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var path = require('path')
, xml_helpers = require('../src/xml-helpers')
, et = require('elementtree')
, title = et.XML('<title>HELLO</title>')
, usesNetworkOne = et.XML('<uses-permission ' +
, usesNetworkTwo = et.XML("<uses-permission android:name=\
\"PACKAGE_NAME.permission.C2D_MESSAGE\" />")
, usesReceive = et.XML("<uses-permission android:name=\
, helloTagOne = et.XML("<h1>HELLO</h1>")
, goodbyeTag = et.XML("<h1>GOODBYE</h1>")
, helloTagTwo = et.XML("<h1> HELLO </h1>");
describe('xml-helpers', function(){
describe('parseElementtreeSync', function() {
it('should parse xml with a byte order mark', function() {
var xml_path = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'projects', 'windows', 'bom_test.xml');
expect(function() {
describe('equalNodes', function() {
it('should return false for different tags', function(){
expect(xml_helpers.equalNodes(usesNetworkOne, title)).toBe(false);
it('should return true for identical tags', function(){
expect(xml_helpers.equalNodes(usesNetworkOne, usesNetworkTwo)).toBe(true);
it('should return false for different attributes', function(){
expect(xml_helpers.equalNodes(usesNetworkOne, usesReceive)).toBe(false);
it('should distinguish between text', function(){
expect(xml_helpers.equalNodes(helloTagOne, goodbyeTag)).toBe(false);
it('should ignore whitespace in text', function(){
expect(xml_helpers.equalNodes(helloTagOne, helloTagTwo)).toBe(true);
describe('should compare children', function(){
it('by child quantity', function(){
var one = et.XML('<i><b>o</b></i>'),
two = et.XML('<i><b>o</b><u></u></i>');
expect(xml_helpers.equalNodes(one, two)).toBe(false);
it('by child equality', function(){
var one = et.XML('<i><b>o</b></i>'),
two = et.XML('<i><u></u></i>'),
uno = et.XML('<i>\n<b>o</b>\n</i>');
expect(xml_helpers.equalNodes(one, uno)).toBe(true);
expect(xml_helpers.equalNodes(one, two)).toBe(false);
describe('pruneXML', function() {
var config_xml;
beforeEach(function() {
config_xml = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'projects', 'android', 'res', 'xml', 'config.xml'));
it('should remove any children that match the specified selector', function() {
var children = config_xml.findall('plugins/plugin');
xml_helpers.pruneXML(config_xml, children, 'plugins');
it('should do nothing if the children cannot be found', function() {
var children = [title];
xml_helpers.pruneXML(config_xml, children, 'plugins');
it('should be able to handle absolute selectors', function() {
var children = config_xml.findall('plugins/plugin');
xml_helpers.pruneXML(config_xml, children, '/cordova/plugins');
it('should be able to handle absolute selectors with wildcards', function() {
var children = config_xml.findall('plugins/plugin');
xml_helpers.pruneXML(config_xml, children, '/*/plugins');
describe('graftXML', function() {
var config_xml, plugin_xml;
beforeEach(function() {
config_xml = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'projects', 'android', 'res', 'xml', 'config.xml'));
plugin_xml = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'plugins', 'ChildBrowser', 'plugin.xml'));
it('should add children to the specified selector', function() {
var children = plugin_xml.find('config-file').getchildren();
xml_helpers.graftXML(config_xml, children, 'plugins');
it('should be able to handle absolute selectors', function() {
var children = plugin_xml.find('config-file').getchildren();
xml_helpers.graftXML(config_xml, children, '/cordova');
it('should be able to handle absolute selectors with wildcards', function() {
var children = plugin_xml.find('config-file').getchildren();
xml_helpers.graftXML(config_xml, children, '/*');