CB-5588 Add a test for upload response headers (iOS only)
1 file changed
tree: 70133f83e7cfd9128afca42e90cd63b68a5186f4
  1. accelerometer/
  2. audio/
  3. autotest/
  4. battery/
  5. benchmarks/
  6. camera/
  7. capture/
  8. compass/
  9. contacts/
  10. cordova-plugin-echo/
  11. cordova-plugin-whitelist/
  12. dependencies-plugin/
  13. events/
  14. inappbrowser/
  15. keyboard/
  16. lazyloadjs/
  17. location/
  18. misc/
  19. network/
  20. notification/
  21. splashscreen/
  22. sql/
  23. storage/
  24. tools/
  25. vibration/
  26. AndroidBridgePerformance_300.pdf
  27. beep.wav
  28. config.xml
  29. cordova-incl.js
  30. createmobilespec.sh
  31. index.html
  33. main.js
  34. master.css
  35. README.md

Mobile Spec Suite

This project is a set of automated & manual tests that test Cordova core functionality.

To set up the project, refer to the steps within createmobilespec.sh.


For reference purposes, the document AndroidBridgePerformance_300.pdf in this directory outlines the Android bridge performance using mobile-spec and the manual bridge test. The tests were performed with Cordova 3.0.0.