blob: 09bc362889a717695549f3b341c63d0f8d174e95 [file] [log] [blame]
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to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* jshint node:true, bitwise:true, undef:true, trailing:true, quotmark:true,
indent:4, unused:vars, latedef:nofunc,
var path = require('path')
, help = require('./help')
, fs = require('fs');
// nopt and underscore are require()d in try-catch below to print a nice error
// message if one of them is not installed.
var nopt, _;
module.exports = cli;
function cli(inputArgs) {
try {
nopt = require('nopt');
_ = require('underscore');
} catch (e) {
'Please run npm install from this directory:\n\t' +
// When changing command line arguments, update doc/help.txt accordingly.
var knownOpts =
{ 'verbose' : Boolean
, 'version' : Boolean
, 'help' : Boolean
, 'silent' : Boolean
, 'experimental' : Boolean
, 'noregistry' : Boolean
, 'shrinkwrap' : Boolean
, 'usenpm' : Boolean
, 'copy-from' : String
, 'link-to' : path
, 'searchpath' : String
, 'variable' : Array
// Flags to be passed to `cordova build/run/emulate`
, 'debug' : Boolean
, 'release' : Boolean
, 'archs' : String
, 'device' : Boolean
, 'emulator': Boolean
, 'target' : String
var shortHands =
{ 'd' : '--verbose'
, 'v' : '--version'
, 'h' : '--help'
, 'src' : '--copy-from'
// If no inputArgs given, use process.argv.
inputArgs = inputArgs || process.argv;
var args = nopt(knownOpts, shortHands, inputArgs);
if (args.version) {
console.log( require('../package').version );
var cordova_lib = require('cordova-lib'),
CordovaError = cordova_lib.CordovaError,
cordova = cordova_lib.cordova,
events =;
// For CordovaError print only the message without stack trace unless we
// are in a verbose mode.
process.on('uncaughtException', function(err){
if ( (err instanceof CordovaError) && !args.verbose ) {
} else {
// Set up event handlers for logging and results emitted as events.
events.on('results', console.log);
if ( !args.silent ) {
events.on('log', console.log);
events.on('warn', console.warn);
// Add handlers for verbose logging.
if (args.verbose) {
events.on('verbose', console.log);
// TODO: Example wanted, is this functionality ever used?
// If there were arguments protected from nopt with a double dash, keep
// them in unparsedArgs. For example:
// cordova build ios -- --verbose --whatever
// In this case "--verbose" is not parsed by nopt and args.vergbose will be
// false, the unparsed args after -- are kept in unparsedArgs and can be
// passed downstream to some scripts invoked by Cordova.
var unparsedArgs = [];
var parseStopperIdx = args.argv.original.indexOf('--');
if (parseStopperIdx != -1) {
unparsedArgs = args.argv.original.slice(parseStopperIdx + 1);
// args.argv.remain contains both the undashed args (like platform names)
// and whatever unparsed args that were protected by " -- ".
// "undashed" stores only the undashed args without those after " -- " .
var remain = args.argv.remain;
var undashed = remain.slice(0, remain.length - unparsedArgs.length);
var cmd = undashed[0];
var subcommand;
var msg;
var known_platforms = Object.keys(cordova_lib.cordova_platforms);
if ( !cmd || cmd == 'help' || ) {
return help();
if ( !cordova.hasOwnProperty(cmd) ) {
msg =
'Cordova does not know ' + cmd + '; try `' + cordova_lib.binname +
' help` for a list of all the available commands.';
throw new CordovaError(msg);
var opts = {
platforms: [],
options: [],
verbose: args.verbose || false,
silent: args.silent || false,
if (cmd == 'emulate' || cmd == 'build' || cmd == 'prepare' || cmd == 'compile' || cmd == 'run') {
// All options without dashes are assumed to be platform names
opts.platforms = undashed.slice(1);
var badPlatforms = _.difference(opts.platforms, known_platforms);
if( !_.isEmpty(badPlatforms) ) {
msg = 'Unknown platforms: ' + badPlatforms.join(', ');
throw new CordovaError(msg);
// Reconstruct the args to be passed along to platform scripts.
// This is an ugly temporary fix. The code spawning or otherwise
// calling into platform code should be dealing with this based
// on the parsed args object.
var downstreamArgs = [];
var argNames = [ 'debug', 'release', 'device', 'emulator' ];
argNames.forEach(function(flag) {
if (args[flag]) {
downstreamArgs.push('--' + flag);
if ( {
downstreamArgs.push('--target=' +;
if (args.archs) {
downstreamArgs.push('--archs=' + args.archs);
opts.options = downstreamArgs.concat(unparsedArgs);
cordova.raw[cmd].call(null, opts).done();
} else if (cmd == 'serve') {
var port = undashed[1];
} else if (cmd == 'create') {
var cfg = {};
// If we got a fourth parameter, consider it to be JSON to init the config.
if ( undashed[4] ) {
cfg = JSON.parse(undashed[4]);
var customWww = args['copy-from'] || args['link-to'];
if (customWww) {
if (customWww.indexOf('http') === 0) {
throw new CordovaError(
'Only local paths for custom www assets are supported.'
if ( customWww.substr(0,1) === '~' ) { // resolve tilde in a naive way.
customWww = path.join(process.env.HOME, customWww.substr(1));
customWww = path.resolve(customWww);
var wwwCfg = { uri: customWww };
if (args['link-to']) { = true;
cfg.lib = cfg.lib || {};
cfg.lib.www = wwwCfg;
// create(dir, id, name, cfg)
cordova.raw.create( undashed[1] // dir to create the project in
, undashed[2] // App id
, undashed[3] // App name
, cfg
} else if ( cmd == 'save' || cmd == 'restore') {
if ( !args.experimental ) {
msg =
'save and restore commands are experimental, please ' +
'add "--experimental" to indicate that you understand that ' +
'it may change in the future';
throw new CordovaError(msg);
subcommand = undashed[1];
if (subcommand == 'plugins') {
cordova.raw[cmd].call(null, 'plugins', { shrinkwrap:args.shrinkwrap });
} else {
msg =
'Let cordova know what you want to '+ cmd +
', try "cordova '+ cmd +' plugins"';
throw new CordovaError(msg);
} else {
// platform/plugins add/rm [target(s)]
subcommand = undashed[1]; // sub-command like "add", "ls", "rm" etc.
var targets = undashed.slice(2); // array of targets, either platforms or plugins
var cli_vars = {};
if (args.variable) {
args.variable.forEach( function(s) {
var keyval = s.split('=');
var key = keyval[0].toUpperCase();
cli_vars[key] = keyval[1];
var download_opts = { searchpath : args.searchpath
, noregistry : args.noregistry
, usenpm : args.usenpm
, cli_variables : cli_vars
cordova.raw[cmd](subcommand, targets, download_opts).done();