Merge pull request #43 from omefire/Telemetry

Telemetry Proposal
diff --git a/proposals/ b/proposals/
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+# Telemetry Proposal
+Currently, we have no definitive way of answering the following questions:
+- What features of Cordova are used and how often are they used ?
+- How many users are using cordova as a tool 
+> Note: NPM download counts are not accurate enough due to issues with caching, bots, etc...
+- A breakdown view of cordova versions in use in the wild
+The goal of this proposal is to suggest an implementation of telemetry in cordova.
+Implementing telemetry in cordova will allow us to collect minimal and anonymous information that we could leverage 
+to improve the user experience of our users, give us better insights into how many active users we have.
+## What do we want to measure and why ?
+The following information are what we want to gather/measure:
+- What features/commands are being used and what is their frequency of use ?
+- What is Cordova's active usage ? How many users are using cordova as a tool (using NPM downloads as a proxy is flawed in some regards)
+- A breakdown analysis of cordova versions in use in the wild, this could inform our deprecation policies
+Gathering this information will allow us to measure Cordova's active usage, Cordova's version breakdown (How many people are using cordova@4.0.0 vs cordova@5.0.0).
+# Privacy 
+The data gathered should adhere to the following rules:
+- The data gathered should be anonymous, with no personally identifiable information collected
+- The data gathered should only be used to guide new features implementation and the resolutions of issues, to better the lives of Cordova ecosystem actors(App Builders, Cordova Developers, etc...)
+- Only Cordova PMC members should have access to the data collected
+- Users should explicitly give their consent before telemetry is collected on them
+- Users should be able to opt-out of telemetry any time they want by running ```cordova telemetry off```.
+  They can opt back in with ```cordova telemetry on```.
+> Note: the action of opting out of telemetry will be logged, but anything after that won't be.
+# Where is the data saved ?
+We will leverage Google Analytics to save the data gathered, and its dashboard will help us visualize and analyze data.
+# Who has access to the data ?
+Cordova PMC members will be the ones with access to the data. Later on, we can build on that and make aggregated version of the data public.
+# Implementation specifics
+### Repositories affected
+The repository that will be modified to include telemetry is ```cordova-cli```. 
+### Opt-in Prompt
+Users shall be shown a timed prompt (with a link to a privacy notice) the first time they run cordova, and asked whether they want to enable telemetry or not.
+If the prompt times out with the user having not provided any answer,
+it will be assumed they do not agree to telemetry being collected.
+### No Telemetry Flag
+Users might opt out of telemetry on a command basis by using the ```--no-telemetry``` flag.
+That way, they have the ability to enable telemetry and yet still disable it for specific commands as they see fit.
+e.g: ```cordova run ios --no-telemetry```
+### Continuous Integration environments
+In CI environments, there will be a way to disable the telemetry prompt on first usage by setting an environment variable.
+In case the environment variable is not set, the command invoked will wait for a few seconds, then proceed. This should ensure existing tools that make use of
+cordova cli as an API don't break. Note however, that a delay is introduced.
+### Per User
+Telemetry shall be collected on a per-user basis.
+### Offline scenario
+In case the machine goes offline and sending telemetry fails, it shall be sent the next time it comes back online.
+# Schema of payload
+    time: 1461872979, // seconds since epoch
+    user_id: '75890ed9-d2c4-4544-a89b-2d45884e6d5f', // randomly generated
+    cordova_version: '6.1.1',
+    os: 'Macintosh',
+    command: 'prepare',
+    command_result: 'succeeded',
+# Next Steps
+What is described in this document is the first step. In the future, we might consider tackling the following additional challenges:
+- Errors & diagnostics: What commands are failing often ? and Why ?