blob: 473485c5148e9aea3fc518acc3f76752d88f987d [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "adbkit-monkey",
"version": "1.0.1",
"description": "A Node.js interface to the Android monkey tool.",
"keywords": [
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"author": {
"name": "CyberAgent, Inc.",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"main": "./index",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"scripts": {
"postpublish": "grunt clean",
"prepublish": "grunt coffee",
"test": "grunt test"
"dependencies": {
"async": "~0.2.9"
"devDependencies": {
"chai": "~1.8.1",
"coffee-script": "~1.6.3",
"grunt": "~0.4.1",
"grunt-cli": "~0.1.11",
"grunt-coffeelint": "~0.0.7",
"grunt-contrib-clean": "~0.5.0",
"grunt-contrib-coffee": "~0.7.0",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.5.3",
"grunt-exec": "~0.4.2",
"grunt-jsonlint": "~1.0.2",
"grunt-notify": "~0.2.16",
"mocha": "~1.14.0",
"sinon": "~1.7.3",
"sinon-chai": "~2.4.0"
"engines": {
"node": ">= 0.10.4"
"readme": "# adbkit-monkey\n\n**adbkit-monkey** provides a [Node.js][nodejs] interface for working with the Android [`monkey` tool][monkey-site]. Albeit undocumented, they monkey program can be started in TCP mode with the `--port` argument. In this mode, it accepts a [range of commands][monkey-proto] that can be used to interact with the UI in a non-random manner. This mode is also used internally by the [`monkeyrunner` tool][monkeyrunner-site], although the documentation claims no relation to the monkey tool.\n\n## Getting started\n\nInstall via NPM:\n\n```bash\nnpm install --save adbkit-monkey\n```\n\nNote that while adbkit-monkey is written in CoffeeScript, it is compiled to JavaScript before publishing to NPM, which means that you are not required to use CoffeeScript.\n\n### Examples\n\nThe following examples assume that monkey is already running (via `adb shell monkey --port 1080`) and a port forwarding (`adb forward tcp:1080 tcp:1080`) has been set up.\n\n#### Press the home button\n\n```javascript\nvar assert = require('assert');\nvar monkey = require('adbkit-monkey');\n\nvar client = monkey.connect({ port: 1080 });\n\ /* KEYCODE_HOME */, function(err) {\n assert.ifError(err);\n console.log('Pressed home button');\n client.end();\n});\n```\n\n#### Drag out the notification bar\n\n```javascript\nvar assert = require('assert');\nvar monkey = require('adbkit-monkey');\n\nvar client = monkey.connect({ port: 1080 });\n\nclient.multi()\n .touchDown(100, 0)\n .sleep(5)\n .touchMove(100, 20)\n .sleep(5)\n .touchMove(100, 40)\n .sleep(5)\n .touchMove(100, 60)\n .sleep(5)\n .touchMove(100, 80)\n .sleep(5)\n .touchMove(100, 100)\n .sleep(5)\n .touchUp(100, 100)\n .sleep(5)\n .execute(function(err) {\n assert.ifError(err);\n console.log('Dragged out the notification bar');\n client.end();\n });\n```\n\n#### Get display size\n\n```javascript\nvar assert = require('assert');\nvar monkey = require('adbkit-monkey');\n\nvar client = monkey.connect({ port: 1080 });\n\nclient.getDisplayWidth(function(err, width) {\n assert.ifError(err);\n client.getDisplayHeight(function(err, height) {\n assert.ifError(err);\n console.log('Display size is %dx%d', width, height);\n client.end();\n });\n});\n```\n\n#### Type text\n\nNote that you should manually focus a text field first.\n\n```javascript\nvar assert = require('assert');\nvar monkey = require('adbkit-monkey');\n\nvar client = monkey.connect({ port: 1080 });\n\nclient.type('hello monkey!', function(err) {\n assert.ifError(err);\n console.log('Said hello to monkey');\n client.end();\n});\n```\n\n## API\n\n### Monkey\n\n#### monkey.connect(options)\n\nUses [Net.connect()][node-net] to open a new TCP connection to monkey. Useful when combined with `adb forward`.\n\n* **options** Any options [`Net.connect()`][node-net] accepts.\n* Returns: A new monkey `Client` instance.\n\n#### monkey.connectStream(stream)\n\nAttaches a monkey client to an existing monkey protocol stream.\n\n* **stream** The monkey protocol [`Stream`][node-stream].\n* Returns: A new monkey `Client` instance.\n\n### Client\n\nImplements `Api`. See below for details.\n\n#### Events\n\nThe following events are available:\n\n* **error** **(err)** Emitted when an error occurs.\n * **err** An `Error`.\n* **end** Emitted when the stream ends.\n* **finish** Emitted when the stream finishes.\n\n#### client.end()\n\nEnds the underlying stream/connection.\n\n* Returns: The `Client` instance.\n\n#### client.multi()\n\nReturns a new API wrapper that buffers commands for simultaneous delivery instead of sending them individually. When used with `api.sleep()`, allows simple gestures to be executed.\n\n* Returns: A new `Multi` instance. See `Multi` below.\n\n#### client.send(command, callback)\n\nSends a raw protocol command to monkey.\n\n* **command** The command to send. When `String`, a single command is sent. When `Array`, a series of commands is sent at once.\n* **callback(err, value, command)** Called when monkey responds to the command. If multiple commands were sent, the callback will be called once for each command.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n * **value** The response value, if any.\n * **command** The command the response is for.\n* Returns: The `Client` instance.\n\n### Api\n\nThe monkey API implemented by `Client` and `Multi`.\n\n#### api.done(callback)\n\nCloses the current monkey session and allows a new session to connect.\n\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.flipClose(callback)\n\nSimulates closing the keyboard.\n\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.flipOpen(callback)\n\nSimulates opening the keyboard.\n\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.get(name, callback)\n\nGets the value of a variable. Use `api.list()` to retrieve a list of supported variables.\n\n* **name** The name of the variable.\n* **callback(err, value)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n * **value** The value of the variable.