blob: 4eaf7bd7d60b34ee3da8cb0275095303c74ce119 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Wolfgang Koller -
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* FileError interface
function FileError() {
FileError.cast = function( p_code ) {
var fe = new FileError();
fe.code = p_code;
return fe;
FileError.prototype.code = 0;
FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 1;
FileError.SECURITY_ERR = 2;
FileError.ABORT_ERR = 3;
FileError.ENCODING_ERR = 5;
FileError.SYNTAX_ERR = 8;
FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR = 12;
* FileException interface
//use this one as FileError name conflict
function FileException() {
FileException.cast = function( p_code ) {
var fe = new FileException();
fe.code = p_code;
return fe;
FileException.prototype.code = 0;
FileException.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 1;
FileException.SECURITY_ERR = 2;
FileException.ABORT_ERR = 3;
FileException.NOT_READABLE_ERR = 4;
FileException.ENCODING_ERR = 5;
FileException.INVALID_STATE_ERR = 7;
FileException.SYNTAX_ERR = 8;
FileException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR = 10;
FileException.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 11;
FileException.PATH_EXISTS_ERR = 12;
* FileMetadata (Metadata) interface
function Metadata(p_modificationDate ) {
this.modificationTime = p_modificationDate || null;
return this;
Metadata.cast = function( p_modificationDate ) {
var md = new Metadata(p_modificationDate);
return md;
function Flags(create, exclusive) {
this.create = create || false;
this.exclusive = exclusive || false;
Flags.cast = function( p_modificationDate ) {
var md = new Metadata(p_modificationDate);
return md;
Flags.cast = function(create, exclusive) {
var that = new Flags(create, exclusive);
return that;
* Entry interface
function Entry() {
Entry.prototype.isFile = false;
Entry.prototype.isDirectory = false; = "";
Entry.prototype.fullPath = "";//fullpath for cordova-test = realFullPath - "/"
Entry.prototype.filesystem = null;
Entry.prototype.getMetadata = function( successCallback, errorCallback ) {
// Get metadata for this entry
Cordova.exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "com.cordova.File", "getMetadata", [this.fullPath]);
Entry.prototype.moveTo = function( parent, newName, successCallback, errorCallback ) {
Entry.prototype.copyTo = function( parent, newName, successCallback, errorCallback ) {
Entry.prototype.toURL = function( mimeType ) {
return "file://" + this.fullPath;
Entry.prototype.remove = function( successCallback, errorCallback ) {
// Remove this entry
Cordova.exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "com.cordova.File", "remove", [this.fullPath]);
Entry.prototype.getParent = function( successCallback, errorCallback ) {
// Ask the system for our parent
Cordova.exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "com.cordova.File", "getParent", [this.fullPath]);
* FileInfo (File) interface
* (had to call the 'File' object FileInfo since there were name conflicts)
function FileInfo() {
FileInfo.cast = function( p_name, p_fullPath, p_type, p_lastModifiedDate, p_size ) {
var f = new FileInfo(); = p_name;
f.fullPath = p_fullPath;
f.type = p_type;
f.lastModifiedDate = p_lastModifiedDate;
f.size = p_size;
return f;
} = "";
FileInfo.prototype.fullPath = "";
FileInfo.prototype.type = "unknown/unknown";
FileInfo.prototype.lastModifiedDate = null;
FileInfo.prototype.size = 0;
* FileSaver interface
function FileSaver() {
FileSaver.createEvent = function( p_type, p_target ) {
var evt = {
"type": p_type,
"target": p_target
return evt;
FileSaver.prototype.abort = function() {
if( this.readyState == FileSaver.INIT || this.readyState == FileSaver.DONE ) throw FileException.cast(FileException.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
this.error = FileError.cast(FileError.ABORT_ERR);
this.readyState = FileSaver.DONE;
if( typeof this.onerror === "function" ) this.onerror(FileSaver.createEvent("error", this));
if( typeof this.onabort === "function" ) this.onabort(FileSaver.createEvent("abort", this));
if( typeof this.onwriteend === "function" ) this.onwriteend(FileSaver.createEvent("writeend", this));
FileSaver.INIT = 0;
FileSaver.WRITING = 1;
FileSaver.DONE = 2;
FileSaver.prototype.readyState = FileSaver.INIT;
FileSaver.prototype.error = new FileError();
FileSaver.prototype.onwritestart = null;
FileSaver.prototype.onprogress = null;
FileSaver.prototype.onwrite = null;
FileSaver.prototype.onabort = null;
FileSaver.prototype.onerror = null;
FileSaver.prototype.onwriteend = null;
FileSaver.prototype.fullPath = ""; // Not W3C conform, but we need the path for handling!
