CB-8653 Updated Readme
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index 8504353..0acfb90 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -17,8 +17,289 @@
          under the License.
-# org.apache.cordova.file-transfer
+# cordova-plugin-file-transfer
 [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer)
 Plugin documentation: [doc/index.md](doc/index.md)
+This plugin allows you to upload and download files.
+This plugin defines global `FileTransfer`, `FileUploadOptions` Constructors.
+Although in the global scope, they are not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(FileTransfer);
+    }
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer
+## Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Browser
+- Firefox OS**
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8*
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+\* _Do not support `onprogress` nor `abort()`_
+\** _Do not support `onprogress`_
+# FileTransfer
+The `FileTransfer` object provides a way to upload files using an HTTP
+multi-part POST request, and to download files as well.
+## Properties
+- __onprogress__: Called with a `ProgressEvent` whenever a new chunk of data is transferred. _(Function)_
+## Methods
+- __upload__: sends a file to a server.
+- __download__: downloads a file from server.
+- __abort__: Aborts an in-progress transfer.
+## upload
+- __fileURL__: Filesystem URL representing the file on the device. For backwards compatibility, this can also be the full path of the file on the device. (See [Backwards Compatibility Notes] below)
+- __server__: URL of the server to receive the file, as encoded by `encodeURI()`.
+- __successCallback__: A callback that is passed a `FileUploadResult` object. _(Function)_
+- __errorCallback__: A callback that executes if an error occurs retrieving the `FileUploadResult`. Invoked with a `FileTransferError` object. _(Function)_
+- __options__: Optional parameters _(Object)_. Valid keys:
+  - __fileKey__: The name of the form element.  Defaults to `file`. (DOMString)
+  - __fileName__: The file name to use when saving the file on the server.  Defaults to `image.jpg`. (DOMString)
+  - __httpMethod__: The HTTP method to use - either `PUT` or `POST`. Defaults to `POST`. (DOMString)
+  - __mimeType__: The mime type of the data to upload.  Defaults to `image/jpeg`. (DOMString)
+  - __params__: A set of optional key/value pairs to pass in the HTTP request. (Object)
+  - __chunkedMode__: Whether to upload the data in chunked streaming mode. Defaults to `true`. (Boolean)
+  - __headers__: A map of header name/header values. Use an array to specify more than one value. (Object)
+- __trustAllHosts__: Optional parameter, defaults to `false`. If set to `true`, it accepts all security certificates. This is useful since Android rejects self-signed security certificates. Not recommended for production use. Supported on Android and iOS. _(boolean)_
+### Example
+    // !! Assumes variable fileURL contains a valid URL to a text file on the device,
+    //    for example, cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file.txt
+    var win = function (r) {
+        console.log("Code = " + r.responseCode);
+        console.log("Response = " + r.response);
+        console.log("Sent = " + r.bytesSent);
+    }
+    var fail = function (error) {
+        alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
+        console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
+        console.log("upload error target " + error.target);
+    }
+    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
+    options.fileKey = "file";
+    options.fileName = fileURL.substr(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
+    options.mimeType = "text/plain";
+    var params = {};
+    params.value1 = "test";
+    params.value2 = "param";
+    options.params = params;
+    var ft = new FileTransfer();
+    ft.upload(fileURL, encodeURI("http://some.server.com/upload.php"), win, fail, options);
+### Example with Upload Headers and Progress Events (Android and iOS only)
+    function win(r) {
+        console.log("Code = " + r.responseCode);
+        console.log("Response = " + r.response);
+        console.log("Sent = " + r.bytesSent);
+    }
+    function fail(error) {
+        alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
+        console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
+        console.log("upload error target " + error.target);
+    }
+    var uri = encodeURI("http://some.server.com/upload.php");
+    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
+    options.fileKey="file";
+    options.fileName=fileURL.substr(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
+    options.mimeType="text/plain";
+    var headers={'headerParam':'headerValue'};
+    options.headers = headers;
+    var ft = new FileTransfer();
+    ft.onprogress = function(progressEvent) {
+        if (progressEvent.lengthComputable) {
+          loadingStatus.setPercentage(progressEvent.loaded / progressEvent.total);
+        } else {
+          loadingStatus.increment();
+        }
+    };
+    ft.upload(fileURL, uri, win, fail, options);
+## FileUploadResult
+A `FileUploadResult` object is passed to the success callback of the
+`FileTransfer` object's `upload()` method.
