CB-5840 Update Location test to fix the info field is alway displaying "Retrieving location..."

If we click "Get Location Up to 30 Seconds Old" twice within 30 secs,
since the second time the success callback will be invoked immediately,
the location status will be set as “Done” first and then be set as
“Retrieving location…”, that’s why it’s always displaying  "Retrieving
1 file changed
tree: afc4c14ffc3d531677c76f997f977fe8b33d493b
  1. accelerometer/
  2. audio/
  3. autotest/
  4. battery/
  5. benchmarks/
  6. camera/
  7. capture/
  8. compass/
  9. contacts/
  10. cordova-plugin-echo/
  11. cordova-plugin-whitelist/
  12. dependencies-plugin/
  13. events/
  14. inappbrowser/
  15. keyboard/
  16. lazyloadjs/
  17. location/
  18. misc/
  19. network/
  20. notification/
  21. splashscreen/
  22. sql/
  23. storage/
  24. tools/
  25. AndroidBridgePerformance_300.pdf
  26. beep.wav
  27. config.xml
  28. cordova-incl.js
  29. createmobilespec.sh
  30. index.html
  32. main.js
  33. master.css
  34. README.md

Mobile Spec Suite

This project is a set of automated & manual tests that test Cordova core functionality.

To set up the project, refer to the steps within createmobilespec.sh.


For reference purposes, the document AndroidBridgePerformance_300.pdf in this directory outlines the Android bridge performance using mobile-spec and the manual bridge test. The tests were performed with Cordova 3.0.0.