blob: e7127601ae1d32f3633cac6df05187ec438e6811 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef RAW_CC
#define RAW_CC
#include <node.h>
#include <node_buffer.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "raw.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
static char errbuf[1024];
const char* raw_strerror (int code) {
#ifdef _WIN32
if (FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, code, 0, errbuf,
1024, NULL)) {
return errbuf;
} else {
strcpy (errbuf, "Unknown error");
return errbuf;
return strerror (code);
static uint16_t checksum (uint16_t start_with, unsigned char *buffer,
size_t length) {
unsigned i;
uint32_t sum = start_with > 0 ? ~start_with & 0xffff : 0;
for (i = 0; i < (length & ~1U); i += 2) {
sum += (uint16_t) ntohs (*((uint16_t *) (buffer + i)));
if (sum > 0xffff)
sum -= 0xffff;
if (i < length) {
sum += buffer [i] << 8;
if (sum > 0xffff)
sum -= 0xffff;
return ~sum & 0xffff;
namespace raw {
static Persistent<String> CloseSymbol;
static Persistent<String> EmitSymbol;
static Persistent<String> ErrorSymbol;
static Persistent<String> RecvReadySymbol;
static Persistent<String> SendReadySymbol;
void InitAll (Handle<Object> target) {
CloseSymbol = NODE_PSYMBOL("close");
EmitSymbol = NODE_PSYMBOL("emit");
ErrorSymbol = NODE_PSYMBOL("error");
RecvReadySymbol = NODE_PSYMBOL("recvReady");
SendReadySymbol = NODE_PSYMBOL("sendReady");
ExportConstants (target);
ExportFunctions (target);
SocketWrap::Init (target);
NODE_MODULE(raw, InitAll)
Handle<Value> CreateChecksum (const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
if (args.Length () < 2) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
"At least one argument is required")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[0]->IsUint32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Start with argument must be an unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
uint16_t start_with = args[0]->ToUint32 ()->Value ();
if (start_with > 65535) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Start with argument cannot be larger than 65535")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! node::Buffer::HasInstance (args[1])) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Buffer argument must be a node Buffer object")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
Local<Object> buffer = args[1]->ToObject ();
char *data = node::Buffer::Data (buffer);
size_t length = node::Buffer::Length (buffer);
unsigned int offset = 0;
if (args.Length () > 2) {
if (! args[2]->IsUint32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Offset argument must be an unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
offset = args[2]->ToUint32 ()->Value ();
if (offset >= length) {
ThrowException (Exception::RangeError (String::New (
"Offset argument must be smaller than length of the buffer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (args.Length () > 3) {
if (! args[3]->IsUint32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Length argument must be an unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
unsigned int new_length = args[3]->ToUint32 ()->Value ();
if (new_length > length) {
ThrowException (Exception::RangeError (String::New (
"Length argument must be smaller than length of the buffer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
length = new_length;
uint16_t sum = checksum (start_with, (unsigned char *) data + offset,
Local<Integer> number = Integer::NewFromUnsigned (sum);
return scope.Close (number);
Handle<Value> Htonl (const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
if (args.Length () < 1) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
"One arguments is required")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[0]->IsUint32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Number must be a 32 unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
unsigned int number = args[0]->ToUint32 ()->Value ();
Local<Integer> converted = Integer::NewFromUnsigned (htonl (number));
return scope.Close (converted);
Handle<Value> Htons (const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
if (args.Length () < 1) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
"One arguments is required")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[0]->IsUint32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Number must be a 16 unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
unsigned int number = args[0]->ToUint32 ()->Value ();
if (number > 65535) {
ThrowException (Exception::RangeError (String::New (
"Number cannot be larger than 65535")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
Local<Integer> converted = Integer::NewFromUnsigned (htons (number));
return scope.Close (converted);
Handle<Value> Ntohl (const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
if (args.Length () < 1) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
"One arguments is required")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[0]->IsUint32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Number must be a 32 unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
unsigned int number = args[0]->ToUint32 ()->Value ();
Local<Integer> converted = Integer::NewFromUnsigned (ntohl (number));
return scope.Close (converted);
Handle<Value> Ntohs (const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
