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#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import "CDVWKWebViewEngine.h"
#import "CDVWKProcessPoolFactory.h"
#import <Cordova/NSDictionary+CordovaPreferences.h>
#import <Cordova/CDVAvailability.h>
@interface CDVWKWebViewEngineTest : XCTestCase
@property (nonatomic, strong) CDVWKWebViewEngine* plugin;
@property (nonatomic, strong) CDVViewController* viewController;
@interface CDVWKWebViewEngine ()
// TODO: expose private interface, if needed
- (BOOL)shouldReloadWebView;
- (BOOL)shouldReloadWebView:(NSURL*)location title:(NSString*)title;
@interface CDVViewController ()
// expose property as readwrite, for test purposes
@property (nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSMutableDictionary* settings;
@implementation CDVWKWebViewEngineTest
- (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
// NOTE: no app settings are set, so it will rely on default WKWebViewConfiguration settings
self.plugin = [[CDVWKWebViewEngine alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100)];
self.viewController = [[CDVViewController alloc] init];
[self.viewController registerPlugin:self.plugin withClassName:NSStringFromClass([self.plugin class])];
XCTAssert([self.plugin conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CDVWebViewEngineProtocol)], @"Plugin does not conform to CDVWebViewEngineProtocol");
- (void)tearDown {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
[super tearDown];
- (void) testCanLoadRequest {
NSURLRequest* fileUrlRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"path/to/file.html"]];
NSURLRequest* httpUrlRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
NSURLRequest* miscUrlRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"foo://bar"]];
id<CDVWebViewEngineProtocol> webViewEngineProtocol = self.plugin;
SEL wk_sel = NSSelectorFromString(@"loadFileURL:allowingReadAccessToURL:");
if ([self.plugin.engineWebView respondsToSelector:wk_sel]) {
XCTAssertTrue([webViewEngineProtocol canLoadRequest:fileUrlRequest]);
} else {
XCTAssertFalse([webViewEngineProtocol canLoadRequest:fileUrlRequest]);
XCTAssertTrue([webViewEngineProtocol canLoadRequest:httpUrlRequest]);
XCTAssertTrue([webViewEngineProtocol canLoadRequest:miscUrlRequest]);
- (void) testUpdateInfo {
// Add -ObjC to Other Linker Flags to test project, to load Categories
// Update objc test template generator as well
id<CDVWebViewEngineProtocol> webViewEngineProtocol = self.plugin;
WKWebView* wkWebView = (WKWebView*)self.plugin.engineWebView;
// iOS >=10 defaults to NO, < 10 defaults to YES.
BOOL mediaPlaybackRequiresUserActionDefault = IsAtLeastiOSVersion(@"10.0")? NO : YES;
NSDictionary* preferences = @{
[@"MinimumFontSize" lowercaseString] : @1.1, // default is 0.0
[@"AllowInlineMediaPlayback" lowercaseString] : @YES, // default is NO
[@"MediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction" lowercaseString] : @(!mediaPlaybackRequiresUserActionDefault), // default is NO on iOS >= 10, YES for < 10
[@"SuppressesIncrementalRendering" lowercaseString] : @YES, // default is NO
[@"MediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay" lowercaseString] : @NO, // default is YES
[@"DisallowOverscroll" lowercaseString] : @YES, // so bounces is to be NO. defaults to NO
[@"WKWebViewDecelerationSpeed" lowercaseString] : @"fast" // default is 'normal'
NSDictionary* info = @{
kCDVWebViewEngineWebViewPreferences : preferences
[webViewEngineProtocol updateWithInfo:info];
// the only preference we can set, we **can** change this during runtime
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(wkWebView.configuration.preferences.minimumFontSize, 1.1, 0.0001);
// the WKWebViewConfiguration properties, we **cannot** change outside of initialization
if (IsAtLeastiOSVersion(@"10.0")) {
} else {
// in the test above, DisallowOverscroll is YES, so no bounce
if ([wkWebView respondsToSelector:@selector(scrollView)]) {
XCTAssertFalse(((UIScrollView*)[wkWebView scrollView]).bounces);
} else {
for (id subview in wkWebView.subviews) {
if ([[subview class] isSubclassOfClass:[UIScrollView class]]) {
XCTAssertFalse(((UIScrollView*)subview).bounces = NO);
XCTAssertTrue(wkWebView.scrollView.decelerationRate == UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast);
- (void) testConfigurationFromSettings {
// we need to re-set the plugin from the "setup" to take in the app settings we need
self.plugin = [[CDVWKWebViewEngine alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100)];
self.viewController = [[CDVViewController alloc] init];
// generate the app settings
// iOS >=10 defaults to NO, < 10 defaults to YES.
