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/* jshint node:true, bitwise:true, undef:true, trailing:true, quotmark:true,
indent:4, unused:vars, latedef:nofunc,
// For further details on telemetry, see:
var Q = require('q');
// Google Analytics tracking code
var GA_TRACKING_CODE = 'UA-64283057-7';
var pkg = require('../package.json');
var Insight = require('insight');
var insight = new Insight({
trackingCode: GA_TRACKING_CODE,
pkg: pkg
* Returns true if the user opted in, and false otherwise
function showPrompt() {
var deferred = Q.defer();
var msg = "May Cordova anonymously report usage statistics to improve the tool over time?";
insight.askPermission(msg, function (unused, optIn) {
var EOL = require('os').EOL;
if (optIn) {
console.log(EOL + "Thanks for opting into telemetry to help us improve cordova.");
track('telemetry', 'on', 'via-cli-prompt-choice', 'successful');
} else {
console.log(EOL + "You have been opted out of telemetry. To change this, run: cordova telemetry on.");
// Always track telemetry opt-outs! (whether opted-in or opted-out)
track('telemetry', 'off', 'via-cli-prompt-choice', 'successful');
return deferred.promise;
function track() {
// Remove empty, null or undefined strings from arguments
for (var property in arguments) {
var val = arguments[property];
if (!val || val.length === 0) {
insight.track.apply(insight, arguments);
function turnOn() {
insight.optOut = false;
function turnOff() {
insight.optOut = true;
* Clears telemetry setting
* Has the same effect as if user never answered the telemetry prompt
* Useful for testing purposes
function clear() {
insight.optOut = undefined;
function isOptedIn() {
return !insight.optOut;
* Has the user already answered the telemetry prompt? (thereby opting in or out?)
function hasUserOptedInOrOut() {
return !(insight.optOut === undefined);
* Is the environment variable 'CI' specified ?
function isCI(env) {
return !!env.CI;
* Has the user ran a command of the form: `cordova run --no-telemetry` ?
function isNoTelemetryFlag(args) {
return args.indexOf('--no-telemetry') > -1;
module.exports = {
track: track,
turnOn: turnOn,
turnOff: turnOff,
clear: clear,
isOptedIn: isOptedIn,
hasUserOptedInOrOut: hasUserOptedInOrOut,
isCI: isCI,
showPrompt: showPrompt,
isNoTelemetryFlag: isNoTelemetryFlag