blob: 3e47fb959d20cc601abd07c61df1d1be0c013d1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Type definitions for Apache Cordova Media plugin
// Project:
// Definitions by: Microsoft Open Technologies Inc <>
// Definitions:
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies Inc
// Licensed under the MIT license
declare var Media: {
new (
src: string,
mediaSuccess: () => void,
mediaError?: (error: MediaError) => any,
mediaStatus?: (status: number) => void): Media;
//Media statuses
MEDIA_NONE: number;
* This plugin provides the ability to record and play back audio files on a device.
* NOTE: The current implementation does not adhere to a W3C specification for media capture,
* and is provided for convenience only. A future implementation will adhere to the latest
* W3C specification and may deprecate the current APIs.
interface Media {
* Returns the current position within an audio file. Also updates the Media object's position parameter.
* @param mediaSuccess The callback that is passed the current position in seconds.
* @param mediaError The callback to execute if an error occurs.
mediaSuccess: (position: number) => void,
mediaError?: (error: MediaError) => void): void;
/** Returns the duration of an audio file in seconds. If the duration is unknown, it returns a value of -1. */
getDuration(): number;
* Starts or resumes playing an audio file.
* @param iosPlayOptions: iOS options quirks
play(iosPlayOptions?: IosPlayOptions): void;
/** Pauses playing an audio file. */
pause(): void;
* Releases the underlying operating system's audio resources. This is particularly important
* for Android, since there are a finite amount of OpenCore instances for media playback.
* Applications should call the release function for any Media resource that is no longer needed.
release(): void;
* Sets the current position within an audio file.
* @param position Position in milliseconds.
seekTo(position: number): void;
* Set the volume for an audio file.
* @param volume The volume to set for playback. The value must be within the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
setVolume(volume: number): void;
/** Starts recording an audio file. */
startRecord(): void;
/** Stops recording an audio file. */
stopRecord(): void;
/** Stops playing an audio file. */
stop(): void;
* The position within the audio playback, in seconds.
* Not automatically updated during play; call getCurrentPosition to update.
position: number;
/** The duration of the media, in seconds. */
duration: number;
* iOS optional parameters for
* See
interface IosPlayOptions {
numberOfLoops?: number;
playAudioWhenScreenIsLocked?: boolean;