Testing Releases (#26)

* Create testing-releases.md

* Update README.md

* Update testing-releases.md

* Update testing-releases.md

* Update testing-releases.md
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0f5da25..8d2a7c6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 - [Create a minimal reproduction repository](create-reproduction.md)
 - [Deprecation and Archiving of Repositories](deprecation.md)
 - [Testing Cordova](testing.md)
+- [Testing a Release](testing-releases.md)
 ### Process
diff --git a/testing-releases.md b/testing-releases.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f68a9c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing-releases.md
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Testing Releases
+This document describes how to test a release of a Apache Cordova component before and while the "[Creating a Release](release-process.md)" process.
+- [General](#general)
+  * [Get the Code](#get-the-code)
+  * [General Testing](#general-testing)
+- [Plugins](#plugins)
+  * [Plugin Tests](#plugin-tests)
+  * [Manual Testing](#manual-testing)
+- [Platforms](#platforms)
+  * [Platform + Plugins via Mobilespec](#platform--plugins-via-mobilespec)
+  * [Hello World app via CLI](#hello-world-app-via-cli)
+  * [`/bin` scripts](#bin-scripts)
+  * [`cordova-lib` tests](#cordova-lib-tests)
+  * [cordova.js](#cordovajs)
+  * [All Plugin Tests](#all-plugin-tests)
+- [Tooling](#tooling)
+- [Other](#other)
+## General
+### Get the Code
+The code of the component you want to test should be in a folder with the name of the component (e.g. `cordova-plugin-vibration`, `cordova-cli`, `cordova-ios` etc.):
+a) Before the release was actually made: The component should be checked out via git.  
+b) While the release is in the "Vote" stage and you now want to make sure the archive is good to be able to [vote for it](verify-release-vote.md): Download the `.tgz` source code artifact linked in the `[VOTE]` email on the dev mailing list. Unpack the archive, and move the content of `package` into a folder named after the component, then run `npm install` to install the dependencies.
+### General Testing
+- `npm test`: All packages define a `test` command that should pass locally.
+## Plugins
+### Plugin Tests
+Create a new app, add the plugin, its tests subplugin, and `cordova-plugin-test-framework` that allows running those tests:
+cd ..
+cordova create pluginTestApp
+cd pluginTestApp
+cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-vibration
+cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-vibration/tests
+cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-test-framework
+sed -i -e 's/index.html/cdvtests\/index.html/g' config.xml # change `config.xml` to contain `<content src="cdvtests/index.html" />`
+cordova platform add android
+cordova run android
+This should start a grey-ish app with "Auto Tests" and "Manual Tests" buttons. You should run both and see if they succeed.
+### Plugin Tests via Mobilespec
+Historically the release process documentation also advised developers to use [`cordova-mobile-spec`](https://github.com/apache/cordova-mobile-spec) to create an app that includes the [Plugin Tests](#plugin-tests). As this is error prone and doesn't give additional insight to the [Plugin Tests](#plugin-tests), it is not recommended any more and only included here for completeness.
+  <summary>Instructions</summary>
+node cordova-mobile-spec/createmobilespec/createmobilespec.js --android --global --plugins="cordova-plugin-vibration"
+This should start a black-ish app with a "Plugin tests" button. When clicking it you end up in a screen with "Auto Tests" and "Manual Tests" buttons. You should run both and see if all/most/the expected ones succeed.
+### Manual Testing
+[Plugin Tests](#plugin-tests) most probably do not cover all functionality of a plugin, especially Preferences that can be set via `config.xml` or functionality that was just added to the plugin. Check the `RELEASENOTES.md` file to find out about such functionality and 
+cd ..
+cordova create pluginTestAppManual
+cd pluginTestAppManual
+cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-vibration
+# Implement the functionality in `www/index.html`
+cordova platform add android
+cordova run android
+## Platforms
+The following commands all assume to be run in a folder that includes the platform you are testing, e.g. `cordova-android`. It should also contain a checkout of `cordova-mobile-spec`.
+### Platform + Plugins via Mobilespec
+Create and run a [`cordova-mobile-spec`](https://github.com/apache/cordova-mobile-spec/) project:
+./cordova-mobile-spec/createmobilespec/createmobilespec.js --android --forceplugins
+(cd mobilespec && cordova run android --device)
+(cd mobilespec && cordova run android --emulator)
+TODO Instructions on how to use the _actual_ mobilespec tests that do not come from the plugins
+This should start a black-ish app with a "Plugin tests" button. When clicking it you end up in a screen with "Auto Tests" and "Manual Tests" buttons. You should run both and see if all/most/the expected ones succeed.
+### Hello World app via CLI
+Create a hello world app using `cordova`:
+cordova create ./androidTest org.apache.cordova.test androidTest
+(cd androidTest && cordova platform add ../cordova-android)
+(cd androidTest && cordova run android --device)
+(cd androidTest && cordova run android --emulator)
+This should create an app showing the Cordova logo, "Apache Cordova" and a green "Device is ready" box.
+### `/bin` scripts
+Run your platform's `./bin/create` script and run the resulting project:
+./cordova-android/bin/create ./androidTest2 org.apache.cordova.test2 androidTest2
+(cd androidTest2 && ./cordova/build)
+(cd androidTest2 && ./cordova/run --device)
+(cd androidTest2 && ./cordova/run --emulator)
+This should create an app showing a white screen.
+Ensure the generated project files also build through the appropriate platform IDE.
+The output from `./cordova/version` should show the correct platform version.
+### `cordova-lib` tests
+TODO https://github.com/apache/cordova-coho/blob/master/docs/platforms-release-process.md#4-cordova-lib-tests
+### cordova.js
+TODO Some kind of tests (maybe via plugins) that test if the cordova.js functionality works as expected
+### All Plugin Tests
+TODO Simpler way to add all plugins, their test plugins and `cordova-plugin-test-framework` to a new app created with the platform so that one can run the automated and manual tests (as a replacement for "[Platform + Plugins via Mobilespec](#platform--plugins-via-mobilespec)")
+## Tooling
+TODO https://github.com/apache/cordova-coho/blob/master/docs/tools-release-process.md#test
+## Other
+TODO https://github.com/apache/cordova-coho/blob/master/docs/tools-release-process.md#test  
+TODO https://github.com/apache/cordova-coho/blob/master/docs/coho-release-process.md#test