Manual tests fixed

Removing inline scripts from mobile-spec to make it compatible with FFOS priveleged type apps (i.e. using contacts)

added addListenerToClass function which is used to connect buttons with test functions.

Please check it on all platforms and r+ if working.

moved test initialization to JS file (for DRY and privileged apps compatibility)
75 files changed
tree: 8596dc0d4fd6bd4dfe307c1b43d4867d3d38eb0e
  1. accelerometer/
  2. audio/
  3. autotest/
  4. battery/
  5. benchmarks/
  6. camera/
  7. capture/
  8. compass/
  9. contacts/
  10. cordova-plugin-echo/
  11. cordova-plugin-whitelist/
  12. createmobilespec/
  13. dependencies-plugin/
  14. events/
  15. file/
  16. inappbrowser/
  17. keyboard/
  18. lazyloadjs/
  19. location/
  20. misc/
  21. network/
  22. notification/
  23. splashscreen/
  24. sql/
  25. storage/
  26. tools/
  27. vibration/
  28. .gitignore
  29. AndroidBridgePerformance_300.pdf
  30. beep.wav
  31. config.xml
  33. cordova-incl.js
  34. index.html
  36. main.js
  37. master.css
  38. NOTICE

Mobile Spec Suite

This project is a set of automated & manual tests that test Cordova core functionality.

To set up the project, use cordova-mobile-spec/createmobilespec/createmobilespec.js.


Repositories required:

  • cordova-cli (Install pre-requisites by running npm install inside of cordova-cli).
  • cordova-js (required grunt-cli installed).
  • All plugins.
  • Platforms to test (cordova-android, cordova-ios, cordova-blackberry, cordova-wp8, cordova-windows).
  • cordova-mobile-spec (Install pre-requisites by running npm install inside of cordova-mobile-spec/createmobilespec).
  • All repositories must be checked out as peers of each other.


For reference purposes, the document AndroidBridgePerformance_300.pdf in this directory outlines the Android bridge performance using mobile-spec and the manual bridge test. The tests were performed with Cordova 3.0.0.