(require, exports, module) {
-var service = require('cordova/plugin/webos/service');
-module.exports = {
-    getLocation: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-        console.error("webos plugin geolocation getlocation");
-        var request = service.Request('palm://com.palm.location', {
-            method: "getCurrentPosition",
-            onSuccess: function(event) {
-                var alias={};
-                alias.lastPosition = {
-                    coords: {
-                        latitude: event.latitude,
-                        longitude: event.longitude,
-                        altitude: (event.altitude >= 0 ? event.altitude: null),
-                        speed: (event.velocity >= 0 ? event.velocity: null),
-                        heading: (event.heading >= 0 ? event.heading: null),
-                        accuracy: (event.horizAccuracy >= 0 ? event.horizAccuracy: null),
-                        altitudeAccuracy: (event.vertAccuracy >= 0 ? event.vertAccuracy: null)
-                    },
-                    timestamp: new Date().getTime()
-                };
-                successCallback(alias.lastPosition);
-            },
-            onFailure: function() {
-                errorCallback();
-            }
-        });
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/keyboard.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/keyboard", function(require, exports, module) {
-var _isShowing = null,
-    _manual = null;
-module.exports = {
-    types: {
-        text: 0,
-        password: 1,
-        search: 2,
-        range: 3,
-        email: 4,
-        number: 5,
-        phone: 6,
-        url: 7,
-        color: 8
-    },
-    isShowing: function() {
-        return !!_isShowing;
-    },
-    show: function(type){
-        if(this.isManualMode()) {
-            PalmSystem.keyboardShow(type || 0);
-        }
-    },
-    hide: function(){
-        if(this.isManualMode()) {
-            PalmSystem.keyboardHide();
-        }
-    },
-    setManualMode: function(mode){
-        _manual = mode;
-        PalmSystem.setManualKeyboardEnabled(mode);
-    },
-    isManualMode: function(){
-        return _manual || false;
-    },
-    forceShow: function(inType){
-        this.setManualMode(true);
-        PalmSystem.keyboardShow(inType || 0);
-    },
-    forceHide: function(){
-        this.setManualMode(true);
-        PalmSystem.keyboardHide();
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/network.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/network", function(require, exports, module) {
-var service=require('cordova/plugin/webos/service'),
-    Connection = require('cordova/plugin/Connection');
-module.exports = {
-    /**
-     * Get connection info
-     *
-     * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the Connection data is available
-     * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the Connection data. (OPTIONAL)
-     */
-    getConnectionInfo: function (successCallback, errorCallback) {
-        // Get info
-        console.log("webos Plugin: NetworkStatus - getConnectionInfo");
-        service.Request('palm://com.palm.connectionmanager', {
-            method: 'getstatus',
-            parameters: {},
-            onSuccess: function (result) {
-                console.log("result:"+JSON.stringify(result));
-                var info={};
-                if (!result.isInternetConnectionAvailable) { info.type=Connection.NONE; }
-                if (result.wifi && result.wifi.onInternet) { info.type=Connection.WIFI; }
-                if (result.wan && result.wan.state==="connected") { info.type=Connection.CELL_2G; }
-                successCallback(info.type);
-            },
-            onFailure: errorCallback
-        });
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/notification.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/notification", function(require, exports, module) {
-module.exports = {
-    /*
-     * adds a dashboard to the WebOS app
-     * @param {String} url
-     * @param {String} html
-     * Example:
-     *        navigator.notification.newDashboard("dashboard.html");
-     */
-    newDashboard: function(url, html) {
-        var win =, "_blank", "attributes={\"window\":\"dashboard\"}");
-        html && win.document.write(html);
-        win.PalmSystem.stageReady();
-    },
-    /*
-     * Displays a banner notification. If specified, will send your 'response' object as data via the 'palmsystem' DOM event.
-     * If no 'icon' filename is specified, will use a small version of your application icon.
