blob: f3efa3c22fe6b56262c2ec22308918c0430c4afa [file] [log] [blame]
var CordovaCliCreate = function () {
* provides logic for exposing cordova-lib create functionality to the command line
* the create argument is implied from the call to this function, all other cl arguments should be passed in unmodified
* @args -
* @undashed
*/ = function (args, undashed) {
var cfg = {},
// parseConfig will determine if there's a valid config JSON string
cfg = parseCofig(undashed[4]);
// customWww
this.customWww = function (args) {
// create(dir, id, name, cfg)
cordova.raw.create( undashed[1] // dir to create the project in
, undashed[2] // App id
, undashed[3] // App name
, cfg
* parseConfig
* generic parser, if it's valid json, returns the resulting object
* if anything resolving to false is passed in, return an empty object
* invalid json results in an error message and process exit with status code 2.
* jsondata - a json data string
CordovaCliCreate.prototype.parseConfig = function (jsondata) {
if (!jsondata) return {};
try {
cfg = JSON.parse(jsondata);
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error while parsing json data\nError: '+ e +'\nData:' + jsondata);
CordovaCliCreate.prototype.customWww = function (args) {
// handle custom www
if (customWww = args['copy-from'] || args['link-to']) {
if (customWww.indexOf(':') != -1) {
throw new CordovaError(
'Only local paths for custom www assets are supported.'
if ( customWww.substr(0,1) === '~' ) { // resolve tilde in a naive way.
customWww = path.join(process.env.HOME, customWww.substr(1));
customWww = path.resolve(customWww);
var wwwCfg = { uri: customWww };
if (args['link-to']) { = true;
cfg.lib = cfg.lib || {};
cfg.lib.www = wwwCfg;
module.exports = new CordovaCliCreate();