blob: 90b06b8203e8ebf28e62a27a5e70c70e89dca280 [file] [log] [blame]
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
et = require('elementtree'),
util = require('../util'),
shell = require('shelljs'),
config_parser = require('../config_parser');
module.exports = function android_parser(project) {
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(project, 'AndroidManifest.xml'))) {
throw 'The provided path is not an Android project.';
this.path = project;
this.strings = path.join(this.path, 'res', 'values', 'strings.xml');
this.manifest = path.join(this.path, 'AndroidManifest.xml');
this.android_config = path.join(this.path, 'res', 'xml', 'config.xml');
module.exports.prototype = {
update_from_config:function(config) {
if (config instanceof config_parser) {
} else throw 'update_from_config requires a config_parser object';
// Update app name by editing res/values/strings.xml
var name =;
var strings = new et.ElementTree(et.XML(fs.readFileSync(this.strings, 'utf-8')));
strings.find('string[@name="app_name"]').text = name;
fs.writeFileSync(this.strings, strings.write({indent: 4}), 'utf-8');
// Update package name by changing the AndroidManifest id and moving the entry class around to the proper package directory
var manifest = new et.ElementTree(et.XML(fs.readFileSync(this.manifest, 'utf-8')));
var pkg = config.packageName();
var orig_pkg = manifest.getroot().attrib.package;
manifest.getroot().attrib.package = pkg;
fs.writeFileSync(this.manifest, manifest.write({indent: 4}), 'utf-8');
var orig_pkgDir = path.join(this.path, 'src', path.join.apply(null, orig_pkg.split('.')));
var orig_java_class = fs.readdirSync(orig_pkgDir)[0];
var pkgDir = path.join(this.path, 'src', path.join.apply(null, pkg.split('.')));
shell.mkdir('-p', pkgDir);
var orig_javs = path.join(orig_pkgDir, orig_java_class);
var new_javs = path.join(pkgDir, orig_java_class);
var javs_contents = fs.readFileSync(orig_javs, 'utf-8');
javs_contents = javs_contents.replace(/package [\w\.]*;/, 'package ' + pkg + ';');
fs.writeFileSync(new_javs, javs_contents, 'utf-8');
// Update whitelist by changing res/xml/config.xml
var android_cfg_xml = new config_parser(this.android_config);
// clean out all existing access elements first
// add only the ones specified in the www/config.xml file
config.access.get().forEach(function(uri) {
// Returns the platform-specific www directory.
www_dir:function() {
return path.join(this.path, 'assets', 'www');
update_www:function() {
var projectRoot = util.isCordova(process.cwd());
var www = path.join(projectRoot, 'www');
var platformWww = path.join(this.path, 'assets');
shell.cp('-rf', www, platformWww);
var jsPath = path.join(util.libDirectory, 'cordova-android', 'framework', 'assets', 'js', '');
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(platformWww, 'www', 'cordova.js'), fs.readFileSync(jsPath, 'utf-8'), 'utf-8');
update_project:function(cfg) {