+### Properties
+- __bytesSent__: The number of bytes sent to the server as part of the upload. (long)
+- __responseCode__: The HTTP response code returned by the server. (long)
+- __response__: The HTTP response returned by the server. (DOMString)
+- __headers__: The HTTP response headers by the server. (Object)
+  - Currently supported on iOS only.
+### iOS Quirks
+- Does not support `responseCode` or `bytesSent`.
+## download
+- __source__: URL of the server to download the file, as encoded by `encodeURI()`.
+- __target__: Filesystem url representing the file on the device. For backwards compatibility, this can also be the full path of the file on the device. (See [Backwards Compatibility Notes] below)
+- __successCallback__: A callback that is passed  a `FileEntry` object. _(Function)_
+- __errorCallback__: A callback that executes if an error occurs when retrieving the `FileEntry`. Invoked with a `FileTransferError` object. _(Function)_
+- __trustAllHosts__: Optional parameter, defaults to `false`. If set to `true`, it accepts all security certificates. This is useful because Android rejects self-signed security certificates. Not recommended for production use. Supported on Android and iOS. _(boolean)_
+- __options__: Optional parameters, currently only supports headers (such as Authorization (Basic Authentication), etc).
+### Example
+    // !! Assumes variable fileURL contains a valid URL to a path on the device,
+    //    for example, cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/downloads/
+    var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
+    var uri = encodeURI("http://some.server.com/download.php");
+    fileTransfer.download(
+        uri,
+        fileURL,
+        function(entry) {
+            console.log("download complete: " + entry.toURL());
+        },
+        function(error) {
+            console.log("download error source " + error.source);
+            console.log("download error target " + error.target);
+            console.log("upload error code" + error.code);
+        },
+        false,
+        {
+            headers: {
+                "Authorization": "Basic dGVzdHVzZXJuYW1lOnRlc3RwYXNzd29yZA=="
+            }
+        }
+    );
+### WP8 Quirks
+- Download requests is being cached by native implementation. To avoid caching, pass `if-Modified-Since` header to download method.
+## abort
+Aborts an in-progress transfer. The onerror callback is passed a FileTransferError object which has an error code of FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR.
+### Example
+    // !! Assumes variable fileURL contains a valid URL to a text file on the device,
+    //    for example, cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file.txt
+    var win = function(r) {
+        console.log("Should not be called.");
+    }
+    var fail = function(error) {
+        // error.code == FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR
+        alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
+        console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
+        console.log("upload error target " + error.target);
+    }
+    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
+    options.fileKey="file";
+    options.fileName="myphoto.jpg";
+    options.mimeType="image/jpeg";
+    var ft = new FileTransfer();
+    ft.upload(fileURL, encodeURI("http://some.server.com/upload.php"), win, fail, options);
+    ft.abort();
+## FileTransferError
+A `FileTransferError` object is passed to an error callback when an error occurs.
+### Properties
+- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below. (Number)
+- __source__: URL to the source. (String)
+- __target__: URL to the target. (String)
+- __http_status__: HTTP status code.  This attribute is only available when a response code is received from the HTTP connection. (Number)
+- __body__ Response body. This attribute is only available when a response is received from the HTTP connection. (String)
+- __exception__: Either e.getMessage or e.toString (String)
+### Constants
+- 1 = `FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR`
+- 2 = `FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR`
+- 3 = `FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR`
+- 4 = `FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR`
+- 5 = `FileTransferError.NOT_MODIFIED_ERR`
+## Backwards Compatibility Notes
+Previous versions of this plugin would only accept device-absolute-file-paths as the source for uploads, or as the target for downloads. These paths would typically be of the form
+    /var/mobile/Applications/<application UUID>/Documents/path/to/file  (iOS)
+    /storage/emulated/0/path/to/file                                    (Android)
+For backwards compatibility, these paths are still accepted, and if your application has recorded paths like these in persistent storage, then they can continue to be used.
+These paths were previously exposed in the `fullPath` property of `FileEntry` and `DirectoryEntry` objects returned by the File plugin. New versions of the File plugin, however, no longer expose these paths to JavaScript.
+If you are upgrading to a new (1.0.0 or newer) version of File, and you have previously been using `entry.fullPath` as arguments to `download()` or `upload()`, then you will need to change your code to use filesystem URLs instead.
