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const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const { ConfigParser, events } = require('cordova-common');
const platformAdd = require('../src/cordova/platform').add;
const HooksRunner = require('../src/hooks/HooksRunner');
* Creates a function that provides access to various fixtures by name.
* @param {Function} tmpDir creates a temp dir when called and returns its path
* @returns {Function} that provides access to various fixtures by name
module.exports = function fixtureHelper (tmpDir) {
let fixturesBaseDir;
// Setup and teardown the directory where we setup our fixtures
beforeAll(() => { fixturesBaseDir = tmpDir(); });
afterAll(() => fs.removeSync(fixturesBaseDir));
// The recipes for building the different kinds of fixture.
// Resolve to the fixture path.
const fixtureConstructors = {
// Creates a stand-alone cordova-android app (platform-centered)
androidApp () {
const PlatformApi = require('cordova-android');
const appPath = path.join(fixturesBaseDir, 'android-app');
// We need to provide a ConfigParser instance to createPlatform :(
const cfgXmlPath = require.resolve('cordova-android/bin/templates/project/res/xml/config.xml');
const config = new ConfigParser(cfgXmlPath);
// Create the app folder and return its path
return PlatformApi.createPlatform(appPath, config, null, events)
// Make our node_modules accessible from the app dir to make
// platform modules work when they are required from the app dir.
.then(_ => linkToGlobalModulesFrom(appPath))
.then(_ => appPath);
// Creates a cordova project with one platform installed
async projectWithPlatform () {
const projectFixture = path.join(__dirname, 'cordova/fixtures/basePkgJson');
const projectPath = path.join(fixturesBaseDir, 'project-with-platform');
fs.copySync(projectFixture, projectPath);
// Talk about a clunky interface :(
const platforms = ['android'];
const opts = { platforms, save: true };
const hooksRunner = new HooksRunner(projectPath);
await platformAdd(hooksRunner, projectPath, platforms, opts);
return projectPath;
androidPlatform () {
return path.dirname(require.resolve('cordova-android/package'));
// The fixture cache; contains promises to paths of already created fixtures
const fixturePromises = {};
// Finally, the public interface we provide our consumers. We intentionally
// provide only a method to copy the fixtures, so that tests cannot alter
// the global fixtures in any way.
return function getFixture (name) {
if (!(name in fixturePromises)) {
fixturePromises[name] = Promise.resolve(fixtureConstructors[name]());
return {
async copyTo (targetPath) {
const fixturePath = await fixturePromises[name];
fs.copySync(fixturePath, targetPath);
return targetPath;
function linkToGlobalModulesFrom (dir) {
return fs.symlink(
path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules'),
path.join(dir, 'node_modules'),