blob: f0979ba6c28e3332cdb6325aef6551abcdc27b61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Type definitions for Apache Cordova Contacts plugin
// Project:
// Definitions by: Microsoft Open Technologies Inc <>
// Definitions:
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
interface Navigator {
/** Provides access to the device contacts database. */
contacts: Contacts;
interface Contacts {
* The navigator.contacts.create method is synchronous, and returns a new Contact object.
* This method does not retain the Contact object in the device contacts database,
* for which you need to invoke the method.
* @param properties Object with contact fields
create(properties?: ContactProperties): Contact;
* The navigator.contacts.find method executes asynchronously, querying the device contacts database
* and returning an array of Contact objects. The resulting objects are passed to the onSuccess
* callback function specified by the onSuccess parameter.
* @param fields The fields parameter specifies the fields to be used as a search qualifier,
* and only those results are passed to the onSuccess callback function. A zero-length fields parameter
* is invalid and results in ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR. A contactFields value of "*" returns all contact fields.
* @param onSuccess Success callback function invoked with the array of Contact objects returned from the database
* @param onError Error callback function, invoked when an error occurs.
* @param options Search options to filter navigator.contacts.
find(fields: string[],
onSuccess: (contacts: Contact[]) => void,
onError?: (error: ContactError) => void,
options?: ContactFindOptions): void;
* The navigator.contacts.pickContact method launches the Contact Picker to select a single contact.
* The resulting object is passed to the contactSuccess callback function specified by the contactSuccess parameter.
* @param onSuccess Success callback function invoked with the array of Contact objects returned from the database
* @param onError Error callback function, invoked when an error occurs.
pickContact(onSuccess: (contact: Contact) => void,
onError: (error: ContactError) => void): void
* This allows us to use an enumeration when setting the desired fields for the ContactFindOptions.
* The values will correspond to the type of string literals in ContactFieldType.
fieldType: {
addresses: "addresses",
birthday: "birthday",
categories: "categories",
country: "country",
department: "department",
displayName: "displayName",
emails: "emails",
familyName: "familyName",
formatted: "formatted",
givenName: "givenName",
honorificPrefix: "honorificPrefix",
honorificSuffix: "honorificSuffix",
id: "id",
ims: "ims",
locality: "locality",
middleName: "middleName",
name: "name",
nickname: "nickname",
note: "note",
organizations: "organizations",
phoneNumbers: "phoneNumbers",
photos: "photos",
postalCode: "postalCode",
region: "region",
streetAddress: "streetAddress",
title: "title",
urls: "urls"
interface ContactProperties {
/** A globally unique identifier. */
id?: string;
/** The name of this Contact, suitable for display to end users. */
displayName?: string;
/** An object containing all components of a persons name. */
name?: ContactName;
/** A casual name by which to address the contact. */
nickname?: string;
/** An array of all the contact's phone numbers. */
phoneNumbers?: ContactField[];
/** An array of all the contact's email addresses. */
emails?: ContactField[];
/** An array of all the contact's addresses. */
addresses?: ContactAddress[];
/** An array of all the contact's IM addresses. */
ims?: ContactField[];
/** An array of all the contact's organizations. */
organizations?: ContactOrganization[];
/** The birthday of the contact. */
birthday?: Date;
/** A note about the contact. */
note?: string;
/** An array of the contact's photos. */
photos?: ContactField[];
/** An array of all the user-defined categories associated with the contact. */
categories?: ContactField[];
/** An array of web pages associated with the contact. */
urls?: ContactField[];
* The Contact object represents a user's contact. Contacts can be created, stored, or removed
* from the device contacts database. Contacts can also be retrieved (individually or in bulk)
* from the database by invoking the navigator.contacts.find method.
interface Contact extends ContactProperties {
* Returns a new Contact object that is a deep copy of the calling object, with the id property set to null
clone(): Contact;
* Removes the contact from the device contacts database, otherwise executes an error callback with a ContactError object.
* @param onSuccess Success callback function invoked on success operation.
* @param onError Error callback function, invoked when an error occurs.
onSuccess: () => void,
onError: (error: Error) => void): void;
* Saves a new contact to the device contacts database, or updates an existing contact if a contact with the same id already exists.
* @param onSuccess Success callback function invoked on success operation with che Contact object.