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.getAmCurrentAction(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('am.current.action', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getAmCurrentCategories(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('am.current.categories', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getAmCurrentCompClass(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('am.current.comp.class', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getAmCurrentCompPackage(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('am.current.comp.package', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getCurrentData(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getAmCurrentPackage(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('am.current.package', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildBoard(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.board', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildBrand(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.brand', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildCpuAbi(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.cpu_abi', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildDevice(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.device', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildDisplay(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.display', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildFingerprint(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.fingerprint', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildHost(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildId(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildManufacturer(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.manufacturer', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildModel(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.model', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildProduct(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.product', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildTags(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.tags', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildType(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.type', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildUser(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.user', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildVersionCodename(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.version.codename', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildVersionIncremental(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.version.incremental', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildVersionRelease(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.version.release', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getBuildVersionSdk(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('build.version.sdk', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getClockMillis(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('clock.millis', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getClockRealtime(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('clock.realtime', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getClockUptime(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('clock.uptime', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getDisplayDensity(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('display.density', callback)`.\n\n#### api.getDisplayHeight(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('display.height', callback)`. Note that the height may exclude any virtual home button row.\n\n#### api.getDisplayWidth(callback)\n\nAlias for `api.get('display.width', callback)`.\n\n#### api.keyDown(keyCode, callback)\n\nSends a key down event. Should be coupled with `api.keyUp()`. Note that `` performs the two events automatically.\n\n* **keyCode** The [key code][android-keycodes]. All monkeys support numeric keycodes, and some support automatic conversion from key names to key codes (e.g. `'home'` to `KEYCODE_HOME`). This will not work for number keys however. The most portable method is to simply use numeric key codes.\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.keyUp(keyCode, callback)\n\nSends a key up event. Should be coupled with `api.keyDown()`. Note that `` performs the two events automatically.\n\n* **keyCode** See `api.keyDown()`.\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.list(callback)\n\nLists supported variables.\n\n* **callback(err, vars)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n * **vars** An array of supported variable names, to be used with `api.get()`.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n####, callback)\n\nSends a key press event.\n\n* **keyCode** See `api.keyDown()`.\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.quit(callback)\n\nCloses the current monkey session and quits monkey.\n\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.sleep(ms, callback)\n\nSleeps for the given duration. Can be useful for simulating gestures.\n\n* **ms** How many milliseconds to sleep for.\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.tap(x, y, callback)\n\nTaps the given coordinates.\n\n* **x** The x coordinate.\n* **y** The y coordinate.\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.touchDown(x, y, callback)\n\nSends a touch down event on the given coordinates.\n\n* **x** The x coordinate.\n* **y** The y coordinate.\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.touchMove(x, y, callback)\n\nSends a touch move event on the given coordinates.\n\n* **x** The x coordinate.\n* **y** The y coordinate.\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.touchUp(x, y, callback)\n\nSends a touch up event on the given coordinates.\n\n* **x** The x coordinate.\n* **y** The y coordinate.\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.trackball(x, y, callback)\n\nSends a trackball event on the given coordinates.\n\n* **x** The x coordinate.\n* **y** The y coordinate.\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.type(text, callback)\n\nTypes the given text.\n\n* **text** A text `String`. Note that only characters for which [key codes][android-keycodes] exist can be entered. Also note that any IME in use may or may not transform the text.\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n#### api.wake(callback)\n\nWakes the device from sleep and allows user input.\n\n* **callback(err)** Called when monkey responds.\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n* Returns: The `Api` implementation instance.\n\n### Multi\n\nBuffers `Api` commands and delivers them simultaneously for greater control over timing.\n\nImplements all `Api` methods, but without the last `callback` parameter.\n\n#### multi.execute(callback)\n\nSends all buffered commands.\n\n* **callback(err, values)** Called when monkey has responded to all commands (i.e. just once at the end).\n * **err** `null` when successful, `Error` otherwise.\n * **values** An array of all response values, identical to individual `Api` responses.\n\n## More information\n\n* [Monkey][monkey-site]\n - [Source code][monkey-source]\n - [Protocol][monkey-proto]\n* [Monkeyrunner][monkeyrunner-site]\n\n## Contributing\n\nSee [](\n\n## License\n\nSee [LICENSE](LICENSE).\n\nCopyright © CyberAgent, Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n\n[nodejs]: <>\n[monkey-site]: <>\n[monkey-source]: <>\n[monkey-proto]: <>\n[monkeyrunner-site]: <>\n[node-net]: <>\n[node-stream]: <>\n[android-keycodes]: <>\n",
"readmeFilename": "",
"homepage": "",
"_id": "adbkit-monkey@1.0.1",
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"_npmVersion": "1.3.14",
"_npmUser": {
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"email": ""
"name": "cyberagent",
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