Adding doc system improvement proposal.
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+Doc System Improvement Proposal
+## Motivation
+Our current docs are becoming slightly out of date and not keeping up with our development pace. The current docs system has a high latency and steep learning curve for maintenance, and it has started functionally and visually lagging behind docs for related technologies (see [react][react_docs], [unity][unity_docs], [ember][ember_docs], [angular][angular_docs], [ionic][ionic_docs]).
+This proposal aims to accomplish the following three goals for our documentation:
+- add a search feature
+- make contribution very easy
+- set up automatic deployment
+Below is a formalized list of requirements that are proposed for the Cordova docs.
+## Requirements
+The following features must be supported by the Cordova docs.
+    <dt>"edit on github" buttons</dt>
+    <dd>
+        Can easily submit changes to the docs via a PR on GitHub by clicking on an "Edit this page" button or something similar.
+    </dd>
+    <dt>search</dt>
+    <dd>
+        Can search through the full text of the docs.
+    </dd>
+    <dt>doc versions</dt>
+    <dd>
+        Can browse and change docs for any Cordova version.
+    </dd>
+    <dt>localization</dt>
+    <dd>
+        Can easily translate the docs into and/or read the docs in different languages.
+    </dd>
+    <dt>API docs</dt>
+    <dd>
+        Can automatically get generated docs for public APIs (plugins, cordova-lib, cordova-js).
+    </dd>
+    <dt>analytics</dt>
+    <dd>
+        Can have analytics to the docs website.
+    </dd>
+The following features are nice to have in the Cordova docs.
+    <dt>easy transition</dt>
+    <dd>
+        Changes to the docs inconvenience people as little as possible.
+    </dd>
+    <dt>good UI</dt>
+    <dd>
+        The UI for the docs is aesthetically pleasing, intuitive to use, and gets relevant information with as little friction as possible.
+    </dd>
+## Constraints
+    <dt>free</dt>
+    <dd>
+        We don't have a budget outside of our own computing power and engineering resources.
+    </dd>
+    <dt>static</dt>
+    <dd>
+        The generated docs should be static files (unless we find a free hosted solution).
+    </dd>
+## Solutions
+### [Sphinx][sphinx]/[Readthedocs][rtfd]
+Sphinx is a mature and complete documentation system written in Python. All documentation hosted by [][rtfd] uses Sphinx. Sphinx meets all functional requirements of this proposal.
+- mature and used by many large software projects; many people know it
+- feature-rich: search, referencing, internationalization, templating, generation, plugins, and many others
+- needs some knowledge of Python
+- needs migration from Markdown to [reStructuredText][rest]
+- needs migration from Crowdin to Sphinx's own [internationalization tools][sphinx_int]
+### [Jekyll][jekyll]
+Jekyll is a static site generator written in Ruby. It is used to generate the docs of [React.js][react_docs]. It meets some functional requirements of this proposal.
+- mature and used for many static websites; many people know it
+- integrates well with other tools
+- has powerful templating for the output
+- does not have search or internationalization
+### [JSDoc][jsdoc]
+JSDoc is a mature documentation system written in JS. It is used as a back-end to generate automated source code docs for many JS projects. It meets some functional requirements of this proposal.
+- mature and widely used; many people know it
+- integrates well with other tools
+- does not have search or internationalization
+### [Current System][cordova-docs]
+The current Cordova docs could also be extended to meet the proposed requirements.
+- no migration required
+- does not have search or templating
+- non-standard, so the learning curve remains
+### Option #1: Sphinx
+Sphinx (either with or without) would provide a complete solution for Cordova's documentation needs. However, it would require a (hefty) migration.
+### Option #2: Jekyll + JSDoc + Crowdin
+A mix of Jekyll, JSDoc, and the current Crowdin pipeline would suit Cordova's documentation needs. The existing documentation can be migrated to such a system with only moderate effort.
+[This prior analysis][comparison] was used to decide on a JS documentation framework. Currently no quantitative analysis has been made to compare the solution candidates, but one can be carried out if required.