-     * @param {String} message
-     * @param {Object} response
-     * @param {String} icon
-     * @param {String} soundClass class of the sound; supported classes are: "ringtones", "alerts", "alarm", "calendar", "notification"
-     * @param {String} soundFile partial or full path to the sound file
-     * @param {String} soundDurationMs of sound in ms
-     * Example:
-     *        navigator.notification.showBanner('test message');
-     */
-    showBanner: function(message, response, icon, soundClass, soundFile, soundDurationMs) {
-        response = response || {
-            banner: true
-        };
-        PalmSystem.addBannerMessage(message, JSON.stringify(response), icon, soundClass, soundFile, soundDurationMs);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Remove a banner from the banner area. The category parameter defaults to 'banner'. Will not remove
-     * messages that are already displayed.
-     * @param {String} category
-            Value defined by the application and usually same one used in {@link showBanner}.
-            It is used if you have more than one kind of banner message.
-     */
-    removeBannerMessage: function(category) {
-        var bannerKey = category || 'banner';
-        var bannerId = this.banners.get(bannerKey);
-        if (bannerId) {
-            try {
-                PalmSystem.removeBannerMessage(bannerId);
-            } catch(removeBannerException) {
-                window.debug.error(removeBannerException.toString());
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    /*
-     * Remove all pending banner messages from the banner area. Will not remove messages that are already displayed.
-     */
-    clearBannerMessage: function() {
-        PalmSystem.clearBannerMessage();
-    },
-    /*
-     * This function vibrates the device
-     * @param {number} duration The duration in ms to vibrate for.
-     * @param {number} intensity The intensity of the vibration
-     */
-    vibrate_private: function(duration, intensity) {
-        //the intensity for palm is inverted; 0=high intensity, 100=low intensity
-        //this is opposite from our api, so we invert
-        if (isNaN(intensity) || intensity > 100 || intensity <= 0)
-        intensity = 0;
-        else
-        intensity = 100 - intensity;
-        // if the app id does not have the namespace "com.palm.", an error will be thrown here
-        //this.vibhandle = new Mojo.Service.Request("palm://com.palm.vibrate", {
-        this.vibhandle = navigator.service.Request("palm://com.palm.vibrate", {
-            method: 'vibrate',
-            parameters: {
-                'period': intensity,
-                'duration': duration
-            }
-        },
-        false);
-    },
-    vibrate: function(param) {
-        PalmSystem.playSoundNotification('vibrate');
-    },
-    /*
-     * Plays the specified sound
-     * @param {String} soundClass class of the sound; supported classes are: "ringtones", "alerts", "alarm", "calendar", "notification"
-     * @param {String} soundFile partial or full path to the sound file
-     * @param {String} soundDurationMs of sound in ms
-     */
-    beep: function(param) {
-        PalmSystem.playSoundNotification('alerts');
-    },
-    getRootWindow: function() {
-        var w = window.opener || window.rootWindow || || window;
-        if(!w.setTimeout) { // use this window as the root if we don't have access to the real root.
-            w = window;
-        }
-        return w;
-    },
-    open: function(inOpener, inUrl, inName, inAttributes, inWindowInfo) {
-        var url = inUrl;
-        var a = inAttributes && JSON.stringify(inAttributes);
-        a = "attributes=" + a;
-        var i = inWindowInfo ? inWindowInfo + ", " : "";
-        return, inName, i + a);
-    },
-    openWindow: function(inUrl, inName, inParams, inAttributes, inWindowInfo) {
-        //var attributes = inAttributes || {};
-        //attributes.window = attributes.window || "card";
-        // NOTE: make the root window open all windows.
