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<title>JSONSelect JS parser tests</title>
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<h2> Tests of the JSONSelect parser </h2>
<div class="test">
<pre class="doctest">
$ JSONSelect._parse(".foo");
[{id: "foo"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse('." foo "');
[{id: " foo "}]
$ JSONSelect._parse("");
[{a: 0, b: 1, id: "foo", pf: ":nth-last-child", type: "string"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse("");
Error: multiple ids not allowed
$ JSONSelect._parse("");
Error: multiple ids not allowed
$ JSONSelect._parse("");
Error: multiple pseudo classes (:xxx) not allowed
$ JSONSelect._parse("string.");
Error: string required after '.'
$ JSONSelect._parse("string:bogus");
Error: unrecognized pseudo class
$ JSONSelect._parse("\\@yyy");
[{id: "xxx@yyy", type: "string"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse(" ");
Error: selector expected
$ JSONSelect._parse("");
Error: selector expected
<div class="test">
<pre class="doctest">
$ JSONSelect._parse(".foo .bar");
[{id: "foo"}, {id: "bar"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse(" ,");
[",", [{id: "foo", type: "string"}], [{id: "foo", type: "number"}]]
$ JSONSelect._parse("string > .foo");
[{type: "string"}, ">", {id: "foo"}, {id: "bar", type: "number"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse("string > .foo, object");
[",", [{type: "string"}, ">", {id: "foo"}, {id: "bar", type: "number"}], [{type: "object"}]]
$ JSONSelect._parse("string > .foo, object, string, .\"baz bing\", :root");
[{type: "string"}, ">", {id: "foo"}, {id: "bar", type: "number"}],
[{type: "object"}],
[{type: "string"}],
[{id: "baz bing"}],
[{pc: ":root"}]
<div class="test">
<pre class="doctest">
$ JSONSelect._parse(":nth-child(1)");
[{a: 0, b: 1, pf: ":nth-child"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse(":nth-child(2n+1)");
[{a: 2, b: 1, pf: ":nth-child"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse(":nth-child ( 2n + 1 )");
[{a: 2, b: 1, pf: ":nth-child"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse(":nth-child(odd)");
[{a: 2, b: 1, pf: ":nth-child"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse(":nth-child(even)");
[{a: 2, b: 0, pf: ":nth-child"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse(":nth-child(-n+6)");
[{a: -1, b: 6, pf: ":nth-child"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse(":nth-child(2n)");
[{a: 2, b: 0, pf: ":nth-child"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse(":nth-last-child(-3n - 3)");
[{a: -3, b: -3, pf: ":nth-last-child"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse(":first-child");
[{a: 0, b: 1, pf: ":nth-child"}]
$ JSONSelect._parse(":last-child");
[{a: 0, b: 1, pf: ":nth-last-child"}]