blob: a4646f8476b8fb13816d28119d94dc49a7b81a8c [file] [log] [blame]
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var fs = require('fs-extra');
var helpers = require('../spec/helpers');
var path = require('path');
var events = require('cordova-common').events;
var cordova = require('../src/cordova/cordova');
var platforms = require('../src/platforms/platforms');
var plugman = require('../src/plugman/plugman');
var install = require('../src/plugman/install');
var plugin_util = require('../src/cordova/plugin/util');
var util = require('../src/cordova/util');
var tmpDir = helpers.tmpDir('plugin_test');
var preparedProject = path.join(tmpDir, 'prepared-project');
var project = path.join(tmpDir, 'project');
var fixturesDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'spec', 'cordova', 'fixtures');
var pluginsDir = path.join(fixturesDir, 'plugins');
var pluginId = 'org.apache.cordova.fakeplugin1';
var org_test_defaultvariables = 'org.test.defaultvariables';
// This plugin is published to npm and defines cordovaDependencies
// in its package.json. Based on the dependencies and the version of
// cordova-android installed in our test project, the CLI should
// select version 1.1.2 of the plugin. We don't actually fetch from
// npm, but we do check the npm info.
var npmInfoTestPlugin = 'cordova-lib-test-plugin';
var npmInfoTestPluginVersion = '1.1.2';
var scopedTestPlugin = '@cordova/plugin-test-dummy';
var testGitPluginRepository = '';
var testGitPluginId = 'cordova-plugin-device';
var results;
// Runs: list, add, list
function addPlugin (target, id, options) {
// Check there are no plugins yet.
return cordova.plugin('list').then(function () {
expect(results).toMatch(/No plugins added/gi);
}).then(function () {
// Add a fake plugin from fixtures.
return cordova.plugin('add', target, options);
}).then(function () {
expect(path.join(project, 'plugins', id, 'plugin.xml')).toExist();
}).then(function () {
return cordova.plugin('ls');
}).then(function () {
// Runs: remove, list
function removePlugin (id) {
return cordova.plugin('rm', id)
.then(function () {
// The whole dir should be gone.
expect(path.join(project, 'plugins', id)).not.toExist();
}).then(function () {
return cordova.plugin('ls');
}).then(function () {
expect(results).toMatch(/No plugins added/gi);
// We can't call add with a searchpath or else we will conflict with other tests
// that use a searchpath. See loadLocalPlugins() in plugman/fetch.js for details.
// The searchpath behavior gets tested in the plugman spec
function mockPluginFetch (id, dir) {
spyOn(plugman, 'fetch').and.callFake(function (target, pluginPath, fetchOptions) {
var dest = path.join(project, 'plugins', id);
fs.copySync(path.join(dir, 'plugin.xml'), path.join(dest, 'plugin.xml'));
return Promise.resolve(dest);
describe('plugin end-to-end', function () {
events.on('results', function (res) { results = res; });
beforeAll(() => {
return helpers.getFixture('projectWithPlatform').copyTo(preparedProject);
}, 20000);
beforeEach(function () {
// Reset our test project and change into it
fs.copySync(preparedProject, project);
// Reset origCwd before each spec to respect chdirs
delete process.env.PWD;
spyOn(platforms, 'getPlatformApi').and.callThrough();
spyOn(install, 'runInstall').and.callThrough();
afterEach(function () {
process.chdir(path.join(__dirname, '..')); // Needed to rm the dir on Windows.
