blob: 1cde0e58ac349327155e44137ec6c087f02ef4ff [file] [log] [blame]
var helpers = require('./helpers'),
path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs'),
shell = require('shelljs'),
platforms = require('../platforms'),
child_process = require('child_process'),
config = require('../src/config'),
Q = require('q'),
events = require('../src/events'),
cordova = require('../cordova');
var tmpDir = helpers.tmpDir('platform_test');
var project = path.join(tmpDir, 'project');
var platformParser = platforms[helpers.testPlatform].parser;
describe('platform end-to-end', function() {
var results;
beforeEach(function() {
shell.rm('-rf', tmpDir);
afterEach(function() {
process.chdir(path.join(__dirname, '..')); // Needed to rm the dir on Windows.
shell.rm('-rf', tmpDir);
// Factoring out some repeated checks.
function emptyPlatformList() {
return cordova.raw.platform('list').then(function() {
var installed = results.match(/Installed platforms: (.*)/);
function fullPlatformList() {
return cordova.raw.platform('list').then(function() {
var installed = results.match(/Installed platforms: (.*)/);
// The flows we want to test are add, rm, list, and upgrade.
// They should run the appropriate hooks.
// They should fail when not inside a Cordova project.
// These tests deliberately have no beforeEach and afterEach that are cleaning things up.
it('should successfully run', function(done) {
// cp then mv because we need to copy everything, but that means it'll copy the whole directory.
// Using /* doesn't work because of hidden files.
shell.cp('-R', path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'base'), tmpDir);, 'base'), project);
// Now we load the config.json in the newly created project and edit the target platform's lib entry
// to point at the fixture version. This is necessary so that cordova.prepare can find cordova.js there.
var c =;
c.lib[helpers.testPlatform].uri = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'platforms', helpers.testPlatform + '-lib');
config.write(project, c);
// The config.json in the fixture project points at fake "local" paths.
// Since it's not a URL, the lazy-loader will just return the junk path.
// The platform logic will call the platformParser.check_requirements, which we mock,
// and then call the bin/check_reqs and bin/create scripts from it.
// We're mocking out shell.exec() as well, to capture that.
var check_reqs = spyOn(platformParser, 'check_requirements').andReturn(Q());
var exec = spyOn(child_process, 'exec').andCallFake(function(cmd, opts, cb) {
if (!cb) cb = opts;
if (cmd.match(/^"[^"]*create"/)) {
// This is a call to the bin/create script, so do the copy ourselves.
shell.cp('-R', path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'platforms', 'android'), path.join(project, 'platforms'));
cb(null, '', '');
} else if(cmd.match(/^"[^"]*version"/)) {
cb(null, 'dev', '');
} else if(cmd.match(/update\b/)) {
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(project, 'platforms', helpers.testPlatform, 'updated'), 'I was updated!', 'utf-8');
cb(null, '', '');
} else {
cb(null, '', '');
events.on('results', function(res) { results = res; });
// Check there are no platforms yet.
emptyPlatformList().then(function() {
// Add the testing platform.
return cordova.raw.platform('add', [helpers.testPlatform]);
}).then(function() {
// Check the platform add was successful.
expect(path.join(project, 'platforms', helpers.testPlatform)).toExist();
expect(path.join(project, 'merges', helpers.testPlatform)).toExist();
expect(path.join(project, 'platforms', helpers.testPlatform, 'cordova')).toExist();
}).then(fullPlatformList) // Check for it in platform ls.
.then(function() {
// Try to update the platform.
return cordova.raw.platform('update', [helpers.testPlatform]);
}).then(function() {
// Our fake update script in the exec mock above creates this dummy file.
expect(path.join(project, 'platforms', helpers.testPlatform, 'updated')).toExist();
}).then(fullPlatformList) // Platform should still be in platform ls.
.then(function() {
// And now remove it.
return cordova.raw.platform('rm', [helpers.testPlatform]);
}).then(function() {
// It should be gone.
expect(path.join(project, 'platforms', helpers.testPlatform)).not.toExist();
}).then(emptyPlatformList) // platform ls should be empty too.
.fail(function(err) {