-        return, inUrl, inName || "", inAttributes, inWindowInfo);
-    },
-    alert: function(message,callback,title,buttonName) {
-        var inAttributes = {};
-        //inAttributes.window = "card"; // create card
-        inAttributes.window = "popupalert"; // create popup
-        //inAttributes.window="dashboard"; // create dashboard
-        var html='<html><head><script>setTimeout(function(f){var el=window.document.getElementById("b1");console.error(el);el.addEventListener("click",function(f){window.close();},false);},500);</script></head><body>'+message+'<br/><button id="b1">'+buttonName+'</button></body></html>';
-        var inName="PopupAlert";
-        var inUrl="";
-        var inParams={};
-        var inHeight=120;
-        var w = this.openWindow(inUrl, inName, inParams, inAttributes, "height=" + (inHeight || 200));
-        w.document.write(html);
-        w.PalmSystem.stageReady();
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/orientation.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/orientation", function(require, exports, module) {
-module.exports = {
-    setOrientation: function(orientation) {
-        PalmSystem.setWindowOrientation(orientation);
-    },
-    /*
-     * Returns the current window orientation
-     * orientation is one of 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right', or 'free'
-     */
-    getCurrentOrientation: function() {
-          return PalmSystem.windowOrientation;
-    }
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/requestfilesystem.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/requestfilesystem", function(require, exports, module) {
-module.exports = function(type,size,successCallback,errorCallback) {
-    console.error("requestFileSystem");
-    var theFileSystem={};
-    theFileSystem.root={};
-    theFileSystem.root.getFile=function(filename,options,successCallback,errorCallback) {
-        console.error("getFile");
-        if (options.create) { errorCallback(); }
-        var theFile=filename;
-        successCallback(theFile);
-    };
-    successCallback(theFileSystem);
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/service.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/service", function(require, exports, module) {
-function Service() { }
-Service.prototype.Request = function (uri, params) {
-    var req = new PalmServiceBridge();
-    var url = uri + "/" + (params.method || "");
-    req.url = url;
-    this.req = req;
-    this.url = url;
-    this.params = params || {};
-    return this;
- = function(params) {
-    var onsuccess = null;
-    var onfailure = null;
-    var oncomplete = null;
-    if (typeof params.onSuccess === 'function')
-        onsuccess = params.onSuccess;
-    if (typeof params.onFailure === 'function')
-        onerror = params.onFailure;
-    if (typeof params.onComplete === 'function')
-        oncomplete = params.onComplete;
-    this.req.onservicecallback = callback;
-    function callback(msg) {
-        var response = JSON.parse(msg);
-        if ((response.errorCode) && onfailure)
-            onfailure(response);
-        else if (onsuccess)
-            onsuccess(response);
-        if (oncomplete)
-            oncomplete(response);
-    }
- = (typeof params.parameters === 'object') ? JSON.stringify(params.parameters) : '{}';
-module.exports = new Service();
-// file: lib/webos/plugin/webos/window.js
-define("cordova/plugin/webos/window", function(require, exports, module) {
-    launchParams: function() {
-        return JSON.parse(PalmSystem.launchParams) || {};
-    },
-    /*
-     * This is a thin wrapper for '' which optionally sets document contents to 'html', and calls 'PalmSystem.stageReady()'
-     * on your new card. Note that this new card will not come with your framework (if any) or anything for that matter.
-     * @param {String} url
-     * @param {String} html
-     * Example:
-     *        navigator.window.newCard('about:blank', '<html><body>Hello again!</body></html>');
-     */
-    newCard: function(url, html) {
-        var win = || "");
-        if (html)
-            win.document.write(html);
-        win.PalmSystem.stageReady();
-    },
-    /*
-     * Enable or disable full screen display (full screen removes the app menu bar and the rounded corners of the screen).
-     * @param {Boolean} state
-     * Example:
-     *        navigator.window.setFullScreen(true);
-     */
-    setFullScreen: function(state) {
-        // valid state values are: true or false
-        PalmSystem.enableFullScreenMode(state);
-    },
-    /*
-     * used to set the window properties of the WebOS app
-     * @param {Object} props
-     * Example:
-     *         private method used by other member functions - ideally we shouldn't call this method
-     */
-    setWindowProperties: function(inWindow, inProps) {
-        if(arguments.length==1) {
-            inProps = inWindow;
-            inWindow = window;
-        }
-        if(inWindow.PalmSystem) {
-            inWindow.PalmSystem.setWindowProperties(inProps);
-        }
-    },
-    /*
-     * Enable or disable screen timeout. When enabled, the device screen will not dim. This is useful for navigation, clocks or other "dock" apps.
