blob: d5126383dbd6bac0f4cf347c22ffbe85b83fd120 [file] [log] [blame]
public hudtext16(textblock[], colr, colg, colb, posx, posy, screen, time, id)
new y;
if (contain(textblock, "^n") == -1) // if there is no linebreak in the text, we can just show it as it is
set_hudmessage(colr, colg, colb, float(posx) / 1000.0, float(posy) / 1000.0, 0, 6.0, float(time), 0.2, 0.2, screen);
show_hudmessage(id, textblock);
else // more than one line
new out[128], rowcounter = 0, tmp[512], textremain = true; y = screen;
new i = contain(textblock, "^n");
while (textremain > 0);
copy(out, i, textblock); // we need to get the first line of text before the loop
while (textremain);
return screen - y; // we will return how many screens of text we printed