it('Test 001 : should successfully add and remove a plugin with no options', function () {
return addPlugin(path.join(pluginsDir, 'fake1'), pluginId)
.then(function () {
return removePlugin(pluginId);
}).then(function () {
}, 30000);
it('Test 004 : should successfully add a plugin using relative path when running from subdir inside of project', function () {
// Copy plugin to subdir inside of the project. This is required since path.relative
// returns an absolute path when source and dest are on different drives
var plugindir = path.join(project, 'custom-plugins/some-plugin-inside-subfolder');
fs.copySync(path.join(pluginsDir, 'fake1'), plugindir);
// Create a subdir, where we're going to run cordova from
var subdir = path.join(project, 'bin');
// Add plugin using relative path
return addPlugin(path.relative(subdir, plugindir), pluginId)
.then(function () {
return removePlugin(pluginId);
}, 30000);
it('Test 005 : should respect preference default values', function () {
var plugin_util = require('../src/cordova/plugin/util');
spyOn(plugin_util, 'mergeVariables').and.returnValue({ REQUIRED: 'NO', REQUIRED_ANDROID: 'NO' });
return addPlugin(path.join(pluginsDir, org_test_defaultvariables), org_test_defaultvariables, { cli_variables: { REQUIRED: 'NO', REQUIRED_ANDROID: 'NO' } })
.then(function () {
var platformJsonPath = path.join(project, 'plugins', helpers.testPlatform + '.json');
var installed_plugins = require(platformJsonPath).installed_plugins;
var defaultPluginPreferences = installed_plugins[org_test_defaultvariables];
return removePlugin(org_test_defaultvariables);
}, 30000);
it('Test 006 : should successfully add a plugin when specifying CLI variables', function () {
return addPlugin(path.join(pluginsDir, org_test_defaultvariables), org_test_defaultvariables, { cli_variables: { REQUIRED: 'yes', REQUIRED_ANDROID: 'yes' } });
}, 30000);
it('Test 007 : should not check npm info when using the searchpath flag', function () {
mockPluginFetch(npmInfoTestPlugin, path.join(pluginsDir, npmInfoTestPlugin));
spyOn(plugin_util, 'info');
return addPlugin(npmInfoTestPlugin, npmInfoTestPlugin, { searchpath: pluginsDir })
.then(function () {
var fetchOptions = plugman.fetch.calls.mostRecent().args[2];
}, 30000);
it('Test 008 : should not check npm info when using the noregistry flag', function () {
mockPluginFetch(npmInfoTestPlugin, path.join(pluginsDir, npmInfoTestPlugin));
spyOn(plugin_util, 'info');
return addPlugin(npmInfoTestPlugin, npmInfoTestPlugin, { noregistry: true })
.then(function () {
var fetchOptions = plugman.fetch.calls.mostRecent().args[2];
}, 30000);
it('Test 009 : should not check npm info when fetching from a Git repository', function () {
spyOn(plugin_util, 'info');
return addPlugin(testGitPluginRepository, testGitPluginId)
.then(function () {
}, 30000);
it('Test 010 : should select the plugin version based on npm info when fetching from npm', function () {
mockPluginFetch(npmInfoTestPlugin, path.join(pluginsDir, npmInfoTestPlugin));
spyOn(plugin_util, 'info').and.callThrough();
// Pretend to have cordova-android 5.2.2 installed to force the
// expected version outcome for the plugin below
path.join(project, 'platforms/android/cordova/version'),
`#!/usr/bin/env node
exports.version = '5.2.2';
if (!module.parent) console.log(exports.version);`
return addPlugin(npmInfoTestPlugin, npmInfoTestPlugin)
.then(function () {
var fetchTarget = plugman.fetch.calls.mostRecent().args[0];
expect(fetchTarget).toEqual(npmInfoTestPlugin + '@' + npmInfoTestPluginVersion);
}, 30000);
it('Test 011 : should handle scoped npm packages', function () {
mockPluginFetch(scopedTestPlugin, path.join(pluginsDir, scopedTestPlugin));
spyOn(plugin_util, 'info').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({}));
return addPlugin(scopedTestPlugin, scopedTestPlugin, {})
.then(function () {
// Check to make sure that we are at least trying to get the correct package.
// This package is not published to npm, so we can't truly do end-to-end tests
var fetchTarget = plugman.fetch.calls.mostRecent().args[0];
}, 30000);
it('Test 012 : should handle scoped npm packages with given version tags', function () {
var scopedPackage = scopedTestPlugin + '@latest';
mockPluginFetch(scopedTestPlugin, path.join(pluginsDir, scopedTestPlugin));
spyOn(plugin_util, 'info');
return addPlugin(scopedPackage, scopedTestPlugin, {})
.then(function () {
var fetchTarget = plugman.fetch.calls.mostRecent().args[0];
}, 30000);
it('Test 013 : should be able to add and remove scoped npm packages without screwing up everything', () => {
mockPluginFetch(scopedTestPlugin, path.join(pluginsDir, scopedTestPlugin));
spyOn(plugin_util, 'info').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({}));
return addPlugin(scopedTestPlugin, scopedTestPlugin, {})
.then(() => {
var fetchTarget = plugman.fetch.calls.mostRecent().args[0];
return removePlugin(scopedTestPlugin);
}, 30000);