blob: 7d290b187cb5ed03013f1774bf1d6847bcd822a4 [file] [log] [blame]
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or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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under the License.
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs-extra');
var util = require('../cordova/util');
var platforms = require('./platformsConfig.json');
var events = require('cordova-common').events;
// Avoid loading the same platform projects more than once (identified by path)
var cachedApis = {};
// getPlatformApi() should be the only method of instantiating the
// PlatformProject classes for now.
function getPlatformApi (platform, platformRootDir) {
// if platformRootDir is not specified, try to detect it first
if (!platformRootDir) {
var projectRootDir = util.isCordova();
platformRootDir = projectRootDir && path.join(projectRootDir, 'platforms', platform);
if (!platformRootDir) {
// If platformRootDir is still undefined, then we're probably is not inside of cordova project
throw new Error('Current location is not a Cordova project');
// CB-11174 Resolve symlinks first before working with root directory
platformRootDir = util.convertToRealPathSafe(platformRootDir);
// Make sure the platforms/platform folder exists
if (!fs.existsSync(platformRootDir)) {
throw new Error('The platform "' + platform + '" does not appear to have been added to this project.');
var platformApi;
var cached = cachedApis[platformRootDir];
var libDir = path.join(platformRootDir, 'cordova', 'Api.js');
if (cached && cached.platform === platform) {
platformApi = cached;
} else {
var PlatformApi = util.getPlatformApiFunction(libDir, platform);
platformApi = new PlatformApi(platform, platformRootDir, events);
cachedApis[platformRootDir] = platformApi;
return platformApi;
// Used to prevent attempts of installing platforms that are not supported on
// the host OS. E.g. ios on linux.
function hostSupports (platform) {
const { hostos } = platforms[platform] || {};
return !hostos || hostos.includes(process.platform);
module.exports = {
info: platforms,
list: Object.keys(platforms)