Avoid Automatic Code Block for HTML on Events Page (#1211)

It seems that the spacing between the HTML elements on this page caused an automatic code block when converted for render. That code block caused the page content to be mixed up including rendering a heap of the Markdown as straight text in a jumbled, single-paragraph mess.

This change simply removes some of the whitespace lines between the "td" elements so that the HTML Table summarising the events and their support is treated as a single HTML table and not the start of one with HTML example code after it.
1 file changed
tree: 81c2b5309fe6e7b59cfa33a9ce7d7c4f25e3f60e
  1. .github/
  2. conf/
  3. doc/
  4. tools/
  5. www/
  6. .asf.yaml
  7. .eslintrc.yml
  8. .gitignore
  9. .npmrc
  11. Gemfile
  12. gulpfile.js
  14. NOTICE
  15. package-lock.json
  16. package.json
  17. README.md

Build Status

Cordova Docs / Website

This repository contains the source code for the Cordova website at cordova.apache.org.

The site is also reachable with the short domain cordova.io, the important subareas as docs.cordova.io, blog.cordova.io and plugins.cordova.io.

Technical Overview

The main parts are built as a static site with Jekyll, containing the homepage and subpages, the blog and the docs.
The plugin search is an embedded PreactJS application.

Here in the repository the code of the actual site is located in /www with its subfolder /docs, /blog and /plugins.
Some additional content is pulled in during the build process.

The site is built using a gulp script that is run by Node.JS (npm run-script build). (Alternatively you can build the site using Make.) Deployments usually happen on commits to master via Travis, which runs buildAndDeploy.sh and commits the built site to a SVN repository.


Common Tasks


For attributions for used open-source work, please see the attributions page: www/attributions.html.