blob: c6b10bba621a5610d1fea0c3d553f2d260e6b536 [file] [log] [blame]
"author": {
"name": "Larry Myers"
"name": "jasmine-reporters",
"description": "Reporters for the Jasmine BDD Framework",
"version": "0.2.1",
"homepage": "",
"maintainers": "Ben Loveridge <>",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git://"
"main": "./src/load_reporters.js",
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {},
"readme": "# Jasmine Reporters\n\nJasmine Reporters is a collection of javascript jasmine.Reporter classes that can be used with\nthe [JasmineBDD testing framework](\n\nRight now the project is focused on two new reporters:\n\n* ConsoleReporter - Report test results to the browser console.\n* JUnitXmlReporter - Report test results to a file (using Rhino or PyPhantomJS) in JUnit XML Report format.\n\n## Usage\n\nExamples are included in the test directory that show how to use the reporters,\nas well a basic runner scripts for Rhino + envjs, and a basic runner for \n[PhantomJS]( (using PyPhantomJS and the\nsaveToFile plugin). Either of these methods could be used in a Continuous\nIntegration project for running headless tests and generating JUnit XML output.\n\n### Rhino + EnvJS\n\nEverything needed to run the tests in Rhino + EnvJS is included in this\nrepository inside the `ext` directory, specifically Rhino 1.7r2 and envjs 1.2\nfor Rhino.\n\n### PhantomJS, PyPhantomJS\n\nPhantomJS is included as a submodule inside the `ext` directory. The included\nexample runner makes use of PyPhantomJS to execute the headless tests and\nsave XML output to the filesystem.\n\nWhile PhantomJS and PyPhantomJS both run on MacOS / Linux / Windows, there are\nspecific dependencies for each platform. Specifics on installing these are not\nincluded here, but is left as an exercise for the reader. The [PhantomJS](\nproject contains links to various documentation, including installation notes.\n\nHere is how I got it working in MacOSX 10.6 (YMMV):\n\n* ensure you are using Python 2.6+\n* install Xcode (this gives you make, et al)\n* install qt (this gives you qmake, et al)\n * this may be easiest via [homebrew](\n * `brew install qt`\n* install the python sip module\n * `pip install sip # this will fail to fully install sip, keep going`\n * `cd build/sip`\n * `python`\n * `make && sudo make install`\n* install the python pyqt module\n * `pip install pyqt # this will fail to fully install pyqt, keep going`\n * `cd build/pyqt`\n * `python`\n * `make && sudo make install`\n",
"readmeFilename": "README.markdown",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"_id": "jasmine-reporters@0.2.1",
"_from": "jasmine-reporters@>=0.2.0"