-     * @param {Boolean} state
-     * Example:
-     *        navigator.window.blockScreenTimeout(true);
-     */
-    blockScreenTimeout: function(state) {
-        navigator.windowProperties.blockScreenTimeout = state;
-        this.setWindowProperties();
-    },
-    /*
-     * Sets the lightbar to be a little dimmer for screen locked notifications.
-     * @param {Boolean} state
-     * Example:
-     *        navigator.window.setSubtleLightbar(true);
-     */
-    setSubtleLightbar: function(state) {
-        navigator.windowProperties.setSubtleLightbar = state;
-        this.setWindowProperties();
-    }
-// file: lib/common/symbols.js
-define("cordova/symbols", function(require, exports, module) {
-var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper');
-// Use merges here in case others symbols files depend on this running first,
-// but fail to declare the dependency with a require().
-modulemapper.merges('cordova', 'cordova');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/exec', 'cordova.exec');
-modulemapper.clobbers('cordova/exec', 'Cordova.exec');
-// file: lib/common/utils.js
-define("cordova/utils", function(require, exports, module) {
-var utils = exports;
- * Defines a property getter / setter for obj[key].
- */
-utils.defineGetterSetter = function(obj, key, getFunc, opt_setFunc) {
-    if (Object.defineProperty) {
-        var desc = {
-            get: getFunc,
-            configurable: true
-        };
-        if (opt_setFunc) {
-            desc.set = opt_setFunc;
-        }
-        Object.defineProperty(obj, key, desc);
-    } else {
-        obj.__defineGetter__(key, getFunc);
-        if (opt_setFunc) {
-            obj.__defineSetter__(key, opt_setFunc);
-        }
-    }
- * Defines a property getter for obj[key].
- */
-utils.defineGetter = utils.defineGetterSetter;
-utils.arrayIndexOf = function(a, item) {
-    if (a.indexOf) {
-        return a.indexOf(item);
-    }
-    var len = a.length;
-    for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-        if (a[i] == item) {
-            return i;
-        }
-    }
-    return -1;
- * Returns whether the item was found in the array.
- */
-utils.arrayRemove = function(a, item) {
-    var index = utils.arrayIndexOf(a, item);
-    if (index != -1) {
-        a.splice(index, 1);
-    }
-    return index != -1;
-utils.typeName = function(val) {
-    return, -1);
- * Returns an indication of whether the argument is an array or not
- */
-utils.isArray = function(a) {
-    return utils.typeName(a) == 'Array';
- * Returns an indication of whether the argument is a Date or not
- */
-utils.isDate = function(d) {
-    return utils.typeName(d) == 'Date';
- * Does a deep clone of the object.
- */
-utils.clone = function(obj) {
-    if(!obj || typeof obj == 'function' || utils.isDate(obj) || typeof obj != 'object') {
-        return obj;
-    }
-    var retVal, i;
-    if(utils.isArray(obj)){
-        retVal = [];
-        for(i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i){
-            retVal.push(utils.clone(obj[i]));
-        }
-        return retVal;
-    }
-    retVal = {};
-    for(i in obj){
-        if(!(i in retVal) || retVal[i] != obj[i]) {
-            retVal[i] = utils.clone(obj[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    return retVal;
- * Returns a wrapped version of the function
- */
-utils.close = function(context, func, params) {
-    if (typeof params == 'undefined') {
-        return function() {
-            return func.apply(context, arguments);
-        };
-    } else {
-        return function() {
-            return func.apply(context, params);
-        };
-    }
- * Create a UUID
- */
-utils.createUUID = function() {
-    return UUIDcreatePart(4) + '-' +
-        UUIDcreatePart(2) + '-' +
-        UUIDcreatePart(2) + '-' +
-        UUIDcreatePart(2) + '-' +
-        UUIDcreatePart(6);
- * Extends a child object from a parent object using classical inheritance
- * pattern.
