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<title>JSONSelect JS matching tests</title>
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<h2> Tests of the JSONSelect matcher </h2>
<div class="test">
<pre class="doctest">
$ JSONSelect.match("null", null);
$ JSONSelect.match("array", { 1: [], 2: [] });
[[], []]
$ JSONSelect.match("object", [ {}, {} ]);
[{}, {}]
$ JSONSelect.match("string", [ "a", 1, true, null, false, "b", 3.1415, "c" ] );
["a", "b", "c"]
$ JSONSelect.match("boolean", [ "a", 1, true, null, false, "b", 3.1415, "c" ] );
[true, false]
$ JSONSelect.match("number", [ "a", 1, true, null, false, "b", 3.1415, "c" ] );
[1, 3.1415]
<div class="test">
<pre class="doctest">
$ JSONSelect.match(".foo", {foo: "aMatch", bar: [ { foo: "anotherMatch" } ] });
["aMatch", "anotherMatch"]
<div class="test">
<pre class="doctest">
$ JSONSelect.match(".foo .bar", {foo: { baz: 1, bar: 2 }, bar: 3});
$ JSONSelect.match(".foo > .bar", {foo: { baz: 1, bar: 2 }, bar: 3});
$ JSONSelect.match(".foo > .bar", {foo: { baz: { bar: 4 }, bar: 2 }, bar: 3});
$ JSONSelect.match(".foo .bar", {foo: { baz: { bar: 4 }, bar: 2 }, bar: 3});
[4, 2]
<div class="test">
<pre class="doctest">
$ JSONSelect.match("number,boolean", [ "a", 1, true, null, false, "b", 3.1415, "c" ] );
[1, true, false, 3.1415]
$ JSONSelect.match("number,boolean,null", [ "a", 1, true, null, false, "b", 3.1415, "c" ] );
[1, true, null, false, 3.1415]