+`FileEntry.toURL()` and `DirectoryEntry.toURL()` return a filesystem URL of the form
+    cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file
+which can be used in place of the absolute file path in both `download()` and `upload()` methods.
diff --git a/doc/index.md b/doc/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c036bb..0000000
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-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-# org.apache.cordova.file-transfer
-This plugin allows you to upload and download files.
-This plugin defines global `FileTransfer`, `FileUploadOptions` Constructors.
-Although in the global scope, they are not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(FileTransfer);
-    }
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file-transfer
-## Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Browser
-- Firefox OS**
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8*
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-\* _Do not support `onprogress` nor `abort()`_
-\** _Do not support `onprogress`_
-# FileTransfer
-The `FileTransfer` object provides a way to upload files using an HTTP
-multi-part POST request, and to download files as well.
-## Properties
-- __onprogress__: Called with a `ProgressEvent` whenever a new chunk of data is transferred. _(Function)_
-## Methods
-- __upload__: sends a file to a server.
-- __download__: downloads a file from server.
-- __abort__: Aborts an in-progress transfer.
-## upload
-- __fileURL__: Filesystem URL representing the file on the device. For backwards compatibility, this can also be the full path of the file on the device. (See [Backwards Compatibility Notes] below)
-- __server__: URL of the server to receive the file, as encoded by `encodeURI()`.
-- __successCallback__: A callback that is passed a `FileUploadResult` object. _(Function)_
-- __errorCallback__: A callback that executes if an error occurs retrieving the `FileUploadResult`. Invoked with a `FileTransferError` object. _(Function)_
-- __options__: Optional parameters _(Object)_. Valid keys:
-  - __fileKey__: The name of the form element.  Defaults to `file`. (DOMString)
-  - __fileName__: The file name to use when saving the file on the server.  Defaults to `image.jpg`. (DOMString)
-  - __httpMethod__: The HTTP method to use - either `PUT` or `POST`. Defaults to `POST`. (DOMString)
-  - __mimeType__: The mime type of the data to upload.  Defaults to `image/jpeg`. (DOMString)
-  - __params__: A set of optional key/value pairs to pass in the HTTP request. (Object)
-  - __chunkedMode__: Whether to upload the data in chunked streaming mode. Defaults to `true`. (Boolean)
-  - __headers__: A map of header name/header values. Use an array to specify more than one value. (Object)
-- __trustAllHosts__: Optional parameter, defaults to `false`. If set to `true`, it accepts all security certificates. This is useful since Android rejects self-signed security certificates. Not recommended for production use. Supported on Android and iOS. _(boolean)_
-### Example
-    // !! Assumes variable fileURL contains a valid URL to a text file on the device,
-    //    for example, cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file.txt
-    var win = function (r) {
-        console.log("Code = " + r.responseCode);
-        console.log("Response = " + r.response);
-        console.log("Sent = " + r.bytesSent);
-    }
-    var fail = function (error) {
-        alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
-        console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
-        console.log("upload error target " + error.target);
-    }
-    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
-    options.fileKey = "file";
-    options.fileName = fileURL.substr(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
-    options.mimeType = "text/plain";
-    var params = {};
-    params.value1 = "test";
-    params.value2 = "param";
-    options.params = params;
-    var ft = new FileTransfer();
-    ft.upload(fileURL, encodeURI("http://some.server.com/upload.php"), win, fail, options);
-### Example with Upload Headers and Progress Events (Android and iOS only)
-    function win(r) {
-        console.log("Code = " + r.responseCode);
-        console.log("Response = " + r.response);
-        console.log("Sent = " + r.bytesSent);
-    }
-    function fail(error) {
-        alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
-        console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
-        console.log("upload error target " + error.target);
-    }
-    var uri = encodeURI("http://some.server.com/upload.php");
-    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
-    options.fileKey="file";
-    options.fileName=fileURL.substr(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
-    options.mimeType="text/plain";
-    var headers={'headerParam':'headerValue'};
-    options.headers = headers;
-    var ft = new FileTransfer();
-    ft.onprogress = function(progressEvent) {
-        if (progressEvent.lengthComputable) {
-          loadingStatus.setPercentage(progressEvent.loaded / progressEvent.total);
-        } else {
-          loadingStatus.increment();
-        }
-    };
-    ft.upload(fileURL, uri, win, fail, options);
-## FileUploadResult
-A `FileUploadResult` object is passed to the success callback of the
-`FileTransfer` object's `upload()` method.