- */
-utils.extend = (function() {
-    // proxy used to establish prototype chain
-    var F = function() {};
-    // extend Child from Parent
-    return function(Child, Parent) {
-        F.prototype = Parent.prototype;
-        Child.prototype = new F();
-        Child.__super__ = Parent.prototype;
-        Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
-    };
- * Alerts a message in any available way: alert or console.log.
- */
-utils.alert = function(msg) {
-    if (window.alert) {
-        window.alert(msg);
-    } else if (console && console.log) {
-        console.log(msg);
-    }
- * Formats a string and arguments following it ala sprintf()
- *
- * see utils.vformat() for more information
- */
-utils.format = function(formatString /* ,... */) {
-    var args = [], 1);
-    return utils.vformat(formatString, args);
- * Formats a string and arguments following it ala vsprintf()
- *
- * format chars:
- *   %j - format arg as JSON
- *   %o - format arg as JSON
- *   %c - format arg as ''
- *   %% - replace with '%'
- * any other char following % will format it's
- * arg via toString().
- *
- * for rationale, see FireBug's Console API:
- *
- */
-utils.vformat = function(formatString, args) {
-    if (formatString === null || formatString === undefined) return "";
-    if (arguments.length == 1) return formatString.toString();
-    if (typeof formatString != "string") return formatString.toString();
-    var pattern = /(.*?)%(.)(.*)/;
-    var rest    = formatString;
-    var result  = [];
-    while (args.length) {
-        var arg   = args.shift();
-        var match = pattern.exec(rest);
-        if (!match) break;
-        rest = match[3];
-        result.push(match[1]);
-        if (match[2] == '%') {
-            result.push('%');
-            args.unshift(arg);
-            continue;
-        }
-        result.push(formatted(arg, match[2]));
-    }
-    result.push(rest);
-    return result.join('');
-function UUIDcreatePart(length) {
-    var uuidpart = "";
-    for (var i=0; i<length; i++) {
-        var uuidchar = parseInt((Math.random() * 256), 10).toString(16);
-        if (uuidchar.length == 1) {
-            uuidchar = "0" + uuidchar;
-        }
-        uuidpart += uuidchar;
-    }
-    return uuidpart;
-function formatted(object, formatChar) {
-    try {
-        switch(formatChar) {
-            case 'j':
-            case 'o': return JSON.stringify(object);
-            case 'c': return '';
-        }
-    }
-    catch (e) {
-        return "error JSON.stringify()ing argument: " + e;
-    }
-    if ((object === null) || (object === undefined)) {
-        return;
-    }
-    return object.toString();
-window.cordova = require('cordova');
-// file: lib/scripts/bootstrap.js
-(function (context) {
-    // Replace navigator before any modules are required(), to ensure it happens as soon as possible.
-    // We replace it so that properties that can't be clobbered can instead be overridden.
-    function replaceNavigator(origNavigator) {
-        var CordovaNavigator = function() {};
-        CordovaNavigator.prototype = origNavigator;
-        var newNavigator = new CordovaNavigator();
-        // This work-around really only applies to new APIs that are newer than Function.bind.
-        // Without it, APIs such as getGamepads() break.
-        if (CordovaNavigator.bind) {
-            for (var key in origNavigator) {
-                if (typeof origNavigator[key] == 'function') {
-                    newNavigator[key] = origNavigator[key].bind(origNavigator);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return newNavigator;
-    }
-    if (context.navigator) {
-        context.navigator = replaceNavigator(context.navigator);
-    }
-    var channel = require("cordova/channel");
-    // _nativeReady is global variable that the native side can set
-    // to signify that the native code is ready. It is a global since
-    // it may be called before any cordova JS is ready.
-    if (window._nativeReady) {
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create all cordova objects once page has fully loaded and native side is ready.
