blob: c7c10d6cf1ac0d795fe8be63be352be90da7d9e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// When constructing an object there should not be any space between the & and the variable name:
MyClass my1(foo,& bar);
MyClass my2(foo, bar);
MyClass my3(foo, bar + 3);
MyClass my4(42);
MyClass my5(foo(), bar);
MyClass my6(int foo, int& bar);
MyClass my7(const int foo, int& bar);
//When using references inside of casts there is also an additional space after the &:
MyClass& myInst = static_cast<MyClass& >(otherInst);
// When using the qt-specific signals and slots the pointer star is separated from the type with a space:
connect(&mapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(onSomeEvent(QWidget*)));
extern int select(int __nfds, fd_set * __restrict __readfds,
fd_set * __restrict __writefds,
fd_set * __restrict __exceptfds,
struct timeval * __restrict __timeout);