blob: 5d3723bf049bcad75ce77a6169f83e50fc2ac205 [file] [log] [blame]
plugman manages plugin.xml-compatible cordova plugins into cordova-generated projects.
To display this help file, use one of the following:
$ plugman --help
$ plugman -h
To display the plugman version, use one of the following:
$ plugman --version
$ plugman -v
Optional flags
--debug|-d : Verbose mode
Install a plugin
$ plugman install --platform <platform> --project <directory> --plugin <plugin> [--variable NAME=VALUE]
- platform <platform>: One of android, ios, blackberry10, wp8, or windows8
- project <directory>: Path reference to a cordova-generated project of the platform you specify
- plugin <plugin>: One of a path reference to a local copy of a plugin, or a remote https: or git: URL pointing to a cordova plugin (optionally append #branch:subdir) or a plugin ID from
- variable NAME=VALUE: Some plugins require install-time variables to be defined. These could be things like API keys/tokens or other app-specific variables.
Optional parameters:
- www <directory>: www assets for the plugin will be installed into this directory. Default is to install into the standard www directory for the platform specified
- plugins_dir <directory>: a copy of the plugin will be stored in this directory. Default is to install into the <project directory>/plugins folder
- searchpath <directory>: when looking up plugins by ID, look in this directory and each of its subdirectories for the plugin before hitting the registry.
Multiple search paths can be used by either specifying the flag multiple times, or by separating paths with a delimiter (: on 'nix, ; on Windows).
Uninstall a plugin
$ plugman uninstall --platform <platform> --project <directory> --plugin <plugin-id>
- platform <platform>: One of android, ios, blackberry10, wp8, or windows8
- project <directory>: Path reference to a cordova-generated project of the platform you specify
- plugin <plugin-id>: The plugin to remove, identified by its id (see the plugin.xml's <plugin id> attribute)
Create A Plugin
$ plugman create --name <pluginName> --plugin_id <pluginID> --plugin_version <version> [--path <directory>] [--variable NAME=VALUE]
- <pluginName>: The name of the plugin
- <pluginID>: An ID for the plugin, ex:
- <version>: A version for the plugin, ex: 0.0.1
- <directory>: An absolute or relative path for the directory where the plugin project will be created
- variable NAME=VALUE: Extra variables such as description or Author
Add a Package.JSON file to plugin
Creates a package.json file in the plugin based on values from plugin.xml.
$ plugman createpackagejson <directory>
Add a Platform to a Plugin
$ plugman platform add --platform_name <platform>
- <platform>: One of android, ios
Remove a Platform from a Plugin
$ plugman platform remove --platform_name <platform>
- <platform>: One of android, ios