Update 2017-06.md
diff --git a/2017/2017-06.md b/2017/2017-06.md
index 06cbf33..74e3cf1 100644
--- a/2017/2017-06.md
+++ b/2017/2017-06.md
@@ -1,19 +1,31 @@
 ## Description: 
- - Description goes here 
+ A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
 ## Issues: 
- - TODO - list any issues that require board attention,  
-  or say "there are no issues requiring board attention at this time" - if 
-   not, the weevils will get you. 
+ There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
 ## Activity: 
- - TODO - the PMC MUST provide this information 
+ There was one overall plugin release this quarter. An overall plugin release usually consists of all, if not most, of our 23 plugins. This number was one less than last quarter.
+We had two platform releases - one minor plus three patch releases for Android (6.2.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3) and one minor release for iOS (4.4.0). Android releases were to fix two consecutive major breaks in Android tools releases (deprecation of certain Android SDK tools). The minor iOS release was to support Carthage, breakage while using Xcode 8.3.2, and also dynamic frameworks.
+We had a major tools release of the CLI version 7.0.0 with support for custom platforms, increased package.json support, and dropping of support for older platform versions.
+We had a new plugin release - cordova-plugin-screen-orientation 2.0.0, as well as a new developer tool release, cordova-coho 1.0.0. 
 ## Health report: 
- - TODO - Please use this paragraph to elaborate on why 
-   the current project activity (mails, commits, bugs etc) is at its current 
-   level - Maybe fluffy kittens took over and are now controlling the project? 
+Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green. Travis CI pull request has been vastly improved versus last quarter due to INFRA enabling certain changes. Previously pull requests may have taken 24 hours but now it happens within 15 minutes. 
+Our plugin device testing has been put on hold since a major contributor has decided to not support the server we have been testing on, resulting in a lot of "broken" build status badges on the status page. To resolve this,  we are moving the testing to AppVeyor and Travis CI, and have filed an INFRA issue for help: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-14273
+We still have a huge backlog of Github Pull Request activity, again, same as last quarter -- but it has improved. We would have liked to have direct access to Github to manage these issues better and have request Gitbox access but there hasn't been a response so far: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-14347 
+Again, our goal for plugins release is to have one per week as a cadence, and we have failed to do so again this quarter. We have done work on streamlining this so it will improve in the future.
 ## PMC changes: 
  - Currently 86 PMC members. 
@@ -66,21 +78,6 @@
  - cordova@7.0.0 was released on Wed May 03 2017 
  - cordova@7.0.1 was released on Thu May 11 2017 
-## Mailing list activity: 
- - TODO Please explain what the following statistics mean 
-   for the project. If there is nothing significant in the figures, omit this 
-   section. 
- - dev@cordova.apache.org:  
-    - 419 subscribers (down -13 in the last 3 months): 
-    - 1928 emails sent to list (1514 in previous quarter) 
- - issues@cordova.apache.org:  
-    - 73 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): 
-    - 4050 emails sent to list (3428 in previous quarter) 
 ## JIRA activity: 
  - 342 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months