* FileWriter interface
* (derives from FileSaver)
function FileWriter() {
FileWriter.cast = function( p_fullPath, p_length ) {
var fw = new FileWriter();
fw.fullPath = p_fullPath;
fw.length = p_length;
return fw;
FileWriter.prototype = new FileSaver();
FileWriter.prototype.position = 0;
FileWriter.prototype.length = 0;
FileWriter.prototype.write = function( data ) {
//console.log( 'Calling write: ' + this.position + " / " + this.length );
// Check if we are able to write
if( this.readyState == FileSaver.WRITING ) throw FileException.cast(FileException.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
// We are writing now
this.readyState = FileSaver.WRITING;
// Emit the start event
if( typeof this.onwritestart === "function" ) this.onwritestart( FileSaver.createEvent("writestart", this) );
// Finally do the writing
var me = this;
Cordova.exec(function(p_position, p_length) {
// Update position & length for file
me.position = p_position;
me.length = p_length;
// Update state
me.readyState = FileSaver.DONE;
// Dispatch missing events
if( typeof me.onwrite === "function" ) me.onwrite( FileSaver.createEvent("write", me) );
if( typeof me.onwriteend === "function" ) me.onwriteend( FileSaver.createEvent("writeend", me) );
}, function( p_fileError, p_position, p_length ) {
// Update position & length for file
me.position = p_position;
me.length = p_length;
// Set error object & update state
me.error = p_fileError;
me.readyState = FileSaver.DONE;
// Dispatch missing events
if( typeof me.onerror === "function" ) me.onerror( FileWriter.createEvent("error", me) );
if( typeof me.onwriteend === "function" ) me.onwriteend( FileWriter.createEvent("writeend", me) );
}, "com.cordova.File", "write", [this.fullPath, this.position, data]);
} = function( offset ) {
//console.log( 'Calling seek: ' + offset + " / " + this.position + " / " + this.length + " / " + this.readyState );
if( this.readyState == FileSaver.WRITING ) throw FileException.cast(FileException.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
if( offset < 0 ) {
this.position = offset + this.length;
else if( offset > this.length ) {
this.position = this.length;
else {
this.position = offset;
FileWriter.prototype.truncate = function( size ) {
// Check if we are able to write
if( this.readyState == FileSaver.WRITING ) throw FileException.cast(FileException.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
// We are writing now
this.readyState = FileSaver.WRITING;
// Emit the start event
if( typeof this.onwritestart === "function" ) this.onwritestart( FileSaver.createEvent("writestart", this) );
// Finally do the writing
var me = this;
Cordova.exec(function(p_position, p_length) {
// Update position & length for file
me.position = p_position;
me.length = p_length;
// Update state
me.readyState = FileSaver.DONE;
// Dispatch missing events
if( typeof me.onwrite === "function" ) me.onwrite( FileSaver.createEvent("write", me) );
if( typeof me.onwriteend === "function" ) me.onwriteend( FileSaver.createEvent("writeend", me) );
}, function( p_fileError, p_position, p_length ) {
// Update position & length for file
me.position = p_position;
me.length = p_length;
// Set error object & update state
me.error = p_fileError;
me.readyState = FileSaver.DONE;
// Dispatch missing events
if( typeof me.onerror === "function" ) me.onerror( FileSaver.createEvent("error", me) );
if( typeof me.onwriteend === "function" ) me.onwriteend( FileSaver.createEvent("writeend", me) );
}, "com.cordova.File", "truncate", [this.fullPath, size]);
* FileReader interface
function FileReader() {
FileReader.EMPTY = 0;
FileReader.LOADING = 1;
FileReader.DONE = 2;
FileReader.prototype.readyState = FileReader.EMPTY;
FileReader.prototype.result = "";
FileReader.prototype.error = new FileError();
FileReader.prototype.onloadstart = null;
FileReader.prototype.onprogress = null;
FileReader.prototype.onload = null;
FileReader.prototype.onabort = null;
FileReader.prototype.onerror = null;
FileReader.prototype.onloadend = null;
FileReader.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer = function( file ) {
FileReader.prototype.readAsBinaryString = function( file ) {
FileReader.prototype.readAsText = function( file ) {
this.readyState = FileReader.EMPTY;
this.result = null;
this.readyState = FileReader.LOADING;
if( typeof this.onloadstart === "function" ) this.onloadstart( FileSaver.createEvent( "loadstart", this) );
var me = this;
// Lets read the file...
Cordova.exec(function( p_data ) {
me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;
me.result = atob( p_data );
if( typeof me.onload === "function" ) me.onload( FileSaver.createEvent( "load", me) );
if( typeof me.onloadend === "function" ) me.onloadend( FileSaver.createEvent( "loadend", me) );
}, function( p_fileError ) {
me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;
me.result = null;
me.error = p_fileError;
if( typeof me.onloadend === "function" ) me.onloadend( FileSaver.createEvent( "loadend", me) );
if( typeof me.onerror === "function" ) me.onerror( FileSaver.createEvent( "error", me) );
}, "com.cordova.File", "readAsDataURL", [file.fullPath]);
FileReader.prototype.readAsDataURL = function( file ) {
this.readyState = FileReader.EMPTY;
this.result = null;
this.readyState = FileReader.LOADING;
if( typeof this.onloadstart === "function" ) this.onloadstart( FileSaver.createEvent( "loadstart", this) );
var me = this;
// Lets read the file...
