[Appium] Add forward-compatibility support for XCUITest automation in
iOS. Is backwards-compatible with UIAutomation-based test runs.
Leverages finding elements in native iOS land using the accessibility id selector, which also happens to be faster than XPath selectors.
diff --git a/appium-tests/common/common.spec.js b/appium-tests/common/common.spec.js
index 956430b..3371ad6 100644
--- a/appium-tests/common/common.spec.js
+++ b/appium-tests/common/common.spec.js
@@ -112,9 +112,8 @@
                 switch (PLATFORM) {
                     case 'ios':
                         return driver
-                            .waitForElementByXPath(UNORM.nfd('//UIAStaticText[@label="' + name + '"]'), 20000)
-                            .elementByXPath(UNORM.nfd('//UIAStaticText[@label="' + name + '"]'))
-                            .elementByXPath(UNORM.nfd('//UIAStaticText[@label="' + name + '"]'));
+                            .waitForElementByAccessibilityId(name, 20000)
+                            .elementByAccessibilityId(name);
                     case 'android':
                         return driver
                             .waitForElementByXPath('//android.widget.TextView[@text="' + name + '"]', MINUTE);
@@ -244,8 +243,63 @@
             .then(function () {
                 failedToStart = false;
             }, fail)
+            .then(function () {
+                // on iOS, first interaction with contacts API will trigger the permission dialog.
+                // We will attempt to bust it manually here, by triggering the contacts API
+                // and waiting for the native dialog to show up, then dismissing the alert.
+                // This only needs to be done once.
+                // NOTE: in earlier versions of iOS (9.3 and below), using the older UI testing library
+                // (UIAutomation), Appium's autoAcceptAlerts capability handles this for us. This logic
+                // is here as a transition between UIAutomation and XCUITest and is compatible with both.
+                // More details in the comment below.
+                if (PLATFORM == 'ios') {
+                    var promiseId = getNextPromiseId();
+                    var contactName = contactsHelper.getContactName('Permission', 'Buster');
+                    return driver
+                        .context(webviewContext)
+                        .execute(function (pID, contactname) {
+                            navigator._appiumPromises[pID] = Q.defer();
+                            navigator.contacts.create({
+                                'displayName': contactname.formatted,
+                                'name': contactname,
+                                'note': 'DeleteMe'
+                            }).save(function (contact) {
+                                navigator._appiumPromises[pID].resolve(contact);
+                            }, function (err) {
+                                navigator._appiumPromises[pID].reject(err);
+                            });
+                        }, [promiseId, contactName])
+                        .context('NATIVE_APP')
+                        .acceptAlert()
+                        .then(function alertDismissed() {
+                            // TODO: once we move to only XCUITest-based (which is force on you in either iOS 10+ or Xcode 8+)
+                            // UI tests, we will have to:
+                            // a) remove use of autoAcceptAlerts appium capability since it no longer functions in XCUITest
+                            // b) can remove this entire then() clause, as we do not need to explicitly handle the acceptAlert
+                            //    failure callback, since we will be guaranteed to hit the permission dialog on startup.
+                        }, function noAlert() {
+                            // in case the contacts permission alert never showed up: no problem, don't freak out.
+                            // This can happen if:
+                            // a) The application-under-test already had contacts permissions granted to it
+                            // b) Appium's autoAcceptAlerts capability is provided (and functioning)
+                        })
+                        .context(webviewContext)
+                        .executeAsync(function (pID, cb) {
+                            navigator._appiumPromises[pID].promise
+                                .then(cb, function (err) {
+                                    cb('ERROR: ' + err);
+                                });
+                        }, [promiseId])
+                        .then(function (result) {
+                            if (typeof result === 'string' && result.indexOf('ERROR:') === 0) {
+                                throw result;
+                            }
+                            return result;
+                        });
+                }
+            })
-    }, 10 * MINUTE);
+    }, 5 * MINUTE);
     describe('Picking contacts', function () {
         afterEach(function (done) {