if (args.Length () < 1) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
"One arguments is required")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[0]->IsUint32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Number must be a 16 unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
unsigned int number = args[0]->ToUint32 ()->Value ();
if (number > 65535) {
ThrowException (Exception::RangeError (String::New (
"Number cannot be larger than 65535")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
Local<Integer> converted = Integer::NewFromUnsigned (htons (number));
return scope.Close (converted);
void ExportConstants (Handle<Object> target) {
Local<Object> socket_level = Object::New ();
Local<Object> socket_option = Object::New ();
target->Set (String::NewSymbol ("SocketLevel"), socket_level);
target->Set (String::NewSymbol ("SocketOption"), socket_option);
socket_level->Set (String::NewSymbol ("SOL_SOCKET"), Number::New (SOL_SOCKET));
socket_level->Set (String::NewSymbol ("IPPROTO_IP"), Number::New (IPPROTO_IP));
socket_level->Set (String::NewSymbol ("IPPROTO_IPV6"), Number::New (IPPROTO_IPV6));
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("SO_BROADCAST"), Number::New (SO_BROADCAST));
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("SO_RCVBUF"), Number::New (SO_RCVBUF));
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("SO_RCVTIMEO"), Number::New (SO_RCVTIMEO));
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("SO_SNDBUF"), Number::New (SO_SNDBUF));
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("SO_SNDTIMEO"), Number::New (SO_SNDTIMEO));
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("IP_HDRINCL"), Number::New (IP_HDRINCL));
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("IP_OPTIONS"), Number::New (IP_OPTIONS));
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("IP_TOS"), Number::New (IP_TOS));
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("IP_TTL"), Number::New (IP_TTL));
#ifdef _WIN32
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("IPV6_HDRINCL"), Number::New (IPV6_HDRINCL));
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("IPV6_TTL"), Number::New (IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS));
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS"), Number::New (IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS));
socket_option->Set (String::NewSymbol ("IPV6_V6ONLY"), Number::New (IPV6_V6ONLY));
void ExportFunctions (Handle<Object> target) {
target->Set (String::NewSymbol ("createChecksum"), FunctionTemplate::New (CreateChecksum)->GetFunction ());
target->Set (String::NewSymbol ("htonl"), FunctionTemplate::New (Htonl)->GetFunction ());
target->Set (String::NewSymbol ("htons"), FunctionTemplate::New (Htons)->GetFunction ());
target->Set (String::NewSymbol ("ntohl"), FunctionTemplate::New (Ntohl)->GetFunction ());
target->Set (String::NewSymbol ("ntohs"), FunctionTemplate::New (Ntohs)->GetFunction ());
void SocketWrap::Init (Handle<Object> target) {
HandleScope scope;
Local<FunctionTemplate> tpl = FunctionTemplate::New (New);
tpl->InstanceTemplate ()->SetInternalFieldCount (1);
tpl->SetClassName (String::NewSymbol ("SocketWrap"));
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(tpl, "close", Close);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(tpl, "getOption", GetOption);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(tpl, "pause", Pause);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(tpl, "setOption", SetOption);
target->Set (String::NewSymbol ("SocketWrap"), tpl->GetFunction ());
SocketWrap::SocketWrap () {}
SocketWrap::~SocketWrap () {
this->CloseSocket ();
Handle<Value> SocketWrap::Close (const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
SocketWrap* socket = SocketWrap::Unwrap<SocketWrap> (args.This ());
socket->CloseSocket ();
return scope.Close (args.This ());
void SocketWrap::CloseSocket (void) {
HandleScope scope;
if (this->poll_initialised_) {
uv_poll_stop (&this->poll_watcher_);
closesocket (this->poll_fd_);
this->poll_fd_ = INVALID_SOCKET;
uv_close ((uv_handle_t *) &this->poll_watcher_, OnClose);
this->poll_initialised_ = false;
Local<Value> emit = this->handle_->Get (EmitSymbol);
Local<Function> cb = emit.As<Function> ();
Local<Value> args[1];
args[0] = Local<Value>::New (CloseSymbol);
cb->Call (this->handle_, 1, args);
int SocketWrap::CreateSocket (void) {
if (this->poll_initialised_)
return 0;
if ((this->poll_fd_ = socket (this->family_, SOCK_RAW, this->protocol_))
#ifdef _WIN32
unsigned long flag = 1;
if (ioctlsocket (this->poll_fd_, FIONBIO, &flag) == SOCKET_ERROR)
int flag = 1;
if ((flag = fcntl (this->poll_fd_, F_GETFL, 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
if (fcntl (this->poll_fd_, F_SETFL, flag | O_NONBLOCK) == SOCKET_ERROR)
uv_poll_init_socket (uv_default_loop (), &this->poll_watcher_,
this-> = this;
uv_poll_start (&this->poll_watcher_, UV_READABLE, IoEvent);
this->poll_initialised_ = true;
return 0;
Handle<Value> SocketWrap::GetOption (const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
SocketWrap* socket = SocketWrap::Unwrap<SocketWrap> (args.This ());
if (args.Length () < 3) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
