Updated proposed whitelist system text, to reflect that iOS 8 and below will ignore <access> tags because there is no ATS
diff --git a/proposals/ios-whitelist-removal.md b/proposals/ios-whitelist-removal.md
index 6be2cd7..dc344d5 100644
--- a/proposals/ios-whitelist-removal.md
+++ b/proposals/ios-whitelist-removal.md
@@ -32,10 +32,6 @@
 This simplifies things in that we rely solely on iOS to handle security functionality -- Apple is a far better expert than us to handle these things.
-Developers still have to specify `<access>` tags to whitelist domains when they are whitelisted to in the `CSP` however.
+Developers still have to specify `<access>` tags to whitelist domains when they are whitelisted to in the `CSP` however, but this only applies to `iOS 9` and above. `<access>` tags are converted to `ATS` directives in the app's `Info.plist` by the `cordova-cli` and this functionality is only applicable for `iOS 9` and above. For `iOS 8` and below, the `<access>` tags have no effect. Thus, the adoption of this proposal basically removes all whitelist functionality for iOS versions 8 and below.
-An automatic `CSP to <access> tag` parser was proposed (through `cordova-lib` ios parser) -- this could work but at an expense of backwards-compatibility.
-Note however that adoption of this proposal basically removes all whitelist functionality for iOS versions 8 and below.
+An automatic `CSP to <access> tag` parser was proposed (through `cordova-lib` ios parser) -- this could work but at an expense of backwards-compatibility.
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