blob: 6b2867ac52107b6b05b2d0688776465352b8e011 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file backup.cpp
* Make a backup of a source file
* The current plans are to use two files.
* - A '.unc-backup~' file that contains the original contents
* - A '.unc-backup-md5~' file that contains the MD5 over the last output
* that uncrustify generated
* The logic goes like this:
* 1. If there isn't a .backup-md5 or the md5 over the input file doesn't
* match what is in .backup-md5, then copy the source file to .backup.
* 2. Create the output file.
* 3. Calculate the md5 over the output file.
* Create the .backup-md5 file.
* This will let you run uncrustify multiple times over the same file without
* losing the original file. If you edit the file, then a new backup is made.
* @author Ben Gardner
* @license GPL v2+
#include "prototypes.h"
#include "backup.h"
#include "md5.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cerrno>
#include "unc_ctype.h"
#include <cstring>
* Check the backup-md5 file and copy the input file to a backup if needed.
int backup_copy_file(const char *filename, const vector<UINT8>& data)
char newpath[1024];
char buffer[128];
char md5_str_in[33];
char md5_str[33];
UINT8 dig[16];
md5_str_in[0] = 0;
MD5::Calc(&data[0], data.size(), dig);
snprintf(md5_str, sizeof(md5_str),
dig[0], dig[1], dig[2], dig[3],
dig[4], dig[5], dig[6], dig[7],
dig[8], dig[9], dig[10], dig[11],
dig[12], dig[13], dig[14], dig[15]);
/* Create the backup-md5 filename, open it and read the md5 */
snprintf(newpath, sizeof(newpath), "%s%s", filename, UNC_BACKUP_MD5_SUFFIX);
FILE *thefile = fopen(newpath, "rb");
if (thefile != NULL)
if (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), thefile) != NULL)
for (int i = 0; buffer[i] != 0; i++)
if (unc_isxdigit(buffer[i]))
md5_str_in[i] = unc_tolower(buffer[i]);
md5_str_in[i] = 0;
/* if the MD5s match, then there is no need to back up the file */
if (memcmp(md5_str, md5_str_in, 32) == 0)
LOG_FMT(LNOTE, "%s: MD5 match for %s\n", __func__, filename);
LOG_FMT(LNOTE, "%s: MD5 mismatch - backing up %s\n", __func__, filename);
/* Create the backup file */
snprintf(newpath, sizeof(newpath), "%s%s", filename, UNC_BACKUP_SUFFIX);
thefile = fopen(newpath, "wb");
if (thefile != NULL)
int retval = fwrite(&data[0], data.size(), 1, thefile);
int my_errno = errno;
if (retval == 1)
LOG_FMT(LERR, "fwrite(%s) failed: %s (%d)\n",
newpath, strerror(my_errno), my_errno);
LOG_FMT(LERR, "fopen(%s) failed: %s (%d)\n",
newpath, strerror(errno), errno);
* This should be called after the file was written to disk.
* It will be read back and an md5 will be calculated over it.
void backup_create_md5_file(const char *filename)
UINT8 dig[16];
MD5 md5;
FILE *thefile;
UINT8 buf[4096];
INT32 len;
char newpath[1024];
thefile = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (thefile == NULL)
LOG_FMT(LERR, "%s: fopen(%s) failed: %s (%d)\n",
__func__, filename, strerror(errno), errno);
while ((len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), thefile)) > 0)
md5.Update(buf, len);
snprintf(newpath, sizeof(newpath), "%s%s", filename, UNC_BACKUP_MD5_SUFFIX);
thefile = fopen(newpath, "wb");
if (thefile != NULL)
"%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x %s\n",
dig[0], dig[1], dig[2], dig[3],
dig[4], dig[5], dig[6], dig[7],
dig[8], dig[9], dig[10], dig[11],
dig[12], dig[13], dig[14], dig[15],