"Three arguments are required")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[0]->IsNumber ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Level argument must be a number")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[1]->IsNumber ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Option argument must be a number")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
int level = args[0]->ToInt32 ()->Value ();
int option = args[1]->ToInt32 ()->Value ();
unsigned int ival = 0;
if (! node::Buffer::HasInstance (args[2])) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Value argument must be a node Buffer object if length is "
return scope.Close (args.This ());
Local<Object> buffer = args[2]->ToObject ();
val = node::Buffer::Data (buffer);
if (! args[3]->IsInt32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Length argument must be an unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
len = (SOCKET_LEN_TYPE) node::Buffer::Length (buffer);
int rc = getsockopt (socket->poll_fd_, level, option,
(val ? val : (SOCKET_OPT_TYPE) &ival), &len);
if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
raw_strerror (SOCKET_ERRNO))));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
Local<Number> got = Integer::NewFromUnsigned (len);
return scope.Close (got);
void SocketWrap::HandleIOEvent (int status, int revents) {
HandleScope scope;
if (status) {
Local<Value> emit = this->handle_->Get (EmitSymbol);
Local<Function> cb = emit.As<Function> ();
Local<Value> args[2];
args[0] = Local<Value>::New (ErrorSymbol);
args[1] = Exception::Error (String::New (
raw_strerror (uv_last_error (uv_default_loop ()).code)));
cb->Call (this->handle_, 2, args);
} else {
Local<Value> emit = this->handle_->Get (EmitSymbol);
Local<Function> cb = emit.As<Function> ();
Local<Value> args[1];
if (revents & UV_READABLE)
args[0] = Local<Value>::New (RecvReadySymbol);
args[0] = Local<Value>::New (SendReadySymbol);
cb->Call (this->handle_, 1, args);
Handle<Value> SocketWrap::New (const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
SocketWrap* socket = new SocketWrap ();
int rc, family = AF_INET;
if (args.Length () < 1) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
"One argument is required")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[0]->IsUint32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Protocol argument must be an unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
} else {
socket->protocol_ = args[0]->ToUint32 ()->Value ();
if (args.Length () > 1) {
if (! args[1]->IsUint32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Address family argument must be an unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
} else {
if (args[1]->ToUint32 ()->Value () == 2)
family = AF_INET6;
socket->family_ = family;
socket->poll_initialised_ = false;
socket->no_ip_header_ = false;
rc = socket->CreateSocket ();
if (rc != 0) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (raw_strerror (rc))));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
socket->Wrap (args.This ());
return scope.Close (args.This ());
void SocketWrap::OnClose (uv_handle_t *handle) {
// We can re-use the socket so we won't actually do anything here
Handle<Value> SocketWrap::Pause (const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
SocketWrap* socket = SocketWrap::Unwrap<SocketWrap> (args.This ());
if (args.Length () < 2) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
"Two arguments are required")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[0]->IsBoolean ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Recv argument must be a boolean")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
bool pause_recv = args[0]->ToBoolean ()->Value ();
if (! args[0]->IsBoolean ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Send argument must be a boolean")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
bool pause_send = args[0]->ToBoolean ()->Value ();
int events = (pause_recv ? 0 : UV_READABLE)
| (pause_send ? 0 : UV_WRITABLE);
uv_poll_stop (&socket->poll_watcher_);
uv_poll_start (&socket->poll_watcher_, events, IoEvent);
return scope.Close (args.This ());
Handle<Value> SocketWrap::Recv (const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
SocketWrap* socket = SocketWrap::Unwrap<SocketWrap> (args.This ());
Local<Object> buffer;
sockaddr_in sin_address;
sockaddr_in6 sin6_address;
char addr[50];
int rc;
#ifdef _WIN32
int sin_length = socket->family_ == AF_INET6
? sizeof (sin6_address)
: sizeof (sin_address);
socklen_t sin_length = socket->family_ == AF_INET6
? sizeof (sin6_address)
: sizeof (sin_address);
if (args.Length () < 2) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
"Five arguments are required")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! node::Buffer::HasInstance (args[0])) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Buffer argument must be a node Buffer object")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
} else {
buffer = args[0]->ToObject ();
if (! args[1]->IsFunction ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Callback argument must be a function")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
rc = socket->CreateSocket ();
if (rc != 0) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (raw_strerror (errno))));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (socket->family_ == AF_INET6) {
memset (&sin6_address, 0, sizeof (sin6_address));
