blob: 2a65aa0d23d4c03862ffbc8dc1e885270d879cec [file] [log] [blame]
# browser-pack
pack node-style source files from a json stream into a browser bundle
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# example
json input:
``` json
"id": "a1b5af78",
"source": "console.log(require('./foo')(5))",
"deps": { "./foo": "b8f69fa5" },
"entry": true
"id": "b8f69fa5",
"source": "module.exports = function (n) { return n * 111 }",
"deps": {}
bundle script:
``` js
var pack = require('browser-pack')();
$ browser-pack < input.json
(function(p,c,e){function r(n){if(!c[n]){c[n]={exports:{}};p[n][0](function(x){return r(p[n][1][x])},c[n],c[n].exports);}return c[n].exports}for(var i=0;i<e.length;i++)r(e[i]);return r})({"a1b5af78":[function(require,module,exports){console.log(require('./foo')(5))},{"./foo":"b8f69fa5"}],"b8f69fa5":[function(require,module,exports){module.exports = function (n) { return n * 111 }},{}]},{},["a1b5af78","b8f69fa5"])
# methods
``` js
var pack = require('browser-pack');
## pack(opts)
Return a through stream that takes a stream of json input and produces a stream
of javascript output. This module does not export its internal `require()`
function but you can prepend `'var require='` to the stream contents to get the
require function. `require()` will return `undefined` when a module hasn't been
defined to support splitting up modules across several bundles with custom
fallback logic.
If `opts.raw` is given, the writable end of the stream will expect objects to be
written to it instead of expecting a stream of json text it will need to parse.
If `opts.sourceMapPrefix` is given and source maps are computed, the
`opts.sourceMapPrefix` string will be used instead of `//#`.
If `opts.sourceRoot` is given and source maps are computed, the root for the
output source map will be defined. (default is no root)
Additionally, rows with a truthy `entry` may have an `order` field that
determines the numeric index to execute the entries in.
You can specify a custom prelude with `opts.prelude` but you should really know
what you're doing first. See the `prelude.js` file in this repo for the default
prelude. If you specify a custom prelude, you must also specify a valid
`opts.preludePath` to the prelude source file for sourcemaps to work.
`opts.standalone` external string name to use for umd
`opts.standaloneModule` sets the internal module name to export for standalone
`opts.hasExports` whether the bundle should include `require=` (or the
`opts.externalRequireName`) so that `require()` is available outside the bundle
# install
With [npm](, to get the library do:
npm install browser-pack
and to get the command-line tool do:
npm install -g browser-pack
# license