Update 2016-09.md
diff --git a/2016/2016-09.md b/2016/2016-09.md
index 285e325..70ed162 100644
--- a/2016/2016-09.md
+++ b/2016/2016-09.md
@@ -1,20 +1,29 @@
 ## Description: 
- - Description goes here 
+A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
 ## Issues: 
- - TODO - list any issues that require board attention,  
-  or say "there are no issues requiring board attention at this time" - if 
-   not, the rabid dogs will get you. 
+There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
 ## Activity: 
- - TODO - the PMC MUST provide this information 
+ The iOS and Android platforms had minor and patch releases while the Windows platform only had patch (bug fix) releases. 
+ Android released minor version 5.2.0 which removed auto-setting of the versionCode in projects that was causing problems with generating APKs for different versions of Android. iOS released minor version 4.2.0 which added support for node.js version 6.x.
+We didn't have a plugins release this quarter.
 ## Health report: 
- - TODO - Please use this paragraph to elaborate on why 
-   the current project activity (mails, commits, bugs etc) is at its current 
-   level - Maybe ponies took over and are now controlling the project? 
+The summer vacation period has significantly impacted contributions, also a big block of active contributors (that are all employed from one vendor) have slowed down their active work on the project.
+We also added a status page to show all the continous integration (AppVeyor, Travis CI) statuses of all our repos in Github, providing a quick glance at project health. The status page is at http://cordova.github.io/cordova-status/ which shows the status of all our 60+ repos.
+We also have a CI server that does periodic builds of all the repos at http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/view/Periodic%20builds/
+We are also providing nightly builds of all the major platforms, and the CLI: https://builds.apache.org/job/cordova-nightly/
+and documented here: http://cordova.apache.org/contribute/nightly_builds.html
+We are currently working on getting stats on Github Pull Request activity. The loss of active contributors is impacting this, and we have a huge backlog, and we have no active way of measuring this on a daily or weekly basis so we don't know how we are progressing on this currently. Some work has been done on this: https://github.com/cordova/cordova-pull-request-stats
 ## PMC changes: 
  - Currently 83 PMC members. 
@@ -53,10 +62,8 @@
 ## Mailing list activity: 
- - TODO Please explain what the following statistics mean 
-   for the project. If there is nothing significant in the figures, omit this 
-   section. 
+ Significant activity decrease due to the summer vacation period, plus loss of active contributors.
  - dev@cordova.apache.org:  
     - 463 subscribers (down -15 in the last 3 months): 
     - 2215 emails sent to list (3784 in previous quarter)