Cordova.exec(function( p_data ) {
me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;
me.result = p_data;
if( typeof me.onloadend === "function" ) me.onloadend( FileSaver.createEvent( "loadend", me) );
}, function( p_fileError ) {
me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;
me.result = null;
me.error = p_fileError;
if( typeof me.onloadend === "function" ) me.onloadend( FileSaver.createEvent( "loadend", me) );
if( typeof me.onerror === "function" ) me.onerror( FileSaver.createEvent( "error", me) );
}, "com.cordova.File", "readAsDataURL", [file.fullPath]);
FileReader.prototype.abort = function() {
this.readyState = FileReader.DONE;
this.result = null;
this.error = FileError.cast( FileError.ABORT_ERR );
if( typeof this.onerror === "function" ) this.onerror( FileSaver.createEvent( "error", me) ) ;
if( typeof this.onabort === "function" ) this.onabort( FileSaver.createEvent( "abort", me) ) ;
if( typeof this.onloadend === "function" ) this.onloadend( FileSaver.createEvent( "loadend", me) ) ;
* FileEntry interface
* (derives from Entry)
function FileEntry() {
this.isFile = true;
this.isDirectory = false;
FileEntry.cast = function( filename, path ) {
var fe = new FileEntry(); = filename;
fe.fullPath = path;
return fe;
FileEntry.prototype = new Entry();
FileEntry.prototype.createWriter = function( successCallback, errorCallback ) {
this.file( function(p_file) {
successCallback(FileWriter.cast(p_file.fullPath, p_file.size));
}, errorCallback);
FileEntry.prototype.file = function( successCallback, errorCallback ) {
// Lets get the fileinfo
Cordova.exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "com.cordova.File", "file", [this.fullPath]);
* DirectoryReader interface
function DirectoryReader() {
DirectoryReader.cast = function( p_fullPath ) {
var dr = new DirectoryReader();
dr.fullPath = p_fullPath;
return dr;
DirectoryReader.prototype.fullPath = ""; // Not W3C conform, but required
DirectoryReader.prototype.readEntries = function( successCallback, errorCallback ) {
// Get all entries for the directory
Cordova.exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "com.cordova.File", "readEntries", [this.fullPath]);
* DirectoryEntry interface
* (derives from Entry)
function DirectoryEntry() {
this.isFile = false;
this.isDirectory = true;
DirectoryEntry.cast = function( dirname, path ) {
var de = new DirectoryEntry(); = dirname;
de.fullPath = path;
return de;
DirectoryEntry.prototype = new Entry();
DirectoryEntry.prototype.createReader = function() {
return DirectoryReader.cast(this.fullPath);
DirectoryEntry.prototype.getFile = function( path, options, successCallback, errorCallback ) {
var requestPath = path;
// Check for a relative path
if( requestPath.charAt(0) != '/' ) requestPath = this.fullPath + "/" + requestPath;
// Lets get the file
Cordova.exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "com.cordova.File", "getFile", [requestPath, options]);
DirectoryEntry.prototype.getDirectory = function( path, options, successCallback, errorCallback ) {
var requestPath = path;
// Check for a relative path
if( requestPath.charAt(0) != '/' ) requestPath = this.fullPath + "/" + requestPath;
// Lets get the directory
Cordova.exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "com.cordova.File", "getDirectory", [requestPath, options]);
DirectoryEntry.prototype.removeRecursively = function( successCallback, errorCallback ) {
// Remove the directory
Cordova.exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "com.cordova.File", "removeRecursively", [this.fullPath]);
* FileSystem interface
function FileSystem() {
FileSystem.cast = function( fsname, dirname, path ) {
var fs = new FileSystem(); = fsname;
fs.root = DirectoryEntry.cast(dirname, path);
return fs;
} = "";
FileSystem.prototype.root = null; // Should be a DirectoryEntry
* LocalFileSystem interface
function LocalFileSystem() {
LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY = 0;
LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT = 1;
LocalFileSystem.prototype.requestFileSystem = function( type, size, successCallback, errorCallback ) {
Cordova.exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "com.cordova.File", "requestFileSystem", [type,size]);
LocalFileSystem.prototype.resolveLocalFileSystemURL = function( url, successCallback, errorCallback ) {
Cordova.exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "com.cordova.File", "resolveLocalFileSystemURL", [url]);
* Let window implement the localfilesystem
Cordova.addConstructor( "com.cordova.File", function () {
var localFileSystem = new LocalFileSystem();
window.requestFileSystem = localFileSystem.requestFileSystem;
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI = localFileSystem.resolveLocalFileSystemURL;
} );