rc = recvfrom (socket->poll_fd_, node::Buffer::Data (buffer),
(int) node::Buffer::Length (buffer), 0, (sockaddr *) &sin6_address,
} else {
memset (&sin_address, 0, sizeof (sin_address));
rc = recvfrom (socket->poll_fd_, node::Buffer::Data (buffer),
(int) node::Buffer::Length (buffer), 0, (sockaddr *) &sin_address,
if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (raw_strerror (
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (socket->family_ == AF_INET6)
uv_ip6_name (&sin6_address, addr, 50);
uv_ip4_name (&sin_address, addr, 50);
Local<Function> cb = Local<Function>::Cast (args[1]);
const unsigned argc = 3;
Local<Value> argv[argc];
argv[0] = args[0];
argv[1] = Number::New (rc);
argv[2] = String::New (addr);
cb->Call (Context::GetCurrent ()->Global (), argc, argv);
return scope.Close (args.This ());
Handle<Value> SocketWrap::Send (const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
SocketWrap* socket = SocketWrap::Unwrap<SocketWrap> (args.This ());
Local<Object> buffer;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t length;
int rc;
char *data;
if (args.Length () < 5) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
"Five arguments are required")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! node::Buffer::HasInstance (args[0])) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Buffer argument must be a node Buffer object")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[1]->IsUint32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Offset argument must be an unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[2]->IsUint32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Length argument must be an unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[3]->IsString ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Address argument must be a string")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[4]->IsFunction ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Callback argument must be a function")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
rc = socket->CreateSocket ();
if (rc != 0) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (raw_strerror (errno))));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
buffer = args[0]->ToObject ();
offset = args[1]->ToUint32 ()->Value ();
length = args[2]->ToUint32 ()->Value ();
String::AsciiValue address (args[3]);
data = node::Buffer::Data (buffer) + offset;
if (socket->family_ == AF_INET6) {
struct sockaddr_in6 addr = uv_ip6_addr (*address, 0);
rc = sendto (socket->poll_fd_, data, length, 0,
(struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof (addr));
} else {
struct sockaddr_in addr = uv_ip4_addr (*address, 0);
rc = sendto (socket->poll_fd_, data, length, 0,
(struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof (addr));
if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (raw_strerror (
return scope.Close (args.This ());
Local<Function> cb = Local<Function>::Cast (args[4]);
const unsigned argc = 1;
Local<Value> argv[argc];
argv[0] = Number::New (rc);
cb->Call (Context::GetCurrent ()->Global (), argc, argv);
return scope.Close (args.This ());
Handle<Value> SocketWrap::SetOption (const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
SocketWrap* socket = SocketWrap::Unwrap<SocketWrap> (args.This ());
if (args.Length () < 3) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
"Three or four arguments are required")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[0]->IsNumber ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Level argument must be a number")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
if (! args[1]->IsNumber ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Option argument must be a number")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
int level = args[0]->ToInt32 ()->Value ();
int option = args[1]->ToInt32 ()->Value ();
unsigned int ival = 0;
if (args.Length () > 3) {
if (! node::Buffer::HasInstance (args[2])) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Value argument must be a node Buffer object if length is "
return scope.Close (args.This ());
Local<Object> buffer = args[2]->ToObject ();
val = node::Buffer::Data (buffer);
if (! args[3]->IsInt32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Length argument must be an unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
len = args[3]->ToInt32 ()->Value ();
if (len > node::Buffer::Length (buffer)) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Length argument is larger than buffer length")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
} else {
if (! args[2]->IsUint32 ()) {
ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
"Value argument must be a unsigned integer")));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
ival = args[2]->ToUint32 ()->Value ();
len = 4;
int rc = setsockopt (socket->poll_fd_, level, option,
(val ? val : (SOCKET_OPT_TYPE) &ival), len);
if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) {
ThrowException (Exception::Error (String::New (
raw_strerror (SOCKET_ERRNO))));
return scope.Close (args.This ());
return scope.Close (args.This ());
static void IoEvent (uv_poll_t* watcher, int status, int revents) {
SocketWrap *socket = static_cast<SocketWrap*>(watcher->data);
socket->HandleIOEvent (status, revents);
}; /* namespace raw */
#endif /* RAW_CC */