blob: 3d273c1fa5ad14395a2270a2c829b49354cab928 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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under the License.
var cordova_util = require('./util');
var ConfigParser = require('cordova-common').ConfigParser;
var PlatformJson = require('cordova-common').PlatformJson;
var PlatformMunger = require('cordova-common').ConfigChanges.PlatformMunger;
var platforms = require('../platforms/platforms');
var HooksRunner = require('../hooks/HooksRunner');
var restore = require('./restore-util');
var path = require('path');
var config = require('./config');
exports = module.exports = prepare;
module.exports.preparePlatforms = preparePlatforms;
function prepare (options) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
var projectRoot = cordova_util.cdProjectRoot();
var config_json =;
options = options || { verbose: false, platforms: [], options: {} }; = || false;
var hooksRunner = new HooksRunner(projectRoot);
return'before_prepare', options)
.then(function () {
return restore.installPlatformsFromConfigXML(options.platforms, { searchpath: options.searchpath, restoring: true });
.then(function () {
options = cordova_util.preProcessOptions(options);
var paths = (p) {
var platform_path = path.join(projectRoot, 'platforms', p);
return platforms.getPlatformApi(p, platform_path).getPlatformInfo().locations.www;
options.paths = paths;
}).then(function () {
options = cordova_util.preProcessOptions(options);
return restore.installPluginsFromConfigXML(options);
}).then(function () {
options = cordova_util.preProcessOptions(options);
options.searchpath = options.searchpath || config_json.plugin_search_path;
// Iterate over each added platform
return module.exports.preparePlatforms(options.platforms, projectRoot, options);
}).then(function () {
options.paths = (platform) {
return platforms.getPlatformApi(platform).getPlatformInfo().locations.www;
return'after_prepare', options);
* Calls `platformApi.prepare` for each platform in project
* @param {string[]} platformList List of platforms, added to current project
* @param {string} projectRoot Project root directory
* @return {Promise}
function preparePlatforms (platformList, projectRoot, options) {
return Promise.all( (platform) {
// TODO: this need to be replaced by real projectInfo
// instance for current project.
var project = {
root: projectRoot,
projectConfig: new ConfigParser(cordova_util.projectConfig(projectRoot)),
locations: {
plugins: path.join(projectRoot, 'plugins'),
www: cordova_util.projectWww(projectRoot),
rootConfigXml: cordova_util.projectConfig(projectRoot)
// platformApi prepare takes care of all functionality
// which previously had been executed by cordova.prepare:
// - reset config.xml and then merge changes from project's one,
// - update www directory from project's one and merge assets from platform_www,
// - reapply config changes, made by plugins,
// - update platform's project
// Please note that plugins' changes, such as installed js files, assets and
// config changes is not being reinstalled on each prepare.
var platformApi = platforms.getPlatformApi(platform);
return platformApi.prepare(project, Object.assign({}, options))
.then(function () {
// Handle edit-config in config.xml
var platformRoot = path.join(projectRoot, 'platforms', platform);
var platformJson = PlatformJson.load(platformRoot, platform);
var munger = new PlatformMunger(platform, platformRoot, platformJson);
// the boolean argument below is "should_increment"
munger.add_config_changes(project.projectConfig, true).save_all();