-### Properties
-- __bytesSent__: The number of bytes sent to the server as part of the upload. (long)
-- __responseCode__: The HTTP response code returned by the server. (long)
-- __response__: The HTTP response returned by the server. (DOMString)
-- __headers__: The HTTP response headers by the server. (Object)
-  - Currently supported on iOS only.
-### iOS Quirks
-- Does not support `responseCode` or `bytesSent`.
-## download
-- __source__: URL of the server to download the file, as encoded by `encodeURI()`.
-- __target__: Filesystem url representing the file on the device. For backwards compatibility, this can also be the full path of the file on the device. (See [Backwards Compatibility Notes] below)
-- __successCallback__: A callback that is passed  a `FileEntry` object. _(Function)_
-- __errorCallback__: A callback that executes if an error occurs when retrieving the `FileEntry`. Invoked with a `FileTransferError` object. _(Function)_
-- __trustAllHosts__: Optional parameter, defaults to `false`. If set to `true`, it accepts all security certificates. This is useful because Android rejects self-signed security certificates. Not recommended for production use. Supported on Android and iOS. _(boolean)_
-- __options__: Optional parameters, currently only supports headers (such as Authorization (Basic Authentication), etc).
-### Example
-    // !! Assumes variable fileURL contains a valid URL to a path on the device,
-    //    for example, cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/downloads/
-    var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
-    var uri = encodeURI("http://some.server.com/download.php");
-    fileTransfer.download(
-        uri,
-        fileURL,
-        function(entry) {
-            console.log("download complete: " + entry.toURL());
-        },
-        function(error) {
-            console.log("download error source " + error.source);
-            console.log("download error target " + error.target);
-            console.log("upload error code" + error.code);
-        },
-        false,
-        {
-            headers: {
-                "Authorization": "Basic dGVzdHVzZXJuYW1lOnRlc3RwYXNzd29yZA=="
-            }
-        }
-    );
-### WP8 Quirks
-- Download requests is being cached by native implementation. To avoid caching, pass `if-Modified-Since` header to download method.
-## abort
-Aborts an in-progress transfer. The onerror callback is passed a FileTransferError object which has an error code of FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR.
-### Example
-    // !! Assumes variable fileURL contains a valid URL to a text file on the device,
-    //    for example, cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file.txt
-    var win = function(r) {
-        console.log("Should not be called.");
-    }
-    var fail = function(error) {
-        // error.code == FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR
-        alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
-        console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
-        console.log("upload error target " + error.target);
-    }
-    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
-    options.fileKey="file";
-    options.fileName="myphoto.jpg";
-    options.mimeType="image/jpeg";
-    var ft = new FileTransfer();
-    ft.upload(fileURL, encodeURI("http://some.server.com/upload.php"), win, fail, options);
-    ft.abort();
-## FileTransferError
-A `FileTransferError` object is passed to an error callback when an error occurs.
-### Properties
-- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below. (Number)
-- __source__: URL to the source. (String)
-- __target__: URL to the target. (String)
-- __http_status__: HTTP status code.  This attribute is only available when a response code is received from the HTTP connection. (Number)
-- __body__ Response body. This attribute is only available when a response is received from the HTTP connection. (String)
-- __exception__: Either e.getMessage or e.toString (String)
-### Constants
-- 1 = `FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR`
-- 2 = `FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR`
-- 3 = `FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR`
-- 4 = `FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR`
-- 5 = `FileTransferError.NOT_MODIFIED_ERR`
-## Backwards Compatibility Notes
-Previous versions of this plugin would only accept device-absolute-file-paths as the source for uploads, or as the target for downloads. These paths would typically be of the form
-    /var/mobile/Applications/<application UUID>/Documents/path/to/file  (iOS)
-    /storage/emulated/0/path/to/file                                    (Android)
-For backwards compatibility, these paths are still accepted, and if your application has recorded paths like these in persistent storage, then they can continue to be used.
-These paths were previously exposed in the `fullPath` property of `FileEntry` and `DirectoryEntry` objects returned by the File plugin. New versions of the File plugin, however, no longer expose these paths to JavaScript.
-If you are upgrading to a new (1.0.0 or newer) version of File, and you have previously been using `entry.fullPath` as arguments to `download()` or `upload()`, then you will need to change your code to use filesystem URLs instead.
-`FileEntry.toURL()` and `DirectoryEntry.toURL()` return a filesystem URL of the form
-    cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file
-which can be used in place of the absolute file path in both `download()` and `upload()` methods.