CB-11041: cordova-plugin-contacts readme must be updated to include instructions on removing phone number from a contact

 This closes #119
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b5debb6..4928343 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -354,6 +354,33 @@
     // remove the contact from the device
+### Removing phone number(s) from a saved contact
+    // Example to create a contact with 3 phone numbers and then remove
+    // 2 phone numbers. This example is for illustrative purpose only
+    var myContact = navigator.contacts.create({"displayName": "Test User"});
+    var phoneNumbers = [];
+    phoneNumbers[0] = new ContactField('work', '768-555-1234', false);
+    phoneNumbers[1] = new ContactField('mobile', '999-555-5432', true); // preferred number
+    phoneNumbers[2] = new ContactField('home', '203-555-7890', false);
+    myContact.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;
+    myContact.save(function (contact_obj) {
+        var contactObjToModify = contact_obj.clone();
+        contact_obj.remove(function(){
+            // Note: Do NOT use delete operator to remove the phone numbers. It will break in android.
+            var phoneNumbers = [contactObjToModify.phoneNumbers[0]];
+            contactObjToModify.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;
+            contactObjToModify.save(function(c_obj){
+                console.log("All Done");
+            }, function(error){
+                console.log("Not able to save the cloned object: " + error);
+            });
+        }, function(contactError) {
+            console.log("Contact Remove Operation failed: " + contactError);
+        });
+    });
 ### Android 2.X Quirks