BOOL mediaPlaybackRequiresUserActionDefault = IsAtLeastiOSVersion(@"10.0")? NO : YES;
NSDictionary* settings = @{
[@"MinimumFontSize" lowercaseString] : @1.1, // default is 0.0
[@"AllowInlineMediaPlayback" lowercaseString] : @YES, // default is NO
[@"MediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction" lowercaseString] : @(!mediaPlaybackRequiresUserActionDefault), // default is NO on iOS >= 10, YES for < 10
[@"SuppressesIncrementalRendering" lowercaseString] : @YES, // default is NO
[@"MediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay" lowercaseString] : @NO, // default is YES
[@"DisallowOverscroll" lowercaseString] : @YES, // so bounces is to be NO. defaults to NO
[@"WKWebViewDecelerationSpeed" lowercaseString] : @"fast" // default is 'normal'
// this can be set because of the Category at the top of the file
self.viewController.settings = [settings mutableCopy];
// app settings are read after you register the plugin
[self.viewController registerPlugin:self.plugin withClassName:NSStringFromClass([self.plugin class])];
XCTAssert([self.plugin conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CDVWebViewEngineProtocol)], @"Plugin does not conform to CDVWebViewEngineProtocol");
// after registering (thus plugin initialization), we can grab the webview configuration
WKWebView* wkWebView = (WKWebView*)self.plugin.engineWebView;
// the only preference we can set, we **can** change this during runtime
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(wkWebView.configuration.preferences.minimumFontSize, 1.1, 0.0001);
// the WKWebViewConfiguration properties, we **cannot** change outside of initialization
if (IsAtLeastiOSVersion(@"10.0")) {
} else {
// The test case below is in a separate test "testConfigurationWithMediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay" (Apple bug)
// XCTAssertFalse(wkWebView.configuration.mediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay);
// in the test above, DisallowOverscroll is YES, so no bounce
if ([wkWebView respondsToSelector:@selector(scrollView)]) {
XCTAssertFalse(((UIScrollView*)[wkWebView scrollView]).bounces);
} else {
for (id subview in wkWebView.subviews) {
if ([[subview class] isSubclassOfClass:[UIScrollView class]]) {
XCTAssertFalse(((UIScrollView*)subview).bounces = NO);
XCTAssertTrue(wkWebView.scrollView.decelerationRate == UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast);
- (void) testShouldReloadWebView {
WKWebView* wkWebView = (WKWebView*)self.plugin.engineWebView;
NSURL* about_blank = [NSURL URLWithString:@"about:blank"];
NSURL* real_site = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSString* empty_title_document = @"<html><head><title></title></head></html>";
// about:blank should reload
[wkWebView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:about_blank]];
XCTAssertTrue([self.plugin shouldReloadWebView]);
// a network location should *not* reload
[wkWebView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:real_site]];
XCTAssertFalse([self.plugin shouldReloadWebView]);
// document with empty title should *not* reload
// baseURL:nil results in about:blank, so we use a dummy here
[wkWebView loadHTMLString:empty_title_document baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"about:"]];
XCTAssertFalse([self.plugin shouldReloadWebView]);
// Anecdotal assertion that when the WKWebView process has died,
// the title is nil, should always reload
XCTAssertTrue([self.plugin shouldReloadWebView:about_blank title:nil]);
XCTAssertTrue([self.plugin shouldReloadWebView:real_site title:nil]);
// about:blank should always reload
XCTAssertTrue([self.plugin shouldReloadWebView:about_blank title:@"some title"]);
// non about:blank with a non-nil title should **not** reload
XCTAssertFalse([self.plugin shouldReloadWebView:real_site title:@""]);
- (void) testConfigurationWithMediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay {
WKWebViewConfiguration* configuration = [WKWebViewConfiguration new];
configuration.allowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback = NO;
WKWebView* wkWebView = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100) configuration:configuration];
// Uh-oh, bug in WKWebView below. Tested on iOS 9, iOS 10 beta 3
- (void) testWKProcessPoolFactory {
WKProcessPool* shared = [[CDVWKProcessPoolFactory sharedFactory] sharedProcessPool];
XCTAssertTrue(shared != nil);