-     */
-    channel.join(function() {
-        var builder = require('cordova/builder'),
-            platform = require('cordova/platform');
-        builder.buildIntoButDoNotClobber(platform.defaults, context);
-        builder.buildIntoAndClobber(platform.clobbers, context);
-        builder.buildIntoAndMerge(platform.merges, context);
-        // Call the platform-specific initialization
-        platform.initialize();
-        // Fire event to notify that all objects are created
-        // Fire onDeviceReady event once all constructors have run and
-        // cordova info has been received from native side.
-        channel.join(function() {
-            require('cordova').fireDocumentEvent('deviceready');
-        }, channel.deviceReadyChannelsArray);
-    }, [ channel.onDOMContentLoaded, channel.onNativeReady, channel.onPluginsReady ]);
-// file: lib/scripts/bootstrap-webos.js
-// file: lib/scripts/plugin_loader.js
-// Tries to load all plugins' js-modules.
-// This is an async process, but onDeviceReady is blocked on onPluginsReady.
-// onPluginsReady is fired when there are no plugins to load, or they are all done.
-(function (context) {
-    // To be populated with the handler by handlePluginsObject.
-    var onScriptLoadingComplete;
-    var scriptCounter = 0;
-    function scriptLoadedCallback() {
-        scriptCounter--;
-        if (scriptCounter === 0) {
-            onScriptLoadingComplete && onScriptLoadingComplete();
-        }
-    }
-    // Helper function to inject a <script> tag.
-    function injectScript(path) {
-        scriptCounter++;
-        var script = document.createElement("script");
-        script.onload = scriptLoadedCallback;
-        script.src = path;
-        document.head.appendChild(script);
-    }
-    // Called when:
-    // * There are plugins defined and all plugins are finished loading.
-    // * There are no plugins to load.
-    function finishPluginLoading() {
-        context.cordova.require('cordova/channel');
-    }
-    // Handler for the cordova_plugins.json content.
-    // See plugman's plugin_loader.js for the details of this object.
-    // This function is only called if the really is a plugins array that isn't empty.
-    // Otherwise the XHR response handler will just call finishPluginLoading().
-    function handlePluginsObject(modules) {
-        // First create the callback for when all plugins are loaded.
-        var mapper = context.cordova.require('cordova/modulemapper');
-        onScriptLoadingComplete = function() {
-            // Loop through all the plugins and then through their clobbers and merges.
-            for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
-                var module = modules[i];
-                if (!module) continue;
-                if (module.clobbers && module.clobbers.length) {
-                    for (var j = 0; j < module.clobbers.length; j++) {
-                        mapper.clobbers(, module.clobbers[j]);
-                    }
-                }
-                if (module.merges && module.merges.length) {
-                    for (var k = 0; k < module.merges.length; k++) {
-                        mapper.merges(, module.merges[k]);
-                    }
-                }
-                // Finally, if runs is truthy we want to simply require() the module.
-                // This can be skipped if it had any merges or clobbers, though,
-                // since the mapper will already have required the module.
-                if (module.runs && !(module.clobbers && module.clobbers.length) && !(module.merges && module.merges.length)) {
-                    context.cordova.require(;
-                }
-            }
-            finishPluginLoading();
-        };
-        // Now inject the scripts.
-        for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
-            injectScript(modules[i].file);
-        }
-    }
-    // Try to XHR the cordova_plugins.json file asynchronously.
-    try { // we commented we were going to try, so let us actually try and catch 
-        var xhr = new context.XMLHttpRequest();
-        xhr.onload = function() {
-            // If the response is a JSON string which composes an array, call handlePluginsObject.
-            // If the request fails, or the response is not a JSON array, just call finishPluginLoading.
-            var obj = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
-            if (obj && obj instanceof Array && obj.length > 0) {
-                handlePluginsObject(obj);
-            } else {
-                finishPluginLoading();
-            }
-        };
-        xhr.onerror = function() {
-            finishPluginLoading();
-        };
-'GET', 'cordova_plugins.json', true); // Async
-        xhr.send();
-    }
-    catch(err){
-        finishPluginLoading();
-    }
\ No newline at end of file