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<h2 class="icon icon-about">npm Plugin Search for Plugin Authors</h2>
<h4>How do I add a new plugin to Plugin Search?</h4>
<p>If you want your Cordova Plugin to show up in search, simply add <code>ecosystem:cordova</code> keyword to the <code>package.json</code> file of your plugin and publish it to npm registry.</p>
<h4>How can I tag supported platforms for my plugin?</h4>
<p>Similar to <code>ecosystem:cordova</code>, platform support too uses keywords. Just add the platform name prefixed with "<strong>cordova-</strong>" to plugins list of keywords. E.g.</p>
<pre><code> "keywords": [
<h4>My plugin is in but I want to publish to npm. How do I do that?</h4>
<strong>Optional</strong> Decide if you want to change your plugin’s id. If you decide to change it,
<li>Update the id in plugin.xml and update your readme with the new id.</li>
<li>Send a pull request adding your new id and old id to Cordova Registry Mapper.</li>
<li>We integrate that module into the Cordova CLI to warn users to use the new id when adding plugins to their projects.</li>
<li>Add a <code>package.json</code> to your plugins,
<strong>Note</strong>: To keep things simple, please make sure your <code>id</code> in <code>plugin.xml</code> is the same as your <code>package-name</code> in <code>package.json</code>.</li>
<li>Use <code>plugman createpackagejson [PLUGIN DIRECTORY]</code> to create <code>package.json</code>.
<li>This will create defaults based on existing values in your <code>plugin.xml</code>.</li>
<li>It will also automatically add the keyword <code>ecosystem:cordova</code> to your newly generated package.json file.</li>
<li>In addition, a cordova key will be added to your <code>package.json</code> which we plan to use in future updates of the tooling.</li>
<li>View the <code>package.json</code> of <a href="" target="_blank">cordova-plugin-device</a> to see an example of what your <code>package.json</code> should look like after running <code>plugman createpackagejson [PLUGIN DIRECTORY]</code> command.</li>
<li>Plugins still require a <code>plugin.xml</code> to be installed into <strong>Cordova</strong> projects.</li>
<li>Publish your plugin to npm using the <code>npm publish [PLUGIN DIRECTORY]</code>.</li>
<h4>Are there any additional documents to assist me with plugins?</h4>
<p>Yes there are. Please take a look at <a href="" target="_blank">Plugin Development Guide</a> for a more detailed guide.</p>
<h4>I don't like X. How can I help improve the website?</h4>
<p>You can help improving this site by opening bugs on <a href="" target="_blank">JIRA</a> or by sending PRs on <a href="" target="_blank">GitHub</a>.</p>