* @param onError Error callback function, invoked when an error occurs.
onSuccess: (contact: Contact) => void,
onError: (error: Error) => void): void;
declare var Contact: {
/** Constructor of Contact object */
new (id?: string,
displayName?: string,
name?: ContactName,
nickname?: string,
phoneNumbers?: ContactField[],
emails?: ContactField[],
addresses?: ContactAddress[],
ims?: ContactField[],
organizations?: ContactOrganization[],
birthday?: Date,
note?: string,
photos?: ContactField[],
categories?: ContactField,
urls?: ContactField[]): Contact
/** The ContactError object is returned to the user through the contactError callback function when an error occurs. */
interface ContactError {
/** Error code */
code: number;
/** Error message */
message: string;
declare var ContactError: {
new (code: number): ContactError;
IO_ERROR: number;
/** Contains different kinds of information about a Contact object's name. */
interface ContactName {
/** The complete name of the contact. */
formatted?: string;
/** The contact's family name. */
familyName?: string;
/** The contact's given name. */
givenName?: string;
/** The contact's middle name. */
middleName?: string;
/** The contact's prefix (example Mr. or Dr.) */
honorificPrefix?: string;
/** The contact's suffix (example Esq.). */
honorificSuffix?: string;
declare var ContactName: {
/** Constructor for ContactName object */
new (formatted?: string,
familyName?: string,
givenName?: string,
middleName?: string,
honorificPrefix?: string,
honorificSuffix?: string): ContactName
* The ContactField object is a reusable component that represents contact fields generically.
* Each ContactField object contains a value, type, and pref property. A Contact object stores
* several properties in ContactField[] arrays, such as phone numbers and email addresses.
* In most instances, there are no pre-determined values for a ContactField object's type attribute.
* For example, a phone number can specify type values of home, work, mobile, iPhone,
* or any other value that is supported by a particular device platform's contact database.
* However, for the Contact photos field, the type field indicates the format of the returned image:
* url when the value attribute contains a URL to the photo image, or base64 when the value
* contains a base64-encoded image string.
interface ContactField {
/** A string that indicates what type of field this is, home for example. */
type: string;
/** The value of the field, such as a phone number or email address. */
value: string;
/** Set to true if this ContactField contains the user's preferred value. */
pref: boolean;
declare var ContactField: {
/** Constructor for ContactField object */
new (type?: string,
value?: string,
pref?: boolean): ContactField
* The ContactAddress object stores the properties of a single address of a contact.
* A Contact object may include more than one address in a ContactAddress[] array.
interface ContactAddress {
/** Set to true if this ContactAddress contains the user's preferred value. */
pref?: boolean;
/** A string indicating what type of field this is, home for example. */
type?: string;
/** The full address formatted for display. */
formatted?: string;
/** The full street address. */
streetAddress?: string;
/** The city or locality. */
locality?: string;
/** The state or region. */
region?: string;
/** The zip code or postal code. */
postalCode?: string;
/** The country name. */
country?: string;
declare var ContactAddress: {
/** Constructor of ContactAddress object */
new (pref?: boolean,
type?: string,
formatted?: string,
streetAddress?: string,
locality?: string,
region?: string,
postalCode?: string,
country?: string): ContactAddress
* The ContactOrganization object stores a contact's organization properties. A Contact object stores
* one or more ContactOrganization objects in an array.
interface ContactOrganization {
/** Set to true if this ContactOrganization contains the user's preferred value. */
pref?: boolean;
/** A string that indicates what type of field this is, home for example. */
type?: string;
/** The name of the organization. */
name?: string;
/** The department the contract works for. */
department?: string;
/** The contact's title at the organization. */
title?: string;
declare var ContactOrganization: {
/** Constructor for ContactOrganization object */
new (pref?: boolean,
type?: string,
name?: string,
department?: string,
title?: string): ContactOrganization
/** Search options to filter navigator.contacts. */
interface ContactFindOptions {
/** The search string used to find navigator.contacts. */
filter?: string;
/** Determines if the find operation returns multiple navigator.contacts. */
multiple?: boolean;
/* Contact fields to be returned back. If specified, the resulting Contact object only features values for these fields. */
desiredFields?: ContactFieldType[];
/** these are the string values that are valid for the desired fields in ContactFindOptions */
declare type ContactFieldType =
| "birthday"
| "categories"
| "country"
| "department"
| "displayName"
| "emails"
| "familyName"
| "formatted"
| "givenName"
| "honorificPrefix"
| "honorificSuffix"
| "id"
| "ims"
| "locality"
| "middleName"
| "name"
| "nickname"
| "note"
| "organizations"
| "phoneNumbers"
| "photos"
| "postalCode"
| "region"
| "streetAddress"
| "title"
| "urls";
declare var ContactFindOptions: {
/** Constructor for ContactFindOptions object */
new (filter?: string,
multiple?: boolean,
desiredFields?: ContactFieldType[]): ContactFindOptions